Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series) Page 15

by Eden Redd

  Kira stayed on her knees, black wings folded over her shoulders. Trystan eyed her, as she made no effort to move away. The mage turned to Freya and held his staff at the ready.

  “She was made to protect you from everything else but me. We both can command her and only us. She will not aid you unless I let her.” Freya said smugly.

  Trystan kept his stance. “Why do you have to do these things? Why not just let me go and move on?”

  Freya let her hammer down just an inch, eyes meeting Trystan’s. “You belong to me Trystan and one night you will understand that. Now I will teach you your place in our relationship!”

  Freya howled like a beast from nightmares as she charged. Trystan held his ground, weapons clashed. The shadow mage brought her foot up while pushing Trystan’s staff up. Her foot struck him in the throat. The young mage stumbled back, gasping for breath. Freya capitalized on the situation and drove her foot into his stomach. The mage bent over and fell to his knees. Freya spun around with her black hammer outstretched. The mage could not recover as the hammer struck him hard across the face.

  Nia winced as Trystan went flying backwards to the stone floor. The mage turned onto his stomach, a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth and his eye puffing up. With a hand signal, Trystan’s staff exploded into water bolts. They all turned mid-air and shot at the shadow mage. Freya grinned as shadows leaped up, striking and shattering each bolt into watery mists. Trystan made another hand signal, water vapor forming into bolts once again. Freya launched herself, driving her knee into the same side of his head she had struck before. A splash of blood flew through the air and landed at Nia’s feet.

  Freya stood over Trystan as he struggled to push his upper body up. Blood trickled from his mouth. His right eye closed shut as the skin around it puffed up further. The shadow mage swung her hammer and drove it into Trystan’s side, rolling the mage several times before he lay flat on his back. Two ribs ached and the mage knew they were broken.

  “Pathetic.” Freya said as she stepped toward him. “You fought better the first time. What happened? Are you holding back because you don’t want to hurt me? You had no problems outside of the Stukarr walls.”

  Trystan struggled to sit up. “I did have a…a problem with it. You don’t remember?” The mage spit blood.

  “I remember you fighting to impress that bitch over there.” Freya pointed to the chained Nia. “What happened? You two on the outs?”

  “What does it matter to you?” Trystan made a hand signal and his staff reformed in his hands.

  Freya stepped over to Trystan as he sat. She brought the hammer down on his staff, shattering it to mist. “I hear that you two don’t see each other anymore. I hear that she has fallen for someone else.”

  Trystan looked up dazed. “What do you…mean?”

  Freya gave a wicked grin. “Sunara, you don’t have to play the part anymore.”

  Trystan looked over with his one working eye to the blue-haired succubus. Darkness covered her eyes. Moving her hands, the chains opened and the demoness stood up. Trystan’s heart sagged in his beaten chest. The succubus walked across to the other side with the gathered shadow mages.

  The young mage kept his eye on her until she turned around. “Sunara, I….I thought we were all friends?”

  Sunara’s mouth frowned in annoyed dismay. “We were never friends.”

  Aznara struggled in her binds. “Sister! Why? Why are you doing this?”

  “Sister? We are not sisters. You are a weight around my neck. We joined a college that is racist and prejudice toward anything not human. I joined the winning side that accepts us for who we are long before we entered the Stukarr gates.” Sunara glared.

  “I….don’t understand.” Aznara said in a low weak voice.

  “How could you?” Sunara laughed. “You spent so much pining over Trystan that you never saw what was actually going on. You never questioned anything I did. You blindly followed me like some whipped dog just because we shared a rookery.”

  The chains around Aznara’s wrists opened. The succubus stood up, looking to her sister with disbelief.

  Sunara continued. “Now is your chance to prove yourself. Come with me to the Night College. We can learn in an environment that will praise our abilities and honor our knowledge. We will become our own masters and shape the world into a better place.”

  The blue-haired succubus looked to the fallen Trystan. “Or stay here and be his bitch. He doesn’t love you. He is a human, using us to do his bidding.”

