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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

Page 15

by Jennifer Anderson

  Coming to, my head was killing me and my arms hurt. My vision blurred, I tried focusing on the environment surrounding me. It was cold and damp and I could hear water dripping. Not what I imagined hell to be like. I expected hotter, with fire. I imagined that would come in time. Trying to move my arms, my wrists were clamped down with chains above my head to the cold stone wall. My feet were wide apart, clamped down to the rocky floor. I was scared to say anything, to mutter in pain. Knowing once they knew I was awake whatever demon, or demons would be on me like a pack of wolves. My body shaking either from shock, or from the cold, maybe both.

  Looking down at what remained of my clothes, they were tattered. I remember putting up a fight, but I assumed most of them were gone for their amusement. I should have felt ashamed, standing in nothing but my bra and panties, shreds of clothes hanging off of me. However, I didn’t. The only thing I was feeling at that moment was anger.

  “Ah my little empath is awake. What a prize you are.” A man said walking in.

  He was dressed in a fancy, black business suit. His hair was long and jet black, with red streaks going through it. He had dark eyes, to dark and they made me want to look away. Anywhere but in that deep cesspool. He looked human, but not.

  “Kiss my ass demon.” I said, lifting my chin up. If I was going to die, I was going out fighting.

  “Oh, now. I might save that for later.” He said walking slowly over to me, lifting my chin up to look at him.

  “I’ll die first.” Adverting my eyes in a different direction.

  “You are mine now love. I can do with you what I want.”

  Leaning in, taking his tongue and running it up my neck. There it was again, the bile raising in my throat. I don’t know what it was, fear maybe? My body always has such a violet reaction around demons. If I could have I would have kneed him in the groin, not caring what kind of punishment I got.

  Pulling away, “You smell like him. Like Blane.” His eyebrow went up in concentration. “This may be more fun than I initially thought.”

  Licking his lips and pressing in on me, he kissed my neck.

  “I think I might just have to put my scent on you. To look into Blane’s eyes when he realizes that you now belong to a demon.”

  “I belong to no one, especially you.” It was half the truth. I belonged to Blane and I didn’t mind.

  Taking his hand, he ran it across my cheek pulling my hair back out of my face. “You are even more beautiful than I could have imagined my little empath.” Kissing my neck now. “You know you could make it easier on yourself and just take me willingly. I would keep the beatings to a minimum if you satisfied me. I may even make you my queen. You are quite stunning. You would make a good addition to my females. You could go straight to the top.”

  Turning my head, trying to get away from him, “When hell freezes over. And I’m not your angel.” I spat. Before I knew what happened my head was thrown against the wall and my cheek was welling up in a bruise.

  Taking his handkerchief out and rubbing his knuckles off, “You should really mind your tongue. I would hate to scar that pretty little face of yours.”

  My eye was tearing up from the explosion of pain coming from my cheek. I had never been hit by a man, or demon alike before. I can say it was even worse than I could ever have imagined.

  “If you think you’re going to get allegiance from me by knocking me around, your more of an idiot than I thought.”

  The side of my head hit the stone again and this time I could feel blood trickle down from my lip. That hit was so hard that my vision wavered for a couple seconds afterward. Now he was using his handkerchief to wipe my blood off of his knuckles.

  “Like I said Carma, you could become a great asset to me. I tend to be more gentle to my assets. I don’t plan on killing you, rather using your abilities of discerning lies to disarm my enemies. However, if you decide not to cooperate I will have no problem killing you. Even torturing you before I do.”

  “What would make you think that I would ever help you?”

  Getting close to my face again, “Maybe, I’ll kill Blane faster if you do. I won’t put him through near the torture you will feel if you don’t help me.”

  Ouch, now that hit me where it hurt. Looking at him, I knew it wasn’t wise to make deals with demons. I knew Blane would come after me, most likely he would find me and he would die for his efforts. Even if I could save his life, Blane wouldn’t quit until either he was dead, or the demon was dead. Any deals probably wouldn’t matter. Still, something to keep in the back of my head.

