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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 3

by P. Mattern

“Damn!” Daniel said, and then again with even more emphasis, ”Double damn! Humans offering their blood in exchange for relocation, and protection during relocation! Do you know what this means?”

  “Yeah.” Cass answered miserably. “It means a lot of caregiving and babysitting. It won’t be like driving a herd of CATTLE you know. Humans whine and complain, need privacy and have issues and TALK. A ‘herd’ of humans will be a lot to contend with!”

  Lux settled back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest.

  “I don’t see any way around it. We have to save them , keep them pure and ‘unchipped’ and free. It’s not only a service to them but to ourselves in the future.

  Humanity has declared war on itself. Just the fact that they are putting themselves in possible danger by posting these advertisements shows how desperate they have become. They are desperate enough to do whatever it takes to survive, including trusting a phylum of creatures who feed on their blood-that would be us!”

  “Well I for one am going down to Jango Jim’s in town and buying a cowboy hat and some boots.” Cass declared, a mischievous grin on his face.”Ain’t nothing sexier than a bare-chested vampire in jeans, cowboy hat and boots. The ladies will go crazy! It’s the New West-and it just got wilder!

  Wheeeeeeeeee HAH!” he finished, making the others laugh.

  Mitzi and Fress were making a list. Merilee was on her cell when she made a frustrated noise and stamped her foot.

  “Dropped call!” she said, looking irritated.”And the guy was just about to give me a quote, too!”

  Mitzi looked apologetic.

  “Sorry.” She said, “Parts of this underground farmhouse are surrounded by metal on the outside walls . It’s what they used before they discovered that the poured plastic over concrete would be just as strong and not interfere with the wireless signals, so the older parts of the house have balky reception. The kitchen is the worst-maybe we should move to the Great Room.”

  Merilee sighed.

  “This whole thing is getting scary. Mitzi I’m not used to having ANY contact with humans. I avoid them like the plague in fact. I haven’t turned anyone since Daniel, and I’m a totally modern donor-fed vamp. The idea that we might be traveling in a wacked-out caravan with humans gives me an anxiety disorder. Seriously!”

  Fress came over and gave her best friend a hug.

  “I know sweetie…and you’re not the only one that feels that way. But with all the uncertainties coming , and the fact that the government has ’outed’ our kind to the general public, our situation is forcing some uncomfortable decisions. We are having to play a lot of this by ear, with input from as many prescients, mages,V-net officials and strategists as we can consult with. And of course plenty of input from Yaya.”

  “You don’t have to literally travel shoulder-to-shoulder with the humans.” Mitzi teased, smiling.”I overheard the guys say that they wanted us all together.”

  “All together—or in the ALTOGETHER?” Fress joked. “They just want to be able to find us for a quickie while the horses rest or something.

  “And what is it about humans that freaks you out Mer?” Fress wanted to know.

  Merilee shuddered involuntarily.

  “The smell for one thing, and I’m really sensitive to smells. And the weird vibrations some of them give off. And the fact that if I’m around them and I’m hungry I want to fang them. Especially the young girls. Their blood bouquet smells so sweet.”

  “Don’t worry.” Mitzi told her.”You won’t be forced to travel with the hoardes unless you want to—or unless you insult my cooking or something,” she teased.

  “I guess I’ll just hang with my peeps then.” Merilee said thoughtfully. “And my new boyfriend.”

  Fress and Mitzi were immediately interested.

  “What new boyfriend?” they asked in unison.

  Merilee stretched and smiled a naughty smile.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” She answered, winking.

  A day later Avi’s girlfriend was sitting on one of the overstuffed sofas between her parents, across from where Fress and Avinash were sitting on another large and comfortable sofa. Between them was the familiar black marble topped coffee table, little veins of gold and quartz chips sparkling in the sunshine that was pouring through the large bay windows at the front of the cottage.

  Avi was more terrified than he’d been during the hybrid attack.

