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Lone Star Baby Bombshell

Page 12

by Lauren Canan

  “It’s making me crazy having you here, seeing you every day and never touching you.”

  Bending down, he placed his warm mouth against the very place under her ear he knew caused sweet shivers to run through her. She couldn’t repress a little cry as her eyes closed and her skin sizzled. Her hands came up against his granite chest and she felt the strong steady beat of his heart.

  “Kelly.” His intonation was so deep, so mesmerizing, he held her captive using nothing more than his voice.

  “You don’t play fair,” she murmured against his lips, which were so tantalizingly close. She sounded breathy to her own ears. “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? Admit it, Kelly. Say you want me and let’s stop this damned cat-and-mouse game.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Good. I don’t want you to think. Just go with your feelings.”

  With a small whimper, Kelly leaned forward, moving her lips even closer to his, seeking the pleasure she knew was there. Jace didn’t wait a full heartbeat before his mouth took hers, fiercely, deeply, his tongue filling every crevice. “Say it, Kelly,” he groaned, before kissing her again, intensely, with such passion she couldn’t have spoken had she wanted to. She heard him growl, and his mouth opened wider, hungrily, as though he couldn’t get enough.

  Kelly was lost. She couldn’t fight this. No one could. It was as though the power of the mythical god Zeus surged through him, proving that all the stories of his erotic escapades were true. Mere mortal women didn’t stand a chance. Jace’s arms came around her, pulling her closer to his hard frame. His arousal pressed against her belly, and like a branding iron, it singed her skin through her clothes, making sure she knew she was his. She couldn’t stop the small moan forming deep in her throat, but it was swallowed by his hungry mouth.

  His big hands slid under her hips, lifting her, pulling her tightly against him, making her feel his body’s reaction to her, his heavy thickness leaving no doubt what he wanted. She wanted the same. She needed to feel him against her core with shameless intensity.


  A distant voice broke into the moment.

  “Hey man, you in the gym?” The head trainer called out from the den, no doubt heading in their direction.

  Jace lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “Someday very soon, your luck is going to run out.” He stepped back and dropped his arms. “Yeah,” he called out to Lee, still holding her with his gaze.

  “I’ll make a deal with you, Kelly. Stop the damn Friday night smorgasbord and I’ll take care of the phone calls.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “That’s what answering your phone is about?” Jace saw her visiting with some of the ranch hands...and he was jealous? Jace Compton? The man wasn’t jealous of anyone or anything on the planet. He could have any woman he wanted. But the aroused hunk standing two feet in front of her appeared deadly serious. “They are just a few nice cowboys who—”

  “Who would take you to their bed in a heartbeat. You’re the mother of my child,” he snarled as if she didn’t know that.

  “And your point is?”

  Jace’s eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring with emotion. “If you need sex, you come to me.”

  He did not just say that. “I’ll tell you what, Compton. You hold your breath until that happens. See how that works for you.”

  With a last glare, Kelly turned and stomped to the door, colliding smack into the trainer as she rounded the corner. Only Lee’s quick reflexes kept her from falling on her butt.

  Her mind was blown. The very idea that Jace could ever be envious of the men on the ranch was just not believable. She was an employee in his house, which made her a convenience. That’s all it was. He needed to get out of the house for a few days. He needed to be reminded there was an entire world waiting for him outside the boundaries of this ranch and that world was filled with beautiful, desirable women who would do anything to be with him. To say he was a very potent package was an understatement. And the idea that he could be in any way jealous... It was too much to take in.

  It took a good part of the afternoon to push Jace’s antics in the gym out of her mind. With Henry napping and Mona there to watch him, Kelly finally went downstairs, gathered a can of cat food and a couple of apples, and headed for the barn. The need to make love with Jace again, to feel his hands and body work their magic, was eating her up inside. She might as well admit defeat. It didn’t matter what she felt for him, be it mere physical attraction or something more: he was dangerous. In every single way that mattered. And that enticing element, in itself, would be her undoing.

