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Page 8

by Reese Gabriel

  His kind of research landed a woman in more trouble than she could manage.

  But you’re not afraid, are you?

  “No, of course not,” she told the little voice in her head, the one that never knew when to call it quits. “It’s called common sense. Look it up.”

  Why don’t you? It’s right before coward and right after cock.

  “What do you know?”

  “Are you okay in there?” called a voice from the hall, a real one belonging to her so-called host.

  Great, now he was going to think she was crazy on top of everything else.

  “I’m fine,” she called out.

  “Good, because I have breakfast waiting for us, we’ll need it before our car ride.”

  “I have nothing to wear,” she called out, which was a very poor substitute for no, in anyone’s book.

  “Not a problem, I had my assistant get you a few things to choose from.”


  “Be right there.”

  “Everything’s in the bedroom, I will meet you in the kitchen.”

  “Goodie,” said Tabytha, turning off the shower and reaching for an oversized bath towel the size of Rhode Island.

  Peeking out the door for a clear coast, she made a run for the bedroom.

  Closing the door behind her, she turned around her to see Christmas, birthday and Labor Day rolled into one.

  A few things?

  The man had purchased her half the city.

  Blinking, she surveyed the piles, boxes and moving coat rack.

  Was she frigging moving in with him in now?

  Skirts, blouses, sneakers, sandals and dresses, as far as the eye could see.

  And underwear, lots of frilly underwear.

  She tried to keep her breath under control as she fingered the camisoles, the lacy panties and wicked-looking underwire bras.

  Only one way out, she decided, and that was the course of least resistance. Choosing the simplest, least sexy ensemble possible, a sundress and simple blue silk panties and bra.

  Had he offered something with nether closure, or better yet a fully locking chastity belt to which she held the key, you could bet she’d opt for it.

  As it was, she was going to do her best to stay resolved, no matter how good he looked all cleaned and scrubbed up as he no doubt was and no matter what sort of charm he laid on her.

  I am ice, she vowed, grabbing a pair of thong sandals almost as an afterthought, pure polar ice.

  * * * * *

  Harlan knew two things as soon as he saw Tabytha enter the room. One, he was absolutely not going to be able to live without her today and two, she was going to do everything in her power to resist him.

  “The answer is no,” he said dryly.

  She frowned, a delicious little pout. “I didn’t ask you anything.”

  “You’re thinking it. You want me or preferably my driver to take you straight home. You will later return the dress to me along with payment for the undergarments, which you will not return for sake of modesty.”

  “I was thinking no such thing,” she declared.

  He smiled. He had her boxed into a corner now. “So you don’t want to go home? You will spend the day with me?”

  “You know what you did is ridiculous,” she changed the topic. “Buying all those clothes. Did you actually expect to win me over?”

  “My assistant picked it all out. She knows what I like to see a woman in.”

  “Anything but pants, right, so she has no chance to shield herself?”

  He shrugged. “Dresses and skirts are pretty and flirty and they can be flipped up easier.”

  “I am calling a cab,” she said.

  “Not before breakfast.”

  She sighed. “Do you ever stop?”

  “Not when I want something.”

  Her eyes flashed. “I think you already got it, don’t you?”

  “Not even close.”

  “Hah,” she snorted.


  “Yes, hah. And don’t even try to look all sexy, leaning against the counter like that.”

  “I wasn’t aware I was doing anything.”

  “With those jeans on and that shirt, could you at least button it?”

  “You’re welcome to do it for me.”

  “No thanks, Master.”

  “Do I sense some passion?”

  “Nope, and it’s a good thing you’re not a psychologist, because you suck at reading people. What you’re sensing is me trying to let you down easy. Sorry, big fella, I already looked behind the curtain, the scary wizard act won’t work on me anymore.”

  “I see.” He held out a banana from a bunch on the counter. “Fruit?”

  “Subtle.” She rolled her eyes. “Real subtle.”

  Harlan unpeeled one for himself. “So I shouldn’t expect any soft balls for the rest of the interview, huh?”

  “The only soft balls are in your pocket.”

  “We can fix that.”

  “That’s what Vanessa is for.”

  “I don’t have sex with Vanessa, but it’s nice to know you’re jealous.”

  “Do I look jealous?”

  “What you look like is paradise.”

  Another roll of the eyes. “Are you going to call me a cab or not?”

  “You’re a cab.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “Give me one reason not to spend the day with me, Tabby Cat.”

  “Only one?”

  Harlan laughed. “All right, let me drive you, it’ll be a compromise.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Since when is that word in your vocabulary?”

  “Since I’m desperate to spend more time with you, even if it’s another five minutes.”

  “Five minutes? I live in the Valley, how freaking fast is this car of yours?”

  “I respect the speed limits, more or less.”

  “Like you respected mine?”

  “You didn’t enjoy it? We could check the video if you’re unsure.”

  Tabytha turned white.

  “Relax, it was a joke.”

  She marched up to him. “How’s the banana?” With the heel of her hand she shoved it straight into his mouth.

