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Year One (Bloodshed Academy Book 1)

Page 2

by Jen L. Grey

  “Yes, fine.” Mom released her tight grip and giggled a little too loudly. “I’m just feeling off and hate not being there. I better get to bed.” She turned to walk down the hallway.

  “Both of you be safe,” Dad said as his eyes firmly met mine. “If something feels off, get back here immediately.”

  Something was definitely going on, and it was freaking me out. “Of course.”

  Why are your parents being so weird? Greg took my hand and pulled me out the door.

  No clue. I mean, it’s my senior year, but it’s not like I’m leaving the pack or anything. Although he was, and I was so damn jealous. At least, I’d get a little freedom away from him. Sometimes I felt like he was suffocating me and I’d never be able to find air.

  “Hey.” He stopped at the passenger door and gave me a smile. “You aren’t worried about me leaving, are you?”

  “No, not really.” I gazed down and let my dark hair hide my face. I didn’t want him to catch my relieved features.

  “This shouldn’t change anything between us.” He placed his index finger under my chin and lifted my face. “I’ll be back during breaks and stuff.”

  He was going for reassurance, but we both hoped everything would change. “We … um … better go. You’ll be late.”

  Slowly, he turned. “Yeah, you’re right.” He walked around the front of the truck and got in the cab.

  I took a deep breath and opened the passenger door. I stepped onto the ledge and slid onto the seat of the F-150. Of course, it was only a year or two old, which didn’t help us blend in with the other students very well. “Why don’t we just run there?” I cringed because the words slipped out before my filter kicked in.

  “You know why.” He started the truck and frowned at me. “It’s not like we can take our clothes with us in that form. Besides, what if someone saw us stepping out from the woods. The school is going to be packed with people attending the game.”

  His condescending attitude really rubbed my wolf the wrong way. It growled and bared its teeth inside me. I struggled with the animal and the expected behavior that a submissive wolf exhibited.

  Silence descended inside the truck, and my eyes were glued on the houses that we passed by. Our entire pack lived in the subdivision, which made it easy for meetings and running under a full moon.

  It didn’t take long for us to reach the high school. The sun was setting, and the baseball field lights flashed on. There were several students and parents there already, including Ian, Darren, Sheila, and Greg’s dad, Jerry.

  “You were making me nervous.” Greg’s dad laughed as he approached us. “I expected you to be here long before now.”

  “Sorry, I went to pick up Rave. Her parents insisted I stay and eat.” Greg reached into the bed of the truck and grabbed his baseball bag. “But I’m here now and ready to play.” His eyes glowed ever so slightly, revealing his wolf’s excitement.

  “Well, the recruiter should be here any second.” His dad glanced around and frowned, checking his watch. “They said they’d be here by now.”

  “Maybe he got stuck in traffic or something.” Greg tucked his red Indian’s baseball shirt into his pants. “Come on, I’ve gotta get warmed up.”

  “Alright, I’ll let you know when the scout gets here.” Greg’s dad smacked his back as he walked by. “I’m so proud of you, son.”

  I’m sure he was too. It seemed like fate favored some over others. Greg got to fully embrace his wolf and very likely go to the most prestigious Academy for only the strongest supernaturals. My wolf whimpered, and she took a deep breath. We had to hold it together at least until graduation. I was hoping that the stress from senior year was the reason why my wolf was getting so antsy. In a week’s time, it should be all behind me.

  “It’s about time you got here, man,” Ian shouted from shortstop as Greg hit the field.

  Greg placed his hat on his head and pulled out his glove. “I’m right on time.” He balled his fist and smacked it on the inside of his glove, taking his place on the pitcher’s mound. “Let’s get going.”

  Darren saluted Greg from first base. “Whatever you say, boss.” Then, he took a step and threw the ball at Greg.

  “I hope you’re as proud of him as we are.” Jerry kept his eyes on his son and took a step closer to me, talking in a near whisper.

  I was positive the right answer wasn’t that I couldn’t care less. “Of course.”

