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Corpsman and the Nerd

Page 9

by Grady, D. R.

  “Yeah, my business partner and the man who is currently taking care of my son and dog.”

  “You’ve reproduced?” KC heard the amusement in Janine’s words and sent her a mock quelling look.

  “No, my brother did, but he’s a loser. No, that’s not fair. He’s unreliable, and gave me his not even week old son. I’ve had Ryan ever since.”

  “Ah. So you’re a mom, but you didn’t have any of the fun getting there.” Janine nodded.

  “Well, motherhood is fun. Frustrating and infuriating sometimes too, but definitely fun.”

  Janine stared at her for a moment before turning back to her footlocker. “I’m going for dinner, want to come?”

  “Yes. Goodness knows you have to be hungry to eat this slop, and I’m there now.”

  “I’m with you, girlfriend,” Janine said and they exchanged cheeky grins before making their way to the mess hall. After they ate, mystery meat with dubious side dishes, they sauntered back across the grounds to their quarters.

  A delivery truck arrived and KC received her first package, much to her delight. Mitch and Lainy Monahan, the return address read. A small thrill coursed through her.

  “You got a package?” Janine hefted one too.

  “Yes. From Max’s sister.”

  “You’re pretty close to his family then?”

  “Oh, yeah. He’s my best friend.”


  “Mitch, Lainy’s husband, was over here for a year. She took in his dog while he was deployed.”

  “How long had they known each other before he left?” She heard a note of interest in Janine’s voice.

  “Not at all. They didn’t meet until she e-mailed about having his dog.”

  “Really? And they’re married now?”

  “Yep. Once he came home, it didn’t take them long to tie the knot. She’s pregnant already. And they’re both so excited and happy the emotions and displays of love are nearly sickening.”

  “I see,” Janine said, and KC caught the speculative look she sent.


  “Wishing for that for yourself?” A wistful tone KC recognized now mingled in Janine’s voice.

  “I suppose, but I’d never steal Lainy’s happiness. She’s a nerd, and waited a long time for someone like Mitch to come along.”

  “A nerd?”

  “By her own proclamation.”

  “What’s she do?”

  “She’s an electronics expert.”

  “Oh? An engineer?”

  “No. Well, yes, I think she has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and a few masters in mathematics and physics, I think Max said.”

  “Is Max that smart?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s got an MBA, but I think he also holds a Ph.D. in business something or other. He doesn’t use the title Doctor or anything, but I wouldn’t doubt he’s earned it. He’s utterly brilliant too.”

  Janine sent her another speculative look, but before KC could ask her about it, they reached their tent. KC was too eager to see what her package contained to wonder what Janine was currently thinking.

  She could worm the information out of her friend later. After she discovered what Mitch and Lainy had sent. Normally, she figured only Lainy would have a hand in the package contents, but Mitch had been here, so she doubted he left the job entirely up to Lainy.

  Ripping off the tape was a satisfying endeavor and she heard Janine do the same. They looked at each other and laughed. KC had needed the satisfaction of ripping that tape. And she figured Janine must have felt the same.

  She delved into the Styrofoam peanuts and came up with – a huge container of cookies. “Oh, yeah,” she said with a sigh, and tore the lid off. The decadent scent of sugar and frosting wafted up to her. Janine stopped tugging items out of her package to come investigate the cookie container with her.

  “Oh, KC, these are wonderful.” Janine took another bite and breathed deeply. KC followed her actions, loving the scent and taste of the cookie as it nearly melted in her mouth.

  “I was hoping someone in the Morrison family would send me these!”

  “I already love this family,” Janine uttered, and closed her eyes as she savored the next bite.

  “There are a lot of them to love.” KC grinned. They each selected another of the treats.

  “Big family?” Janine worked on her second cookie.

  KC nodded, since her mouth was full. They ate in silence. KC enjoyed the quiet camaraderie she shared with this woman who had so quickly become a close friend.