  He spit it out in the sink, laughing.

  “You’ll pay for that.”

  “I’m so scared. Now where’s your fucking Batmobile? I’ve got a column to write.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tabytha knew he was watching her like a hawk, waiting for some reaction as he did his best to show off behind the wheel.

  She was bound and determined to give him nothing.

  “Pretty good pickup, huh?”

  “It’s okay,” she said as he down-shifted the Italian sport vehicle whose name sounded more like a fancy pasta dish than a road-worthy vehicle.

  It was red and racy, of course, exactly the kind of thing to draw attention.

  “Cops must love it, and the ladies too. Kind of like a cock on wheels.”

  Harlan just grinned the way he always did, exasperating, impervious and kissable as hell. The worst part was he made no effort to hide how much he enjoyed messing with her.

  “Hey, that was my exit back there!”

  “This is a shortcut.”

  “The fuck it is.” She looked over her shoulder at the rapidly disappearing familiarity of Poinsettia Avenue, her philodendrons, a nice pot of coffee waiting to be brewed, a humming laptop.

  “Relax, Tabby Cat, you’ve got all day.”

  She bristled. Why was he so intent on that name? Nicknames were not her thing. They were for sappy girls, foolish, silly cheerleaders and sorority sisters who specialized in throwing up their cucumber salad to make room for the eighty-proof dessert.

  “Sure thing, Harlan the…”

  Harlan the what? Hippo? Hummingbird?

  “You wouldn’t play this game if you had a name I could figure out how to make fun of.”

  He chuckled, putting his hand on her knee.

froze as if it were a snake.

  Entirely out of order, needed to be gotten rid of, but she sure wasn’t up to touching it.

  “Now what are you doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “Cruising for a bruising, I’d say.”

  “Can I help not being able to keep my hands off you?”

  “You could at least work on it.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “You could also work on getting me home.”

  “I thought you wanted to get to know me.”

  She snorted.

  “What was that for?”

  “Typical male ego, you assume since you’ve been in my pants I must have fallen for you, right? I need emotional validation for the sex?”

  “I think you are capable of taking things at face value, just like me.”

  “Really? Because if you did you would have seen last night will never ever happen again so kidnapping me is pointless.”

  “It did happen again.” He slid his hand higher. “This morning.”

  She pried him loose, squirming. “You know what I mean.”

  He put both hands on the wheel just long enough to weave lane to lane between a series of slow-moving vehicles. Tabytha took the opportunity to wedge herself as close to the passenger door as possible.

  “If I really wanted to kidnap you, I would use a white van and chloroform,” he teased. “Not a quarter-of-a-million-dollar performance roadster.”

  “This is worse.”

  “Why? Are you having fun, god forbid?”

  “Do I look like I’m having fun?”

  “I’m the wrong one to ask. To me you always look gorgeous and amazing. Why don’t you ask me some questions? That should calm you down.”

  “Okay, where are you taking me and can you give me a reason not to scratch your eyes out?”

  “It’s a surprise and you shouldn’t attack me because I would crash, killing us both. I meant journalistic questions. And don’t worry, it will be a place you’ll enjoy, no pressure.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. You asked for it. Studies show men involved in BDSM have low self-esteem, how do you comment?”

  “I don’t. Next question.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “Is that a question?”

  “It’s a fact. Tell me why you left the practice of law.”

  “I was tired of lies and power games.”

  “So you took up sadomasochism. That’s rich.”

  “People decide the roles in BDSM. Why does that frighten you so?”

  “I have daddy issues.”

  “You can be sarcastic all you like, but you know we’re onto something.”

  “Yeah, it’s called a freeway going the wrong way.”

  “Open the glove box,” he said.

  “What for?” She did it anyway. “I should have known.”

  “See anything you like?”

  Tabytha rifled through the items in question, settling on a collar, black leather. “Oh this is right up your alley.”

  “It would look adorable on you.”

  “Let’s see.” She wrapped it around her neck, cinching it between her fingers.

  Harlan’s cock strained at the material of his jeans.

  “You’re such a beast,” she said, noting the response.

  “I dare you to do something about it.”

  “Never dare a Quillen, dear boy.”

  Tabytha scooted over, reaching for him with her hand. “You’ve never had the tables turned, I’ll wager.”

  “Is that what you’re doing?”

  “Let’s find out, shall we?”

  Her heart thundered. She didn’t know where inside her the change was coming from, the desire to play, to be yin to his yang. She only knew she couldn’t let him get the better of her, even if it meant beating him at his own perverted games.

  Harlan recognized a battle of wills when he saw one. She wanted him to cry uncle, to surrender and whine and beg. He was prepared to meet that challenge, provided he could keep from crashing the car.

  “Your cock is so hard, Master.”

  She was rubbing him blatantly. “Slow down, girl, we’ve plenty of time.”

  Tabytha fumbled for his zipper. “I don’t think you’ve got time, the way that cock of yours must be boiling over.”

  He reached across, finding her breast. “How about you, do you have time?”