  * * *

  Wednesday evening Kelly had just settled Henry for the night when there was a knock on the door. One of the ranch hands stood on the porch, his hat in his hands. Kelly remembered meeting him the day she’d moved in.


  “Evening, Kelly. Are you busy?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I just put the baby to bed.”

  “They’re having a barn dance at the Bar H spread to celebrate the birth of their daughter. I was curious if you were going and if you might need a ride.”

  “No, I mean, I didn’t know anything about it. Shea and I haven’t talked in months.”

  “Well, I realize it’s late notice. I just found out about it myself. It’s only intended for the employees and family, but I remember you saying you and Shea were close. I doubt they will mind if you crash the party.”

  “Oh, I’d love to go,” she said, the idea of seeing her friend again immediately taking root. “But I don’t have anyone to keep my son. Unless...” Would Mona watch him for a couple of hours? “I can ask Mona if she’ll sit with the baby. How long did you plan to stay?”

  “That’s entirely up to you.”

  Stepping inside, she grabbed the cell off the kitchen counter and dialed Mona’s private line. She answered in two rings. After Kelly explained what she needed, Mona enthusiastically agreed.

  “I’ll bring Henry to the house in just a few minutes. Thank you, Mona.”

  Decker grinned when she told him she had a babysitter.

  “How about if I pick you up in front of the main house in about ten minutes?”


  It would be so great to see Shea again. They hadn’t had a chance to visit in far too long. Between Kelly working two jobs and having a new baby to care for and Shea and Alec spending the summer in Europe, the opportunity just hadn’t been there. She grabbed the baby bag, gathered a sleeping Henry in her arms and hurried to the main house, excitement at seeing her old friend quickening her steps.

  She didn’t see Jace as she climbed the stairs to Mona’s suite. In fact, she hadn’t seen him that day at all. She didn’t know if he had as yet met Shea and her husband but maybe he would like to go. Mona was waiting at the top of the stairs, her arms reaching out to take the baby into her arms.

  “Do you know where Jace is?”

  “He’s in Dallas talking with some people about a new film.”

  “Oh.” So much for that idea. “Okay then. I’ll see you later. Thanks so much for doing this, Mona.”

  Decker was waiting when she came back downstairs and they were on their way to the Bar H.

  “Wow,” Decker said as he turned his truck into the long, rambling driveway of Shea’s ranch. “That’s some house.”

  “Shea’s husband, Alec, is an architect and builder. Shea was devastated when her old ranch house burned down. Alec went over and above when he built their new home.” The sprawling three-story Victorian-style house with its turret towers and four chimneys peeking over the high roof was the talk of three counties.

  “I guess. Man.”

  They pulled into the designated parking area. Kelly heard the music and laughter as soon as she opened her door. The aroma of mesquite logs burning in the large grill tempted all to come and bring their plate.

  “I think I see Shea over there.” Decker
pointed to a huge oak tree. “Go ahead and say hello and I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Thanks, Decker.” Kelly raced to where Shea sat in a lawn chair.


  “Oh my gosh. Kelly!” Shea rose to her feet and the two friends embraced. “It’s so great to see you.”

  “Same here. You look so good.”

  “Let’s get you a chair. I want to know everything that’s been happening. How are Matt and Henry?”

  “They’re good.” Kelly grinned as she pulled a vacant chair next to Shea’s. “I’m so happy for you. Congratulations on your new baby.”

  “Thanks. I want you to see her before you leave.”

  “I would love to. How is Alec handling being the dad to a little girl?”

  Shea rolled her eyes. “She has him rolled around her little finger. You’d think she was the only baby girl ever born.” It was wonderful talking with Shea and the time passed much too quickly. Too soon it was time to go. But Shea wouldn’t let her leave without seeing her new baby.

  “Come meet Alexandra Christine.” Shea led the way across the yard and into the house. After a short tour of the magnificent home, they went up the staircase to the nursery where a sitter sat reading. Shea lifted the infant from the crib.

