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Real Love 7 (Love Knows No Bounds)

Page 11

by H. H. Fowler

  “You did say, no, right?” Kevin just needed to be sure.

  “Of course I said no. I wasn’t going to fly halfway around the world with a stranger. I mean, I know my company is growing by leaps and bounds, but I never imagined my jewelry collection reaching so far that it could provoke that level of interest.”

  “You would be surprised to know,” Kevin said. “But I can see why this would be of concern to you. What did he want – besides offering to take you for a ride on his private jet?”

  “Here…take a look at this and tell me what you think. I did my due diligence, of course, and it appears as if Mr. Ahmed’s company is legit.”

  Raffie scooted up in the driver’s seat, waiting for the other shoe to drop. However, he relaxed after two minutes, as it seemed as if Kevin was taking forever to respond.

  “So,” Hunter prompted. “What do you think?”

  “I’ll say this is a hell a lot of money,” Kevin said. “Fifteen million dollars to sell the rights to your Nuptials Collection. Help me understand.”

  “I will not be selling my company – just to make that clear. However, if I agree, I will be handing over my original designs and any future designs to Sierra Gems, who will have exclusive rights to not only showcase this particular collection, but to trade on it in the investor’s market. Apparently, this guy feels as if my Nuptials Collection would give his company the edge it needs, making it the premier holder of the jewelry industry in Dubai.”

  “Wow…I don’t know, Hunter…this doesn’t sounds like something you should get into. Of course, it’s your decision, but something just doesn’t seem right about it. And you said this guy was from Dubai?”

  “So he says. What are you thinking?”

  “Well, the only person I know that has these types of high-end jewelry businesses in Dubai is Shiloh Bethune. Her father owns a large market share and is always looking to acquire new businesses.”

  An awkward silence ensued, which caused Raffie to think that his listening device had incurred a problem. But it soon rattled again with conversation.

  “Do you think Shiloh is behind this?” Hunter asked.

  “I wouldn’t put it past her,” Kevin said. “But then again, this could just be our imagination running away with us. Shiloh doesn’t have any idea that I’ve moved back to Devin’s Cay. And if she does know, how could she have targeted us so quickly?”

  “And why would she send someone all the way from Dubai to trap me into some sham?” Hunter added. “She ought to know by now that I’m not that gullible. And it doesn’t make sense to be this suspicious, but I am.”

  Another awkward silence.

  “Describe this guy to me again,” Kevin requested of Hunter.

  “Like I said, he was well-dressed, handsome, looked to be in his mid to late thirties. He certainly looked like he was from the Middle Eastern side of the world. He also carried around a satchel.”

  Kevin’s voice sounded with alarm. “A satchel? This sounds like the same guy I was telling you and Ma about, who I caught snooping around this neighborhood.”

  “We should call the police,” Hunter suggested, “and let them have a look around the area.”

  “I agree,” Kevin said. “But first, you had better call that guy and let him know that you’re not interested in anything that he has to offer.”

  “I’ve told him that already,” Hunter said, “but this time it will be an official rejection.”

  Raffie let loose a barrage of expletives as he heard his cell phone clamor to life. It was Hunter calling to give him the bad news, but she hadn’t any idea that she’d just signed her death certificate.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Later that night

  Armando eased his rental car into a vacant spot at the Smithson hotel. He took a glimpse at his watch. It was late – too late to be leaving Rena alone to deal with the aftermath of their actions. But she did not want him to stay. She did not even want him to touch her or caress her. Most of all, her mind was still made up to go back to Paris tomorrow afternoon. Had he made a mistake, pulling Rena into something she wasn’t ready for? It certainly didn’t seem that way, if Armando were to judge by Rena’s aggression while they were making out on Lewis’ living room floor. Twenty minutes of uninterrupted ecstasy that left both of them gasping for more.

