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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

Page 5

by Ron L. Carter

  Chapter Three

  Before Doug left for Boston, he’d purchased a computer and did a lot of research into the Boston and Cambridge area to get familiar with the two towns. He read everything he could find out about the mosque where the two Boston Bombers had occasionally worshiped. He became very familiar with the area and the some of the suspected terrorist organizations that were believed to be there.

  The day he left, Doug turned his chickens loose from their pen so they could run free while he was gone. He wasn’t sure when he’d be back and knew they would die if he left them pined up. He put his rifle and ammunition under the back seat of this car and locked up the house. When he got ready to leave he knelt down on the front porch and said a silent prayer that he would accomplish his mission in Boston.

  While he was driving to his destination, he had time to think about a lot of the other missions he’d been on. This mission was going to be different for him because he didn’t have the C- 4 bombs or the I.E.D’s like the ones he’d made back home in California. He felt a little awkward not having the bombs with him, but he had already killed a lot of people with just a rifle so he knew he would be okay.

  He’d been staying home for the past year and a half and everything had gotten a little too comfortable for him. He'd tried hard to suppress the haunting feelings of revenge for Michael's death but no matter how hard he tried, the memory of it never left his heart and mind. Now that the radical terrorists were publicly killing Americans again, it brought him right back to the same way of thinking that he had before his last attack in Florida. He hated the terrorist because of their jihadist ideas and wanted nothing, but to see them all dead. Now he was back on track and the closer he got to Boston the more agitated and angry he became in his desire to find them and give them, what he thought, was their just reward. "The reward they had prayed for so faithfully, to Allah."

  When Doug got to Boston he crossed the Charles River north of Boston as he made his way the 5 miles to Cambridge. The population of Cambridge is approximately one hundred and six thousand and home to Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT). It’s also where the two Boston Marathon bombers grew up since they had first come to America with their family.

  When Doug arrived in Cambridge he thought it looked just like another old beautiful town with a lot of American history. After he drove around for a while, he soon found an inexpensive hotel to rent while he was there. It was away from the main part of town and that's where he would stay, until he found out what he needed to know. He would then complete his mission and go back home.

  After he checked in, Doug made his way toward the local mosque where the Boston brothers had occasionally worshiped. When he got there, he fit right in with the older Muslim men. He found an older man that spoke and understood the Arabic language and began to ask him questions about when the mosque had their worship hours and other questions relating to the people that attended the facility. Once he was comfortable and had enough information from the man he told him he would be back to worship during their next regular service hours. The old man looked at him, smiled and said in Arabic, “We welcome you, my brother. Come and join us again. You are always welcome here.” He thanked him and told him he would see him again soon.

  After he left the old man, he slowly walked through the mosque to see what type of propaganda material they may have lying out on tables or on their shelves. He was looking for anything that may have been derogatory toward the Jews or Americans. After looking around for a several minutes, he wasn’t able to find anything that resembled any familiar hate material.

  A few days later he went back during their regular hours of worship and listened to the different leaders of the mosque as they talked to the congregation. There were a lot of families in attendance. During the service, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary or anything that Doug could construe as hatred toward the Jews or anyone. It was just a peaceful and solemn service. He soon realized he wasn’t going to find out the information he needed from attending this mosque. If they were talking about hating the Jews or Americans they weren’t doing it out in the open or during the regular worship hours. He knew he would have to go outside the mosque to see if he could find members of the radical groups or organization that he was looking for.

  He spent the next few days going around the downtown area and targeting some of the young Muslim men. He was trying to get an opportunity to talk to someone that would give him information he was looking for. When he had a chance to speak to them, he tried to gain their trust. Once they were comfortable with him he began to ask them if there was any type of underground radical organization in town. He was very calculating in his approach in how he handled the young men. When talking to them, he was careful to lower his gaze, as if to be somewhat submissive to them. He came across as a gentle grandfather figure and speaking occasional words of the Arabic language. Everyone he talked to seemed afraid to share any information about any type of radical or questionable group to him. Doug believed it might have been because it was too soon after what happened with the Boston bombings. On the second day he was finally able to talk to and gain the trust of one young Muslim man by the name of Calib. He appeared to be in his late teens to early twenties and he believed Calib felt some kind of kinship to him because of the way he looked and talked to him.

