Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 6

by Jennifer Anderson


  “What?” I asked now borderline hysterical.

  “It was demon, not a creature. A very powerful demon.” He corrected me.

  Shaking my head, I hardly cared. “Is he going to be alright?” I asked, not willing to let go of my protector. It scared me seeing him like this. My perception of him being invincible, now shattered.

  “He is an angel, his human body will heal faster than what you are used to as a human.” He said struggling to stand up.

  “How long?” Looking down at Blane, heart stricken. I had grown to care about this angel too much and too fast. Cuts running down his cheek, it did nothing to detract from his inhuman beauty. He was still the most gorgeous being I had ever laid eyes on.

  Limping over to me, “I don’t see you holding me, being all concerned.” This time I wasn’t embarrassed or concerned about what he thought.

  “Oh, get over yourself. Blane is hurt, and your upright and talking. So your fine.”

  Smiling and shaking his head, “Lucky guy.”


  “Nothing.” Limping over, and slinging Blane’s arm around his neck, he started up the steps, Blanes feet dragging as he went. “Come. If he’s in pain, he might as well be comfortable while doing so.”

  Reaching the top of the stairs he removed several locks, and punched in some code before the door finally opened up.

  “I thought you were a demon ass kicker. What happened?”

  “That wasn’t your run of the mill ordinary demon, sweetheart. I don’t know what you did, or how much power you have, but you have the worst of the worst after you.” He said, confirming my worst nightmare.

  Sighing, for some reason this didn’t surprise me. Trudging up to the second floor, he continued on to the third.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Blane’s room. He will be better armed in his own room.”

  Coming to a door, he concentrated really hard before opening it. Looking as we walked in, it had half a dozen locks and a number lock at the top.

  “He’s not going to be happy about this.” Gabriel chuckled before laying him down onto a huge bed.

  Looking around the room, it looked exceptional, but normal at the same time. It was a confusing mixture of personal items and items that looked like he was going to war.

  The bed was enormous, with black silk sheets. The curtains were black and the room was completely dark. I had no idea what time it was. My eyes searching the room, the clock said it was nine p.m. “What is he not going to be happy about?” Trying to stay focused.

  “You. Being in his room. Me. Being in his room. No one comes in his room.” Walking towards the door.

  “Wait. Where are you going?” Turning, looking at him. His fancy shirt torn, walking with a limp.

  “Oh sweetheart, miss me already?” Asking with a hopeful look on his face.

  “Very funny.”

  “I have my own assignment to worry about. If you need me, just call. I’m sure it’ll be a little while before another attack. The other demons probably assume the last one got a hold of you. It’ll be some time before they realize that the last demon is dead.” Turning and walking again, hand on the door.

  “A little while? Exactly how long is a little while?” Hoping for years, months, hell even days.

  Looking up thoughtfully, “I’d say hours, a day if you’re lucky.”

  “Fantastic.” Sitting on the bed next to Blane.


  Now annoyed, “Yes human?”

  “Is there anything I can do to help him with the pain?”

  “No. Anything else?”

  “No.” Shaking my head.

  He shut the door still inside with us, locking each one.

  “I bid you farewell.” He said inclining his head before disappearing.

  “Wait. How do I call you?” I asked to late.

  A voice ringing through the room, “Just say my name.”

  “Should have known.” Looking around, creeped out now. Spotting a door in the corner, I walked over to it hoping it was a bathroom. Opening the door gently, now scared anything could pop out I was confronted with a huge bathroom. Flipping on the light, in the corner was a hot tub and sitting next to it was a standing shower and then all the other usual things you would need. Impressed, I walked to the sink wetting a washcloth to clean his face, and possibly look for any other wounds that might need cleaned. Looking under the sink in the cabinets coming across a basin. Filling it up with warm water I made my way back into his bedroom.