  Even now Armando could still smell Rena’s powdery scent all over the tips of his fingers, as he dragged them across his nostrils. He wanted to save the vestiges of that moment, every touch, every kiss, and every breath that caused the hairs at the back of his neck to stand at attention. Something else was standing at attention at just the mere thought that he’d finally made out with Rena after over twenty years of dreaming about it. Was it worth it? Every bit and more. His only regret was seeing how withdrawn Rena became after what they’d done. Apart from that, Armando didn’t feel one ounce of guilt.

  He pushed open the car door and stepped onto the pavement. In the distance, he could hear music playing, a Bob Marley classic. “Waiting in Vain” had always been one of Armando’s favorite songs and even now, as nostalgia began to creep into his heart, Armando wished more than anything that Rena had accompanied him back to the hotel. But instead of going up the elevator to his hotel room to take a shower, he followed the sound of the music, which led him poolside where a crowd had gathered in front of a stage.

  It was the same band who’d performed several nights ago the hit song, “I’m Still in Love with You,” by dancehall Jamaican artist, Sean Paul. The band had done an excellent job then and they were doing an excellent job now. Armando felt like his heart was about to cave in as he listened to the lyrics. Such a sad tune that somehow complemented the passion he and Rena had experienced just hours before. The lyrics had a sense of truth, describing his dilemma with the one woman he didn’t mind waiting for.

  But was he wasting his time pursuing Rena? Armando didn’t have any idea. But he did know that she wouldn’t give herself fully to him as long as he was married to Annalise. Not having the slightest interest in looking for a dancing partner, Armando made a beeline for the bar and asked the bartender to fix him something strong. He could barely get his mind off of Rena, which was so wrong because he still didn’t know where his wife was. However, Armando didn’t need to wonder for much longer. The voice behind him was certainly Annalise’s and it almost caused him to spit his drink into the bartender’s face.

  “Something told me that you would be at the pool,” she said, too chipper for Armando’s taste.

  He spun around, ready to give his wife a good tongue-lashing. But he was stunned into silence by how beautiful his wife appeared. She’d cleaned up well in a yellow smock, which showed off her feminine frame. Her hair was pulled up into a curly twist and her face was immaculately painted with the right hues of colors to match her dress. Even her smile was radiant, something Armando saw very little of.

  “You’re staring,” Annalise said. “Is something wrong with the way I look?”

  “Actually, you look very beautiful,” Armando admitted, but he was quick to shake himself out of his stupor. “Where the hell have you been all this time?”

  Sleeping under the bed. All you had to do was get down on your knees and look. Annalise batted her eyes, amused by her own thoughts. “Pretending to be worried about me, I see. Did you make any attempt to file a missing persons report?”

  “I am worried about you Annalise,” Armando growled. “You’ve got to stop this nonsense before you are arrested and placed behind bars.”

  “Whoa…slow down there, cowboy. What are you talking about?”

  “Rena told me that you attacked her in the elevator and that you tried to stick your tongue in her ear.”

  Annalise kept that radiant smile going. “Did she now? What else did that whore say – excuse me, that woman – because it’s obvious you believe every word she tells you?”

  Armando gripped Annalise’s arm. “Are you mad, doing something as inane and as foolish as that? How’d you eve
n convince the clerk to give you a key to Rena’s room?”

  “Seriously, Armando? I’ve just lost our baby –”

  “Save it, because you’re only looking for an excuse to explain away that garbage that’s in that crazy mind of yours! You’re that desperate to get between a woman’s legs? I thought you’d changed, but how wrong I’d been.”

  Annalise yanked her arm away from Armando. “I didn’t come down here to fight with you,” she said. “As a matter of fact, I came to make peace, even though I can smell her scent all over you.”

  Annalise walked up to the bar and ordered a gin with coconut water. And as she waited for the bartender to return, she refocused her attention to her husband. This time her eyes were as cold as Armando had ever seen them and he just knew he was about to be pommeled by Annalise’s nasty cynicism.

