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Life's Next Chapter

Page 9

by Sarah Goodman

  He furrows his brow, “We?”

  “Yes, I want you to come to breakfast. The girls would love to see you,” I reply, rubbing my hands along his chiseled back. I don’t think my hands will ever get tired of feeling his rock hard body, or the rock hard erection that has prodded my abdomen.

  “Alright, I’ll go for breakfast, but I need to taste you first.” I throw my head back and giggle. I feel like I have unleashed the insatiable beast. Not that I mind, I love how close and connected Luke and I have become. He’s an amazing lover.

  We take a little longer from our need for a morning quickie. Once we’re both out of the shower, Luke leaves the room wearing only a towel. “Where are you going?” I ask in astonishment.

  “To my truck to get a change of clothes. Oh and wear something comfortable, after breakfast I’m taking you and the girls somewhere fun.”

  Looking at him with confusion, “like how comfortable?”

  He leans against the doorframe. “Like touristy comfortable…shorts and sneakers,” laughing, as he drops his towel and runs down the stairs.

  WE HAVE BREAKFAST with my grandparents and the girls. The girls were thrilled to see Luke. They were very well behaved, which I appreciated even more. Granddaddy tried to give him the fifth degree, but Luke, having been in the military, handled it like a trooper. He even winked at me when Granddaddy was lecturing him about how to respect a lady. I just smiled. Seeing him sit on the couch next to the one man that means the world to me, brings out emotions I have tucked so far away. I want so much with this man, but I am terrified. I’m even more terrified I might be pregnant. Something I never really wanted to go through again, especially this way. Single, with two daughters and a possible boyfriend. I don’t even know if he is my boyfriend. We haven’t discussed this, hell we haven’t discussed anything. I still haven’t met his daughter. She will go ballistic if she finds out she is going to have a sibling at the age of eighteen. UGH! My crazy life!

  Nana loved Luke. She couldn’t get enough of him, especially squeezing his biceps. She looked like a schoolgirl blushing every time she went to pinch his arm. I just might think my Nana just might have the hots for Luke. I don’t blame her; he is so damn hot he makes my insides melt just looking at him.

  The girls were over the moon to show us the pancakes they made us. They were pretty tasty, too. We didn’t stay long because I knew Luke wanted to take us somewhere. So, I told my grandparents that we would have them over for dinner so they could get to know Luke. They were pleasantly accepting and excited. I was shocked, after Keith I didn’t expect them to like any guy I brought around.

  Luke loads the girls in their booster seats as I hug and kiss my grandparents goodbye. My Nana whispers in my ear as we hug goodbye, “I like that fellow, he’s a good man, Katie.”

  I pull back and mouth, “I know” to her as my Granddaddy leans in to hug me. I hop into the passenger side of the truck with Luke driving us to some unknown destination. The girls played one hundred questions with him. He was taking it well, but after the twenty-fifth question, I was really getting tired of the game. I tell the girls to take a breather and let’s listen to the music. I turn on the radio to my favorite country station and Hunter Hayes’s song I Want Crazy comes on. The girls and I have heard this song a number of times, so I crank up the dial a little more and we sing our hearts out. Luke’s driving with his right hand on the wheel and his left elbow is resting on the door. I glance to Luke, singing along with us; surprisingly he has a good voice. The girls are pretending to strum their air guitars. Luke watches me sing. He’s not a fan of country music, but seeing him sing with us is such a turn on. Once the song is over, he has the biggest, sexiest smile on his face. He grabs my hand and pulls it to his mouth. He kisses the back on my hand. “Sunshine that is our song. I don’t want easy, I want crazy with you and them.” He cocks his head to the back seat, where my girls are shaking their heads as fast as they can.

  “Well, you certainly have crazy with us, there’s no doubt about that.” I laugh as the girls look like bobble heads. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with those two. Lord help them.

  We’re on the Interstate, passed downtown, and he’s taking the exit closest to the theme parks when I finally realize where he is taking us. “Luke, seriously?” He just grins at me. “You can’t take us here, this place costs a fortune.”

