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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 9

by P. Mattern

  “You are so brave,” Fressenda told him ,”I am one of the few that can empathically sense what it costs you to perform that operation. It is too high a price to pay for kindness-much too high a price.”

  As she hugged the doctor he laughed shakily.

  “Thank you for your acknowledgement, Fressenda,” he replied. “I know that you are one of the few that can possibly know…and you know that I still blame myself for Lorry’s death.”

  Fress remembered that ‘Lorry’ was the name of the vampire that had been the first chipped that had lost his immortal life trying to have the device removed.

  “But you saved me,” she reminded him,”And you have now saved a human from those infernal devices! You are a remarkable man, and loved by all of us. Please know that, Dr. Caligare.”

  Dr. Caligare removed his gloves and took Fressenda’s hands loosely in his.

  “Fresssenda you are an incredible female energy. And always right by my side when I need you. I think you know how I feel…have always felt about you my dear. If I wasn’t with Lolita my wife there is no other female energy that compares to you, and I would ruin myself trying to be with you. I love you, you know.”

  Fressenda smiled and blushed.

  “The love of an honorable man is not to be scorned, and I know you feel the same admiration from me. But I know that you recognize that our love is made sweeter by our never having had each other..and that is a very singular bond…one that can never be broken or compromised.”

  “Are you with young Charley Rabbit again?” the doctor teased.

  “Yes, and very happy. Our time apart has matured our relationship. He loves me as a fully developed male energy now, and I have everything I ever wanted. “

  “You deserve all happiness,” Dr. Caligare responded.”I am happy for you. I know that you waited a very long time to connect to a male energy so completely. “

  “Yes I have,” Fressenda replied, a wistful tone in her voice,”But I would have gladly waited even another millennia for what I have now, truly.”

  “This will be difficult, this journey,” the doctor commented, looking at Fressenda with caring and concern.”You won’t be able to see them all safely away from the madness. And I know if you lose even one human along the way it will break your heart, Fress. Please-be realistic and maybe even a bit selfish for once…I am probably the only energy in our extended family circle that knows your past and why you are compelled to be the savior of all…it is because you have never forgotten her.”

  Fress nodded slowly, her eyes locked with the doctors. He was more than a father figure and a friend. He was also her confessor.

  “I know,” she answered,” But it’s therapeutic for me to protect other energies. Even the passing centuries have barely muted my grief. She was my only child, Rose. Only six when he ended her. I tried-but I couldn’t bring her back. And that moment has surely defined me, I realize.”

  She smiled then, blinking away the tears that had formed in her eyes from a long ago memory.

  “But this is now. And we go on, dear doctor. I must see how preparations are going. You must have a cup of tea and rest. You saved another life, and that is no small thing.”

  The first groups of travelers, armed with maps and supplies began to head out at dusk. It was Orry’s idea to stagger them in smaller groups. All groups were given the same destination, except for those that had embarked earlier to dwell with the Cavedwelling vampires in the karstland caves of Southern Indiana.

  Fress and Mitzi were standing together when the first contingent headed down the long driveway to the country backroad that would take them to the major highway. Both of them were silent. Fress had her cat Bella in her arms, petting her, while her other cats Karma and Otis rubbed against her skirt.

  “I think it’s wise,” Fress remarked,“ That the trip was planned in stages with only one stopping place revealed at a time. That way if any part of the group is apprehended or stopped they really do not know the final destination point. Hence there is nothing to reveal to jeopardize the exodus.”

  “I agree,” Mitzi responded,”And I pray for the safe passage of all the families.” Absentmindedly she stooped down and picked Otis up into her arms. Otis meowed and settled down against Mitzi’s bosom, yawning.

  “Mitzi you spoil my cats worse than I do!” Fress complained good naturedly, ”And who is going to baby Karma?”

  “I will!” Channing said as she walked toward them, scooping up the well fed feline , who meowed appreciatively.”I meant to tell you that Daniel and I are formally thinking of adopting Karma—or at least you have to let us be godparents! This wonderful cat joins us nightly for our reading sessions and insists on his own book! I’d almost swear he reads. He even keeps meowing until we turn the page every five minutes!”

  Fress’s eyes glittered both with amusement and unrevealed secrets. Channing could have sworn that she saw rainbow sparks in Fressenda’s pupils.

  “Otis- and Karma, and Bella also, to a slightly lesser degree, are very unusual cats. I can’t tell you their entire history or they would be perturbed at me, but I will tell you, at certain times and in specific circumstances, at least two out of the three can talk.