  Fress had put a silver tray holding tea and coffee carafes, sugar cubes and clotted cream and a small assortment of teacakes, along with five bone china cups on the coffee table, but no one made a move toward the refreshments, and the silence was deafening.

  Avi’s girlfriend Neerja’s father was a very handsome werewolf, with ink black hair brushed back from his forehead and a meticulously groomed beard and mustache. Her mother had the same dark hair as all weres and was stunningly beautiful. He cleared his throat.

  “Neerja is our only child ,” he began, his voice holding a hint of sadness.”She is one of twins but her twin was killed shortly after birth. We are both appalled and elated that she finds herself with child. We will welcome an addition to the family but mourn the brevity of her youth, since she will have to do a lot of growing up in order to become a mother. “

  He looked across at Avi with a wilting look.

  “I wonder what the young man has to say for himself. What plausible explanation he has for his lack of responsibility. We really don’t know Avinash that well. We have only exchanged pleasantries in passing on a few occasions. I would like to hear him explain himself.”

  Avi looked across the coffee table and his eyes locked into Neerja’s. Though her mother her parents sat on either side of her, their faces expressionless, as soon as his eyes met Neerja’s he knew what he was going to say.

  Sticking his chin up bravely, he announced,”I’m in love with Neerja. I can’t imagine being with anyone else, and I have waited a very long time to be with anyone. I apologize for our situation and take full responsibility. If she wants to marry , I would love for her to be my wife, but it must be her decision.”

  To Avi’s surprise , Nerja and her parents both burst out laughing. Avi noticed that Fress was also smiling. Nonplussed he said,” Okay, obviously I’m missing something here. Anyone care to clue me in?”

  Neerja smiled as her mother finished laughing and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

  “Avi weres mate for life. You don’t have to marry unless both of you feel strongly about it. But there will be a connection between you because of her conception.” Neerja’s mother said, still smiling. We wanted to make sure that you were serious about Neerja’s welfare—we did not come here looking to force a ‘shotgun wedding’ on you. You seem like a very serious and level headed young man. What are you studying at school?”

  “Engineering.” Avi answered,”And architecture as a minor.”

  “Avinash , how much do you know of our culture and history?” Neeja’s father wanted to know.

  “Quite a bit I think, from what Neerja has told me.” Avinash replied.”I know that your history predates the recorded history of mankind. That even ancient texts refer to the lupine beings that were able to change to human form after hunting. They were feared and hated as killers of humans but rarely killed a human, although sometimes biting humans to change them to werewolves. From what Neerja tells me they attacked mainly small animals and ate pretty much the way natural wolves would eat.”

  Avi stopped speaking for a moment and asked with a grin,”How am I doing so far?”

  Neerja’s father nodded his head soberly.

  “It appears that you are a good listener, Avi. What else did Neerja tell you of our culture and mores?”

  Inwardly Avi started to get uncomfortable. His knowledge of specific rules of Werewolf society was not extensive, since he and Neerja mostly discussed mutual interests when they were together, including music, nature, sports and the human political scene. He did remember one thing though.

/>   “Shapeshifters are looked down upon in Were society.” He recalled.”I was wondering how you, as her parents, feel about that?”

  Her father shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “Although you are correct,” he responded,” Neerja’s mother and I are quite liberal in that regard. The only thing that matters to us is our daughter’s happiness. And that she has found a good match. And since she has apparently chosen YOU, Avinash, we came here to give our permission for the match.”

  Abruptly both Neerja’s parents stood, each of them in turn embracing their daughter. Then Neerja’s father said to Fress and Avi as they also stood up, thinking that the trio were departing.”We have Neerja’s things all packed and in the car. We will bring them in now if you want to show us in which part of this charming cottage you two will be living!”