  “Have the girls been here?” He asks in a determined tone. He looks in the review mirror. “Girls, would you like to go to Sea World?” The girls are silent.

  “I think they are stunned,” I laugh to Luke.

  “You didn’t answer my question, have the girls been here?” He pulls his sunglasses up and gives me a serious look. I study those beautiful eyes and only one word comes out of my mouth.

  “No.” I mumble out of my mouth.

  “Good. I thought we all could enjoy a day of fun.” I place my other hand of top of his.

  “Luke, this is too much. We should do bowling, not a theme park.” His jaw is clenching, and I know he is getting irritated with me.

  “Kate, please, I want to do this. I didn’t get many chances with Danika at this age, and they aren’t getting the chance with their father. So, in a way, we’re helping each other out.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

  Our day at Sea World was pure joy. We entered the park and Luke was adamant about getting a group picture. Once we were posed, him holding Julia and Nicole, I knew exactly what his intentions were: to replace the Disney picture with the Sea World one. I don’t think I looked at the camera; I couldn’t take my eyes off Luke and his big smile. He looked so happy and content.

  At the Shamu show they asked all Veterans and active military to please stand, so the staff at Sea World could thank them for their “service and sacrifice for our freedom”. Luke stood, and I had goose bumps run all over my body with how proud I was of him, and thankful for all the men and women I saw all around us. The girls went crazy chanting, “Lukey is our hero!”

  Then there were other countless animals. We saw the dolphins, penguins, polar bears, sharks; we pet the stingrays, fed the dolphins, and fed the seals. We caught a few shows, including the Pet Show, where the girls informed me they wanted a dog. Luke thought that was a great idea, until I gave him my death stare. “No, momma works with dogs all day long, you can see and play with them at any time. Plus, we have horses. When you turn eight maybe we’ll think of getting a dog.” No way, I can’t add another responsibility to my list, especially when I am counting down the days until my period. I have never wished or wanted my period to come so badly.

  As the sun is going down, the girls get whiny and tired, so I suggest to Luke we should get going. He scoops up both girls in his arms. They lay their sweet heads on his shoulder and doze off as we walk to the truck. Taking out my cell phone, I slowly walk behind Luke because I want to capture such an adorable picture. I truly believe, just like animals, children have a sixth sense about people. My girls have been attached to Luke since the moment they met him. And they don’t really seem to care their own father isn’t around. I hope that they feel Luke’s warmth and the love he has for them. Shit, did I just say love? Maybe it’s more like warmth and affection, or fondness. Hell, it’s something, but I don’t think he loves us. All I know is in this moment my feelings for him have changed.

  Luke helps me put the girls to bed. He tells me as much as he wants to stay; he needs to get home because Danika is coming by in the morning. I agree and walk him to his truck. I thank him for a wonderful day, and for the group picture he bought. “Get some sleep, sunshine. I’ll call you tomorrow.” He drags me to his body. Wrapping his arms around me, he leans down and kisses me. Standing on my toes, I wrap my arms around his neck. I can hear him growl from frustration and pleasure. He picks me up as if I weigh nothing. Wrapping my legs around him, he pushes my back against the truck. The space between our mouths closes with ferocity as he slides his tongue over my top lip and around to my bo
ttom, then pulls it into his mouth, softly sucking on it. I moan with greed, I want him with a vengeance.

  “Luke.” I whimper into his mouth.

  “I know, baby, I want you so damn bad. But, I don’t have any more condoms on me.”

  I groan from annoyance. Kissing along his neck, my body is trembling. Luke cups my breast and rubs his thumb over my sensitive nipple. “Luke, please, right here, right now…pull out before you come.” I pull back, my hands on his jaw as I look into his eyes.

  “Damn, baby you are going to kill me.” With that he stands me up to unsnap the button to my shorts, and pulls them down along with my panties. I step out of them, and as I look at Luke he already has his shorts around his hips and his erection has sprung free. He picks me up, places me against the truck, and with one swift move, he’s inside of me. The feeling of him making me completely full throws my body into overdrive. Luke leans his whole body into me. My back rubs up and down the cool metal of the truck. “Christ, sunshine, you feel so fucking good.”