  Sitting down next to him, he didn’t move a muscle and I was starting to wonder when he was going to wake up. What was he doing to get so injured? Wiping his face clean, there was absolutely no evidence left of the cuts. His face now smooth, and him being out I really got a chance to study him. Strong jaw line. His skin now paler than usual, dark eyelashes, perfect jet black hair. So many handsome, perfect features. It was hard not to just sit and stare at him for hours. Shaking my head to snap out of my single minded focus, I started to try and lift his shirt. Unfortunately, it was so coated in blood that it was sticking to his skin. Afraid of wounds needed treated I started to look around for scissors, knife, anything. Patting down his leg, I found one tucked in his sock. Unsheathing it, I slowly cut open his shirt. He was covered in dried blood, dipping down below his pants. Wetting the wash cloth I meticulously started cleaning him up, slowly revealing very defined, very hard muscles. Working my way up his washboard abs, I found a few nasty gashes that I cleaned the best I could. Continuing my way up to his pecks I slowly uncovered his intricate tattoo that ran up his shoulder and stopped before it hit his bicep.

  Getting up to empty the basin, I stumbled when I was hit with an emotion of pain. It wasn’t strong enough to send myself reeling in misery, just strong enough for me to take notice. Looking back at Blane I was confused. Dumping the water out, I quickly made my way back to his bedside. It was Blane that I was feeling the pain from. Why am I feeling his emotions now? I felt pain, misery, and pride. Running a fresh wash cloth across his forehead I laid it there staring at this mystifying man. I don’t like it, but I care about him. I don’t want him in pain, especially on my behalf.

  Sighing, and stripping my now dirty sweater off to my tank top, I wasn’t willing to leave him a lone for a second. Even if it was for a much needed shower. Leaning down, I unstrung my combat boots longing for a nice beautiful pair of heels instead. Careful not to jostle him, I laid carefully down beside him. Pulling a blanket up over top both of us, it wasn’t long before my exhaustion won out.

  . . . . . .

  He didn’t know what woke him, the wind picking up outside, his body knitting itself back together, or the warm body laying next to him. He still felt like he had been ran over, but her head on his shoulder made him soon forget. He could smell the scent of strawberries coming from her long hair, strands laying across his chest. Her chest pushing up against his ribs every time she breathed in. He couldn’t remember the last time he laid down with a female. He preferred not to, their bodies to fragile. Refusing to have any sort of attachment. Human women were too needy, and attachment’s form too fast after sex. Lifting up one strand from his chest, it was just a soft as he imagined. Softer even. He wondered what it would feel like to actually run his whole hand through it, to fist it when kissing her. Dropping the strand, he couldn’t let those thoughts run away with him. He couldn’t get distracted. Looking down at her again, knowing she was the worst kind of distraction. Head strong, defiant, a pain in the ass. Shaking his head, she was also the most stunning female he had ever seen. Enough to even rival the female angels. He knew it wasn’t all in his head when he seen Gabriel’s reaction to her. Still now, sending his blood boiling. She was also proud, strong, and caring. She reminded him of the calm before a storm. She was intriguing. Intriguing makes him uneasy. The secrets that he saw looking into her eyes, made him uneasy. He didn’t get uneasy, until now. She fit a little to nicely in his arms.
br />   For the first time in years the thoughts of getting intimate with a human assaulted him. Although it was frowned upon, the High Council never do anything about it. Just as long as that is where it ends. To have a relationship is forbidden. He knew other angels dipped in that pool many times, he never heard of any trying for a relationship however. The laws were laid in stone, never to be trifled with.

  His mind coming back to the matter at hand. She had other abilities, that he was sure of. He heard enough talking in hell to know more than one demon is interested in her. From the top of the rung, to the bottom. The bottom feeders are interested in any human soul. The top is only interested in the most powerful and useful of souls. If he was unsure coming back, he wasn’t now after taking the head of the demon in his basement. Running his fingers down his abdomen where he took a claw, only hours ago. It made sense now why the High Council picked him, the most powerful earth bound angel. Still, I’m protecting her against an army. Inadvertently pulling her in closer to his side. Did she know she had other abilities? He knew the answer to that question. He could tell from day one she was hiding something from him. Her reasoning in doing so, he had no idea. She had trust issues, that was obvious. A lot of humans do, her more so. However, he couldn’t dance around the subject any longer, he had to know exactly all the variables he was dealing with.