  “You’re wrong.” Trystan coughed. “We are friends, all of us. Sunara, don’t let them convince you their way is better. They are using you for their own evil purposes. They were willing to kill innocent people with the slime attack. Can’t you see that?”

  Sunara tilted her head forward, shadows covering her eyes again. “I know. I helped plan the slime attack. What are a few human deaths compared to the millions of monsters who died during human wars?”

  “You…helped plan the attacks….”Aznara stared with disbelief.

  “I did.” Sunara crossed her arms. “Now choose. Come with me or forever be a second class citizen in a dying human world.”

  Aznara looked from Sunara to Trystan. The mage coughed and another glob of blood dripped from his bottom lip. The succubus looked back to her sister and her hands curled into fists. She stepped closer to Trystan and knelt down, clawed hands on him and eyes filled with concern.

  Sunara was silent for a moment. “You have made your choice.”

  Trystan looked up into Aznara’s red eyes. “Thank you but you didn’t have to stay.”

  Aznara smiled. “You have been more of a friend then she was ever a sister.”

  Sunara looked past them to the chained Nia. A word whispered and the chains opened. Nia slowly put her arms down and stood up. Trystan and Aznara turned their gaze to the red head. Nia had a faraway look in her eyes as she shambled forward toward them.

  “Come to me my pet.” Sunara beckoned.

  “Nia.” Trystan said and tried to stand up.

  Aznara took hold of her friend and helped him to his feet. Freya moved close, bringing her hammer up and hard across. Aznara went flying down to the stone floor. Freya heaved again and slammed the hammer against Trystan’s arm. Bone snapped and the mage hit the floor with a yelp.

  “I never said you could stand.” Freya growled.

  Nia walked pass the fallen Trystan. The young mage gripped his arm and tried to sit up, eyes wide and pleading to the indifferent fire mage.

  “Nia, don’t go.” Trystan begged.

  The red head was silent as she walked to Sunara’s side. She turned around and bowed her head, eyes staring at nothing.

  Sunara brushed Nia’s hair over her shoulder. “You lost her that very night all three of us shared our bodies. I always wanted a human pet and now I have a pretty one.”

  Aznara sat up, clutching her chest. “Trystan, Nia is addicted to her. She let her taste her true self.”

  “I’m sure it helped. The poor dear lost her eye and I was the only one to comfort her. You should have tried harder, Trystan. If you had then she may have been able to resist my temptation. Now she cannot bear to be away from me.” Sunara ran the back of her fingers across Nia’s cheek.

  Trystan felt his spirit grow heavy, a tear streaking down his cheek. Aznara looked to Sunara and Nia, tears in her eyes. Kira’s eyes stared at the stone floor as fire danced on the pyramid.

  Freya stepped over her ex-lover and bent over to look him in the eye. “You should have stayed with me. None of this would have happened. Now wallow in your pain until I come to claim you. Sunara has her pet and soon I will have mine.”

  Damon Wick clapped his hands. Theena had a closed hand to her ample chest, eyes wide and in the moment.

  “A battle and a play of drama, did you enjoy it?” Damon smiled.

  Theena looked to the renegade mage and smiled. “I can taste the pain in the very air. You have impressed me Damon. If
you are true to your word then the Dead Sea God will be pleased with your offering.”

  Damon turned his attention to the high priestess and reached across the table, taking her hands into his. “We are not done. I still have my wish.”

  Theena nodded. “Ask it and it shall be yours.”

  Damon looked down at Theena’s pale hands and then back to her purple eyes. “I wish to court you, Theena High Priestess of Draygon.”

  The kraken’s eyes widened and her lips parted in shock. “No being has asked to court a High Priestess of Draygon. I belong to my lord and no one else.”

  “I’m not asking you to give up your lord. I’m asking for a chance to court you so we may seal our agreements and love our lives, entwined together. You are beautiful and I have dreamed of being your consort. Grant my wish and we will bring the glory of Draygon to this world and beyond.”

  Theena stared at the mage and smiled. “You are a dangerous human but you have shown me pain, beauty and power. I will consult with my lord but for now, your wish is granted.”

