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Prepper Central: A Prepper Fiction Novel (Prepping - Together we will Survive Book 1)

Page 11

by Evercroft, Chad

  He shrugged sheepishly and set down her coffee without comment. As he left, Rachel noticed that he had glanced nervously out the window, as if he expected to see something terrifying. Rachel gulped down her cup and went to check out the hotel shops. There were mostly souvenirs - key chains and what not. Rachel browsed the essentials section and bought batteries, a penlight, four candy bars, and a large bag of trail mix. She was glad that she always carried a first aid kit whenever she traveled; it never left her bag so she never had to remember to pack it. It was something her parents had insisted on when she was younger. As she checked out, Rachel picked up a road map of the city.

  “Planning on heading out?” the shop clerk asked, gesturing to the map.

  “Not necessarily,” Rachel replied. “Why? Are people leaving?”

  “Oh, yeah. This rain is scaring a lot of people. You know how it is now. A big storm and everyone panics, especially when they’re not holed up at home. And the ocean freaks people out.”

  “Have you heard anything? Warnings?”

  “Not yet,” the clerk replied. “But if I were you, I’d get out if you could. When my shift is done, I’m not sticking around.”

  Rachel paused in the lobby to get a sense of people’s emotions. She did notice a crowd of people leaving, wide-eyed and irritable. A father pulled a whining child by the hand, ignoring the boy’s cries.

  “I don’t wanna go!” the child moaned.

  “Stop it,” the father insisted. “Let’s go.”

  Rachel hurried up to her room. She checked her phone to see if her mother had called, but her bars were too low.

  “Crap,” Rachel said aloud.

  She was starting to feel a little panicky. Moving slowly to try and keep herself calm, Rachel folded all her clothes into small squares and packed them tightly in her suitcase. She laid her computer and cosmetics bag on top.

  Keep essentials close, she told herself.

  She moved the small metal first aid kit to her backpack and added the candy bars and trail mix. She would need the map, too. Rachel took out her toothbrush from its Ziploc bag and folded the map so it fit inside. The map had to stay dry if it was going to be useful. All packed. Rachel pocketed her phone, turned off all the lights, and carried her bags to the elevator. It was packed with people with the same idea. Donned in rain jackets and flip-flops, everyone stood in nervous silence as the elevator made its descent.

  “Anyone hear anything?” a woman asked. “About hurricanes or anything?”

  “I heard the hotel is going to evacuate everyone,” a man said.

  A clamor of voices rose as the elevator doors opened. Spilling out, everyone ran to the front desk, asking the same question over each other to a startled employee.

  “Please, if everyone could just calm down for a second,” he cried, raising one hand.

  “Is there a hurricane? Aren’t you people going to tell us what to do?”

  “There has not been an official warning,” the employee insisted. “But we are encouraging people to leave if they can.”

  Rachel sidestepped the buzz of more questions and accusations to another line, where she was promptly checked out. The young woman who helped her smiled weakly.

  “Be safe,” she said.

  “You too,” Rachel replied.

  When she had landed, Rachel had seriously considered not renting a car. Now, she was indescribably relieved that she had. The few shuttles that the hotel had were packed to the gills, and only the most eager taxi drivers had risked the weather to drive right up to the coast for customers. Rachel put her bags in the backseat and tried to make a plan. Just driving inland was her best bet. Details could come later. There were other hotels further in the city; she could camp out somewhere cheap until she could get a flight out. Worst case scenario, she could just keep driving until the weather cleared up. After tuning in fuzz for a few seconds, Rachel found a radio station with news.

  “Though there has been no official ruling, it is highly recommended by experts that everyone near the coast evacuate inland,” a voice said firmly. “Remain at your own risk.”

  Rachel turned out of the hotel parking lot and drove slowly to the main road. Rain poured over her windshield like God was emptying buckets on top of her. Rachel had heard someone say that rain is when God’s wife cries when he beats her? An ugly saying. She later learned it was incorrect, and that the saying was when it rains and the sun shines at the same time, it is because the Devil is beating his wife. For some reason, the incorrect version stuck with Rachel more than the latter. Rachel gripped the steering wheel and leaned forward. Her headlights were practically useless. The blurs of light from traffic stops and other cars gave her some idea of space, but besides just driving inland, Rachel didn’t know where she was or where she was going. Only a half-hour passed before driving became unbearable and Rachel pulled off an exit to collect her thoughts.

  There wasn’t much around. No hotel business wanted to deal with the competition from the big coastal resorts, so there were only a few grungy motels around for truckers and other people just passing through. Rachel ran from one motel to the next, buffeted by the wind, to find a room, but everything was booked out.

  “We just got swarmed,” the girl at the Forty-A-Nite said in an apologizing tone.

  Seemed like several other folks had found driving too difficult and stopped where they could. Soaked through, Rachel took shelter in a Stock ‘n Save across the street to figure out a plan. She could try and hop around from store to store until they closed, but who knows how long they would stay open if a hurricane or something worse hit? The same went for any restaurants. Would she have to stay in her car? Maybe a motel would take pity on her and let her stay in a linen closet or something if her only other option was trying to park in a safe place and ride out the storm.

  I should get some supplies for sure, Rachel thought, looking around the store. Some more food. Water.

  There was a surprisingly decent amount of supplies left in the store. Rachel guessed it must be because most people who lived here knew to be prepared in advance, and only the careless or newbies would participate in the mad dash right before the worst struck. Since the President’s address fifteen years ago, multiple campaigns had come out insisting that people better prepare themselves for the onslaught of storms. There were door-to-door salesmen who sold pre-packed 72-hour emergency supply boxes and constant PSAs on radio and television about not waiting until the last minute to stock up on flashlights, batteries, food, and water. Still, there were always people who just kept putting it off, and they were right there with Rachel in the Stock ‘n Save.

  Rachel filled a basket with canned soup, juice, and beef jerky. She also bought a plastic water bottle with a wide mouth in hopes of catching rainwater if she needed to. There wasn’t much water left; that was always the first thing to go, along with toilet paper, which was also gone. Rachel selected a bulk stack of napkins as a substitute. She didn’t know how long she would be out and about without a stable place to stay, but she figured she could use the bathrooms at fast food places or gas stations to get water and clean up. Hopefully things didn’t get really bad and everything shut down completely. That was the scariest scenario. Rachel didn’t like to think about it. She normally didn’t have anxiety - that was her brother’s biggest issue - but this type of uncertainty was enough to make anyone skittish.

  Rachel checked her phone as she hovered by the checkout. She had reception. One missed call. It was her mom.

  “Rachel? Oh, thank God.”

  “I’m ok, Mom. I left the resort.”

  “Where are you now? Are you safe?”

  “For now, yeah. I’m kind of not sure what to do next, though…” Rachel tried to mask her fear, but she couldn’t pretend like she knew what she was doing. “All the motels are full and I can’t keep driving, the rain is too bad.”

  “There’s gotta be a church or someplace where people can stay,” Rachel’s mom insisted. “Other people will need a plac
e, too. Ask around.”


  “How are you feeling, sweetie? Are you scared?”

  “I’m ok,” Rachel said, biting her lip.

  She had been feeling relatively cool-headed, but hearing her mom’s voice made Rachel’s strength waver. Tears pricked her eyes, but she hastily blinked them away. She didn’t want to be caught standing in a store crying like a kid who had lost track of her parents. Things would work out.

  “Call me when you find somewhere safe, ok?” Rachel’s mom said. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Here is the link to 6:00 Hours again. (Click Here)




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