  During their conversation Doug told Calib that his brother had fought in Afghanistan against the Americans and was killed during his fighting there. After they talked for quite some time Calib seemed to trust him enough to tell him about a meeting that was coming up soon. All he would tell him was that they talked about what was going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East. He was very careful not to give Doug too much information. He told him that he should come to the next meeting that was going to be held in a few days and find out about everything for himself. That was exactly what he was hoping to do. He could see, just by the way Calib talked about the group that he had some misplaced foolish pride in being part of the group. He got excited when talking about the meeting and he had a little smirk on his face as he told him about it. It seemed to him that Calib thought they were getting away with something secretly or sneaky.

  Doug asked him when and where the meeting was going to be held and made sure it was okay for him to attend. The young man said, “I’ll tell my friends that you’re one of us and they will let you in the meeting. His chest puffed out as he spoke, like he thought he was someone of importance. "Just come to the meeting and I'll make sure you get in. It won't be a problem.” Doug smiled and thanked him for the invitation and told him he would be there. Inside his heart, he knew this was just the type of individual that had killed Michael in Afghanistan, young, impressionable and gullible. Even though he acted like he had a kinship to Calib, deep down inside, he hated him for being part of the terrorist organization.

  That night, and for the next few days, while waiting for the meeting to take place, Doug began formulating a plan on what he was going to do if this was the group he was looking for. He decided that during the first meeting he would just go there and find out about their group and nothing more. He wanted to find out what their motives were before he did anything rash or stupid.

  When the night of the meeting arrived, Doug was right on time. As he looked around the area, he thought the building reminded him of a few other places he’d blown up during his attacks on the radical terrorists. He whispered to himself as he approached the door, “Not much changes with these people, they still hide in their little crappy hole in the wall places. They're very predictable in the hatred they spread to their naive and gullible young pawns.”

  Just as he was getting ready to knock on the door, he was met by a guard that put out a hand to stop him. Doug quickly told him that he was invited to attend the meeting by a Muslim brother by the name of Calib. The guard asked him his name and he gave him one of the fake Muslim names th
at he used in the past. He told Doug to wait there a minute as he went over and said something to a few of the other men that were standing and talking near the front of the meeting room. He soon came back with Calib. When he saw Doug, Calib said, “My brother, I'm glad you made it, You can come in now.” He motioned with his hand to wave Doug in.

  Doug immediately took off his shoes and placed them just inside the door. He thanked Calib for the invitation and asked him where he wanted him to sit. He said to him, “Come over here first, I want to introduce you to someone." He took him over to a young man that looked like he was in his late twenties to early thirties. He waited until he got the leaders attention and introduced Doug. “This is Akmar Mohammed Sharime and he is the one that’ll be talking to us tonight.” Doug bowed to him and said hello to him in Arabic. Akmar bowed back to him and said, “I hear that you’re from Kabul and that your brother died in Afghanistan fighting the Americans. You probably don’t have too much love for the Americans, do you?” Doug growled, “No, I hate what they did to my brother and now I hate all the Americans. If I could, I would kill every last one of them that is intruding in our homeland.” He was hoping he sounded convincing and the young man couldn’t see past his lies. He also hoped to get some type of response from him. Akmar replied, “Well, maybe you’re at the right place, we don’t like them either. I hope you like the meeting.” Doug thanked him for letting him attend the meeting and said he was sure he would like what they had to say.

  Akmar was a very likeable young man and seemed very interested in making him feel at ease and welcome. “Find a place where you’re comfortable and enjoy the meeting. Doug was being a little coy as he thanked him again, “Are you sure it’s okay if I stay for the meeting, I don't want to intrude?” Akmar replied, “Of course you can, you’re one of us.” Doug smiled back at him, but inside he knew that statement couldn’t be further from the truth. He felt like these men were the typical radical terrorists he despised and wanted to destroy. That's all Akmar said and then he turned and joined the other men at the front of the meeting room.

  He took a seat next to Calib and soon the meeting began. When it started, it was like so many other meetings he had attended. They started out with prayers to Allah and just talking about normal everyday things. Akmar talked about a lot of local activities as he introduced the other speakers and asked questions before they really got into the meat of the meeting. When he was finished with the formalities, he brought up two other speakers and they all joined in the presentation. It didn't take long and they were soon talking about how they were angry with America because of their involvement in a war where they were killing innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East. They were also talking about Israel and how they needed to be destroyed.

