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Damien (Demons from Hell Book 1)

Page 5

by Zane Morrow

Hours later, we had used up all of the condoms like I promised, and I even wished we had a few more. Lydia was insatiable and we couldn’t get enough of each other. We finally fell asleep with her curled up on her side and me behind her, my arm around her waist. I held her tight against me.

  This was something new for me. I could count on one hand how many times I had spent the night with a woman after having sex - at least on purpose. I usually passed out and that’s how they kept me all night, but tonight I stayed with Lydia because I wanted to.

  Thankfully we didn’t have anything going on the next day because we slept until almost one in the afternoon. My phone finally woke me and after checking a text from Zeke, I found myself staring at Lydia. Her lips were pink and swollen from all of the kissing we did. Her eyes were closed as she slept peacefully. Her long auburn hair was fanned out on her pillow. She looked like a sleeping angel.

  Unfortunately, I had to split for band rehearsal, and I didn’t want to wake her. I slipped free of the bed and dressed quickly before leaving. I went back to my hotel room to shower and change quick before catching a cab to the arena for rehearsal.

  On the drive there, I couldn’t stop thinking about Lydia. How weird would it be when I saw her later? Would she pretend nothing happened? She wasn’t like the other girls I was with and I doubted she thought she was instantly my girlfriend simply because we spent one night together. This comforted me little. I still wanted her. Reputation be damned. I tugged at my chin. Maybe we could continue sleeping together on the sly. It sure as hell was going to be hard to keep my hands off of her now that I’d had a taste.

  The rest of the band was already there when I arrived. Zeke greeted me with the bro hand shake he usually did. “Hey man, where’ve you been?”

  “Around,” I muttered.

  “One of the guys thought he saw you leaving the club with Lydia last night. What was that about?”

  I sighed and looked around. “I’ll tell you later.” I didn’t want to lie to my best friend, but I also didn’t want the whole world to hear what had happened between us. For the first time, maybe ever, I wanted to protect a woman’s reputation.

  He arched an eyebrow quizzically at me. “Now I’m intrigued.”

  I rolled my eyes as the rest of the band came on stage. Rehearsal was pretty uneventful. We had done these songs so many times, everything flowed seamlessly. We liked to run through the show at least once at each new venue, especially one as large as this one, to make sure we didn’t have any surprises. There’d be no falls from the stage at our shows, no technical difficulties, no faulty sound or pyrotechnics.

  Still, Lydia plagued my thoughts the whole time. I thought about her laugh, the sound she made when I went down on her, and the way she felt wrapped around my cock. I should’ve had more than my fill of her, yet I wanted more. Long before we were finished, I wanted to leave rehearsal and find her in bed so I could make her scream my name again and again while I fucked her.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  After rehearsal, Zeke and I went out to dinner. He was craving Chicago style pizza, so we found a little hole in the wall that one of the locals working the venue recommended. We ordered a pizza, a beer for me, and a water for him.

  “Okay, dude, spill it.” He folded his hands on the table and stared at me evenly while he waited for my response.

  I knew there was no avoiding this discussion, so I blew out a breath as I tried to figure out where to begin. “Well, we were at the club, right?”

  Zeke nodded and grinned. “You were. I had already left.” He winked at me. He had left with a couple ladies and headed to a strip club. He had a thing about watching women. He liked to watch them dance, but he loved to watch them pleasure each other in front of him.

  “Right.” I nodded. “I wasn’t far behind you. I had my own harem I was going to take back to the hotel - if we even made it that far. The ladies and I snuck out the side door of the club.” I frowned at the memory. “And that’s where I found Lydia being attacked by the bouncer.” I clutched my hands into fists. It still pissed me off so much when I thought about that asshole laying his hands on her.

  “What the hell, man?” Zeke’s face turned red.

  “I know, but get this. After I interrupted, I called security to come get him and Lydia hauled off and kicked him so hard in the balls he fell to the ground and couldn’t get up.”

