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This Just In... (Harlequin Superromance)

Page 13

by Jennifer Mckenzie

  It was a testament to how long the day had been that he considered it. But then his phone would start ringing and if he didn’t answer someone would come to his house to find out why. And that would be worse than just dealing with the situation now. “It’s fine. I’ll handle them.” But he didn’t let go of her hand.

  He listened while Mrs. Long complained about the theft from her vegetable garden. Noah thought the birds and other small animals that lived in the forest behind her yard were the most likely culprits. But sometimes it was as much about being heard as finding a solution. Mrs. Long was a widow and lived alone on the edge of town. She probably just needed someone to drop by and have a visit. He promised to come by next week and take a look at the garden in person. And maybe talk to his mom to see if there weren’t some services that Mrs. Long could take advantage of.

  He felt less inclined to be patient with Jack Burns who wanted to complain about the tourists on Trout Lake, a popular fishing spot twenty minutes out of town. As though Noah could personally patrol and prevent anyone with a valid fishing license from using the spot. But he listened until Jack ran out of steam and stood, huffing and puffing, like a bear drunk on honey, though in this case it was honey lager. Noah could smell the hoppy fumes drifting off him and made a mental note to make sure Jack had a ride home.

  The pair finally left, satisfied with Noah’s handling of their cases, but he could see the eyes of others watching. All of them wanting or needing something.

  Sabrina tugged his hand, this time leading him away from the dance floor and lights. “Let’s go. You’ve been on duty long enough.”

  “I’m always on duty.” A truth he didn’t always see. But today had made it so painfully, blatantly obvious that anyone would notice. Even him.

  “Not tonight. I’m taking you home.”

  But she’d been enjoying herself. The festival, the music, the almost dancing. He didn’t want to take that away from her. “Did you want to stay? I’m fine.”

  He faced her and the concerned look in her eyes almost undid him. She wasn’t thinking about herself. She was only thinking of him. It had been a long time since someone had looked at him like that. “No. I want to go home. With you.” Sabrina cupped his face and rose on her toes. Her kiss was hard, strong. The meaning clear. “Take me home, Noah.”

  Take her home and forget all about the things constantly tugging and pulling at him. He practically carried her out of there in his haste.


  SABRINA COULDN’T KEEP her hands to herself. She found herself running her hand over Noah’s knee, up his thigh, along his biceps. Brushing her fingers along his hairline, around his ear. Finally. Touching him completely. As if she’d been waiting for this moment for weeks. Which maybe she had.

  Noah shot her a heated look. One that made her sizzle from the inside out. She put her hand back on his thigh, slid it a little higher. She’d have been happy to continue her upward trajectory, have a little fun on the ten-minute drive, but Noah quelled her with a hand, capturing her fingers in his.

  “Wait.” He raised her fingers to her lips, kissed lightly. “I want to touch you, too.”

  And the sizzle turned to a flame that made her wonder if she was going to melt right here on his seat. Just a puddle of white dress, red boots and burning hormones. If her city friends could see her now. Decked out like a small-town girl, no heels or smoky eye makeup in sight. Hair loose and tumbling, in dire need of a trim and shaping. Ready to make out with the mayor in full view of anyone who might look.

  Even once he let go of her hand, navigating the truck around a series of corners that led to the center of town and their shared house, his touch lingered. A memory of what had been and what was to come.

  Sabrina put her hand back on his leg, allowing her fingers to dance over his knee, never going any higher than mid-thigh. Simply wanting to create the same kind of hunger in him, instill an equal desire until he let go of his perfect Mr. Mayor persona and took her.

  It worked. Because by the time he pulled into the garage, he was breathing hard and he didn’t even let her get out of the truck before he dragged her against him and kissed her until her breath was gone.

  Oh, yes. Her stomach muscles tightened, sucked in as she pressed into him. Thank God for bench seats and gear shifts on steering wheels. She slipped one leg over him, straddling him. He stroked the side of her neck, lighting up the nerve endings before he ran his tongue along the same spot. Her body practically sang.

