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Lone Star Baby Bombshell

Page 2

by Lauren Canan

  Why did Jace have to come back to Calico Springs? It was a small community where everybody knew one another. Eventually someone would tell him about Kelly Michaels and the baby who almost died when he was born four months ago. And Jace would know. He would do the math and figure out the baby was his. Another wave of panic slammed into her. What was she going to do? What could she do?

  The iron gates clanged shut and she realized he was no longer following her. Apparently, he’d only driven to the end of his driveway and turned back. Good enough. The farther away he stayed the better. Taking a deep breath, she willed her heart to slow its pace.

  The consequences of Jace finding out about Henry were beyond comprehension. She had to steel herself against the urge to break into a dead run to more quickly get home to her baby. Regardless of how much money he had and how well he could lie, Jace was not getting custody, no matter what she had to do or where she had to go.

  The sun had set, darkening the sky to deep purple. Shadows of the trees and tall grass along the road faded into the overall darkness of the landscape. She wished for a flashlight. Even though the road was still easy to distinguish from the surroundings, the creatures that might slither out to soak up the last of the afternoon warmth were not.

  The thought brought her to a heightened sense of awareness. A wrong step might land her in a world of trouble and there was no one in shouting distance if she needed help. If anything happened to her, who would care for Henry?

  Right now, her baby should be enjoying his bath before going to sleep thanks to the wonderful woman who kept him while Kelly worked. Because of the festival, no one expected her home early. She swallowed back the touch of alarm. Think positive. Once she reached the Bar H Ranch she’d be home free.

  As if to dispute that optimistic thought, lightning flashed across the sky followed by deep, rolling thunder. Kelly groaned, not daring to think this night could get any worse.

  * * *

  Jace Compton took in a deep breath of frustration, his jaw muscles working overtime. He couldn’t believe Kelly had been in his house. Cleaning it, no less. How bizarre was that? He’d hoped he could find her if he moved to Calico Springs. But he never considered she’d be in the house, and he wasn’t prepared for the immediate anger and the glaring gaze shooting beams of blue-green fire in his direction.

  Apparently, she’d found out he’d lied about his identity when he was here before. He hoped she would give him a chance to explain. He’d had twenty-five precious days on a neighboring ranch to kick back, relax and be himself, just a guy who’d grown up on the south side of Chicago. The last thing he wanted was someone to discover his identity. Over the years he’d become proficient at staying well under the radar. He’d had no idea when they first met that their relationship would develop into something so much more.

  Kelly had accepted that he was a cowhand from a nearby ranch, and there had never been a right time to tell her differently. In hindsight he hadn’t wanted to take a chance on putting a wedge between them and that special something they’d found in each other. It was a timeless journey where they were the only two people in the world. It was perfect. When she returned his kisses, he’d known she was kissing him, the regular guy, not the wealthy celebrity. It was a damn good feeling. When the time came to leave, he wrestled with his conscience, wanting to tell Kelly the truth. Finally he decided to wait until he returned to Calico Springs. He hadn’t expected the four-month interim period he’d planned to expand to over a year.

  On the outside, the Kelly he remembered had changed, and those changes immediately had his libido sitting up and taking notice. The curves of her body were decidedly more feminine, more mature, more alluring than those of the model-thin young woman he remembered. She exuded health and considerably more sex appeal than he recalled, making him wonder how he’d ever torn himself away. The long blond locks that used to flow free and silky around the delicate features of her face were pulled to the back of her head in a ponytail, giving her face a different, intensely alluring quality, accenting the almond shape of her eyes. Jace had never seen eyes that color. They were the same brilliance and shade as the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. Only tonight, instead of containing a welcoming sparkle, they’d reflected more than a small trace of annoyance when she stared at him as if the devil himself had come to life.

  While he’d anticipated she would be a bit perturbed if she learned he’d lied about his identity, he didn’t expect the high level of animosity she’d shown today. Was she angry because he’d lied or was it because she’d missed an opportunity to gain some of the wealth? Thinking of Kelly in that light didn’t sit well. At all.

  Some people thought they’d found the proverbial pot of gold when they caught his attention, a fact that galled Jace to his core. People always wanted something, whether it was money or five minutes worth of fame. Making action films was his job. Not who he was. He hated the phony facade he had to maintain, and the ridiculously implausible stories he had to validate all for the sake of keeping his name in the media, all to keep the publicity going. Finding someone who liked him for himself was a rarity. He hoped Kelly would understand. He really hoped she would.

  When he’d returned to California, he’d talked nonstop about the young woman he met in Texas. He’d even mentioned buying a place to be close to her until she finished her degree. Two days later, his manager, Bret, handed him a PI report indicating Kelly was a con artist with a rap sheet a mile long, citing numerous jailed offenses. Jace hadn’t wanted to believe it then and still had a hard time believing it now.