  “I see indecision in your face love. I’ll take that as progress.” Kissing me on the cheek now. “You are so beautiful, my demon lovers are not going to like you being more attractive than them. You better pray to that God of yours that they don’t find you. Maybe I’ll be a little more prone to helping you if you help me.” Putting his hand on my waist, making my skin crawl.” Now how long am I going to have to fight with you to make you see my side?”

  “I could never be with you.” This time punching me in the stomach, I was unable to double over in pain. Panting for air now, I found it hard to breath.

  “I can’t keep hitting your face, your to beautiful to scar it up so soon. I would like to admire your beauty first.”

  “You’re one sick fuck, ya know that?” Turning my head and closing my eyes, waiting for the next blow.

  Laughing, “I’ll let that one slide, since you amuse me so. See, I’m not so bad after all.” Putting his hand now on my arm, rubbing downward until his hand was on my waist again. Whispering in my ear, “When Blane comes I want my scent on your body. I want to see his eyes turn from defiance, to terror and fear.” Flicking my ear with his tongue, my blood ran cold.

  “I’d rather die.” I breathed out, pains shooting down my ribs. I was pretty sure I had a couple of them broke.

  “I assure you, you will be begging me to die if you resist.” His mouth crushed against mine, and the pain was unbearable. The tears were streaming down my face and when he forced his tongue in my mouth, it felt like I was drinking acid. My mouth started to burn and he stumbled away, choking.

  Looking up at me, “Interesting. So, the rumors are true. Well, that ruins my initial plans but the possibilities are endless.”

  He clapped his hands together, quite amused with himself. I was even more confused than before. However, I was just thankful that he stopped kissing me.

  “Well I will have to be satisfied with what I can do.” He said, stepping forward again, grabbing at me and rubbing up against me.

  Jerking desperately out of his grasp, I spit in his face and he jerked back in pain again. Wiping it from his face. Walking towards me again, he looked pissed. Figuring now that I had crossed that line that maybe he would kill me. I’d rather be killed than to have his demon hands pawing me. Balling his fist, this time it came across my forehead, this one didn’t hurt quite as much probably because my face was now numb. Blood trickling in my eye, I fought to see through it, to anticipate the next blow.

  “You touch her again and not only will I kill you, I will make you suffer for it.”

  Looking up, Blane was standing across the room and even though I didn’t want to see him die, I couldn’t be happier at that moment.

  Laughing, “Blane, you know you cannot defeat me. Why would you even try? The only earth bound angel that can defeat me is Alexander. Last time I checked, you weren’t him.”

  Reaching into the back of his leather jacket, he pulled out a sword.

  Laughing again, “Is that all you got angel?”

  Blane’s jacket and shirt melted away, and my vision zeroed in on his muscular arms that only hours ago I was wrapped up in. Shaking my head, I thought I had passed out. Coming out from his back was enormous wings, taking up the entire width of the stone room. A brilliant white, with silver and blue weaving through them, he was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

  The demon stumbled back, “What? How?”

/>   “It seems we are more evenly matched now.”

  “You cannot have the girl.” The demon said knives appearing in his hands now.

  My head was so heavy and aching, the pain in my ribs hitting me in waves. I didn’t know how much longer I could stay conscious. I didn’t want to lose myself in that black hole. I wanted to focus on Blane. Their movements were faster than my eyes could track when I heard the clanking of steel. My hair blowing back from the blur of Blane’s wings. The demon acted scared. That gave me hope.

  Just when I was sure I was going to pass out, I heard a blood curdling scream. The constant blur of movements stopped, and Blane was standing over the demon with his sword in his gut. In one swift move he pulled it out, and took it down across his neck. Looking away quickly I wheezed in a breath, coughing in pain.