  He laughed and smacked his knee. “Good for her! I knew she was a spitfire.”

  “She sure as hell is,” I agreed. “I told the girls to get lost and took Lydia back to the hotel. She didn’t want to be alone, so I stayed with her.”

  “That’s it?”

  I paused and rubbed the back of my neck. “We drank some whiskey.” I looked at him sheepishly.

  “You fucked her, didn’t you?” He leaned forward waiting for my answer.

  “I did.” I braced myself, waiting for him to tell me what stupid thing that was to do.

  “It’s about damn time, my friend.” He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

  My jaw dropped, but I quickly recovered. “What the hell do you mean?” His smug smile made me think he knew something I didn’t.

  “I’ve watched the two of you since this whole tour started. You both eye-fuck the hell out of each other. I see the way you look at her, and she looks at you with the same intensity. I knew it was going to happen.” He shrugged. “I just didn’t know when. But now what?”

  This was the sixty-four-million-dollar question. “I don’t know. Lame, but I left while she was still sleeping. We didn’t really talk about what was next. I’m assuming it was a one night thing.” Then I took a sip of my beer and tried to pretend it didn’t matter.

  “Maybe, but I wouldn’t be too sure.” Zeke grinned and raked a hand through his hair. “Lydia’s a good one. She’s the kind of girl you don’t sleep with only one night. She gets under your skin and leaves you wanting more.”

  I didn’t say anything because I had a sneaking suspicion he was right. Already I couldn’t stop thinking of her. And if this continued, then what the hell was I going to do?



  I woke up and stretched, my body sore in all the right places. I reached for Damien, but was disappointed when I discovered he wasn’t there. There was no light on in the bathroom and the door was open, so he wasn’t hiding inside. I wrapped a sheet around my naked body and searched for a note, but there was nothing.

  I told myself I shouldn’t be disappointed, after all, it was no secret that Damien Cross was a man-whore. I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to sleep with him, but I thought he would at least say goodbye.

  Curious about the time, I searched until I found my phone on the desk and surprised to discover it was already six in the evening. I had slept the entire day away and had no idea Damien had left. He wore me out and left me dead to the world when usually I was a light sleeper.

  Of course, I didn’t have a text from him either. Nothing. I gripped my phone, fighting back the tears. Do not cry over Damien Cross. I swiped away a tear that managed to escape and drew myself a bath in the whirlpool tub.

  I checked my reflection in mirror while the tub filled with water. There was no way to miss the whisker burn from Damien’s face all over my neck and my breasts. I cupped them gently and closed my eyes, thinking about the way they felt when Damien touched them.

  My phone dinged back in the room and I made a mad dash for it. My stomach sank when I read the text from Zeke, telling me to meet the band in the lobby at ten as they were going out. Great. How lucky was I that I was able to go out with the guy I recently slept with and watch him pick up other women?

  I put my face in my hands and sighed. I was having major regrets about having sex with Damien Cross.

  I took a deep breath and stepped into the tub. The warm water and bubbles felt amazing on my sore muscles. When the water had turned cold and my fingers were wrinkled, I finally forced myself to ge
t out. I dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt, throwing my hair up in a messy bun. Finally, I ordered room service and caught up on some emails before it was time to get ready to go out.

  Tonight, I was going to dress like Damien Cross had never ever seen me dress. My plan was simple. I’d test him to see if he really was a one and done kind of guy--at least as far as he and I were concerned. I thought we had some sort of connection beyond strictly sex, but maybe the whiskey clouded my judgement. Though I didn’t expect him to declare his undying love for me or even ask me out on a date, part of me believed there was more between us than what had happened the night before.

  I dug deep in my suitcase until I found the sexy halter dress Mia had insisted I pack for the tour. I told her it was silly and I wouldn’t need it, but at this moment I couldn’t be more thrilled to have taken her advice. With a smile, I poured my body into it. Looking at myself in the mirror, even I could admit I was hot. The dress was made of a black lacy material and hugged every curve. My breasts were over-flowing out of the top of it, and it was so short that if I bent over too far, my ass would be exposed. My simple black strappy sandals completed it perfectly.