  Her nipple was hard. He played with it, his foot depressing the accelerator.

  “Try me,” she said. “You’re the one who will be spraying all over this nice leather interior.”

  They were in the left lane doing close to ninety-five. “You have balls of steel. I’ll give you that, Tabby Cat.”

  “Let’s look at your balls, shall we?”

  He seized her wrist. “Say pretty please.”

  “You say it.” She leaned in and kissed him, the slightest brush of her lips against his neck.

  Harlan growled. She was asking for it.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked innocently.

  She had him by the zipper.


  “Ooh, no underwear,” she purred. “What a slut you are, Master.”

  His cock burst free, throbbing in the cool air, the veins pulsing.

  “I bet he tastes good. I do so love to hear a man beg first though.”

  “Too bad for you, Tabby Cat.” Harlan didn’t bother with the indicator as he veered back through traffic, lane by lane, until he’d reached the exit.

  If she was nervous about the destination she didn’t show it.

  Really she should have been.

  Harlan was way past niceties. Taking a left at State Route 46, a truck bypass, he brought them through the tunnel and then down a dirt road he knew all too well.

  It was time for an unscheduled stop.

  “What’s the matter, you need to go pee?” she rasped.


  Harlan shut the engine off, got out of the car and pocketed the keys. He felt the hood as he crossed to her side. Nice and warm, perfect.

  “If you think I am getting out in the middle of nowhere,” she announced, “you can just—”

  Harlan opened her door and took hold of her hand. He pulled her firmly, a worthy display of strength, overwhelming but not forceful.

  Taking her in his arms, he kissed her, the way she needed to be kissed.

  Silencing all that sauciness, redirecting it.

  It was clear she wanted to resist but his tongue gave no quarter, penetrating her mouth, working between her lips, his body pressed hard, until he turned her protests into soft and ready moans.

  He waited until she yielded against him, his.

  “That’s much better, Tabby Cat. I’ve only just begun.” His hand was under her skirt, massaging.

  “We’re out in the open,” she protested. “The owner could come along.”

  “I own this land for miles around, try again.”

  “I give in,” she said. “Take me somewhere.”

  Harlan spun her about and walked her to the car. These were the words he’d been waiting for.

  “What are you doing?” she cried.

  “I’m taking you somewhere.” He bent her at the waist, until her cheek was down against the warm metal of the hood. She struggled, trying to employ her hands, but he had all the leverage.

  Skillfully, and with great satisfaction, he flipped up her skirt and yanked down her panties.

  “I hate you,” she groaned.

  “But you don’t hate the sex.”

  Clasping her waist, he slid deep inside, one motion to conquer her eager wetness.

  “Who is the slut now?” he teased.

  “I won’t come,” she vowed. “I’ll be like stone.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  “Jeezus, no,” she groaned.

  He laughed. “Smart girl. Let’s just face facts, you belong to me right now and you’ll come—”

  “When I beg, I know

  “Interrupting isn’t polite.” Harlan pinched her ass, making her squeal. “Say ‘sorry’.”

  “Sorry, motherfucker!”

  He did his best not to laugh. Really she was so damn cute but there were rules.

  And rules had to be enforced.

  Withdrawing slowly, very, very slowly, he began to talk into her ear, telling her what she was going to do, what he would do for her.

  Over and over she denied it, but they both knew it would happen exactly as he said.

  * * * * *

  Tabytha awoke to the vibrations of the road. She felt the hardness of Harlan’s shoulder and realized she’d fallen asleep next to him. She sat up like a shot.

  “I won’t bite, Tabby Cat.”

  “You did worse than that.”

  It was all coming back to her now, the whole miserable morning culminating with the stop by the side of the road where Harlan had literally fucked her into submission, pinching, teasing and spanking.

  After that he had carried her back to the car, at which point she had promptly fallen asleep.

  “Where are we?” she demanded as she gauged the unfamiliar steppes and mountains backed by a chalky blue sky.

  It was mantra by now, figuring out what the hell Harlan Blake was up to. She did her best to figure it out. The sun was already declining, which meant they’d wasted a good deal of the day. They were also still headed west. Away from home.

  “We’re almost there.”

  “I want my phone, where is it?” She felt about for her bag. “And the rest of my stuff too.”

  “It’s safe in back.”

  “It will be safer with me, thank you. Never mind, give me yours, I’m calling the police.”

  “If you prefer I can drive you to the Highway Patrol station, it would be faster.”

  “You think this is a joke?”

  “No, but it would be a little hard for you to explain how I’m such a monster, don’t you think, given all that’s gone on between us?”

  She folded her arms. “Maybe from your point of view.”

  “Tell me you’d change any of it.” He was looking right at her, the damn laser thing. “If you had it to do over.”

  “I absolutely would,” she declared. “I would have skipped you and wrote about Arbor Day.”

  “That would thrill your editor, I’m sure, and your fans.”

  “What do you care?”

  He arched a brow. “You think I don’t? You think I bed women just for the hell of it?”


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