  My face is buried in his neck. I gasp for breath as I can feel my lower body start to convulse. “Luke, I’m,” is all I can mutter.

  “I’m almost there, Kate.” Luke continues to bury his cock in me further.

  “Hurry, babe.” I squeeze my legs around his waist tighter.

  “Now, Kate.” As, I shake from the force of my orgasm, I feel empty and alone. Looking at Luke, he has pulled out and finds his release. He grabs my face in the palm of his hands. “That was one fan-fucking-tastic goodbye kiss,” he says with the biggest grin. He gently places me on the ground, where I retrieve my shorts and panties. Once they are on, he hops in the truck and gives me a quick kiss goodbye.

  “Call me when you get home?” I ask of him. I watch him leave the driveway, and I go and lock the gate. Locking the gate, I notice a car sitting across the road. I can’t see if anyone is in there, but it doesn’t seem to be on. I didn’t see it coming home. Feeling chills run up my spine, I double check the lock and walk up the driveway. Once I am in the house, I run upstairs to look out the girls’ window to the road. The car is gone. Shit! Did that pervert just watch Luke and me?

  MONDAY MORNING ARRIVES and I’m running late to work with Dr. Pierce in her clinic. I drop the girls off at school and head into town to Dr. Pierce’s office. I glance in the review mirror and notice a cop is following me. Crap! Looking at my speedometer I see I’m not driving too fast. I’m going four miles over. He continues to follow me, and I have a gut feeling this isn’t about speeding. I move all the way over to the right, the cop still following me. Then the lights appear. Shit, I knew this would happen. I pull into the parking lot of a drug store. Reaching over to the glove compartment, I’m digging for my insurance card. When I turn around, Keith is glaring at me through the window.

  “Jesus Christ, Keith. What the hell did I do?”

  “Get out of the truck, Kate!” He demands.

  “No, not until you tell me what violation I broke for you to pull me over.”

  “Your tail lights are out.”


  Not paying attention to the rear of my truck this morning, I just jumped in the truck and left. I push him out of my way and walk to the rear of my truck. Someone bashed out my lights.

  “Keith, these aren’t out, someone broke them!”

  “Shit out of luck, Kate, can’t help you. You will get a ticket for it though.”

  “Fine, hurry it up, I’m late.”

  “You say ‘hurry’ a lot, always in a rush, huh?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I’m late Keith, write me the damn ticket so I can get to work!”

  “I’m talking about you fucking that asshole just feet from my daughters’ window.”

  I am astounded by the vulgarity coming from him. It was him; he was watching us. I hold back the tears. I will not let him see me cry.

  “That was you…you were watching us.”

  “You haven’t changed at all, Kate. So desperate you will screw anything, anywhere, and anytime.”

  “Go to hell, Keith. Let me be. I don’t want anything from you, so leave me the hell alone.”

  “Sugar, but you do have something. OUR DAUGHTERS!” He screams in my face, and I can feel his spit on my face.

  “Keith, we have a court order, you are allowed to see the girls whenever you want. Just because you choose not too, is not my problem.”

  “You listen here, stupid. I’ll be damned if another man is around my daughters. You don’t need to go and fuck up their minds thinking it is okay to bring home a man anytime you feel the need for some dick.”

  I push him out of my way and get back into the truck. “You are such an asshole, Keith. Luke is the first guy I have been with since you. He adores our girls, and the girls adore him. I don’t give a shit what you think, and you will not tell me how to live my life. MAIL ME THE FUCKING TICKET!” I yell back at him as I drive away. Calling Dr. Pierce, I let her know I have an emergency and can’t come in.

  After my call to Dr. Pierce, I call Beth. “Katie, hey honey!” She joyfully answers her phone. I feel like the worst friend ever. I haven’t talked to her in days. I have no idea how she is doing with her pregnancy, or how the boys are. I feel like my life is out of control.

  I lose all control and sob. “Beth, I need a restraining order against Keith. He’s watching me, and I know he bashed out my taillights last night. He’s harassing me, too.” Pulling off the road as I cry into my phone.