  “Oh, Shea. She’s beautiful. She looks just like you!”

  “That’s what Alec says. I’ve never seen a man go totally off the deep end over a baby. He hired a nurse for the first six weeks, then questioned everything she said or did. After a few days he decided he knew what his daughter needed better than she did. I think her leaving was by mutual agreement.”

  Kelly smiled but was suddenly struck with the hopelessness of her own situation. To have Jace always around every day to watch his son grow and develop into a fine man was a dream Kelly kept locked away deep inside. She’d long ago accepted it would never happen. But in moments like this, she couldn’t stop the hope from breaking free, only to have it wither and die in the chill of reality.

  “It’s so great we’re neighbors now,” Shea was saying. “You’ve gotta come over when you have time. Bring Henry.”

  Kelly nodded, not trusting her voice. If Shea noticed that she’d suddenly became quiet she said nothing. She just leaned over and gave Kelly a hug.

  Outside, Kelly easily spotted Decker. When she approached him, his grin faded and he frowned in concern. She tried to smile but Decker apparently sensed something was wrong and asked if she was ready to leave. Was she that transparent? Not good.

  “Thank you so much, Decker,” she said as they made their back to his truck.

  “No problem. I’m glad you got to see your friend.” Decker was a nice guy, and with his blond hair and good looks, he certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes. But he wasn’t Jace.

  She slipped from his truck and entered the house. Walking through the kitchen, she headed for the stairs, not bothering to turn on any lights. There was enough radiant light spilling into the house for her to see where she was going.

  Before she reached the room Mona had deemed as a temporary nursery, a dark shadow on the left moved toward her. Kelly barely held in a shriek.

  “Did you have a good night?”

  “Jace. You scared me.” What was he doing standing in a darkened hallway? “Yes. I did, thank you.”

  She moved forward but Jace stepped in front of her, blocking her way. Through the dim glow of the night-light Mona insisted on having at the top of the stairs, she could see he was dressed in only a pair of old jeans. And he wasn’t smiling.

  “I wasn’t aware you were dating anyone.”

  Did he really have any right to know if she was or wasn’t? How rude would it be to just keep walking?

  She shrugged. “I’m not.” She gave him that much and tried to step around him, wanting to get Henry and go to her cabin. Jace again blocked her way.

  “That’s not what it looked like to me.”

  Oh, here we go. Mr. Macho was back.

  “You don’t consider going out with Decker a date?” Jace continued.

  “He gave me a ride to the Bar H,” she explained, forcing her voice to remain calm. “Shea just had her baby a couple of weeks ago. Their ranch crew honored her and her husband with a party. They had a barbecue. It wasn’t a date. And you weren’t here. I asked Mona, thinking you might like to go. Do you know Shea and her husband, Alec?” No answer. “Do you know their ranch hands?” No answer. She’d take bets he was clenching his teeth.

  Again she attempted to step to the side and continue on her way. And again, Jace blocked her path.

  “Decker has a reputation, Kelly.”

  “So do you.” She was starting to get angry.

  “Did he kiss you?”

  She glared at him, refusing to answer.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, before meeting her gaze across the short space that separated them. “Do you think about us, Kelly? About those three weeks when we first met?” he asked in a low, husky tone.

  Her heart increased in tempo. If only he knew.


  “Do you ever think about the time we spent together?”

  “I... Jace, don’t do this.” She shook her head. Her emotions were already raw, splintered. After seeing Shea’s baby and again facing the reality of her own situation, she felt as if she’d been pulled inside out, every nerve in her body scraped raw. Before her stood the man who had given her the world. Then taken it away.

  “I think about it,” he said as though needing her to know.

  Something inside her snapped. “Then why didn’t you call?” The unfairness suddenly overwhelmed her and she almost screamed the words as she blinked back angry tears. “Why didn’t you come back? I will not be a convenience, Jace. I’ll never again be simply a diversion to relieve some rich man’s boredom. Now please let me by.”