  Damon stood up and walked around the table to Theena’s side. The kraken sat but her head was level with the mage’s as he stood. Damon leaned in and they kissed. Shadow mages bowed their heads, witnessing the union and creepy dread filling the air like arid fog.

  Trystan was partially sitting up, mouth moving but no sound coming out. Freya gazed at Damon and Theena as their kiss turned passionate. When they parted, Freya let out a sigh.

  “One night we will have that again.” Freya said with tears in her eyes.

  Trystan stopped moving his mouth and looked up to Freya with contempt. “No, we won’t.” The mage hissed.

  The young mage whispered a word of power. A shockwave exploded from Trystan’s heart in all directions. The wave struck Kira and she looked up, eyes and mouth wide. She screamed as mana erupted and shot into the sky. Freya looked over to see the dragon familiar staring up, power lighting up the night’s sky.

  The shadow mage turned to Trystan with wide eyes. “What did you do?”

  Trystan smirked. “Playing my ace card.”

  White energy pooled in the night air, swirling and churning like a contained maelstrom.

  “When your shadow mages attacked me in Lantern Beach, they gave me a great idea. If you can do it then I knew I could do it.” Trystan coughed and snickered.

  Power streaked out in all directions, forming a dome of white lightning as power poured into the ocean. Trystan turned from Freya and stared out as his spell took effect. The ocean around the island bubbled and waves grew. Streams of water rose up and twisted into hulking shapes. Shadow mages rushed to the edge of the pyramid and stared down as an army of hulking water bodies stepped from the surf toward them. Power continued to light up the sky until it drained the familiar. The dragon woman let out a weak moan before falling to the stone floor and passing out. Turning to mist, she returned to Trystan’s skin over her master’s heart.

  Freya stepped to the edge and glared over as hundreds of water elementals broke free from the ocean and rushed the stairs. Some elongated and climbed the temple pyramid, blank expressions as they closed the distance.

  A purple glow emanated from Trystan’s arms, legs and head. Runes took shape and quickly faded. The mage smiled to himself as something whispered in his ear that help was on the way. Freya turned back to the mage and stalked over, hammer over her shoulder and ready to strike.

  “I knock you out and your spell will fizzle!” Freya growled.

  Trystan looked up with serenity in his eyes. “I know. But I saved just enough mana for one more spell.”

  Freya looked down at the reflection of the moon in puddles under her feet. Before she could move, the puddle clamped onto her feet. Sliding away, Freya was pulled to the pyramid edge and launched into the air. Trystan watched with a sense of satisfaction as Freya went over the side screaming. The shadow mage tumbled down the side, arms, legs and face hitting hard stone, body rolling. A quick hand signal and a shadow caught her half way down. Throbbing pain pulsed through her small frame. She turned and controlled the shadow to bring her back up the side of the pyramid when she noticed an army of water soldiers within a few feet of her. Fear bled into her eyes as she forced more mana into the shadow to increase speed, water elementals slicing at the air feet from her.

  Aznara was on her feet and to Trystan’s side. “Why didn’t you start with that?”

  Trystan grunted as the succubus helped him to his feet. “The spell was long and intricate. I needed time to cast it.”

  “Will your army stop them?” Aznara held him close.

  “I don’t know but before anything, we have to rescue Nia and Sunara. Do you have mana?” Trystan said through tendrils of pain.

  “I’m full.” Aznara smiled.

  “I’m out so follow my hand signals exactly. We might be able to get everyone out.”

  Water elementals charged the line of shadow mages and scylla soldiers. Upon seeing the hulking water creations, shadow mages unleashed a full torrent of black lightning. Energy slammed into bodies made of water and exploded instantly. The barrage continued but for every water elemental that fell, four more took their place. Scylla joined the fray, spears stabbing and slashing with expert skill. The stone steps were drenched in fallen elementals but more surged, pushing the line back.

  Damon watched as mages attempted to keep the flood of attackers at bay, his face a blank mask. Theena’s brow turned into a sharp V and looked to Damon.

  “I thought you had everything under control?” Theena said, calm as still waters.

  Damon turned to her and smiled. “I do. Can you not see it? The elementals are weak, a display of power but no substance. A distraction to….” Damon turned his head to Trystan and Aznara. “…save their friends.”