  “Good.” Jerry nodded his head, and his body became a little less tense. “Now don’t get me wrong. Susan and I are praying each night that you both choose each other to become mates. But we just want to make sure you aren’t going to try to talk him into staying.”

  It’s kind of funny that they thought I had so much influence over Greg. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

  “See, this is why you two make such a good couple.” He smiled and bumped his shoulder into mine. “Both of you look out for each other’s best interest.”

  Sure, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Granted, I’m happy for him. Although this would give me a chance to figure things out on my own. Greg thought we always had to be going and hanging out with both wolves and humans. It’d be nice to have a break … to breathe.

  “Hey, guys.” Sheila strolled up with Susan by her side. Both wore identical red shirts with Indians written on them.

  “Are they here yet?” Susan walked over and kissed Jerry on the lips.

  “No, not yet.” Jerry glanced around and shrugged. “I’m sure they’ll be here soon though.”

  “I can’t believe my baby might get accepted into their program.” Susan smiled so wide that it had to hurt her face.

  Maybe one day, I’d be that happy.

  “Wanna grab a seat before they get full?” Sheila nodded toward the bleachers.

  “Yeah, sure.” I’d hoped to find a seat before she got here. Sheila wasn’t so bad, but her blatant need for male attention made me rather uncomfortable.

  “Sweet!” She headed toward the bleachers, and as she passed by the fence, she smiled. “Hey, boys.”

  “Hey!” The second baseman grinned back at her. “Looking good.’

  “Aw, thanks.” She winked at him and then turned so she was marching up the red bleachers.

  “You know you can’t date humans.” That wasn’t a rule a long time ago, but now it was law. If a human and a wolf reproduced, it either caused a woman to die during birth or resulted in major deformities.

  “Yes, I know, Mrs. Rule Follower.” Sheila took a seat and rolled her eyes. “It’s just harmless flirting. Unlike some here, I don’t have an alpha that’s crazy about me.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was crazy about me though. “Still, you don’t need to lead them on.” I sat next to her and was grateful she chose a section right next to the stairs. At least when I got bored, I had an easy escape.

  “So, what do you think will happen with you and Greg when he leaves for Bloodshed?” Sheila glanced at her nails and rubbed her fingers over the newly painted, bright red nail polish.

  “I don’t know.” For once, I didn’t have to lie. “I guess time will tell.”

  Sheila pursed her lips to the side. “You’re not going to try getting him to stay and lock it in?”

  The thought of locking it in made me cringe. “No, it’s what’s best for him. I’ll figure out my own path too.”

  “Well, you’re a lot nicer than me.” She shrugged and stared at the ball field. “I’d be begging him to stay.”

  Yeah, I was nice. That’s the reason I was so supportive. “What are you going to do after graduation?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” Sheila pursed her lips and sighed.

  “Well, it’s only a week away.” I don’t know why I was pushing her. “You probably should figure it out.”

  “You know what?” She narrowed her eyes at me and frowned. “If I wanted to hang out with my Mom, I would’ve stayed home and not come here. So back off.”

  “Sorry, I was just trying to help
.” Maybe I overstepped my boundaries.

  “Well, I don’t want that kind of help.” She crossed her arms and sighed.

  Silence descended between us with only the sound of people taking their seats, some low chatter, and the sounds of all the players taking their positions could be heard. The other team was dressed in royal blue with Dodgers written across their chests.

  As the away team began their batting line up, Sheila turned toward me. “If my boyfriend was potentially leaving in the near future, I’d be a wreck. So why aren’t you?”

  Most committed wolves can’t stand to be apart for long, and for mates, it’s almost impossible. Obviously, I was acting strange … maybe I could play it off as being submissive. “It’s what he wants.”

  Greg stared the batter down and then stepped forward, pitching the ball. The batter swung but was too late. The ball was already in the catcher’s glove.

  “Strike one,” The ref said, lifting a finger in the air.

