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Blue Mage: Dark Seduction: A Fantasy Romance Adventure (Book 4) (Blue Mage Series)

Page 16

by Eden Redd

  The young mage reached over and touched hard stone, his friends gone. Aznara crawled over to her friend, blood dripping from her hair. Pain and disbelief colored their eyes as their hearts cried out in sorrow.

  Damon controlled the water dragon as Kutter continued to blast at the construct. Senses turned to eleven, the renegade turned his gaze skyward as a white and yellow comet came spiraling toward him. Damon smiled as comets landed thirty feet from him with a thunderclap. Water mist began to clear. Jenny stood with her eyes closed and her arms crossed. Lana, Professor Hart’s kitsune, stood with her white robes bellowing and golden runes glowing along the edges.

  Trystan looked up. “Jenny! Lana!” He cried out.

  Jenny kept her eyes closed as she spoke. “Stay down. We will handle the renegade.”

  Lana nodded and glanced back to Trystan, giving him a wink.

  Damon stepped forward. “Trystan, I’m impressed. You have such powerful friends. I didn’t notice before but the kitsune imprinted a spell on you to watch your every move, a wise decision but not enough to stop my plans.”

  Jenny opened her eyes. “Your plans end when we capture you. Now you can come quietly or do we have to do this the hard way?”

  “Jenny, I will not waste my mana on the two of you. I rather sit back and watch.” Damon smiled. “Xolly.”

  Mist streamed up from Damon’s robe collar. It streaked forward and landed a few feet in front of him. The white mist darkened and shifted until a feminine form appeared with large feathered wings. The figure was kneeling with their head hanging forward. Black hair hung, covering her face. Skin was the color of blackened ash. Her naked body was toned and athletic. Black feathered wings flexed but no muscles moved.

  “Xolly, I want you to disable them. Do that for master.” Damon said as he strolled back to the shadow table and sat across from Theena.

  The black angel raised her head. Trystan could see her eyes covered with a blindfold, a red triangle with an eye drawn in the middle of it. Xolly stood up and stretched out her wings. The air began to vibrate with power.

  Jenny whispered three arcane words. Clouds appeared out of nowhere, swirling and forming over their heads, high in the night sky. One of the metal braziers broke from the stone base and flew toward Jenny. The librarian held out her hand as the metal twisted and smoothed, forming into a metal sword. When it reached her hand, it blazed with hot fire. Jenny held out her other hand. A lightning bolt streaked down, striking the ground and leaping up into her open hand, forming into blade of pure lightning.

  Lana flexed delicate fingers. Air whirled around, forming into two short white swords. The air continued to whip about, forming many more white swords and daggers, hovering in mid-air.

  Xolly the black angel remained still for a long breath. All three opponents eyed each other, waiting for one to make a move. Trystan and Aznara watched with wide eyes while Damon and Theena looked on with amusement. The air was thick with power but the angel moved first.

  Xolly shot forward, a clear bubble encasing her body. Lana darted away while Jenny met her head on. Lightning and metal swords sparked against the barrier as the librarian whipped away. Xolly stopped mid movement and slashed out with a black wing. Jenny leapt into the air, spinning and throwing her metal sword. The blade bounced off the barrier and back into the air. Jenny landed with hand out, blade handle landing in her open palm.

  Lana flicked her tail and white daggers shot out, striking the angel’s barrier and bouncing off. The kitsune flicked her tail again. The white swords lined up and launched each in turn. Each sword struck one spot on the shield over and over. Xolly stepped back and spun away but the swords continued to adjust and turn to strike one location. Lana smirked when the barrier cracked after the last sword strike.

  The black angel crossed her arms and the crack began to seal. Jenny took the moment to press her attack. Charging, the metal sword penetrated the crack halfway, the sharp point ten inches from Xolly’s chest. The black angel smiled until Jenny pressed her lightning sword to the metal sword half buried in the shield. The lightning sword zapped through the metal and erupted from the end of the blade, slamming into the angel’s chest. Xolly grunted as she stumbled back, smoke rising from just above her breasts.

  “Stop playing with them.” Damon said with a hint of annoyance.

