The Shelter, Book 4: The New World
Page 33
“Tony, this was a bad call. I know you thought you were doing the right thing, but not on the day he Governor is visiting us. You could be starting the war in our front yard. I really hope your expert misses.”
“He rarely misses, I called the best I knew.”
“Damn, damn…Damn! Tony, please try to forget your old life. We have to try settling issues by talking them through, we can’t go around killing everyone we disagree with. What kind of society would we have?”
“A better one than the current one.”
“I pray your expert fails. We don’t want, or need the Army attacking us on the eve of the…whatever else is happening.”
“You’re pissed at me aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. I’m also disappointed you went behind my back to do this. Don't consider this the end of our friendship, we need you here. I won’t ask who else was involved. I’m not sure I want to know who else had a hand in this. I don’t think there’s any need for you to stay for breakfast. You should spend the time recalling your expert.”
The Shelter Book 5, “War” is copyright 2016, Ira J. Tabankin
The Shelter Book 5, War will be published in April 2016.
Other books by the author available on Amazon Kindle
37 Miles (Revised Edition)
37 Miles, Book 2, Patty’s Journey
My Story
A History Lesson (Short story)
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 1
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 2
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 3
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 4
2015 Second American Civil War, Book 5
By the Light of the Moon, Book 1
By the Light of the Moon Book 2
By the Light of the Moon Book 3
By the Light of the Moon Book 4 (Coming late Summer 2016)
Christmas Eve
The Shelter, Book 1, The Beginning
The Shelter, Book 2, A Long Day’s Night
The Shelter, Book 3, The Aftermath
The Shelter, Book 4, The New World.
The Shelter, Book 5, War, (Coming April 2016)
In the Year 2050, America’s Religious Civil War
In the Year 2050, Book 2, The world Burns, (Coming Spring 2016)
The Impeachment of President Obama
Silent Death
The Third World War (Coming February 2016)
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