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Fury of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin Book 4)

Page 13

by Sky Purington

  “No.” He shook his head. “But I can’t say I’m all that surprised he followed me here.”

  Shannon nodded, perplexed. “While I know you two were close, I can’t help but wonder why he didn’t follow Emily and me, to begin with. It seems to me she was the most important person to him when he was alive. As it should be.”

  “Maybe it was the way you two traveled back in time. Maybe he couldn’t follow,” Cameron said. “That’s why he got me to Maine as fast as possible.”

  Shannon nodded. That made sense. “So why is he just appearing now? And only to Emily?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “She’s his daughter. Maybe protecting her is the only thing on his mind at the moment, so he appears to her.” They headed for the fire. “What did he say to her?” He cleared his throat. “I couldn’t help but notice where you all woke up.”

  “Then you probably have a good idea what he said.” She sighed. “It sounds like he approves of Matthew.”

  “I thought it might have something to do with him,” he said softy, still eying her. “And how do you feel about that?”

  “Honestly, a variety of things.” She met his eyes. “Confusion mostly. Guilt. Sadness.”

  “I understand.” He squeezed her hand. “I get the sadness and confusion, but you need to get over the guilt, Shannon. It’s time to move on, and it seems like Emily’s all right with it. More than that, you deserve it.”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “It’s one thing to partner up with Matthew to embrace this whole dragon power thing, another to do it because…well, because I’m looking to be in a relationship again.” She shook her head. “Because I’m not.”

  “Sure, okay.” He continued to eye her. “But it’d be all right if you were. Emily’s obviously taking it in stride, and I certainly wouldn’t hold it against you. Not for a second.”

  “I know you wouldn’t.” She offered him a thankful smile. “You’re good to me, Cameron.”

  “Hey, that’s what friends are for.” He grinned and shrugged. “I’d give you a hug, but I’m not up for pissing off Matthew again. We might not see him right now, but I’ve got a feeling he’s always watching you.” He gestured at their adjoined hands then winked. “But I’m willing to risk this.”

  Shannon smiled. “You risk away, hon.” And just so things were clear in case Matthew was listening. “Nobody tells me who can and cannot touch me.”

  Cameron shook his head and snorted before his attention was drawn to Kadlin who had just joined them. Shannon offered him a knowing grin and turned her attention to everyone else. Sven was busy teaching Emily how to build a spit, and Kodran seemed restless as he stood at the mouth of the cave.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, joining him.

  He appeared unusually discontent as he nodded and offered no reply.

  A chill went through her when she realized the general direction he was staring. It was where she had seen the dragons. “Did you see what Matthew saw in my mind when I shifted over to Helheim? Did you see the dragons?”

  “Yes.” His voice sounded strained as his eyes finally met hers. “But you only saw two dragons, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah.” She looked at him curiously. “How many did you see?”

  “More.” Pain flickered in his eyes as he looked to the sky. “Hundreds more.”

  “Hundreds?” she whispered. “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I. Not yet,” he murmured. “But I will. And soon.”

  “What do you mean?” she began, but he strode back into the cave, evidently needing time alone.

  Shannon frowned as she continued to stare out and mull over what had happened when Erica had shown up in Maine. How she had turned out to be Einar before she vanished. More than that, she contemplated the possibility that Erica’s reincarnate, Maeva, might have been in love with Einar in another life.

  Then there was the curious way ‘Erica’ seemed to recognize Kodran’s name without having ever met him. Without knowing the last thing about him considering she had been estranged from her family.

  Which, naturally, led her thoughts not only to why Erica had distanced herself from her sisters but why Shannon had. In her case, she had done it because she was struggling with being a medium and half dragon. She needed space. Plenty of space. Had Erica done it for the same reasons? To this day, she still didn’t know what had happened between her twin and Cybil. Why they fell apart. She knew Cybil had tried to reach out to Erica time and time again with no luck. But then her twin had always been more stubborn than most.