  Rushing over to me and putting his hand to my cheek, “Carma, are you alright?” Blane asked with concern in his voice.

  My vision become more and more hazy. Coughing, “I think he broke my ribs.” I sputtered out in pain. Reaching above me he ripped the chain out of the wall with little trouble, unlatching the cuff. The next chain broke free and I fell into his arms and then he undid the last two on my feet. Lifting me up in his arms, he cradled me against him gently.

  “You’re going to be alright. I’ll take care of you.” Walking out of that dark foreboding room he was running with me, faster than any human could manage. I could hear what sounded like a dozen feet speeding behind us.

  “Blane?” I whispered in fear.

  “It’s alright. I won’t let them hurt you.”

  Coming into what looked like a huge dungeon, he lifted us up off the ground, his wings flapping we went through a window that looked recently broken, and we were now outside of the crushing rocks. The air getting fresher and fresher, the further we moved away.

  “Your wings. So beautiful.” I said before my world went black.

  I came to, screaming in pain. It felt like my bones were being pushed back in place. Opening up my eyes, Blane was staring down at me.

  “You’re going to be alright Carma. Just breath.”

  Breathing in and out slowly, the pain started to subside. “Blane, I’m…”

  “One thing at a time.” Interrupting me. “Now, I got your ribs healed the best as I can. All my powers are back, but I have never excelled in healing. They are going to be sore, and you will need rest.” Putting ice to my cheek, he kept diverting his gaze from mine.

  “Your wings. Will you be leaving soon?” Trying to catch his gaze unsuccessfully.

  “Soon.” Now keeping busy, checking my legs for wounds. Still not looking at me, “You smell like him. Did he rape you?” He asked with pain in his voice.

  “No.” I could actually see his body relax, his wings curling in at the points. Choosing to leave out the parts where he kissed me and somehow I hurt him when he did so.

  “But, he touched you.”


  “Why did you leave?” Swinging his gaze to me, finally making eye contact.

  “I didn’t want to. You have to believe me.” I begged him, desperate to get that look of pain out of his eyes.

  “I don’t know what to believe.” His tone as hard as steel.

  “I just didn’t want you killed. I thought if I left, then you would never find me and you would go on, living.”

  “You have got to be kidding me Carma.” Standing and kicking the chair out from under him.

  Oh yeah, he was pissed.

  “What part of you are my assignment don’t you understand?” Emphasizing the word “my.”

  Assignment, not exactly the word I wanted to hear after making love multiple times. It hurt, worse than any pain I was feeling in my head, or ribs. I wanted to cry, scream and yell at him all at the same time. Didn’t he see? Didn’t he know the reason I left? Is this angel that dense? Turning my head and looking at the double doors going out onto the balcony. The locks sliding shut before my eyes. Now there was an added addition of a number key pad also. “So what? Now I’m your prisoner?” I asked hurt.

  “I do it to keep you safe angel girl. I let my guard down and you got hurt, and seconds away from being raped. Excuse me if I don’t let it happen again.”

  This was the first time I had ever heard him without a doubt be sarcastic. If I wasn’t so hurt I would have enjoyed it more.

  “You just don’t have a clue.” Trying to keep the hurt out of my voice.

  “Fill me in then.” I could feel him standing over me, his massive wings throwing shadows across the room.

  “It doesn’t matter. You’ll be leaving soon.” This time my voice didn’t falter. I knew I was fighting a losing battle. He was going to leave and they would send another to protect me. Always under a watchful eye.

  “If it doesn’t matter, then why won’t you look at me?” He asked pursuing answers. Answers I didn’t want to give.

  Did he not know, looking at him made me feel worse? Made the situation feel more hopeless. “Thank you for saving my life, again.”

  I could feel the bed press down beside my hip, what was left of the tatters of my clothes were replaced by a soft pink night gown that went to just above my knees. “Thank you.”

  “Why are you so closed up?” He asked.

  Looking at him, his face that was mad only seconds ago, had turned concerned again.

