Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 5

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Well that didn’t go well.” He said holding me close to him. The pain subsiding again with him near me.

  He was so strong, too strong. “Owe, your not helping.” His grip too tight around my shoulders.

  “Oh sorry.” Loosening up his grip.

  “What the hell? You lift weights everyday? Or are you on roids?” Rubbing my now sore arms.

  “Your welcome.” He said smirking briefly before turning away from me. “Damn it. We might as well be chained together.” Stalking around the room.

  Taking a cell phone out of his pocket, “Yeah it’s me. I’m calling in that favor you owe me. I’ll email you the details on what I need. Yeah. As in yesterday.” Hanging up, “I have to go to my office and get my lap top. If you don’t want to be writhing in pain I suggest you follow.” Turning and walking out the door, I quickly followed. I felt like a dog that had been brow beat and now I’m tucking my tail between my legs and following like a good little soldier. I hated this as much as he did. If not more than he does. His office was just as big as the bedroom. Book cases lining the walls, overflowing with books. In the middle of the room sat a big wooden desk, a black leather chair pushed up behind it. Sitting down in a chair that was over by the book case I swung my leg up on the arm of the chair, while he did his thing. Trying to stay out of his way but needing some space at the same time. Grabbing a book from the shelf I thumbed absently through it.

  Several minutes had passed when he snapped shut the lap top. Looking around suspiciously. I knew that look. Standing up I threw the book on the chair, unsure of what to do. Opening a drawer in his desk he removed several knives sticking them in his boot. Closing the heavy curtains, the room went dark. Running to the fire place, he grabbed a sword from over top of the mantle. Without saying a word, he grabbed my hand pushing me behind the desk and into the corner of the room. “Blane. What is it?” I asked getting panicked. A couple days ago I didn’t think my problems could get any worse. Now I wonder why I was ever stupid enough to have thoughts such as those. Things can always get worse.

  “Shh.” He said putting his finger up to his lips, walking to the door and standing behind it. He looked lethal at that moment. I was glad he was the one protecting me, rather than coming after me. I had the feeling this guy, or shall I say angel, always gets the job done. Sinking to the floor I tried to melt into the shadows as much as possible. The door opened and when the light from the hall flooded half of the room a creature that can only be described as coming from my worst nightmares walked in.

  This creature was a little taller than the last ones we encountered. Red, scaly skin with red eyes, he was absolutely hideous. Before the demon had even a minute to react, Blane was behind him with the sword to his neck. “Are you the only one?”

  The demon laughed and Blane took his head immediately. Diverting my eyes, I threw my hands over them. I don’t care if I looked like a completely wussy girl at this moment. It was gross, and I didn’t want to see any more. I didn’t want any of this anymore. I didn’t want these abilities, and I didn’t want demons and bad people hunting me down, and I didn’t want strapped to Blane anymore. He was making me feel things I didn’t want to feel. The only result of that infatuation was going to be heartache. I wanted to cry and I wanted to scream all at the same time. Tears were rolling down my cheeks but I refused to make a sound. Not in front of Blane. Anyone but him. He was beside me again, this time sitting right next to me.

  “Don’t cry angel girl. I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  Turning my head and looking at the opposite wall, “I’m not crying.” Wiping the tears from my cheeks with the sleeves of my sweater.

  “Sometimes it’s okay to break down. You don’t have to be proud around me. I have seen it all.” He said putting his hand to my face, pushing my hair behind my ear. “Are you good now?”

  Biting back the sobs, and drying my tears. “Yeah, I’m good. Minor meltdown. Won’t happen again.”

  “I don’t mind meltdowns. Just don’t have them when we are in the midst of a crisis. After the crisis, you can do what you want.”

  Smiling, “Deal.”

  Standing up, “Well I gotta get rid of this body and I can’t take you so, that leaves me with calling in another favor. I hate these type of demons, I have to dispose of them properly, since they are full of diseases.”