  Eventually they returned to their packages. KC discovered a DVD entitled Lainy Cooking. Intrigued, she delved further into the box and found a note.

  Hello KC,

  I won’t ask whether it’s hot there, since I remember very well! Here’s a DVD, one of the Morrison Family Treasures I received while in Kuwait. I really enjoyed this one and thought you might too. The entire family is together here.

  I thought you might like to relive how they act when they’re at the lake. Lainy included some brownies, since this video will make you hungry for them. I’m sorry in advance for that. And, you’ll want to have already eaten before you watch. Otherwise...well, you’ll understand once you see the video.

  Hope things are going well for you. I’m certainly not going to volunteer to return! I like Hershey, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Lainy wanted me to tell you that Max and Ryan are doing fine together. They’re getting into trouble and having a great time. I’m afraid I can’t explain that any further, sorry.

  Max is pretty good with French fries and hot dogs. I was impressed. I don’t think your kid will starve! Lainy’s had them over a few times, and I know they’ve been making the rounds to other rellys for supper too. They’re fine.

  Thinking of you frying over there with sympathy.

  Mitch and Lainy

  Grinning, KC turned the DVD over, but it didn’t tell her anything more. She did bury a hand in the box again and came up with another container. This one stuffed with the brownies Mitch promised. Janine wandered back over for a brownie, and KC set the DVD aside.

  She discovered some toiletry items, which she figured would come in handy. Next she extracted a packet of pictures. Lainy has outdone herself, KC thought as she flipped through them. Some of the other women began to trail in from dinner and KC offered the treats to them.

  Janine looked at the pictures with her, and the others stopped to take a look too. KC found it funny that they were interested in seeing pictures of people they had never met before. It was wonderful to see people in clothes not issued by the United States Navy. She found a really clear shot of Ryan and passed it around.

  “That’s my son.” KC wished she could hug him.

  “What a cutie,” Tina said when passed the picture.

  “He is a gorgeous little man, KC,” Marie, another nurse, stated.

  “Even though he’s your brother’s, he looks like you,” Janine remarked in her quiet way and KC nodded. Ryan was a miniature of Greg though, but since KC and Greg shared a gene pool and Janine hadn’t met Greg it was easier to agree.

  KC kept flipping through the pictures and passed more around of Ryan and Spuds playing together, as well as others of him and the herd. KC couldn’t stop the rush of love that flooded her, thankful Ryan had been incorporated into the herd so easily. He and Spuds appeared to be running with them frequently.

  When she turned to the next picture in the stack, her mouth went dry. It was a picture of Ryan and Spuds, but Max was in this one too. They were sleeping in a large bed, probably Max’s. Ryan sprawled on one side of the sleeping man, Spuds on the other, his little doggie head propped on Max’s thigh.

  But what sucked the moisture out of her mouth was the firm, masculine, very yummy bare chest of Max Morrison. One large arm wrapped securely around her son. The other spread out above his head and was curled in a way that made his biceps bulge. KC swallowed the extra saliva now flooding her mouth.

  Who knew her nerd possessed a body lik
e that? He always wore such loose clothing she never noticed before, but Max was definitely all male.

  A scrumptious male, in fact. KC stared at the picture until it was snatched out of her hand. “Hey!” she yelped and tried to grab the precious photo back.

  “Who’s the lip-smacking man, KC? You been holding out on us, girl?” Monique asked, hands on hips. A very full-figured, amazing, much sought out woman. KC tamped down on the jealousy rising. She had never acted this way before.

  Since Tina and Marie had been successful at stealing the picture from Monique and were practically drooling all over her photo, KC decided retrieving it was more important than answering the question. Fortunately, Janine didn’t have any qualms, because she said, “I’d say that’s Max, KC’s partner and the man caring for her son?” And one perfect eyebrow rose in silent question.

  KC nodded, afraid she might drool all over the picture she managed to snag while the other girls were acting like women who had been away from their menfolk a little too long. There was no way she was sharing Max with them. They’d eat him raw.