  He flipped open the door, letting the cool night air in. It did nothing to stem the fire burning through her blood or slow the beating of her heart. She was pretty sure Noah felt the same since his hands tightened on her, touching her everywhere, fingers slipping under the neckline of her pretty white dress and stroking the skin beneath while his tongue traced a trail down her neck.

  So worth coming home for.

  Sabrina wriggled her hips closer, plucked the hat off his head and placed it on the seat she’d vacated so she could drag her fingers through his golden hair as his concerted and determined touch made her head fall back to catch her breath. He played her quietly, carefully and so beautifully. As though he knew just where to place his finger, his mouth, his leg to draw the greatest pleasure out of her. The edge of the steering wheel jammed into her back. She didn’t care. It could fuse to her skin as long as Noah kept touching her.

  A finger curving over the slope of her breast, toying with the lacy edge of her bra. A tongue pressing to her collarbone, teasing its way across to the dip at the heart of her throat. Her fingers gripped his head more tightly.

  “Mmm. Nice.” His breath left a hot trail across her skin. Better than nice.

  She lifted her head and looked at him. He smiled. A soft, secret smile. One that spoke of the many delightful ideas he had planned for her.


  Sabrina hesitated. Going inside would lead to more of what they’d started, this thoughtful, careful touching. He’d slowly tug the sleeves of her dress over her shoulders, unhook her bra, slide the garments from her body and lower her onto the bed so gently that she’d barely feel the landing. Pleasurable as that would be—more than pleasurable—she wanted something else. Like what they’d had that night on the porch when Noah’s eyes had darkened and flared, his tight rein on control bending and then breaking.

  “No.” She rubbed against him. She wanted him unleashed, wanted him to let go of that strict restraint and just feel. She tugged the sleeves of her dress down until they slid off her shoulders. She was rewarded with the sight of his eyes darkening, his fingers gripping her waist to settle her more firmly on his lap. A shaft of pleasure ricocheted through her. Yes. Right here.

  She leaned forward, sucked on his bottom lip, nibbling and tasting, pushing his boundaries. Slowly at first, then more aggressively. The shoulders of her dress slipped a little farther down her arms. She felt his fingers hook into the sleeves and tug, dragging them the rest of the way and exposing the cups of her lacy bra. She pulled her arms free of the constraints, watching the way his eyes flicked lower.

  Sabrina arched her back, offering herself, encouraging with her body. His breathing increased, his chest rising and falling faster with every inhale as he palmed a breast in each hand. Her nipples hardened, begged for more when he stroked a thumb across one then the other. When he lowered his mouth to follow the same path, she almost ripped the bra off herself.

  Her own composure, the desire to tease him until he couldn’t think, began to slide. She sucked in some cool night air, hoping it might clear her head. Allow her to regain some semblance of control. It didn’t work.

  Sabrina arched further, giving more of herself. Heard the growl in his throat, felt the rumble of it go through her as he took more, sucking harder and causing a strong pulse that tugged through her body.

  She wanted to mark him, mess up that prop
er and tidy facade. Wanted him to think about nothing but here and now. He shifted his attention to her other breast. So fair, Mr. Mayor. Always making sure no one was left out.

  She dug her fingers into his scalp as lust made her body quake. She shut her eyes, trying to maintain a hold on her thoughts. It was a losing battle. Even when she squeezed her lids tight, thought about her lost job, the lack of contact from the city, she just couldn’t find it within herself to care. Not with Noah’s relentless battering of her defense. Steadily, like a general on a battlefield, he wore down her guard, broke through the citadel she’d installed, until she clung to him, begging him with more than her body to finish her. “Please.”

  Just please. Finish what he’d started, ease the ache deep inside her and then she would take care of him the way he deserved.

  “Please, Noah.” It was more of a strangled gasp this time, the steering wheel and Noah’s hands the only things keeping her semi-upright.