  The three men seemed to be the main leaders of the group and they had several other young men that appeared to be long standing members. As Doug sat there silent, he glanced around and it looked like they had quite a few new recruits that they were trying to convince to join their organization. He pretended that he agreed with every bad thing they were saying about the United States and Israel. After listening to them talk their hatred for over thirty minutes, Doug whispered to himself, "This is it, this is the group I was looking for. I found them." At the end of the meeting he told them to keep up the good work for Allah and he would be back to their next meeting. He found out the date and time before he thanked them and quickly left the building.

  Once outside, Doug made his way to a dark hiding place across the street from where the meeting had taken place. He waited in the darkness for Akmar to come out of the building. He only had to wait about thirty minutes after the last new recruit had left. As he left the building, Akmar was accompanied by the two other speakers that had gotten up in front of the group and talked. They came out, locked the door behind them and headed for their car. They were too occupied talking to each other about the meeting to even notice that Doug was hiding and watching them. He followed them from a safe distance, as he moved slowly from one hiding place to another. All the while, he was looking back behind him to see if anyone had been watching him follow the men. He followed the men until they came to a silver SUV that was parked a few blocks away. He watched until they got in the SUV and drove away.

  Before he left the area, he looked around to see if there was a place he could ambush them at that location. He found a dark hiding place in the alley, not too far from where they’d parked their car that he felt comfortable with. He thought it would work perfect for him to surprise them and kill them before they got in their car. Once he was satisfied it was the right location, he then made his way back to his car. He drove back to his hotel and that night started planning out his attack.

  On the night of the next meeting, it was dark and Doug parked his car along the street, a few blocks away from where he thought Akmar would park his SUV. When Akmar arrived, he parked very close to the same spot where he did during the last meeting.

  Doug was patient as he waited in his car until just before he thought the meeting might be breaking up. When it was time, he took his rifle out of the car and loaded it. He kept it close to his body as he walked the short distance to the hiding place he'd previously picked out. He hid in the dark alley and close to Akmar's SUV. Once in position, he waited for them to come out of the meeting and make their way to their car.

  When the meeting was over, the same three men were once again walking along together and busy talking about the meeting. They leisurely made their way to the parked SUV. Just as they got to the vehicle, Doug took careful aim and opened fire on Akmar. He was standing only a short distance from him when he pulled the trigger so Akmar was an easy target for him. He then fired two more quick shots and the three men were all on the ground. Akmar and one other man was killed instantly, but one of them was only wounded and he was trying to crawl away. He then went over and put a bullet in each of their heads just to make sure they were all three dead. He didn’t have time to look around in the dark of the night for the spent shell casings because he knew he had to get out of there as quickly as possible. He knew people heard the loud echoing shots and they would soon be on the scene. It wouldn't be long and the police would also be there.

  Doug had only gone about half of a block when he heard a man yelling at him from where the bodies were lying. When he turned around he saw a young man he recognized from the meeting he attended. He figured he must have seen or heard what happened. Before he had a chance to run or duck for cover, the young man took a shot at him, from what sounded like a high powered pistol. He heard the bullet as it made a zinging sound very close to his head. He quickly ducked to the ground and then he heard two more shots. Doug was lucky as the bullets both sailed over his head. He laid down in a prone position on the sidewalk and took quick aim with his rifle. He fired one shot and was able to put a single bullet in the middle of the man's chest. He didn't have time to go back and check to see if he was dead, he immediately jumped to his feet and started to run for his car.

  While he was running for his car he kept looking over his shoulder to make sure there wasn't anyone else chasing after him. Once there, he quickly threw the rifle under the back seat and then got in his car and sped away. He was hyped from the adrenaline rush as he found his way out of town. He’d already checked out of the hotel earlier, knowing that once he was finished taking out his targets he was heading back to Cummings, Georgia.

  When he was comfortably out of town and on his way home he whispered, "Man, I got lucky tonight that none of those pistol bullets found their mark. He tilted his rear view mirror down and looked at himself. He smiled and said, “Hey Michael, there’s four more of those radical terrorist for you that won’t spread their Jihad in America.”



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