  Taking a deep breath, he started to shake her awake. “Carma.” He whispered regretting instantly having to do so.

  Startled, my eyes snapped open and I sat straight up reaching for the knife on the night stand.

  “Easy angel girl. It’s only me.” Blane said smirking at the reaction of a fighter.

  “Blane! Oh my God! Are you alright?” Laying back down beside him, trying to slow down my now speeding heart. The fear still vibrating through me.

  “I will be. I am almost healed.”

  My abilities now gone again. Wondering if it had anything to do with his injuries. “Where the hell did you go?” I said smacking his arm sitting up next to him again.

  Looking up at her in disbelief, he couldn’t believe she had the nerve to smack him.

  “Don’t do that to me again. I was so scared.” Now reaching down to hug him. “I’m so glad you are alright. I was so worried.” Pulling back to a sitting position again. His arms never reaching back around me. I didn’t care. I was just happy he was alive and on the way to being well again.

  Startled by first the smack and then the hug, he wasn’t quite sure what to say in that moment. She was such a strange combination of a human.

  Uneasy of the silence, “Why did you leave me with pretty boy? He got his ass whooped in zero point two seconds Blane.”

  Forcing himself in a sitting position, he didn’t like how vulnerable he was laying down. “Speaking of that angel girl. You have some explaining to do.”

  Shifting uneasy, “What do you mean?”

  “Would you mind explaining to me why the most powerful demons are after you? And before you lie to me again, I know there is more to it than having just strong empath abilities. So, don’t insult me by lying to me again.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Answer my question first.” Blane said.

  He now sat there, his arms crossed in front of his solid mass of muscles. His perfect hair tousled everywhere. He made it hard to concentrate on the question at hand.

  “Fine.” Turning away from him and putting my feet on the floor, I stared at the door. I couldn’t believe I was about to tell him this. I have never told anyone. Fairly certain my life depended on it. Now even more so. “I can discern lies.” My voice cracking as I said this.

  Looking back, Blane’s eyes was closed and he was cussing under his breath. I was fairly sure I was completely screwed at that moment. “So, how much trouble am I in for?”

  Between clenched teeth, “Anything more I need to know about?”

  “Isn’t that enough?” Pulling my hair back into a tight pony tail. Fidgeting with anything I could get my hands on.

  “Oh it’s more than enough. Still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense why the most elite demons are on our tail.” No point in making sense of any of it. They decide they want something, then all sense goes out the window.

  “I’m not going to make it through this alive am I?” I asked turning towards him, tears burning behind my eyes. Still refusing to cry in front of him. Never wanting to show weakness. If I am to die, I’ll do it with as much dignity as possible.

  He didn’t like the thought of never seeing her again, of this human ceasing to exist. “Not on my clock angel girl.” He said mustering up the best smile he had.

  “As much as that eases the pain, you can’t protect me forever.” Now letting the depression wash over me in waves. Distracted by his warm smile.

  “Your forgetting. It’s not forever. You have 80 more years at most to live. That is a drop in the bucket for my kind.”

  “I know that’s supposed to make me feel better, but it really didn’t.” I said unable to stop the laugh that escaped out of me. It sounded more of an hysterical half laugh, half sob.

  Sucking up his pride, he reached out and pulled her down next to him, holding her in his embrace.

  I loved having his arms around me. Never knowing what it felt like just being with someone so gentle, and dangerous at the same time. Being next to that person, held by them without the pain that came along with it. The only pain I felt at this moment was my own aching heart. “Blane?”