  Not that she wasn’t weaving a few fantasies about him herself, however. She sneakily tucked that photo under her pillow and continued through the stack. More of Max and Ryan and Spuds. In some they were laughing, in others, Lainy had managed to catch Max watching Ryan, his face attentive, alert, and loving as he traded insults and sports scores with the guys. Like she had any doubts about Max being the perfect candidate for having custody of Ryan.

  Lainy, genius that she was, had managed to put into those pictures what words couldn’t express. Had offered her a much needed feeling of security.

  Max had been holding out on her, though. Never would she have imagined such a buff body on such a brainac. She had expected him to be lean, but not quite so muscular. How had she missed his amazing physique?

  While the other women finally settled into their evening activities, KC pondered those times Max’s strength had been evident. She reflected back to the time he scooped her out of her chair in the conference room. They had both been seated, and he had simply leaned over, scooped her up and plopped her onto his lap. Without breaking a sweat.

  Then, when they rescued Sophy from the tree, Max swung her, KC, up above his head, also without effort and again no sweat. And KC knew that while she was of average height, she was also a military woman. She packed some muscle of her own. No one could accuse her of being a lightweight.

  How had she missed Max’s sex appeal?

  A memory of their first morning together flowed through her mind and she remembered how his beard stubble had caused unfamiliar flutters to her nervous system. She hadn’t ever encountered his eyes so lazy or sleepy before. So sexy.

  Why in the world had this new awareness happened now?

  Was she thinking these thoughts because she longed for a father for Ryan? And Max, by default, had the qualifications? Or was her new responsiveness solely because she never truly saw the real Max Morrison before?

  Another thought rose like a striking cobra. What if she suddenly did have these weird feelings for Max and he didn’t or couldn’t share them? What if she wanted him, but he didn’t want her? They were only business partners, and friends, a little voice reminded her. Max Morrison was her best friend. Could she risk ruining their relationship? A life without Max filled her with terror.

  She could and did tell him everything. They knew practically all there was to know about each other. Or so she assumed. Because she certainly had never known of that firm, muscle packed chest. And being a woman who was quite attracted to men with gorgeous chests and big arms, she was pretty much a goner.

  Max would not appreciate her slobbering all over him. Then again, this was Max. He probably wouldn’t notice. KC had to laugh at her own stupid musings. If he did notice, he’d delight in teasing her. He wouldn’t be awkward or embarrass either of them. Then he’d make her laugh.

  Chalk up another of Max’s best characteristics. He made her laugh, and he was the smartest man she knew. He loved her son and had a huge family he willingly shared with her. Now she discovered he was hot.

  Max Morrison, a hunk in hiding. Hmmm.

  It would have been nice to know this before several thousand miles, multiple time zones, and numerous countries separated them.

  Chapter 17



  Subject: Glad you’re feeling better!

  Hello KC,

  I was relieved to read your latest e-mail. I’ll admit to being a little concerned about your state of mind, so the newest note eased me. You did have me worried. Since becoming a “parent”, I find I worry now. I’m NOT thankful for this, in case you were wondering!

  But, I’m tough, so I’ll just bear it. As usual.... ahem.

  Lainy said she mailed you a package? I hope you got it. Mitch has mentioned often about how receiving a big box in the mail made his week. Maybe he’s just more mercenary than you. Who knows?

  Ryan is adjusting well. He did ask me why you hadn’t come home yet. (That was a tough question, since I’ve been fighting with that myself.)

  How in the world do you explain to a five-year-old that his mommy is fighting a war?

  I, of course, called the source of all information. She invited us to dinner. I love my mom! She’s the best. After she fed us, (did I mention she’s wonderful?) she and Granpy took Ryan aside and explained to him where you are.

  I didn’t listen in on the conversation. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I was somehow roped into doing dishes. Before I knew it, Mitch and I were tied into aprons, (try to picture Mitch in a frilly yellow apron, it was funny!) and up to our elbows in suds. Not a pretty picture, but we did initiate a quick water fight. (Might as well have fun if you’re going to work.) I won, by the way.