  I didn’t want to ask. Walking to the other end of the room, I couldn’t really hear anything he said on the phone. I just sat in that corner wallowing in misery.

  Sliding his phone back into his pocket. “Well angel girl, looks like your gonna get to test your question.” Sitting on the edge of the desk, a man materialized in front of Blane. Another angel, it had to be. He was just as tall as Blane. They looked similar in many ways, this angel had long sandy blond hair tied back at the nape of his neck. He wore black suit pants and a nice button down shirt. He was gorgeous. A different kind of handsome from Blane.

  Looking down at the floor behind him, “Really Blane? Your calling me for such a menial task? I’m a newer angel but I don’t rank this low. Speaking of calling, you know the High Council frowns on us interacting too much. What is so important that you risk a phone call instead of our usual ways of communicating?”

  “I know you’re better than this Gabriel. She is the reason I can’t leave.” Blane said pointing in my direction.

  Sliding up the wall and standing up on two wobbly legs, “Hi. Carma.” I said raising a hand briefly.

  “Okay, I get it. She’s totally hot. However, I still don’t get why you can’t dump the body yourself.”

  Blane didn’t like another angel calling her hot. She is not his to ogle over. This pissed him off more than he liked.

  “Listen. It’s a long story, but she is my assignment and I can’t leave her under any circumstances, and we both know I can’t teleport with her.”

  “Bloody hell. Fine. You owe me.”

  “Wait a second. I want to check something. Do you feel anything from him Carma?”

  Shaking my head, “No, nothing.”

  Maybe just maybe he has the same affect on her. Acting as a shield. It sure would make his life easier if he could leave her with a “babysitter” once in a while.

  “You want to see if he has the same affect on you also?” Letting her make the decision if she wanted to deal with the colossal amount of pain or not.

  Gabriel looking between the two of them like they had grown two heads. “Um, anyone want to tell the new angel what is going on?”

  “Okay, lets try it.” Gripping my hands on the side of the desk I watched Blane walk out into the hall way and take that last step back. Nothing. I felt nothing.

  “Nothing Blane. He is the same way.” I said in disbelief.

  Blane stepping back in pleased, but irritated at the same time. Although, it did make his life easier he still wanted to stay with her every second. Not trusting anyone else to protect her. Sighing, he knew he was the only angel on this earth strong enough to go to hell and figure out who is giving the orders to come after Carma.

  “After you get rid of the body Gabriel I need you to come back to protect Carma. I have something I need to do.”

  Looking over at her and smiling, “Sure no problem. I would love to.” Gabriel said a little to happily.

  Gabriel was looking at me like I was lunch. I didn’t need my empath abilities to pick up on that. “What! Your leaving? You said you would never leave me.” Now panicked. I didn’t want Gabriel. I wanted Blane. Blane I already know is a total bad ass. Pretty boy angel I didn’t trust could save his own ass, let a lone mine to.

  Blane sighed, looking over at Gabriel. “Dump the body and come back.”

  Gabriel nodded his head, “Be back in five.”

  “Blane?” I said walking over to him. He had that look on his face like his mind was already made up. “I don’t want to stay with Gabriel. I don’t know him.” I said trying desperately not to sound too clingy.

ough, this pleases a part of me. You didn’t know me not to long ago. I wouldn’t leave you with him if I wasn’t certain that he could protect you. I will hurry.” He said, trying his best to reassure her.

  “Where are you going?” I said, leaning on the side of his desk.

  “I will tell you of anything I learn when I get back.” Knowing if he told her she would only argue with him. He did not have time to argue.

  Gabriel flashed in behind him, looking exhilarated.

  “Come. Both of you.” Blane said walking out of the door.

  Following him, we climbed down the stairs and went through several other rooms until we reached another library. Standing back while Blane messed with a book shelf, he moved it out from the wall revealing a metal sliding door. Opening the door, it revealed long steps going deep down into the earth. Gabriel looked back at me one eyebrow cocked up in a silent “what the fuck” moment, making me giggle.