  “I don’t want to be some knife wielding eighty year old elderly person fighting off demons in a nursing home.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying if there is no hope for me, I don’t want you wasting your time, and your life protecting me.” Now more worried about him, than myself. I didn’t like anyone putting themselves in harms way for me. As a child, my foster parents would think I was ridiculous if someone were to even stomp on a bug in front of me. I would cry and have a melt down unlike no other. Maybe it was my abilities that made me more empathetic towards any living soul, maybe it was just me. I don’t know, but I’d rather be dead and gone than have any other soul feel an ounce of pain that was meant to be for me. Before I thought he was an unshakable angel, unable to be hurt or feel pain. I was wrong. The rules have changed and my mind was made up. This wonderful man slash angel wasn’t going to stick his neck out for me. I would leave him when the time is right. I would bare the pain and die in dignity.

  “Carma, you are my assignment. I will protect you until my assignment is complete. I never turn my back on a job.”

  That stung. I didn’t want to be an assignment. That fact was even more unbearable than at the hands of a demon. I was falling for this unattainable man. The first time where I thought I was falling for someone was in high school. That fact was thrown back into my face when I figured out it was all a ploy to get down my pants. Then again, right after high school. He was handsome, charismatic, smooth talking and about six months later I found out very much married. I should have known sooner. I just didn’t ask the right questions. He never felt guilt around me. A true testament to how much of a dog that guy was. Cheating on his wife and kids, never feeling the least bit guilty. Looking up at Blane, he was obviously the cream of the crop. Overwhelmingly handsome, powerful, strong, motivated, proud, the list goes on and on. If I wasn’t so busy staying alive, I probably would have noticed my growing feelings sooner. Not being able to gauge anything from him was a blessing and a curse at the same time. Wanting to know how he feels, but having the perfection of him shielding everyone’s feelings from me, including his own. Such a double edged sword. Only feeling what he is feeling when he was injured. I decided at that moment that I should probably tell him that also.

  “Blane?” His arms still held tight around me, almost painfully. I didn’t care. Just as long as he didn’t crush any ribs, I was happy where I was at.


  “Although my abilities were mild, t
hey came back briefly while you were injured. Any thoughts as to why?”

  “They did? Were you able to get anything from me?” Hoping she would say no.

  “Pain, a lot of pain.”

  Sighing and nodding his head. “My powers were not at their strongest. That is probably why you were able to pick it up from me. Now that my powers are almost completely back, they are more than likely acting as a shield again.”

  “I see.” Holding tight to his warm body, enjoying these few fleeting moments.

  “I did not hurt you did I?” The concern in his voice obvious.

  “No, it did not hurt. I was just worried about you.”

  “There is no need to worry Carma, it takes a lot to kill an angel. Even an earth bound one. Almost impossible.”

  “Almost impossible, is still to much in the possible range.”

  “Let me worry about things. Just stick to me and you’ll be fine.” He said as much to himself as he did to her.

  “Well then don’t leave me with pretty boy anymore.” I said grateful that he stuck his neck out, but he wasn’t Blane.

  His grip tightening, “Owe. What the hell.” I said rubbing my arms.

  “Sorry.” Loosening up his grip. “I forget how fragile you humans are sometimes. Why do you call him pretty boy? Are you that attracted to his looks?” His nerves now grinding.

  “Oh, no. No. No. Are you kidding? No.” I said stammering out my response.

  Smiling now, “Then why?”

  “It isn’t meant to be a compliment. He just dresses really nice, and seems like he puts in a lot of time in his looks. He is handsome don’t get me wrong. He just looks high maintenance. That, and I said it to annoy him.”

  “You think Gabriel is handsome?” His anger churning back up again.

  “Well yeah, he’s handsome. Not my type but, he is handsome. I’m sure all angels are beautiful.”

  Relaxing a bit, “Do you think I am handsome then?” Staring down at the top of her head, the strawberry scent still assaulting his senses.

  “Well, duh.” It wasn’t the most charming retort I could think of, but it was all I had.


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