  He spent too much time in the desert, apparently. Of course, part of the problem is he’s never engaged in water battles before. (You people without multiple siblings are sorry excuses for human beings. ) We’ll have to train you better. Had I been in combat with any of my siblings, including the pregnant ones, and there’s always a pregnant one, the fight would have been fairer.

  Although I think Lainy’s been giving Mitch tips. One thing I do have to say for him is he’s quick to catch on. Must be the military bit in him, because he soon learned my strategy and used it against me, so I had to keep switching tactics. Mom finished her talk with Ryan and we had to stop the fight and pretend we were actually working. (I hate when that happens!)

  One good outcome, though, Mitch and I got fired from dishwashing duty. We went and watched the football game. A pretty good strategy on our part.

  Lainy, of course, figured out what happened, but Mitch pulled her into a room for a few minutes and when they came out, she had even more stars in her eyes than usual. (We’re going to have to watch them closely, or they’ll produce eight kids too.) Let’s just say it’s a good thing she’s already pregnant...

  Course, he claims after the year he spent in Kuwait, he deserves what he’s got now. I didn’t argue with him. I’m certainly not willing to go there.

  Ryan and I are consulting with the bakers on a regular basis on your likes and dislikes. He’s pretty savvy on what you like. I’m amazed with the kid, actually. For instance, he knew you don’t like nuts of any kind, and he told Millie that. So, you shouldn’t get cookies or brownies with nuts.

  Lainy doesn’t like nuts either, so you’ll probably see a lot of her favorites. Ryan also remembered that you do like molasses, but stated his favowite are chocolate chip. (We’ve got about three containers of them now. Good thing I’m so easy going... and don’t mind chocolate chip myself.)

  I have a meeting in a few minutes. Quality Control has outdone themselves in finding a new needle supplier. And now the supplier sales people are outdoing themselves to push us to contract. So, QC and I are meeting to determine which company they think we shoul
d chose. I really wish you were here to do this. I’m capable, but I’d feel a lot better with your input. (But since that’s not going to happen, I’ll deal.)

  Everyone here misses you too, and I’ve heard no complaints about the added work. Actually, most of us feel proud you’re in Kuwait saving lives. Morale is high here, pride is high, and so far, nearly everyone has come forward to ask what they can do to help with General Emma’s Bent Rock Foundation.

  We have more volunteers than donations so far. (And we have a mind-boggling number of those.) It’s awesome! Oh, gotta go. My meeting started.


  Max and Ryan

  KC blinked at the screen. Had he really signed off love? Yes, indeed he had.

  “How ‘bout lust, Max?” she muttered, but grinned at this latest, knowledgeable, upbeat e-mail. It was so Max she felt homesick for him. And for Ryan. She wanted to be there to see everything they instigated.

  At least Ryan wasn’t in school yet. He had only just turned five, so next year he would start. KC prayed she’d be home to watch him climb on the bus for the first time. She wanted to strap his backpack on him. And help him remember to take his lunch. She wanted to meet with his teacher and maybe even be a volunteer mom. Max would move mountains to see she had the time.

  Max. The one man on earth who would drop whatever he was doing and come to her aid. The one man on earth who would gladly drop his life to take her son, and count himself privileged. The one man on earth who loved sharing his family, home, company, and life with her.

  And now she was lusting after his most delectable body. Did he deserve her racy thoughts? Were sexual thoughts about someone you loved racy? He was her best friend, so she definitely loved him. But were such thoughts good for their relationship? Or even appropriate? Did she love him in the man – woman way? Or was she merely thankful to him for what he was currently doing for her?

  When no answers scrolled across the screen she stared blankly at, KC reread his e-mail. And laughed out loud, because she could tell he was in full brat mode when he wrote it. One of her favorite Max Morrison modes. He wasn’t moody, but he did have several different dispositions.


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