  She cocked her head and asked, “Do you love me, Armando?”

  “What kind of question is that?”

  “The kind of question that requires a very simple answer.”

  Armando looked away.

  “It’s okay,” Annalise said. “I’ll save you the trouble. But let’s make a deal. You stay married to me and I’ll let you enjoy your little indiscretions with Rena, so long as you let her know that I am your wife and that I have first preference when it comes to your money, your music and me spending quality time with you.”

  You’ve got to be kidding,” Armando said. “Rena won’t mess with me as long as I’m still married to you and something tells me you know that.”

  Annalise shrugged. “Take it or leave it, because I will make your life a living hell if you ever try to divorce me. Have you even stopped to consider that I do actually care about you and that I want you to be happy?”

  Armando had a question of his own. “How can I ever be happy, being married to a miserable buzzard like you?”

  “Well, handsome, it is only because Rena has entered the picture that you feel so dissatisfied with our marriage. But know that I will stress you the hell out the minute you break our deal. I will categorically ruin your music career and dry out your bank account.”

  “I’m not making any deal with you,” Armando snapped. “So quit this nonsense because your tactless threats are never going to work.”

  Annalise took her concoction from the bartender and took a long sip. “It is going to work,” she finally said. “We’ll make it work. And you do want to see Rena again, don’t you? Then I suggest you had better not push me to do to something I don’t want to do.”

  “Did you take Rena’s gun out of her handbag?” Armando shot at his wife.

  The question was meant to catch Annalise off guard, but it appeared she was more ready for it than Armando assumed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Armando. What am I going to do with such a dangerous weapon? Do they even allow those things in such an exclusive hotel as this?”

  “I’m not playing with you, Annalise. If you have that gun, your best bet is to turn it in now…Rena’s handbag was found in our hotel room and we could have ended up being arrested if Rena had pressed charges.”

  “Seriously, Armando? I don’t have the slightest clue to what you’re talking about.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Well, that isn’t my problem, is it?”

  Armando got real close in Annalise’s face, precisely six inches from her glossy red lips. “I’m warning you now, Annalise, if anything happens to Rena, I’m coming after you with full force and I promise you that when I’m done with you, you’ll be picking your teeth off the floor.”

  Annalise attempted to take another sip of her drink, but ending up exploding in laughter. “You make me so sick, the way you defend that whore. Whatever it is between her legs must have put you under a spell.” She picked up her steps and walked a little ways before pausing to give Armando a lecherous look. “But on to happier thoughts…I have a bottle of champagne on ice, rose petals on the bed and a preview channel set to one of our favorite adult films. Don’t stay too long down here getting drunk. Because I’ll be in our room waiting on you.”

  Witch, you’ll be waiting all night, Armando mumbled to himself. He took a seat on the bar and demanded the bartender to fix him an even stronger drink. His only thought at the moment was to find that gun before Annalise added to the stupidity she’d already brought about.


  It was close to three in the morning when Levi got back home from the Blue Marlin. And even though he was bone tired, he decided to make amends with Yasmine. Also, he was excited to share the news that Drake had become a millionaire and had blessed him with a 2014 Toyota Camry. He tried to call her earlier and he’d even sent her several texts, but she did not respond to any them. Could she be that angry that she didn’t care to be reconciled with him? Levi prayed that wasn’t the case, because he still intended to marry this girl.

  He quietly made his way over to the guestroom and gave several soft taps on the door. After a few seconds passed with no answer, he knocked again. Yasmine could be sleeping, considering it was three o’clock in the morning. However, he couldn’t sleep until he made sure that all was well between them, even if she gave him a few minutes to apologize. They would discuss the details in the morning over a sizeable portion of sausages, bacon and eggs – her favorite.

  But three minutes standing outside the guestroom with no response was all Levi could take. He gently pushed open the door and stuck his head into the dark room.

  “Yasmine,” he whispered. “You wake?”

  No answer.