  Blane looked back at both of us, “Something funny?” Displeased that in such a short time Gabriel and Carma shared something that he had no knowledge of.

  “No. Is this necessary Blane? I already told you that I would protect the human.” Gabriel said shifting from one foot to the other.

  “Carma, the name is Carma. You angels have a short memory? Or are you calling me human just to annoy me?”

  They both passed looks at each other before ignoring my statement completely.

  “I do not know how powerful these demons are that are hunting her. The basement has been warded against many species. As far as the humans hunting her, they will have a harder time finding this room.” He said striding past Gabriel and grabbing my arm, pulling me forward and away from Gabriel.

  “I can protect her just fine Blane.” Gabriel said, his ego wounded.

  “You can against many, but not all. You are still to young.” Hearing no further argument from the younger angel. Following him down the steps he didn’t let go of my arm until we reached a small room. It was sparse, only containing a chair and a table with blankets piled up on them.

  Leading me to the chair, he turned to Gabriel still not breaking his hold. With no abilities at the moment I was able to notice other things instead of concentrating on controlling the pain. The musky scent of his cologne, the slight curve of his lips when I say something that amuses him. The way his jet black hair is perfect, not one hair out of place. Styled in a way that the front of his bangs swerved up and out of his face, he didn’t look old. He looked fashionable. Like he was one of us, only not. He was far too attractive to be human. Now I notice when I’m around him, he is always shielding me. The way he tries to act like he doesn’t care, his actions always showing me otherwise. Mostly, the way my pulse picks up when he touches me or looks at me for long periods of time. Making my head foggy each time.

  “Gabriel, do not leave her for one second while I am gone.” He barked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  Gabriel was standing, legs apart and hands relaxed down his sides.

  “Relax Blane. I got this.” He said walking over to me and slumping an arm around my shoulder.

  Blane took a deep breath and reminded himself that he most especially couldn’t kill another angel. Before Blane could object to Gabriel touching her, Carma slumped away from him.

  “No touching pretty boy.” I said displeased with this arrangement. Gabriel didn’t look happy but put both hands up in surrender.

  “Pretty boy. That’s a new one, but I’ll take it.” Smiling widely at me, like it was a compliment.

  Rolling my eyes, “Are you positive you have to go Blane?”

  “I’m hurt human.” Gabriel said holding his hand to his chest.

  “I’m sure.” Laughing this time at his attempt at humor.

  Blane wanted to hurt Gabriel. He didn’t like that feeling. He’s always liked the young angel. He didn’t like however, the way he was interested in Carma.

  “I have to go at once. I will be back soon.” He said flashing out in an instant before my eyes. Hearing the door shut at the top of the stairs.

  Chapter Five

  Sitting down in the chair and looking up at Gabriel, “Now what?”

  Gabriel standing silently with his arms now crossed in front of him. “Well, I could always take you away from this shack and bring you back to my castle, and call you my own.” He said looking at me with a slight smirk on his face.

  “Shack?” Laughing. “If this is your idea of a shack I’d like to see your idea of a castle.” I said before thinking. “Oh, and no. I’m fine here.”

  Grinning, “It’s to bad, you are a headstrong little human. You would bring me much amusement. Not to mention how beautiful you are. I have never seen a human more striking.” Reaching out running his finger down my cheek before I pulled away.

  “My name is Carma pretty boy, and I said no touching.” Looking up at him defiantly.

  “Ah yes. How could I forget such a request. I so rarely hear it from a female.” Now pacing back and fourth in front of me.

  “I don’t mean to insult you. I just don’t like anyone touching me.” Trying my best to not offend the person who is protecting my life at this moment in time.

  “Ah yes, but you let Blane touch you. If I remember correctly, you didn’t even flinch when he did so. Not like you do when I touch you.”

  Looking down nervously, playing with the end of my shirt, “Look I’m just saying, it’s nothing personal. Lets just drop it.”

  Smirking at me again, “So, I do have a chance. I will hold out hope human.” Smiling at me again while he paces.