  I played with my messy bun until it looked a little fancier and applied more make up than I had worn on the entire tour. When I finished, I almost didn’t recognize myself. Damien Cross wasn’t going to know what hit him.

  It was almost ten, so I grabbed my small purse and exited my room on the way to the lobby. I didn’t want to be the first one there and I hoped Damien was present because I was dying to see the look on his face when he first saw me.

  It wasn’t hard to find the group; I could hear them as soon as I stepped off the elevator. A small smile played on my lips as I strode towards them.

  About twenty feet away, Zeke noticed me and grinned. It was a knowing grin and I wondered if Damien had told him what happened between us. Damien seemed to be nursing a beer and almost appeared to be sulking. Zee smacked him on the arm and nodded towards me. Damien looked my direction and even from a distance, I noticed his eyes darkened instantly. His eyebrows furrowed and if I didn’t know any better, I would say he looked angry.

  “Hey Lydia!” Zeke waved me over to him and Damien. “You look great.” He gave me an appreciative look from my head all the way to my toes.

  “Thanks.” I smiled at him. Then I glanced to his right. “Hey, Damien.”

  He grunted what sounded like ‘hello’ and turned his attention back to his beer. What an asshole. I plastered a smile on my face. If that was the way he was going to act, then screw him.

  I stayed by Zeke’s side the rest of the night. Clubs weren’t really my thing and after the incident the night before, I wasn’t ready to be alone in a place like this anyway. I was afraid I was wrecking his night by scaring girls away, but he told me over and over again he didn’t care. Even though he didn’t say more than a few words at a time to me, even Damien wouldn’t let me out of their sight.

  I knew there were rumors going around that Zeke and I were sleeping together, but there was nothing of the sort between us. We were friends, simple as that. We’d had a connection from our first conversation and were now more like brother and sister than anything romantic. Zeke was a good-looking guy, and from the way I’ve seen the ladies flock to him, I was pretty sure he was good in bed as well. Being attracted to him would be a lot easier than dealing with my feelings for the lead singer.

  Damien had excused himself to go to the restroom and I took it as my chance to question Zeke about him. “What’s his deal tonight?”

  “He’s a fucking moron. That’s his deal,” Zeke replied with a shake of his head.

  “He told you, didn’t he?” I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes at him.

  “He did. And you’re drawing a lot of attention to yourself in that hot little number. I’m guessing he doesn’t like that so much.” He chuckled.

  I shrugged casually, but inside, I was elated. I tried to play it cool though. “What does he care? It was only one night. He didn’t even have the nerve to say goodbye when he left.” I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but from what Zeke was saying, it almost sounded like Damien had some sort of feelings for me as well.

  “I think he’s dealing with all sorts of new emotions and it’s confusing the hell out of him.” Zeke glanced around the room before saying anything. Then when he was convinced we were alone, he continued. “He had one girlfriend when he was seventeen for about six months and that was it. He has never been in a real adult relationship.”

  I held up a hand in protest. “Whoa, hold on a minute. No one said anything about a relationship. I would just appreciate it if he didn’t ignore me.”

  “Tell me the truth. Do you want to get him in bed again?” Zeke smirked at me and I hoped he couldn’t see how red my face was right now.

  I had no idea how to respond without feeling desperate and pathetic. Still, I managed the slightest of nods and felt more like I’d admitted defeat.

  Damien came back to the table and we clammed up. I took sip of my wine and Zeke looked really interested in his phone.

  “I know you idiots were talking about me,” Damien grumbled.

  Zeke and I looked up at each other and shook our heads.

  “No, we weren’t.” I shrugged.

  “What makes you think that?” Zeke cocked his head to the side.