  Yet now they all speculated that somehow Erica and Einar might be working together. Shannon had been trying to contact her sister ever since, but couldn’t get ahold of her. She wasn’t at home or work. Nobody knew where she had gone. It was as if she simply vanished. While the idea of Erica somehow being in cahoots with a ghost from the past might seem preposterous, she was Shannon’s twin. Which might very well mean she was a medium too.

  All of sudden, her heart leapt in her throat, and her breath caught. It was brief but alarming. What was that all about? Ripped from thought, her eyes flew to the woodline. Moments later, Matthew appeared with several small animal carcasses. He seemed well. Maybe even a little lighthearted. She frowned. Baffled. Why had she reacted that way right before he appeared?

  But she had a feeling she knew.

  It was the sex.

  Better yet, what the intimacy had created.

  A stronger bond.

  A level of connection she wasn’t entirely sure she was ready for.

  Yet as she watched him head her way, she had a feeling she was in trouble. It wasn’t just his good looks or killer body, but more. A sense of excitement yet at the same time a soul deep ease. A feeling of genuine pleasure to see him. And it seemed as their eyes met and a soft smile curled his lips, that he felt the same.

  Unfortunately, it was short lived.

  But for a very good reason.

  Everything had changed, and they were once again in Helheim.

  More importantly, they had just heard a young boy yell from within the cave.

  “Father is that you? Is it really you?”

  Chapter Eight

  “HÅKON?” MATTHEW ROARED as he flew past Shannon into the cave. “Where are you, Son?”

  Everyone had vanished except him, Shannon and Emily.

  “I am right here, Father.”

  His eyes widened when he spied Håkon standing in front of Emily, staring at the jagged-edged blade she held. He raced over, fell to his knees and tried to pull him into his arms, only to grasp thin air.

  “I don’t think he’s really here, Matthew,” Emily said softly. “But I think he can see and hear us.”

  “Loki’s cock,” he nearly uttered but bit his tongue so he wouldn’t curse in front of Emily. “Son,” he whispered, his eyes locked on Håkon. “Can you see me? Hear me? Are you well?”

  “I can, Father.” Håkon nodded, his eyes a little sad. “Where is Uncle Bjorn? I miss him. It’s lonely here.”

  He felt his son’s words like a punch to the gut. No, worse. Like his heart was torn from his chest. But he couldn’t fault Håkon. Not for a moment. Bjorn had been good to him. He had been there for him when Matthew wasn’t. But most importantly, he had been there for him during the most difficult time in Håkon’s life.

  “Uncle Bjorn is protecting his people right now but thinks about you always,” Matthew said. “Just like I do, Håkon. And I am coming to get you. Do you know where you are? Is Uncle Kjar there?”

  “Sometimes. Not as much now that we are at the top of the white mountain,” Håkon murmured, looking at Matthew curiously. “Why are you coming for me, Father? Is it not too much for you?” His eyes grew more forlorn. “I know how busy you are…and sad.”

  Matthew bit back emotion. The rage and agony he felt for having created this separation between them, no matter how good his intentions were. All he could see was the way his son was looking at him. The heart-w
renching rift that had formed between them.

  “It is not too much for me. You are never too much,” Matthew assured, trying to keep anger out of his voice. A fury that had nothing to do with Håkon and everything to do with their circumstances. “What white mountain are you at the top of, Son? Tell me so I can find you.”

  “I do not know.” Håkon’s eyes drifted to the Gungnir blade then Emily. “Who are you? And why are you holding that dagger?” His voice dropped to a whisper. “I dream about that.”

  “I do too,” she responded, eying him up and down. “So are you going to be my new brother?”

  Matthew shook his head along with Shannon as she crouched beside Emily, clearly needing to protect her from their surroundings. It was a disconcerting feeling being in Helheim.