  By the time six months had passed, with the filming of his latest movie hitting one roadblock after another, it no longer mattered if she had a record or not. He probably would never see her again. He’d felt more than a small twinge of loss at the thought. He’d managed to push their time together to the back of his mind until Garret Walker, the friend who had invited him to Texas, called asking if he was still interested in buying some land in the area. Suddenly in his mind’s eye, all he saw was Kelly. The memories of holding her in his arms and the pure enjoyment he’d found being with her far outweighed any past crimes she may have committed. He kept Bret’s warning in mind. He’d be a fool not to. But Kelly Michaels just didn’t fit the mold of a crook. Perhaps she’d had a rough life? They’d never spoken in detail about her past, so all he could do was speculate. But after the way she’d almost run from his house today, it probably didn’t matter one way or the other. Apparently she’d made her decision that their relationship would not continue. While he couldn’t justify it in his mind, he once again felt a deep loss.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. Kelly was out there in the dark, determined to walk all the way to town. He’d returned to the house to give her a chance to calm down and allow him time to get a grip. The instant he’d recognized her, his body had surged to readiness while a vapor of heat surrounded him. It was the same reaction he’d felt the very first time he’d ever seen her in the local feed store when he’d gone with Garret to place an order. The immediate attraction had overwhelmed him then, and today was no different. It was like a giant magnet pulling them together regardless of the circumstances. And when she’d stepped out of her car and her incredible scent of spring rain and nutmeg reached him, he hadn’t wanted to move away, his body immediately swelling with need.

  But with Kelly, it went beyond physical beauty and sex appeal, although she had plenty of that to turn any man’s head. It was the look in her eyes that made him believe he could accomplish anything. Hell, when he’d held her in his arms he could fly. Her soft Southern drawl and impish nature had him bouncing off the walls and loving every second. Had it all been an act? He still didn’t know the answer and probably—sadly—never would.

  Raindrops began to splatter against the windowpane. He turned toward the door, intent on giving her a ride into town. His glance fell on the thin strap of a pale pink purse hanging over the back of a kitchen chair. As he lifted it from the chair back, th
e sound of thunder rolled over the house, followed by flashes of lightning.

  With purse in hand, he headed back to the truck, ignoring the first heavy raindrops. Whether she was angry with him or not, he wasn’t about to leave her outside in the dark and the quickly approaching storm. He’d make sure she got home safely, this time accepting no excuses.

  Whether she liked it or not.


  Isn’t this gonna be a basket full of fun?

  Kelly eyed the sky as the thunder rumbled overhead. She didn’t dare tempt fate by asking what else might go wrong. Picking up the pace, she topped the next hill just as a bolt of lightning struck a tree straight ahead. Seconds later, the sky opened up and a downpour provided the answer to her unspoken question.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she gritted her teeth and kept walking. The warm temperatures of the afternoon took a nosedive as the chilling rain continued to hammer away, stinging her face, making it hard to see. The strong wind gusts made each step forward a challenge to her determination.

  Suddenly the glare of headlights from behind illuminated the road and the white blanket of rain ahead of her. She moved to the right, hoping it wasn’t a bunch of liquored-up high school kids out for an evening of fun and harassment. She got her wish, but not in a way she’d wanted.

  “Kelly,” Jace’s voice barked through the darkness as he pulled up beside her. “Get in the truck.”

  She continued walking.

  “You’re being a complete idiot,” he insisted.

  “You’re entitled to your opinion.” She had to yell to be heard over the downpour.

  “You have ten seconds to get your ass inside this truck.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I’m going to pick you up and put you in here myself.”

  She turned to face him, her eyes narrowing in a glare.

  “Get. In. Now.” The darkness concealed his expression, but his angry tone came across loud and clear. She had little doubt he’d do exactly what he threatened.

  Just do it and get home to Henry.

  She looked from Jace to the dark, seemingly endless road ahead. A blustery gust of rain-filled wind assisted the return of her sanity. Biting her tongue, she walked to the truck and opened the passenger door.

  “I’m wet,” she unnecessarily disclosed, taking in the truck’s beautiful interior.

  He muttered a curse. “Everything is wet. I don’t care. Get in the damn truck.” His demand was accented by a loud crack of lightning directly overhead. She grabbed the hold-bar above the opening and pulled herself up and inside, closing the door behind her. Jace immediately raised the passenger window.

  In the warmth of the cab, her teeth began to chatter as uncontrolled shivers assailed her body. Jace quickly adjusted the heat. The new-car smell and the earthy scent of his cologne swirled in the warm air around her. She leaned back against the rich leather and buckled her seat belt. Without another word, Jace hit the gas, sending the truck speeding toward town.

  Town. Home. Kelly didn’t want him to know where she lived. It took away the small sense of protection, even if it was only an illusion. In Calico Springs, population six thousand, it wasn’t hard to find anybody.

  “Just take me to the ranch up ahead. The entrance is on the left. I know the owners. They’ll drive me the rest of the way home.”

  No response.

  As the big truck ate up the miles, she anxiously searched to the left of the headlights for the big gate to the Bar H Ranch. Finally, the reflection of the stone pillars shone just ahead.

  “There,” she pointed. “Just pull in...”

  The truck didn’t slow as it approached, then passed, the driveway.

  “You missed it.” She looked behind them. “Turn around.”