  “Why didn’t you tell me EVERYTHING Ruthie? Did you think I would never find out? “

  As Ruthie and Ian stood together in the privacy of their quarters at the Farmhouse Ian’s handsome face was contorted in a mixture of shock and loathing. His hands were none too gently grasping her shoulders and she was alarmed at his expression.

  “Ian let go of me!” she said in what she hoped was a level voice.”First I need to know what they told you about me. And I WILL tell you the truth. You know I wouldn’t lie to you! Tell me what they said!”

  As if he were suddenly realizing how harshly he was gripping her, Ian released both his hands. She could see them twitching at his sides, and realized that in his upset state even his fangs, which she had never seen in all their time together, were protruding.

  “So tell me then, my Ruthie Lilly, my BETROTHED,” he continued in a lower voice that was somehow more terrible than when he’d been shouting at her,” Tell me what you’ve been doing for the last 14 years for the U.S.military. You can start with your CAPTURE.” He suggested, his voice rising again.”And the bargain with the devil you made so that they would keep you as their ‘house pet’ employee while you watched them experiment on and destroy dozens of your kind. THAT’S the story I’d like to hear your version of. So tell it, my betrothed…

  TELL IT NOW!” he finished, his angry voice rising and reverberating around their small room. His voice became a wave of sound that rose up and then descended on her with a force like the sea during stormy weather.

  Ruthie’s eyes misted over but her voice was firm.

  “Don’t you DARE try to bully ME Ian. I know what I’ve done and I am NOT ashamed at my ability to survive in the concentration camp the human governmental forces created for us. They were elated to discover that we exist . Because I am a half-fay they saw me as one of them from the beginning, though they treated me like a bastard. My brothers and sisters in the fairy phylum didn’t fare as well. They were tortured…”

  Ian couldn’t contain himself.

  “They were tortured and you WATCHED!” he hissed at her, afraid to raise his voice for fear it would come out in a scream.

  “Is that what they told you?” Ruthie asked skeptically. “Well they left out the part where I attempted to intervene, and they beat me and took turns raping me. They left me in solitary for 3 months after that, trying to decide my fate. I was in the dark, Ian, because they knew how much fairies hate the dark. It was during that time I determined that I was never going to show my hand again…that I would play their games and gain their trust until I was in a position to do much more good than save a single life.

  One day they came for me. Two female military officers made me take a shower and put on a hospital gown. They took blood and a doctor examined me. I was pregnant from the gang rape. He performed an abortion on me right there on the spot, saving the fetus to be studied, as a curiosity.

  A single tear made its way down her finely planed cheek, but she kept talking.

  They told me that I was being given another chance, and that I had better not blow it. They said that the director of the facility was taking personal responsibility for my behavior and that he expected certain “services” from me in return. They made me sign papers declaring my loyalty to the government and the military and put me in a uniform.

  They weren’t finished even then.

  As part of my debriefing, they strapped me to a chair and made me watch the torture of my people. First they showed me films. They had an odd headpiece that prevented me from closing my eyes while I watched hours of ‘experiments’ on my people. Some were just to see how quickly we could be killed and through what mediums.

  In a sense the brainwashing was successful. I became numb. I think it was a survival response, because I was also more determined than ever to escape.

  Eventually they let me view a live ‘experimental session’ through a one way mirror. I saw a beautiful Fay female, barely an adult. First they chained her to a wall and pulled her wings out. A fairy’s wings aren’t detachable, Ian. Wings are like an extra pair of arms to us. She screamed and begged and they left her bleeding profusely, chained naked to the cinderblock wall of the torture chamber. Her screaming was getting on someones nerves and they cut out her tongue. She just hung there. For days. They gave her injections of nutrients so that she wouldn’t die. They wanted to see if her wings would regenerate.”

  Ian was silent, his shoulders slumped as he looked at her. To the question in his eyes she answered,

  “Eventually, but it takes some time. When she seemed somewhat healed and her wings had given evidence of growing back, they traded her to a foreign government for a vampire to experiment on. They’d only ever been able to capture one vampire, and they wanted another.