  “Katie, listen to me. I’m going to call Anna to come watch the boys. I will be at your house in thirty minutes. We’ll get this all squared away. I need you to go home, call the police, and make a report of your taillights and him watching you. You don’t have proof or much to document, but at least it’s filed. Can you do that for me?” I nod, as if she can see me. “Katie, are you okay, can you do that for me?”

  Wiping away the sniffles, I whisper to her, “I’m on my way back home, I’ll meet you there.”

  Two police cruisers are parked in my driveway as I pull up. I park the truck on the side of the road. Getting out of the truck, my heels sink into the soft dirt. I take them off and run up the driveway. As I approach the stables, I notice Keith, Tommy, talking to Luke. Tommy is Keith’s partner. I’ve known him for as long as I’ve known Keith. Brody is on the phone and Luke looks pissed. Shit, please do not let anything terrible happen.

  Walking up to Keith I raise my shoe to him. “You asshole, what the hell are you doing?”

  Tommy leaves Luke’s side and grabs me by the waist. “Kate, settle down. It’s been reported that Luke Ashton here harassed Keith Saturday night. We are trying to get a statement.”

  I wiggle out of Tommy’s arms and look at him in disbelief. “Tommy, Keith fucking asked for it, if anything Keith was harassing me in the parking lot. Luke was just protecting me.”

  Tommy knows Keith is mental. He knew Keith was cheating on me, but was never man enough to come to me about it. “Keith, do you have some kind of agenda to hurt me, hurt your daughters, or is your new personality to be the biggest fuckwad I ever met? You harassed me this morning on my way to work, you bashed my taillights in, you watched Luke and me in the privacy of my home, and now you are going to get a preposterous statement because he bruised your fucking ego? You fucking started it, why couldn’t you be man enough and just fucking walk away? I HATE YOU!”

  Luke is pissed with rage, his jaw is clenched, his eyes are black with fury, and the veins in his neck are bulging. “You were fucking watching us! You’re psycho, man! Seriously, who the hell watches their ex-wife fuck her boyfriend?” He growls to Keith.

  I’m speechless because I think at any moment my muscle man might break Keith in two, and he just made it clear to me I’m his girlfriend. The rage for Keith is slowly diminishing with that simple compound word ‘girlfriend’. Luke perceives me as his girlfriend, he considers us in a relationship. Shit Yeah! “Tommy, you know this shit is outlandish. Ask the valet at the club, they w
ill tell you Keith provoked it, and it was towards me!”

  Tommy looks cornered. Looking at Tommy, I see Beth out of my peripheral walking up the driveway. “Well, well, well, Keith Caldwell, we meet again under such fun circumstances,” Beth drawls out to Keith. I love this woman, especially when she gets into lawyer mode. I wouldn’t want to mess with her. I believe if she weren’t pregnant she would personally kick his ass.

  “Weren’t you knocked up the last time I saw you? Do you make it a habit to keep getting pregnant?”

  She shakes her head as she walks right up to him until she’s inches from his face. Beth might be a petite little thing, but she is one beast when you fuck with her. “Keith, I suggest you watch your mouth because let me tell you something: you are digging your own damn grave. What you pulled last night, this morning, and quite possibly now, is making your file look mighty good to the judge. Just because you work for the law doesn’t scare me one bit. You fuck with Kate, and the ones she cares about, you fuck with me. Let me just say: I have many, many district attorney friends who eat pieces of shit cops like you for breakfast. They will chew you up and spit you out so fast, you will never speak a Miranda warning again as long as you live.”

  Beth backs away. “Tommy, I suggest you and Keith leave now. You know as well as I do there is no statement needed for what happened, or in this case what didn’t happen. You fight me on this, and I will nail your ass to the wall. You know this little charade going on here is a pile of crap. Keith provoked her.”

  Tommy looks to Keith. “Keith what the hell is going on? Did you provoke him?”

  Keith is so enraged, if he could blow steam out of his ears, he would. “Tommy, let’s go. I will talk to Captain about this.”

  Tommy steps back as Luke walks to me and embraces me. His hand engulfing my face, he leans down and kisses me softly. “I was so fucking worried, did he hurt you, are you alright?”


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