  “Whatever, assholes.” Damien glared at us and then looked around to scan the club.

  I spent the rest of the night sandwiched between Zeke and Damien in the corner booth. There were worst places to be, but I was getting bored.

  Watching the crowd had been interesting as we had a perfect view of the dance floor. Suddenly, a threesome caught my eye. It was a girl about my size dancing with two guys. She was in the middle and the two were grinding on her - one in the front and one in the back.

  Images of me with Zeke and Damien suddenly filled my head and the pressure between my legs increased. Oh, the fun I could have with those two.

  “What are you thinking about?” Zeke asked, shattering the dirty image in my mind.

  “Nothing.” I shook my head and chuckled. “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”

  “Try us,” Damien chimed in and the two of them were staring at me expectantly.

  What the hell? Why not? I pointed to the group I had been watching on the dance floor. “See those three people down there dancing together? The girl with the long blonde hair who has the two dudes grinding up on her?”

  They looked and nodded.

  “I was thinking about what it would be like to be her, but instead I would be stuck between you two.” I grinned as both their jaws dropped to the floor.



  What the hell?

  This woman never ceased to surprise me. Last night I discovered she was a hellcat in bed and tonight she’s fantasizing about a threesome with Zeke and me.

  That in and of itself wasn’t strange. Lord knows I’d participated in group sex more times than I could count. What shocked me and made me laugh a little was that Mr. Ryan thought she was this straight and narrow girl who would be so quick to tattle on me when she was one kinky little princess.

  Too bad though because Lydia was one woman I wouldn’t share.

  Zeke started laughing at her revelation. “You’re crazy, woman. Sleeping with you would be like sleeping with my sister--if I had one.”

  “I know.” She started giggling. I watched the two of them joking around and was hit with a twinge of jealousy. This night was over. I wasn’t having a good time anyway and I was exhausted from the night before. “I’m tired. Let’s go back to hotel.” I moved to stand and waited for her to follow suit.

  “Already?” Lydia asked without moving from the booth.

  “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” I scowled.

  “Nothing.” She turned towards Zeke. “What about you? Are you ready to go back?”

  He licked his lips and looked around the club
. “No, I think I’m going to stick around a bit and see what trouble I can get myself into.”

  “You’re such a liar.” I sighed. “He’s lying. He never hooks up with anyone. He just makes it look good.” To my satisfaction, the tips of Zeke’s ears turned pink.

  Lydia laughed. “Well, have fun.”

  I put my hand on the small of her back to lead her out of the club. I glared at every guy who looked at her even though I couldn’t blame them. Tonight, she looked hotter than hell.

  When she walked into the lobby earlier, my cock grew instantly hard. The dress she was wearing left very little to the imagination and drew a lot of attention. Someone nearby made a comment about the ‘hot piece of ass that just walked by’ and I immediately wanted to pound the shit out of him.

  Everything about this was pissing me off and confusing the shit out of me. Having Lydia hanging around in the first place was utterly ridiculous. I was a grown man. Sure, I’d made some stupid choices in my life--some really stupid choices, but I hated that the record label had sent her to watch over me.

  Then there was the whole question as to why someone would even accept a job like that. What kind of woman wanted to chase a man around so she could tattle on him if he misbehaved? It irritated me that she was given this assignment and agreed to it.

  Last, but not least, were the feelings I was having about her. At least I think that’s what I would call it. I thought about her when I wasn’t with her and when I was, all I wanted to do was touch her. I enjoyed our night together and wanted to spend even more time with her. I’d love to take her out for a night on the town. I hated the way I felt when another guy looked at her like he wanted to fuck her. I hadn’t been this jealous over a girl since high school. Ever since the band, I wasn’t used to girls choosing anyone over me, so I never had a reason to be jealous.

  It was all too much. I had to get away from her. In the morning, I’d call the label, remind them I’d been on my best behavior for the entire tour, and see if I couldn’t have her sent home. At thy very least, maybe they could replace her.


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