  “I’m thirsty.” I needed to get away for a few moments and get my thoughts together. I stood and began my descent down the stairs.

  “Cool. Grab me a coke too?” Sheila called after me.

  Needing space, I just nodded and kept my focus on getting away. Something sweet tickled my nose as I reached the ground. It smelt like cotton candy, and my mouth began to water. They only have the bagged kind at the concession stand, so it didn’t make sense to smell it so strongly.

  As I made my way to the concession stand, I could hear loud cheers as the ump yelled, “You’re out.”

  At least Greg was doing well. There was no line at the concession stand, so I was able to walk right up to the window. “I’d like two cokes and a hotdog.” Maybe a little bit of over-processed meat would help calm my nerves.

  The girl turned and got my order when someone stepped behind me. The sweet scent filled my nose again and confirmed it wasn’t from the concession stand. It was from the person standing right behind me. I forced myself not to turn. It had to be a supernatural because it was a natural scent, not from perfume or cologne.

  “Here you go.” The girl put the items on the counter, and then her eyes widened at the person behind me. “Oh, hello.”

  I grabbed a drink and the hot dog when a pale, smooth hand reached for the second cup.

  “It looks like you could use some assistance.” His voice was alluring and smooth.

  However, my wolf growled, and it was hard holding back the sound from my throat. I turned around and became somewhat breathless. “I …”

  “Thank you is usually what most people say when someone does something nice.” He smiled, making his blue eyes sparkle even though the sun was setting. He arched his eyebrow, which set off his short blond hair.

  “Well, I’d hate for you to go through the trouble.” I immediately registered what type of supernatural he was. He was a fucking vampire. “So, I’ll be on my way.”

  “No, no.” His smile turned into a smirk, and he took a step closer, infiltrating my space. “I insist. It wouldn’t be very gentlemanly if I didn’t help a damsel in distress.”

  “I’m not a damsel in distress.” The guy may be sexy as hell, but that was part of a vampire’s allure. Most stories and movies weren’t accurate about any of the supernaturals, but they nailed it on the vampire. They were meant to be charismatic and charming. The best way to explain the creature was to compare one to a sociopath. They knew right and wrong but usually didn’t give a crap. I grabbed the drink from his hand, causing the liquid to spill over the sides.

  He smashed his lips together as if he was trying to hide his smile.

  It didn’t work though.

  “Do I amuse you?” Yes, my fingers may have been wet from the Coke, but I refused to admit it.

  “That’s one way to look at it.” He placed his hand over his mouth. Still, his cheeks were raised, so him trying to hide his laughter didn’t work. “Let me grab you some napkins.”

  “No, I think you’ve done enough.” I leaned back on my heels and took off toward the bleachers. For once, I was hurrying to be with Sheila instead of escaping her.

  I didn’t hear any footsteps behind me, but that was the thing with vampires. They were agile and quick. My heart began to race in my chest, but I refused to alarm the others. Still, why was there a vampire here? I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer.

  Chapter Three

  “Are you okay?” Sheila asked as I slid back into my seat behind her.

  “Uh … yeah. Why?” I needed to calm down and get my act together.

  “Because you’re pale as anything, and it’s almost as if you’ve seen a ghost.” She reached over and grabbed one of the drinks. “Eww … Did you drink out of both of them?”

  “No, I spilled some of yours when I was gathering everything.” She didn’t give me any money, and now she was complaining. It figured.

  “Well, Greg has struck out two batters.” She glanced around and frowned. “I’m kind of surprised that the scout isn’t here. I hope he gets here before the game is over.”

  “They aren’t recruiting him for his baseball skills.” It made no sense that everyone was making such a big deal about a recruiter coming for the game.

  “He dominates the field.” Sheila rolled her eyes and shook her head. “That alone shows how much of a leader he is.”

  I bit my tongue. I didn’t need to argue with her because, at the end of the day, it was irrelevant. The sweet scent once again filled my nose.

  “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” For the first time ever, she really looked at me with concern in her eyes.