  But once his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, it appeared as if the bed was empty. He switched on the light, only to confirm his fears. Yasmine was not in the room. From where he stood, he could see a folded piece of paper on the neatly-made bed. His heart pounded in his chest as he made steps to retrieve it. He just knew what the note said. He opened it anyway and read the paragraph at least half a dozen times.

  I had to leave, Levi. It was the only way you would take me seriously. Both of us know that we are only deluding ourselves. We could never really be happy together. You’re in love with Sasha and that is never going to change. But I do offer sincere gratitude for all that you’ve done for me and for my self-esteem. You are a gem of a guy and one way or another, Sasha would soon see that. See you around, Levi.

  Levi slid to the floor and soon a thin film of tears settled at the bottom of his eyelids. He didn’t want to cry, but hadn’t the strength to do anything else.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three Days Later – Sunday Morning

  For Drake, today was a special day in the life of El Shaddai Ministries, special because of who was sitting in the first row of the temporarily constructed pews. Beginning with Sasha, who sat to his immediate right, Hunter and Kevin sat in the middle, while Suanne sat to the left of them. Basically the entire Beckford clan was in attendance, except for Armando and Annalise. Drake had invited them to join the family, as this was Kevin and Hunter’s confirmation service. Kevin and Hunter needed all the support they could get as they christened the next phase of their lives both as newlyweds and born-again Christians.

  But as Drake had expected, Armando and Annalise found every excuse in the book not to attend the service. He’d been on the phone for ten minutes, trying to convince Armando of how important it was to support family, of how ungrateful it was to disregard the blessings of God. But to no avail, Drake couldn’t get through to his brother. Drake, however, was not deterred in his faith to witness Armando and Annalise giving their hearts to Christ. As a matter of fact, Drake was praying to witness all of his unsaved family and friends accept the Lord as their personal Savior. That would be his greatest joy.

  And speaking of friends, Drake cast his gaze upwards and spotted Levi making his way down the aisle. He gave Drake a slight nod of the head before taking a seat right behind the pew where Sasha and other Beckford family members were sitting. In response, Drake smiled appreciatively, because Levi had kept his promise that he would show up today. Th
ese past three days, they’d been spending a lot of time together, catching up on those moments they’d lost over the last ten months. Levi was a natural-born comedian and Drake never laughed as much as he did when he was with Levi. And although Sasha didn’t agree with Drake inviting Levi back into their lives, Drake felt at peace to finally have his best friend back.

  For a brief moment, Sasha thought Drake was smiling at her, but his gaze seemed to zero in on the pew behind her. She stealthily turned around and got the surprise of her life. The hell you doing here, Levi? Trying to cause problems for me, no doubt. Obviously someone invited you, because you wouldn’t think to come on your own. Sasha gritted her teeth in suppressed anger. Should she even ask who invited Levi? Her gaze landed hotly on her husband. I know it was you, are just so downright naïve. Why is it so important for you to splurge your forgiveness on the one man who’d almost destroyed our marriage? My God, Drake, I still can’t believe you gave Levi a brand new car!

  That husband of hers was taking things too far. If only she could get Drake to see the error of opening his heart again to Levi. Certainly it was a disaster waiting to happen, especially with Mrs. O’Grady seeming to hold the cards of their future. There was really no telling what Mrs. O’Grady would do at this point, but whatever she was planning, Sasha wanted to be one step ahead of her. She turned to the side and stared at Levi through her peripheral view. He still hadn’t responded to her last text – the one where she told him she hated him.

  Granted, she was being extremely mean to him, but it was necessary, because it helped keep a healthy distance between them. Nonetheless, she hadn’t expected him to ignore her for so long. He always had a snappy comeback to put her in her place – more like his way of making himself appear as the victim. But did she really care at this point what Levi did? Sasha rolled her eyes inwardly. The man was obsessed with her and it would be a blessing to know that he was finally learning how to deal with it.


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