  “Not here.” He swept her out of the truck, kicking the door shut with his boot. Sabrina barely noticed how they made it up the driveway and inside the house. Didn’t care. Not when Noah was slamming the door shut behind them, pushing her against it. The quiet darkness of the entry, serene and cool juxtaposed with the rasp of their breath, heightened her senses.

  The hardness of his strong shoulders. The flex of muscle under her fingers. The hot wetness of his mouth on hers.

  She slipped her hand inside the collar of his shirt and yanked, hearing the sound of shredded thread followed by the bounce and clink of buttons bouncing against the hardwood floor.

  “You ripped my shirt.” There was a hint of awe in his voice. As if no one had ever before dared to invite him out of his self-created containment. Maybe no one had.

  Sabrina lifted her head to look at him. “Does that matter?”

  Noah met her gaze, still and quiet. She smiled when she saw the heat of desire in his eyes. No, it didn’t matter. Not even a little.

  She pushed the shirt off his shoulders, running her fingers across his chest and the smattering of hair there, then followed the same path with her tongue. His fingers tangled in her hair, holding on to her. A sense of power flowed through her. Power and trust. He could easily stop her at any moment, but he allowed her to continue, let her nudge and cajole him over to the dark side.

  “Sabrina.” Her name was a growl on his lips. His breathing sharpened and Sabrina could hear the pounding of his heart as she worked her way down his chest. She grew warm at the thought that she was the one pushing him to the edge, couldn’t wait to push him over.

  He gripped her upper arms, tugged her back to standing and pushed her against the door. Even the cool wood couldn’t stem the tide of heat flooding her system when he curved his fingers in the tops of her bra.

  Oh, my. Oh, yes. She kept her feet under her by holding on to Noah. His shoulders so wide and strong that she could imagine them carrying the weight of the world without bending. She wanted to feel them, to feel him. She fumbled with the shoulders of his shirt, again, shoving it down his arms. Her nipples budded against the brush of his knuckles as with one sharp pull he ripped her bra down, unveiling her breasts to his gaze. The air around them heated.

  Sabrina flattened her palms against the door, bracing herself for whatever Noah might do next. What she prayed he would do. The door could hold them, right? Well, only one way to find out. She flicked a glance at him, beckoning him with her eyes. Right here, right now.

  Noah lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth. His hot tongue swept across it once, twice, then slowed to roll. Oh, God. Pure pleasure shot to her core. She nearly passed out from bliss. She was so ready. So, so ready.

  She lifted a leg, wrapped it around him, inviting him to see for himself. He didn’t need a second invitation. He shoved her skirt up, his fingers smoothing up the inside of her thigh, cupping her heat. “Oh,” Sabrina said again.

  Then she didn’t say anything, just let her head thunk against the door as he delved under the edge of her underwear, removing the barrier of lace and silk until there was nothing between his hand and her. Noah’s hands were magic. So was his tongue. She’d insist it be gilded for posterity if that didn’t mean he could never lick her again.

  He brought her right to the edge, stripping off her dress and undergarments until she wore nothing but her red boots and a smile. Who knew Mr. Mayor had it in him?

  “Please,” Sabrina managed, her fingers digging into his shoulders. The door had been useless, letting her slide halfway to the floor while Noah worshipped her body. She’d grabbed him and held on for dear life. “Just. Now.”

  He slowed, looking up at her. His shirt was gone, lying in a crumpled heap somewhere on the floor, his hair mussed from its usually smooth style. He looked good enough to eat and Sabrina planned to. “No.”

  “Yes.” If she had to throw him on the floor and ride him cowgirl style? Well, she was totally up for that. And so was he, she knew.

  “No.” He shook his head and stood up. So controlled, he was practically shaking with it. What must it be like to curb all impulse, to place the needs of others before your own and to deny those emotions that cried to be released? Exhausting. Good thing she wasn’t like that.

  A drip of sweat ran down his chest, along the ridged muscles of his abdomen. Sabrina dipped her head and licked it off him. Yum.

  “Sabrina.” Noah’s voice was scratchy.