  Xolly let her hands fall to her sides and red energy began to swirl around her naked form. Lana and Jenny braced themselves as a red aura grew bigger and brighter. Jenny whispered an arcane word, lighting blasted down from the heavens, booming against the angel’s shield. Lana created a white sword and sent it spinning. The white sword drilled against the shield, mana sparks flying in all directions.

  The black angel smirked as the aura nearly engulfed her in red light. The very ground trembled as her smile faded and her form exploded. Jenny gazed as time slowed down. Whispering words, she tried to break the effect but it was too late. The angel moved like a comet toward her. The librarian mentally called on lightning since her thoughts were not affected by the slow time effect, only her body. Lightning bolts rained down on the black and red angel as she came at her. The thunderclaps moved in slow motion as they struck the shield repeatedly. Xolly shrugged them off as she closed her fist and drove it into Jenny’s cheek. The blonde librarian went flying, eyes shut and pain moving across her face.

  Lana finished her counter spell as Jenny went sailing through the air. Time returned to normal and Jenny hit the floor rolling. Xolly was already moving toward the kitsune, fists blazing with red energy. Lana made a signal and a sonic boom blasted toward the angel. Xolly punched through the shockwave with one fist. She didn’t slow down as she punched Lana with the other. The familiar went sailing into the air but she recovered, her cheek bruised. The angel was still moving, hand out. The angel’s black hand took hold of Lana’s robe and bunched the fabric in her hand. Lana unleashed a dozen palm attacks, slamming them into Xolly’s blindfolded face. When she finished, the black angel turned her smooth face to the kitsune and grinned.

  Trystan saw the fear in Lana’s eyes as the black angel pulled her close, lifted her up and threw her at the temple. Lana struck the stone floor and debris jettisoned into the air. A shock wave knocked Trystan and Aznara onto their backs. The angel barreled down to the new crater with Lana in it and smashed her feet into the kitsune’s chest. A second shockwave boomed, sending more debris into the air.

  Damon stood up and looked down at Jenny and Lana. The librarian lay on the floor heaving and trying sit up. Lana lay in the crater unconscious and unmoving. The renegade mage stepped over to Xolly as she landed and bowed her head to her master. The mage put a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. Leaning in, he kissed her deeply. When he broke away, Xolly turned to mist and returned to her master’s skin. The renegade mage turned to the high priestess who was smiling.

  “Are you impressed?” Damon smiled.

  Theena nodded her head slightly. “Yes my consort. Shall we retire to another location so we may discuss and you may claim your rewards?”

  Damon stepped to her and pulled her up. The renegade looked up to the high priestess. “I thought you would never ask.”

  The renegade mage made several hand signals. Shadow mages and scylla soldiers sunk into their own shadows. Darkness rose up along the ocean and covered the bone ship, drawing it in and transporting it to another location. Freya stared at the fallen Trystan as her shadow moved over her body and she faded into it. Theena reached out with a pale hand to Damon’s arm.

  Damon turned to Trystan. “Young mage, you are free of my spells. I hope we cross paths in the future. I want to see what a fine mage you will become. Farewell for now.”

  Damon turned to Theena and they stared at each other lovingly as shadows blanketed them, their forms fading away into the darkness.

  Trystan struggled to sit up but his ribs and arms throbbed with paralyzing pain. Aznara had passed out next to him, blood dripping from her head wound. The mage tried to reach
out and touch her, his body not responding. Turning his head slightly, he could see the water elemental dragon lose its form, falling to the ocean. Time seemed to lose meaning as the mage looked up at the sky, clouds parting and stars twinkling in the beautiful night sky. The last thing he saw was Kutter landing next to him, arms reaching out before darkness closed in.


  The breeze caressed Trystan’s cheek as he stared out over the railing. The sky was a deep and comforting blue. The town of Lantern Beach stood in the distance, calling to him like an old friend. Brilliant sunlight eased his stiff muscles. He hated spending so much time in bed. One hand gripped the railing while the other hung in a sling over his shoulder. The mage tried to soak up the warm sunlight but his heart beat with profound regret.