  Trystan grunted in pain as he stood with his good arm out. Aznara held him up with one arm and held out her other arm. The blue mage began making hand signals and the succubus copied them.

  Sunara grabbed Nia’s arm and pulled her away from the battle. “We are getting out of here.”

  Nia hesitated, looking to Trystan and Aznara as they worked a spell together. Raw emotion burst from her heart and she pulled her arm from Sunara’s grip. The red head broke into a run, eyes wide with each footfall.

  “Trystan!” Nia shouted with arms outstretched.

  The young mage finished his hand signal and Aznara did the same. Water pooling all around the pyramid edge rose up, knocking shadow mages to the ground. Scylla cut through the wave of water with precision. Damon flicked his wrist and the wave near him and Theena melted away without so much as a drop touching them. Aznara laughed with triumph as the wave took hold of Sunara and Nia. Bodies slid against the stone floor and stopped at the blue mage and succubus’s feet.

  Damon smiled to Trystan and nodded his approval when the entire temple shook. The renegade mage looked out to the water as another explosion rattled the very foundation. Enhancing his senses, he could see the Sea Strider moving in close. Kutter was on deck, a glowing white cylinder on his shoulder and a smile on his lips. The tube exploded with bright light and a white fireball was hurtling toward the temple.

  “Is this part of your control?” Theena said amused.

  Damon made several hand signals. “I see a display of true power is appropriate for the moment. Let me show you what I can do.”

  Theena picked up her wine glass again. “Please do and I shall reward you my consort.”

  Damon stepped forward and raised his hands. Spells activated, he made the final signals to complete them. The island rumbled as mana erupted from the renegade mage. Kutter took aim again when his ship stopped moving. The ex-magistrate stopped his attack for a moment when the ocean to the right of the ship began to churn. Swiveling his shoulders to the right, he kept his stony gaze as the ocean began to raise and take shape. Kutter unleashed another super charged bolt of mana at the water body forming. It exploded on impact but did not stop its transformation. Kutter st
epped to the rail, pointing his mana cannon as an elemental dragon stared back, its maw open wide. Kutter fired again and again. The dragon spit a high-powered stream of water. The ex-magistrate stepped to the side as the stream cut the top deck like a laser. Reeko used the metal spear points captured from the fallen lizard men to twist and turn, clamping the sides of the deck, reinforcing and holding it together.

  “Keep the ship together while I take down a dragon!” Kutter bellowed as he bent his knees and launched himself at the water dragon.

  The jump was an impossible one but the ex-magistrate soared through the air with smooth grace. The water dragon opened its mouth, ready to smash the ex-magistrate. Kutter let the mana cannon twist and reshape into a long double pointed spear. Holding it up and down, the dragon clamped its mouth shut, spearing the top and bottom. Kutter sent a surge of power into the elemental and the construct roared in pain.

  On the top of the pyramid, Trystan knelt down and touched Nia’s cheek. The fire mage looked up and smiled weakly. A clawed fist struck the mage and sent him spiraling to the floor. Sunara stood over Nia with rage in her eyes. Aznara rushed her rookery sister only to be met with an air bolt to the chest. The succubus flipped backwards and struck her head hard against the floor. Aznara groaned as she turned her head to her sister.

  “You will not take her! She belongs to me!” Sunara screeched.

  Mist flowed from Sunara’s back and formed into a ghostly figure. Trystan immediately recognized it as the ghost who possessed him the library to take pictures of the Libro Nocte. Instinct took over as the mage prepared a spell but it instantly fizzled since he had no mana left.

  “Santiago, take her.” Sunara commanded.

  The ghostly familiar slipped down toward Nia who was still on her stomach.

  Nia stared into Trystan’s wide eyes. “I love you…..” The fire mage managed before the ghost possessed her.

  Trystan stared helplessly as Nia stood up and stepped to Sunara’s side. The blue-haired succubus gave a sardonic smile before they both sank into a shadow. Nia stared blankly as her body dipped further into the black shadow and disappeared. Sunara kept smiling until she too faded from sight.


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