  That vampire was YOU. They spotted you in a public bar and drugged you and delivered you in exchange for Renatalia, the fairy girl. God only knows what happened to her.”

  Ruthie had finished strongly, and started to continue on.

  “But if you….” she began, and then broke, burying her sticken but beautiful face in her hands. Ian instantly took her into his arms.

  “How COULD you? “she sobbed.”How could you believe them Ian? After all that we’ve been to each other?”

  “ Shhhhhhhhh my darling,” he replied, stroking her hair, “I am a stupid, stupid man. Please, Ruthie, please forgive me. I should never have doubted you, knowing that you risked your life to save me. Tell me how I can earn your trust and love again. Please don’t leave me. You can be angry as long as you want, but please stay with me. I will make this up to you, Ruthie I swear. Please give me another chance.”

  Ruthie sniffed and took the handkerchief he offered her, blowing her nose with a squeaking sound.

  “You’ve always had my heart, Ian, from the first moment we met.” She answered honestly, looking upward into his tourmaline eyes,

  ”The trust will take time to heal, but I am willing to stay, because WE are worth it.”

  They began kissing then, long kisses that soothed the breach between them and aroused their deep passion for each other.

  It was another hastily gathered meeting of the vampires, at the Farmhouse that became the impetus for their departure several days later.

  Outside the underground manse dark clouds scuttled across the sky and a sharp wind blew in gusts that changed direction. Small piles of leaves near the forest rose up in small bedeviled whirlwinds. Some of the arriving guests wore thick wool coats , scarves and gloves to keep the chill at bay.

  They were human. The first humans allowed to meet with members of the V-net at the Farmhouse.

  Mitzi had loaded two giant tables pushed together with refreshments for the arriving guests. The coathooks in the mudroom quickly filled with outdoor apparel and Mitzi opened an auxiliary room so that the humans could lay their coats and jackets on a low table. The expressions on the faces of those that entered varied: some seemed curious, some were clearly fearful and stressed out, some were casual and pleasant, and some seemed excited, as though they were entering Disneyland.

  Mitzi wondered what she would be feeling now if she and Charley hadn’t decided to g
o to the medieval faire that day over two years ago-if she and Charley might have been among the humans that decided to escape chipping and elope with the vampires.

  Then she remembered how relatively isolated and clueless she had been back then, and realized that she and Charley probably would have been rounded up and implanted with an RFID device themselves. Charley, in fact, probably would have been chipped one day without warning as he went to work at the Disabled Opportunity Workshop.

  She knew it was silly, but that thought made her feel better about having chosen immortality, a decision she still struggled with from time to time in a secret part of her soul. It was a part of her that she’d always kept entirely to herself, an inner sanctum where she dealt with her innermost ruminations and darkest thoughts.

  In the Great Room, the low rumble of voices increased as more of the invited guests poured in. Lux had set up a podium between the projector screens stationed there. Standing in the hallway, greeting persons as they arrived, Mitzi looked lovingly over at Cass. He was dressed in an elegantly cut modern suit and tie, and was nervously tucking the ends of his long hair behind his ears as he intently studied a small stack of papers. Her bosom swelled with love for this amazing energy , this man that hadn’t chosen immortality but had adapted to it, a man who had been raised in another century and had never abandoned his dedication to those things that most mattered to him: his principles of fairness, his determination to make the best of his circumstances and his devotion to his family and friends.

  When most of the assembled had found places to sit (although there was a double tier of standing individuals that stretched three quarters of the way around the room), Lux stepped up to test the microphone and introduce Cass.

  Mitzi saw Charley standing with Fress across the room. They had, like many of the vampires present, given up their seats to the humans. Charley immediately saw her and gave her a wink from across the room. His left arm was around Fress’s waist, and Fress was leaning her head against his shoulder. Mitzi was thrilled that Charley and Fress were together again. They were both glowing.


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