  “Sorry, I’m just a little off.” A prickly sensation crawled down my spine, and I tapped into my wolf’s hearing. All I heard were the sounds of a ball hitting a bat, the crowd cheering, and some kids playing tag in the open grassy area. Nothing sounded out of sorts, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched.

  Sheila jumped to her feet and started screaming. “Get him at first!”

  My eyes went back to the game and watched as Ian threw the ball to Darren. Darren caught the ball as the runner ran on first.

  “Safe!” Yelled the umpire.

  “Dammit.” Sheila slumped back on the seat. She sighed and glanced over at me. “Look, it’s just now settling in. I’m sure you guys will make it work.”

  If only that was what was bothering me. “Yeah, you’re right.” For some reason, I didn’t want to alert the others. My wolf wanted to be the one to call the shots with this guy.

  I glanced over my shoulder, and of course, tall, blond and mysterious was right there. He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers at me.

  Who the hell was this guy? I stood and held his gaze. “I’ve got to run to the bathroom.”

  “Why didn’t you go on the way to the concession stand?” Sheila asked, but her eyes were still locked on the baseball field.

  Good, it’d be easier to slip away again. “Sorry, I didn’t need to go a few minutes ago.” Without any further explanation, I ran down the steps and behind the bleachers that were near the woods.

  Yes, I was being stupid, but reinforcements weren’t far away. That’s how I was justifying it.

  “I’m surprised you came out here alone.” He appeared on the other side of the bleachers, heading straight toward me. “Don’t you realize what I am?”

  “A leech, right?” As soon as those words left my mouth, I wished I could take them back.

  “Oh, wolves have a sense of humor after all?” His face appeared as if it was made of stone. He wasn’t giving anything away.

  “Why are you here?” I had to figure out why a vampire would show up now. It made no sense.

  He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “Didn’t they tell you?”

  My heart stopped. Is this why my parents were acting so strange? They knew a vampire would be here. “No, they didn’t.”

  “Well, then. For once, I get to make the introduction and share the ever so lovely news.” He chuckled at the
end and began to move closer to me.

  “I won’t be your dinner if that’s what you’re getting at.” I didn’t back away. I wouldn’t act like prey. Even if he took me down, it would be with me fighting ’til the end.

  “You know, when I first laid eyes on you earlier, I thought that somehow she was wrong, but now I’m not so sure.” Now he was only a few feet away from me, and his candy cotton scent picked up in the breeze.

  “What are you talking about?” This one time, I let my wolf take control but didn’t allow the shift. A low growl came from my throat, and I lifted my chin defiantly.

  “There she is.” A smile filled his face, and his body began to relax. “I’m the recruiter from Bloodshed.”

  Wait. If he was the recruiter, why was he standing here with me? “Oh ... Well, Greg is playing in the baseball game, but I’m sure he’ll make time for you after.”

  “Why would I want to talk to him?” His forehead creased, and he scratched his head.

  “I thought you were coming to recruit him.” None of this was making any sense.

  “No, I’m here for you.” His words were clear and direct.

  “But a girl can’t be an alpha.” Those were the words my parents had told me ever since I was a child. “I’m not eligible to be there.”

  “That’s not true at all.” He raised both hands in the air. “Hell, the headmaster is a woman and the toughest person I’ve ever met. She’s the one who told me how to find you.”

  “I don’t understand.” I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Maybe someone was playing a trick on me. “Is this a joke?”

  “Okay, let’s try this again. A redo if you will.” He held his hand out toward me and smiled. “Hi, I’m Cole, a recruiter for Bloodshed Academy.”

  This had to be a dream or a nightmare. At this point, I wasn’t really sure which way this would go. “Hi, I’m Raven.”

  “Nice to meet you.” He extended his right hand and reached for mine. “I promise I won’t bite … unless you want me to.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was laughing or hitting on me. I reluctantly took his hand and shook it. “I thought you were trying to make a good impression.”


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