  “You were never just a diversion. Dammit, Kelly.”

  He pulled her hard against him, his hot mouth coming down over hers. For a few seconds, she fought to be free of his arms, pushing against his wide shoulders, crying on the inside as she fought the overwhelming need to embrace him.

  This was Jace. This was the man she loved. His lips, his scent, his voice, the feel of his powerful arms holding her firmly but gently, was what she’d longed for all those many months. This was the never-ending dream that came to her on those nights when she was too weak to push it away.

  With a small desperate whimper of defeat, she gave in to her weakness, clutched the front of his shirt and opened her lips, letting him in. She kissed him back with an urgency propelled by the torturous need that had ripped at her soul for so many months. No longer held in check, the bittersweet memories pummeled the last remaining bits of her resolve. She gloried in his kiss once again, warmed by the heat of his body, his hard erection pressing against her stomach. His hungry mouth devoured hers as he pulled her closer. She felt his heart beating as fast as her own as his tongue explored the recesses of her mouth, enticing hers to do the same. His hands moved to cup her face, holding her to his, and she heard him moan.

  He swept her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom and kicked the door closed behind them. Not breaking the kiss, Jace set her down next to the bed and made quick work removing her blouse. She absently felt him remove her bra, felt the cool air on her skin as his hands cupped her, squeezing gently, his thumbs playing across the sensitive nubs, making them harden under his touch. Bending down, he took one firm nipple into his mouth, sucking gently. Kelly moaned at the exquisite pleasure. Her back arched, her breasts swelled under his touch. He moved to the other breast, giving it the same attention. She heard the faint sound of a zipper being opened and her jeans were pushed down and over her hips. Then his mouth returned to hers and Kelly became lost in the sensation, in the gut-wrenching need overtaking her. Fisting her hands in his hair, she held on as the room began to spin. She felt a floating sensation, and then absently realized she was in his bed, covers thrown back, her jeans tugged from her legs.
/>   He used his knee to ease her legs apart, and then settled on top of her. His hard erection pushed almost painfully, urgently against her core. His breath was hot against her skin as he kissed her neck, slowly moving to her ear, nipping and kissing her jaw before returning to her mouth.

  A white-hot flow of heat coursed through her body, building into an unrelenting fire at the apex of her thighs. Her need reached a frantic level as she twisted, trying to adjust her position and take him inside. He was breathing hard as his lips and tongue continued to feed, the sheer heat of his mouth making her want to embrace him, to give in to what they both wanted.

  Kelly was out of her mind. Her hips arched against him, conveying her need. She wanted to feel more of Jace. Inside her. Filling her.

  * * *

  Jace unzipped his jeans and let them fall. He felt a long-forgotten tingle at the base of his spine and knew he had to get inside her, fast. She was so damned hot he was going to lose it. Grabbing some protection from the drawer in his nightstand, he quickly put it in place. With Kelly, it had always been like this: a raw, gripping, almost unquenchable need that made them frantic in their actions to unite as one. With one hand, he tested her, two fingers pressed inside, eliciting a soft moan.

  “Are you ready for me, Kelly?” he murmured against her ear.

  Her body arched against his hand, silently conveying her need. With the pulse hammering in his veins he covered her, positioned his shaft at her core and experienced that tingle again, this time radiating up his spine, splintering his mind. Any illusions that he could take it slow went up in flames as he pushed his heavy length inside, filling her...

  Sweat broke out on Jace’s forehead and he knew taking this easy was not going to happen. With a rough growl, he pushed still deeper, unable to completely absorb the almost painful pleasure of the throbbing heat that encased him.

  “Are you okay?”

  She gave a partial nod and pulled his mouth back to hers.

  As he began to move, she moaned, biting his lower lip, her hands gripping his back, attempting to hold him to her, expressing the same intense need that ran through him. His lips covered hers, his tongue filling her, simulating what was happening below.


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