  I didn’t want him thinking that. I just didn’t want him thinking about me at all. “You know for future reference, when your trying to get with a girl, don’t refer to her as human all the time. We do have names.”

  Laughing, “Ah it is such a shame I can’t have you for myself Carma. Your attitude, mixed with your beauty would keep me enraptured for many a days.”

  “Days? Wow, your such a Romeo.” I said sarcastically staring at the brick wall instead.

  Laughing again, “I offend you, human. I pay you compliments and I still displease you. You are just making me want you more.”

  Taking my eyes from the old, damp brick wall I stared at Gabriel still pacing. “Look can we talk about something else? How long have you been an angel?” Still sounding weird coming out of my mouth.

  Stopping and looking at me, “Not very long. A few hundred years, if that.”

  Looking at him astonished, “You call that a young angel? I hate to see how long is considered an old angel.” More to myself than him.

  “Blane, is an older angel. Powerful, fearless. He shouldn’t even be earth bound.” He said shaking his head before continuing his pacing. I could see the admiration in his eyes for him.

  “You respect Blane.”

  “Yes human. I do. That is the only thing keeping me from having you for myself.” He said winking at me, smiling. “I can see why he is going to such lengths to protect you.”

  “Lengths? What lengths is he going to?” Standing up and walking in front of him.

  “Nothing. I just meant he will do all in his power to protect you.” Smiling at me before he found another route to pace in.

  He knew more than what he was saying, that was obvious. It was one thing having two angels risking their life to protect me, it was quite another having them go seek out trouble on my behalf. It made me uneasy. I didn’t like owing anyone. As it is, I owe Blane everything right now. Sighing, and leaning back we stared at each other for a few seconds before I broke eye contact again. Looking back at him again. “You don’t look very ready for an attack.” Eying him up and down in his business attire.

  Smirking at me, he un-tucked his shirt and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Lifting it up I was confronted with wash board abs and about half a dozen knives strapped around his stomach. Tucking his shirt back into his pants, he lifted up his pant legs and had several strapped to his leg.

  Clearing my throat,
“I stand corrected. No guns?”

  “We are not allowed to kill humans and guns don’t work against demons. Therefor they are useless to us.”

  “I see.”

  Gabriel stopped in his tracks looking around. I knew that look and dread filled me, nailing my feet to the floor.

  Yanking open his shirt and pulling knives out in each hand he stood at a ready position looking around the room. “Get behind that table.”

  Willing my legs to work again, I quickly ran behind the table and knelt down. Grabbing a short metal pipe that lay on the floor beside me. You could hear water dripping in the far corners of the basement it was so quiet. Gabriel looked deadly turning in a circle, both knives at the ready. Materializing right behind him, was the biggest, ugliest creature I have seen yet. While Gabriel stood a little over 6 foot, this creature towered over him easily. “Gabriel!” I screamed, right when he turned the creature took one arm and back handed him, sending him flying across the room with little to no exertion. Gabriel didn’t even have any time to react.

  Walking towards me with long strides, I knew I was a goner. Sending the table I was behind flying, breaking against the wall. Standing up, I didn’t want to die on my knees, cowering. I’m not so stupid to think I could actually put up a good fight to this monstrosity, but I was determined to go down fighting. Just when he was a mere breath away from me, Blane suddenly appeared in front of me. Sword in hand, in one swift motion he beheaded the creature. Falling to his knees, he coughed up blood. “Blane!” I screamed in confusion. To much has happened in the last minute, my mind was in turmoil. Dropping my poor excuse for a weapon, it clattered loudly on the ground. Crouching down next to Blane, he fell into my lap. Looking across the room Gabriel was working on sitting up against the wall, breathing heavily. “Are you alright Gabriel?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine. Although my ego is wounded.” He said coughing.

  “Something is wrong with Blane. He is bleeding, but I didn’t see the creature touch him.” I said holding on tightly to him while he lay still in my arms, his eyes now closed.


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