  She licked him again, liking the feel of his body flexing and clenching beneath her mouth. She opened the top button of his jeans and slid the zipper down. He groaned but didn’t stop her.

  There now. Wasn’t this better? She certainly thought so. She smiled when he sucked in a deep breath as she worked his jeans and underwear over his hips.

  “Seriously,” he said. His hands ran over her back, smoothing and stroking. Sabrina didn’t pause. There was no way he could possibly want to stop. His body language said otherwise. “Not like this.”

  “Like what?” She stroked a finger up the length of him once and then back down, gratified by the wheeze in his lungs. Wasn’t so sure now, was he? Then she took him in her mouth using her tongue to feel every inch.

  “Holy mother of—” Noah’s hands stopped stroking, gripped her head, his fingers tangling and pulling the long strands. Sabrina didn’t care. She so didn’t care.

  She sucked and rolled her tongue around him. He moaned above her. Her entire body flamed at the sound. This was much better than her fantasy. And why had they waited all these weeks?

  And then he stopped her, using what she assumed must be superhuman willpower to back away and pull her to her feet. “Not here. Bedroom.”

  “Noah—” But whatever complaint she might have mustered was lost in the whirl of being picked up, lifted as if she weighed nothing and carried to her front door. For that alone the man deserved the ride of his life.

  He’d managed to find her keys somehow and opened her door. They tumbled inside, a tangle of naked need and arms and legs until they reached her bedroom and the call of the mattress awaiting them.

  Sabrina had been trying to drive him mad, to make him lose some of that much vaunted control, but somewhere along the way she’d lost her own, as well. All she wanted was Noah. Now. Everything and everyone else could wait.

  “I wanted to take this slow,” Noah said, looming over her on the bed. “Take my time.”

  “I like this,” she told him, grabbing for the box of condoms she’d placed in her nightstand after their porch encounter. She stroked him with her hand, enjoying the feel of the velvety skin beneath her hand and the hiss of breath from Noah. She didn’t want the controlled, never-rattled Mr. Mayor. She wanted him mussed and messy and not mayorly at all. “Let go, Noah.”

  Another drop of sweat trickled down his chest. She stretched up to follow the trail, her hand still stroking.

/>   “Sabrina.”

  “Let go,” she told him again. She rolled the condom on for him, then stretched out on the bed and spread her legs. He stood before her so tall and proud and hard. His eyes flicked down her body, up to her face, what he wanted warring with what he thought he should do. She made the decision for him.

  There would be plenty of time to take it slow later. Plenty of time for him to worship her body however he wanted. But she needed him to take her now. She reached out and guided him inside her. He exhaled, low and slow, lowering himself on top of her. His forehead pressed to hers and she could feel the sheen of sweat there. But he was still so careful, bracing his arms around her so he didn’t put any of his weight on her, letting her adjust to him.

  Sabrina was tired of waiting. She grabbed his shoulders to anchor herself, then rounded her hips so he was fully sheathed. A small sigh escaped her lips. Yes.

  He hissed her name through his teeth. His jaw clenched, muscles rigid. He hung on by a thread. One thin thread that Sabrina relished snapping. She tilted her hips upward, cradling him more firmly while her body opened around him. She wanted him. All of him. Now.

  But Noah remained above her, holding himself just slightly apart. His arms propping his weight off her, that control still firmly in place. She wriggled against him, rubbing her nipples against his chest. He shuddered at her touch, but didn’t break as he began to move. Slow and sweet. His body rocking gently into hers.

  The friction created a lovely little buzz that Sabrina knew she could get off on. It would be gentle lovemaking full of polite orgasms and gasps that would never be heard outside this room. He’d make sure she came at least twice before letting himself do the same. She’d be sated afterward and they’d cuddle, murmuring soft words of gratitude. But this wasn’t about her. It was about them.

  Delicate shivers began to radiate through her as Noah continued his slow, thoughtful strokes designed to give her maximum pleasure. Lovely as it was, she was looking for something else. And there would be nothing thoughtful or slow about it.


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