  The voyage back was smooth considering the Sea Strider was barely holding together. Jenny had recovered but didn’t speak much during the voyage back. Aznara was unconscious for a day before she woke up, asking what happened. Reeko had to be the one to tell his side first, his broken wrist making him wince every time he moved. Lana recovered and flew off as soon as she woke up, Trystan assumed back to Professor Hart. Kutter steered the ship back while his familiar tended to everyone’s wounds. Since no one was a healer, the gargoyle did the next best thing of setting bones and wrapping appendages. The rocking of the ship caused everyone to feel some sort of pain. Trystan tried to focus on the physical pain and ignore the maddening ache in his heart.

  The Sea Strider docked with the port town of Lantern Beach. Many people were waiting and they nearly rushed the ship. Healers went to work, nearly attacking Trystan first. Warm energy healed his wounds, mended his ribs and fused the bones in his arm but the mage felt like he was incomplete and empty. The healers moved below deck to the rooms, laying their healing energy on Aznara and Reeko.

  Trystan moved to the gangplank and took a shaky step on it. Hands reached out and the mage managed a small smile. Professor Hart and Gwen guided the mage to the dock. Standing on the solid dock, Professor Hart patted Trystan’s shoulder. A moment later, Gwen hugged him fiercely. The mage hugged the witch, never wanting to let go. The sun shined down on them in the perfect summer air.


  The private dining room was alive with activity. Waiters moved with trays of food, setting them down at the table. Bottles of wines opened and poured into glasses. Trystan sat with Gwen to one side of him. Professor Hart sat at the head of the table. Aznara and Reeko sat across from the mage and witch. Jenny sat at the other end of the table, her head bowed and eyes looking off. When the food and drinks were finished being served, the wait staff made a hasty exit, closing the double sliding doors behind them.

  Quietly, everyone began taking food and putting it on their plates. The mood was relaxed but a dark undertone seemed to lie just below the surface. After a few minutes, Trystan put down his knife and fork with a small clatter.

  The mage stood up and all eyes were on him. “I’m just going to come out and say it. I failed. I failed everyone here. I understand if you hate my guts but I hate myself even more. I hate that I could not keep everyone safe and could not stop Damon Wick’s plans.”

  The room was silent for a long moment.

  Aznara spoke first. “We don’t hate you. We all knew the risks.”

  Reeko nodded. “You can’t be so hard on yourself. Damon was the one who manipulated us to witnessing his grand event.”

  Jenny stood up, head bowed. “It is I who failed all of you. I was supposed to take down Damon Wick and I failed at my task. I am ashamed and will reconsider my place as librarian in Stukarr.”

  Professor Hart put up his hands. “I know everyone feels pretty emotional right now. Please sit and relax. Placing blame will not help the situation any further. The only thing we can do is discuss what happened and plan for the future.”

  Jenny sat down and then Trystan. Gwen put her hand on Trystan’s arm and gave him a squeeze.

  “Professor Hart is right. We must plan now so we can rescue Nia and Sunara.” Gwen said in an understanding tone.

  Aznara looked away. “We won’t be able to save Sunara. She has made her decision.”

  “I still can’t believe she was behind the slime attacks and controlling the Dead Mother. Should we save her after all of that?” Reeko said in a low voice.

  Professor Hart took a deep breath. “Sunara will have to answer for her crimes but Nia is being held against her will. We will need to come up with a strategy to bring them back home.”

  “Do we even know where they took them?” The goblin kept his head low.

  Trystan sat back. “They must be in Fallen York. If Damon is reopening the Night College there, then that is where he will show his power to the High Priestess.”

  Professor Hart nodded. “I have to agree. Damon will be in the heart of his new empire with every monster he convinced to join his crusade.”

  Trystan looked to the head of the table. “Professor, we will need an army to get in there. Will the college risk starting a war to save two students?”

  Professor Hart rubbed his chin. “If I know the Headmaster and Headmistress, they will not risk starting a war anytime soon. I’m afraid we are on our own with this one.”

  “On our own?” Trystan asked.