  Håkon’s eyes widened. “Brother?” He looked at Matthew. “Did you already have another child now that I am gone?” His lower lip trembled, but he swiftly pressed his lips together, stood up straighter and narrowed his eyes on Emily. “No, I am not your new brother.” Then his watery eyes narrowed on Shannon, as astute as always. “And I do not want another mother. Not ever.”

  “Hey, my mama is great,” Emily huffed and narrowed her eyes. “Anyone would want her as a mother.”

  “It’s okay, Emily,” Shannon said softly as she offered Håkon a warm, gentle smile. The sort he realized she used when calming people. “Nice to meet you, Håkon. My name is Shannon. My sisters are Cybil, Samantha, and Lauren. Perhaps you know them?”

  “Queen Cybil?” Håkon said. “And Samantha? Uncle Bjorn’s Samantha? Really?”

  “Yes, Queen Cybil.” Her smile only grew warmer. “And yes, Uncle Bjorn’s, Samantha.”

  “I really like them,” Håkon murmured, still eying her.

  “Me too,” Shannon said. “Very much so.”

  Håkon watched her for a long moment, his steady assessment somewhat surprising Matthew. He knew his son was bright but realized he might be far more than that.

  “You like my father, yes?” Håkon finally asked. “You think he is your dragon mate?”

  “I think your father is a very nice man,” Shannon said carefully. “As to us being dragon mates, I could not say.”

  “You know my mother was only human, yes?” Håkon kept considering her. “But even so, she was his first mate. She will always be his first mate.”

  “I know that.” Shannon nodded, her expression compassionate and kind. “And I respect that very much.”

  Matthew could tell Håkon had not expected her to be so gracious. In fact, he got the impression his son was set to challenge her again, but suddenly the world started to shift. They were exiting Helheim.

  “No.” He shook his head and tried to grab hold of Håkon. “Do not go.” Then he said the words he hoped his son longed to hear. “I am coming for you. I love you, Son.”

  Then, just like that, Håkon was gone.

  Matthew hung his head and trembled with sadness and rage. He hated this unending sense of helplessness. This inability to help his child.

  He barely felt the small, gentle hand that landed on his shoulder but he did hear Emily’s whispered words. “It’s going be okay, Matthew. We’ll find him. I promise we will.”

  His eyes met hers, and he had the overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around her. To hold her as he would have Håkon if he could. To hold her as if she were his. But he would not. Could not. He had a child out there somewhere. A child who was lonely and sad.

  “Thank you, Emily,” he managed and nodded. “That is kind of you to say.”

  As Emily held his gaze, he got the sense that she actually wanted to embrace and comfort him. But she didn’t. Instead, she stood up straighter just as Håkon had and gave him a stern look that by now he was more than familiar with. “It’s good you’re starting to realize how much Håkon was hurting. It’s good you can finally see.”

  “Emily,” Shannon cut in with a frown. “Apologize right this minute.”

  “No,” Matthew murmured before Emily had a chance to speak. “She’s right, and I am glad she felt comfortable enough to say as much.” He brushed Emily’s hair back from her forehead, a brief but affectionate touch, before he stood. “I’m glad that I am starting to see. I wish I had sooner.”

  He knew Shannon wanted to deny it, that she wanted to tell Emily his reasons, but he stopped her by speaking within her mind. “She and Håkon can be very wise sometimes, but we must remember that they are still just children. That means they are blunt. But let us consider that refreshing right now rather than get frustrated by it.”

  Shannon only nodded, but he saw the emotions churning in her eyes. Not frustration with her daughter’s manners but pain for him to have seen his son only to lose him. Then there was something else. She felt a strange sense of recognition when she saw Håkon. One that affected her profoundly. He could only assume it had something to do with Matthew and Shannon’s growing connection.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Shannon said softly, her voice compassionate. “That couldn’t have been easy for you.”

  “Yes. I’m all right,” he assured, surprised by how much he meant it. He might be feeling a mixture of volatile emotions right now, but he was also comforted by seeing Håkon. By hearing his voice. Wherever he was, his son was okay, and at least Uncle Kjar came and went.