  Jace glanced at her, then returned his focus to the road. “No reason to force anyone else out in this weather.”

  “Force anyone else? Like I forced you to be out here?” she challenged, still resenting the fact that he’d coerced her inside the truck to begin with. Never mind that she was grateful to be out of the storm.

  “That’s not the way I meant it. Of course you didn’t.” He glanced over as she sat back in the seat, her arms crossed over her chest. “And you didn’t leave your handbag in my kitchen on purpose.” He held up the small rectangular purse. “And you didn’t know it was my house you were cleaning or that I would be arriving around six. Kelly, if you want to see me again...just say so.”

  Kelly’s head snapped around, her jaw dropping. “Stop this truck.”

  Instead of slowing, he asked, “Shall I take that as a no?” as a grin spread over his handsome features.



  “Yes, I mean no.”

  Jace pursed his lips as though holding back another grin. “Your sense of humor isn’t quite as good as I remember.”

  “No? Try saying something remotely funny.”

  He made no further comment. Kelly glared at him for another few seconds before she sat back in the seat, expelled an angry breath and accepted her fate. It was surreal. To not see him for so long, then to suddenly be in the close confines of a pickup cab as they barreled into the darkness. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. His big hands on the wheel, his sharp jawline and those full lips caused an unwelcome need to stir deep in her belly, a need she hadn’t felt for over a year.

  She remembered everything: every touch, every erotic whisper, the teasing humor and the arguments over nothing that always ended with his lips on hers. Swallowing hard, Kelly inhaled deeply and turned away, fighting to clear her mind, hoping he couldn’t detect her body’s traitorous response.

  “So,” she said, clearing her throat, looking straight ahead, “I can’t imagine this tiny spot on the map holding any interest for you. Big celebrity. Small town. Why are you here?”

  For a few minutes, she thought he wasn’t going to answer her question.

  “I needed some downtime,” he finally said. “I have a friend who lives in the area, as you know, and this seemed to be as good a place as any.”

  “You buy an entire ranch to take a break?”

  He shrugged.

  “And you call me an idiot.”

  Obviously, he didn’t care to share his true intentions with her, which suited her just fine. She should be used to his lies and secrets by now.

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “What about me?”

  “Still in school?”


  So much had happened over the past year his question seemed strange. Her life had changed so radically it felt as though she was answering for someone else. The massive heart attack that had taken her grandfather had been sudden and devastating. Then the bank foreclosed on his farm, leaving Kelly and her younger brother to scramble for another place to live. And just when she thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, she’d discovered she was pregnant by a man who’d hidden his identity, then all but disappeared.

  That sobering thought assisted in her return to reality.

  “Why did you lie?” It came out a whisper. The question seemed to break free of her mouth, not waiting on her brain to give its permission. “Why did you think it necessary?” He’d wanted someone to share his bed while here visiting friends. She got that. But why lie about who he was? And why promise to call or come back if he’d known all along he wouldn’t?

  “What does it matter now?”

  “The truth always matters.”

  “I gave you a name. That should have been enough. If you’d known my true identity it would have made a difference in our relationship.”

  She stared at him in amazement. “Is it tough carrying around all that arrogance?” She shook her head.

  “It’s not arrogance,” he shot back. “If you’d realized who I was you would have—” He inhaled deeply and blew it out.

  “What? I would have what? Not thought of you as Jekyll and Hyde? Not known you would rather climb a
tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth? Not felt like I was being played? All of the above?”

  “You would have treated me differently.” Almost under his breath, he muttered, “They all do. And you were not being played. Ever.”

  “They all do? Who is they?”

  She saw his hand grip the steering wheel in a tight fist. “What I do for a living had nothing to do with us.” He glanced at her through the dim glow on the dash lights. “People hear my name and suddenly they can’t see me. I should have told you the truth, but I wanted you to know me, Kelly. I’m just a man. And I enjoy being seen as one instead of all the damned hype. I intended to explain when I got back here. I intended to tell you the truth.”

  “Really. Why? If, as you say, a name doesn’t matter, why bother?”

  She heard him expel a deep sigh. “You’re purposely twisting this around.”

  “I am?”

  She heard his huff of frustration.

  “We were two people who met and enjoyed being together. At least I enjoyed being with you. Why did it need to be more complicated than that? Or am I missing something?”

  Her eyes shot toward him. Had he really said that with a straight face? She couldn’t hold back a snort. “You do realize you’re trying to justify your deception?” The man wouldn’t recognize truth if it smacked him in the face. “Unbelievable.” She’d gotten her answer. She should have saved herself the trouble of asking. “At least I provided you and your friends with a good laugh.”

  Heat rolled up her neck at the thought of his wealthy friends laughing about his affair with a stupid country bumpkin. How easily she’d bought into his deception.

  “I never laughed.” His tone indicated surprise she would think that. He glanced at her, the hard masculine mouth pulled to a taut line, his eyebrows drown into a frown. “Our relationship wasn’t a joke. At least not to me. And I had every intention of coming back and talking to you. I’d hoped you would understand.”


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