  “Probably because my whole life I was different, a freak. Always hiding who I am. Never feeling safe enough to reveal who I am, what I am. The first time I am able to do so, that person is leaving.” Looking at him, to proud to cry.

  “I don’t have a choice, if I did….”

  “If you did what?”

  Shaking his head, “I don’t have a choice. When Alexander comes to retrieve me, I will have to go.”

  “Case closed I guess.” My face hurting, my head aching, my heart shattering. I just wanted to fall into a coma. To not feel any of the pain.

  Leaning down, he kissed me on the forehead. “Sleep now angel girl. I will fight to stay as long as I can.”

  My eyes getting heavy, “Promise me.” I felt drugged all of a sudden, weird feeling.

  “Promise. Now sleep.”

  Those were the last words I heard before I fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted every moment I had left, spent with Blane.

  That dream came to me again, the same one I have always had. It made me feel so sad and lonely, like this time I was feeling what that dark angel was feeling. Everything he was feeling, not just bits and pieces. Such sadness, and heart ache magnified. I wanted out of the dream, for the first time I didn’t want to stay and see if I could see more, find out more. I wanted out. Trying to claw out of my head, my subconscious.

  Waking up, I sat up screaming at the top of my lungs. Making my throat feel like knives were grinding down it, my ribs aching in pain. Blane was seated beside me on the bed, his back resting against the head board. Sliding closer to me he put his arm around me, his massive wings came around engulfing us both. It was strange, yet lovely.

  “Did you have that dream again?”

  “Yes, this time it was worse. I was feeling all of his emotions, it felt like it was just to much for my body to handle. He was in so much pain and torment. The helplessness he was feeling was suffocating.” Getting the experience off my chest in between my heavy breathing.

  Leaning back with me onto the bed, he wrapped me up in his arms, his wings still around me. Turning on my side, I could feel how soft they were under my skin. Looking at them above me, I was starting to feel relaxed again, safe. “Do you mind?” Asking him as I gazed up at them.

  “It’s you, so I don’t mind.” No angel liked their wings being touched, it was usually a sign of disrespect. To touch another angels wings would cross a forbidden boundary. You just didn’t do it. Holding in his breath, her fingers gently stroked across them and up and down the tendons. His body relaxed, and it felt good.

  “They are so soft, beautiful.” Whispe
ring, and smiling up into his face.

  “Thank you.”

  It was bittersweet. I loved seeing him with his wings, he was so handsome and it made him look even more bad ass. However, I didn’t like what came along with them. Him leaving just wasn’t a prospect that my brain wanted to process. Dropping my hand and placing it on his strong stomach. “Why don’t I feel any emotions from the demons?” I asked, the question nagging at my mind.

  “I suspect they can shield themselves from you also. Demons never want anyone to appear vulnerable, therefor they do not reveal their true intentions, in any form.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  “You are incredibly brave Carma. I only begun to understand what you did when I realized if the roles were reversed I would have done the same thing, to save you. Don’t take my understanding for acceptance, however. I am still very much pissed about it, and you are not getting out of my eye sight for a second.”

  Sighing, “Well if you’re not taken soon, you will have to sleep eventually.” I said catty, trying to regain any sort of upper hand. Truth was, I had no intentions of leaving his side. Not ever if I was given the opportunity.

  “That is where you are wrong Carma. My full powers are back, I do not need to sleep anymore. There is no need to recharge this body anymore, I am fully me again.”

  “Oh.” Yeah that was all I could think to say. Never being able to sleep, could you imagine? “What else has changed?”

  “Everything, nothing.”

  There he goes again, being all cryptic again. Couldn’t he tell I was in no mood for such evasive answers? Running my fingers up his stomach onto his chest he looked down on me with hooded eyes. Pulling me up to his lips, he kissed me briefly before pulling away. Looking at me with fire in his eyes.

  “He kissed you.”


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