  “Here’s your dagger back, Matthew.” Emily handed it over and shrugged. “I’m not quite sure how I got it.”

  Matthew thanked her and sheathed it, just as baffled. The last he remembered it had been on him.

  He wasn’t all that shocked to find Sven right there soon after Håkon vanished, a look of not just worry but stark fear on his face. There was no need to guess who that look was for. Emily. Matthew glanced between her and his nephew, noting the strong connection and friendship they had formed. There might be at least eight winters between them now, but someday, far in the future, that sort of age difference wouldn’t matter.

  His eyes met Shannon’s.

  She knew.

  She saw it.

  “What happened, Cousin?” Kodran asked, a heavy frown in place as he and everyone else joined them. “One moment you were racing past us calling out for Håkon, the next, you had vanished. Did you cross over again?”

  Matthew nodded and filled them in. “What we need to figure out is where this white mountain is.” His eyes went to Shannon. “The same mountain you must have seen. The one you think is in Helheim?”

  She nodded. “I think maybe, yes.”

  “Then we will find it,” he declared, nodding his thanks to Kadlin as she retrieved the game he hunted earlier. Oddly enough, he had tracked it down far quicker than he should have considering he wasn’t fully merged with his dragon. He couldn’t help but wonder if that had to do with what happened between him and Shannon. The intimacy. Had she brought him one step closer to embracing his dragon again?

  As he had been trying to do since it happened, he worked to set aside the memory of what had taken place between them. Now wasn’t the time. Yet she kept making her way back into his thoughts. Though they had done little more than the basic act of mating, it was still the most intense thing he’d ever experienced. Not just physically but emotionally. Was it a dragon thing? Perhaps. But he wondered. Could it be a human thing too?

  Either way, it was everything he imagined it would be during those long hours of desperation he felt before he made it to the twenty-first century. Before he finally laid eyes on her. Things had changed for him at that chalet. He felt better. At ease for several hours. As if he could finally breathe. At least until he learned Håkon might have been taken by the enemy.

  Now here they all were. Traveling across difficult land in search of his son. His eyes wandered to Shannon and Emily a while later as they journeyed north. He was impressed by them both. How brave and selfless they were. Caring. Remarkable.

  He knew Shannon followed his thoughts. While he sensed she was thankful for his kind regard of Emily, she seemed somewhat of
f when it came to his thoughts about her. Almost as if she was trying to weigh everything that had happened between them. Make sense of it. He did not blame her considering her husband had just visited Emily and seemed to offer his approval of Shannon and Matthew’s growing bond.

  Yes, he knew. And interestingly enough, not just because of Shannon’s thoughts but Emily’s. It seemed they were starting to form a mental connection as well.

  “We don’t know that Anthony gave his approval,” Shannon’s words floated through his mind. “Not for sure.”

  They had been traveling close to the mountainside for a few hours now, and like the day before, he kept Emily and Shannon directly in front of him. He might not be able to shift, but he wanted to keep a close eye on them. Because if nothing else, he knew how to use a weapon and could fight. And he would annihilate anyone who tried to hurt them.

  “I meant no harm when I thought he might be all right with…” He worked to place his words well. “As you offered me, Shannon, I’m here to talk. Nothing more. Not if you do not want it.”

  Shannon never responded, but she gave him a faint nod over her shoulder. She was not upset with him. She just suffered from the same conflicting emotions he faced. Their previous loves. How much they meant. What life had been like without them. How it felt to consider moving on with another. Loving someone like that again.

  He wasn’t sure when he had started thinking along those lines. About falling in love again.

  But he had.

  Something had changed.

  Yet the idea filled him with guilt, and he knew, despite her bold proposal, it did the same to Shannon. He knew she struggled just as much with moving on…with taking a mate.

  “I want to shift and fly north,” Kodran said, breaking Matthew’s train of thought as he came alongside. “I want to see what is happening before we walk into danger.”


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