  Professor Hart looked to everyone as they stared back at him. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this. The only way we are getting Nia and Sunara back is if we do it ourselves.” The professor turned his eyes to Trystan. “I know when we last talked; I was trying to look out for you and the college. I had Lana watch over you and ready to fly to you if you were in serious danger. But now, with everything you have told me, I fear we must do this without the college’s knowledge of it.”

  Gwen picked up her wine and took a sip before putting it back down again. “All of us in this room must swear to keep what we say in this room a secret. We don’t know how many spies Damon may have in Stukarr. He has been one step ahead the entire time but now we may have a chance against him.”

  All heads at the table nodded in unison.

  Gwen continued. “All of us will return to our normal lives but Professor Hart and I will set up secret meetings for all of you. When the time is right and we are fully prepared, we will rescue Nia and Sunara, and stop Damon Wick. Now is your chance to leave if you don’t wish to be a part of it. We won’t hold it against you.”

  No one moved from the table.

  Professor Hart gave a mischievous smile. “Let us not lose heart. Damon’s grand event was merely a ploy to increase his political and power base. Even if he thinks he has won, he doesn’t understand what he is up against. We fought the slimes and saved Stukarr from destruction. We can put a stop to his schemes because we stopped him before. We will save Nia and Sunara. We will stop his mad plan to wipe out humanity. You are fine mages and with training, nothing will stop us from pushing back the darkness once again. Now let’s enjoy this meal and get down to business. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

  Everyone at the table looked to each other and a spirited conviction filled the room. The group resumed their meal, discussing plans and ideas well into the night.


  Trystan and Gwen walked along the boardwalk, the waning moon high in the night sky and the crashing of ocean waves against the deserted beach. Gwen held Trystan’s hand but the mage had a faraway look in his eyes.

  “Trystan…I know how hard this must all be…..” Trystan cut her off with a small smile.

  “You never told me if you ran into trouble when you left Stukarr. Damon promised to hurt you if you left the city walls.”

  Gwen looked to the mage. “Professor Hart was nice enough to be my bodyguard. We had spoken after you left. In confidence, I told him what was happening and he understood the situation. He knew something was up when you went to speak to him before you left. We decided to sneak out and be here at Lantern Beach for your return. I think Damon may have been bluffing. We never ran into any trouble.”

you for all your help. I doubt we would have gotten as far as we did without it.” Trystan said, his eyes lowering.

  “Trystan, I know you are hurting. We will do everything we can to get Nia back.”

  “I know we will. She is my friend and I know she would do the same for me or anyone else she cared for.” Trystan looked off.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Gwen asked timidly.

  Trystan squeezed her hand. “Not right now.” A warm flash sunk into Trystan’s spirit and he looked to the crashing waves. “I just need some time to think things over. If you excuse me, I have to meet someone.”

  The young mage let go of Gwen’s hand and walked out onto the beach. Sand shifted under Trystan’s feet as he walked across the beach toward the water. Gwen stayed on the boardwalk, looking out to the mage, her heart tight with concern.

  The blue mage reached the edge of the beach, booted feet on wet sand. A wave crashed and covered his boots, seawater spilling into them. The mage stared with intense eyes as another wave crashed and a figure rose up from the wave. Stepping deeper into the water, hands reached out and took hold of a haggard siren. Sylk looked up with weary eyes. No words were spoken as she hugged her master close. Trystan held her head to his chest, kissing the top of her head. Master and Familiar stayed in the water as the waves splashed into them, their connection growing stronger. Together they turned and walked back onto the beach.

  “Master…..” Sylk trailed off.

  “I’m so happy to see you.” Trystan smiled.

  “I’ve missed you my love.” Sylk said while not taking her webbed hands from him.

  “I have missed you too my love. We have much to catch up on but for right now, let’s rest tonight. I just want us together.”

  “Yes my love. I dreamed of being back in your arms.” The siren whispered.

  Gwen gazed at the mage and familiar for a long moment. She tilted her hat and smiled, walking off as the two stepped onto the boardwalk toward the hotel. Trystan held the blue siren close. They walked into the hotel together, the moon casting its diffused glow on their wet footsteps, the sound of the ocean crashing in the distance.


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