  ...So you can surmise that he has reading skills if you like!”

  Channing eyes grew even rounder as she took in this infobyte.

  “I sensed that,” she said,”And so did Daniel! And oh!” she added, flushing slightly. “I want to show you my promise ring that Daniel gave me last night!”

  Channing held out her small hand, and on the ring finger of her left hand was a small golden band with a pink cabochon stone carved in the form of a rose.

  Both Fress and Mitzi oohed and aahed over the promise ring, and Channing giggled in pleasure.

  “Daniel said he didn’t want to pressure me,” she told them, “But he wanted to ‘put a ring on it’ as the expression goes—he said to keep other male energies away. He said he wanted to give me a symbol of his love to wear constantly, to keep us connected, as if we weren’t connected already. He chose the stone because it is Mookaite—Australian pink jasper that is supposed to be healing to the soul. I usually don’t wear jewelry but the ring is so light on my finger I forget I’m even wearing it.”

  “Well it’s incredibly lovely, just as you are Channing,” Fress replied.

  “Daniel said this stone keeps away nightmares,” Channing added,”And so far I haven’t had any since he gave me the ring, so it might be true.”

  As the ladies were talking Charley Rabbit came up behind Mitzi and Fressenda, putting his arms around both of them and the purring cats that they were holding.

  “Ah, there they are. The most important women in my life, probably planning the next revolution!” he said winking over at Channing.”And congratulations Channing! Daniel has been telling us that you and he are exclusive now.”

  “Yes,” Channing replied happily,” I must confess I set a tender trap for the poor man. I may be young but I am wily!”

  As the rest of the group chuckled, Channing switched topics.

  “How many of the groups have gone out now?” she asked Charley seriously.

  “The first three so far,” Charley replied.”DeMarcus has volunteered to take the next group. Dr. Caligare and some others will lead the fifth group, and our congregation of vampires will be in charge of the last to depart.”

  “And our first stop will be…..?” Mitzi queried. Her eyes searched the moving groups of humans and vampires looking for Cass, as she shifted the napping Otis to her other side and ran her free hand instinctively across the swell of her abdomen. Her most recent pregnancy had begun to show. In the midst of the hectic preparations for departure she and Cass had delayed telling anyone of her condition. The more prescient vampires among them certainly had picked up on the extra energy of the being that now grew daily inside her womb. Fressenda certainly knew, but was far too polite to mention it until Mitzi and Cass announced it. In all likelihood Celeste and Ariel knew alr
eady also.

  “The karstlands of Kentucky,” Charley answered, resting his chin on top of Fressenda’s head, both arms around her, with the cat still between them.”That will be our first stopping place. Since humans can’t fly we will be traveling at a comparative snail’s pace and taking the scenic route I surmise!”

  The Nobles and their extended family, traveling in three streamlined Winnebagos-a’ Journey model of the mobile home for Cass, Mitzi, Ab and Nat to travel in along with two Coachmen Journey models for Fress and her crew and the rest of the vampires. Blue and Nora had their own camper that Fress had gifted them with. Lux and Pierre had a cozy camper also of their own. The human part of their caravan also included smaller model campers , several cars, SUVs and a few minivans. Most of the human travelers had cleverly arranged seating that they could turn into sleeping quarters with self inflating air mattresses. Mitzi and Fress had spent the day getting acquainted with the families that they would be traveling with, doing needs assessment and assisting in any way that they could. They were also using their prescience to check for any potential troublemakers.

  For the most part they found their human counterparts to be endearingly like themselves. They loved their families, had worked hard to achieve in Western society, obeyed the laws, paid their taxes, attended church, and had sincerely believed that they lived in the best country on earth.

  And then the chipping began, and everything changed. Their sense of betrayal ran deeply , as well as their shock that their freedoms had become obsolete in a manner of months. They all had the same haunted look in their eyes, as if one day their lives had changed so wrenchingly and abruptly that they’d found themselves in a waking nightmare.

  Mitzi took one last look around the underground farmhouse, now empty, just before the last of the vampires and their human traveling companions took off. “It really is true that the family makes the ‘home’’ she reflected, walking for one last time through the hidden mansion. It seemed only a beautiful shell, devoid of the energy of her family and friends. Everyone and everything that mattered to her was packed up and ready to roll down the road. She bent her head to pray, her childlike hands clasped in front of her. Her prayers were for the safe passage of her entourage including the humans that had entrusted themselves to the vampire’s care.”

  She was still praying deeply when Cass startled her by coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.

  “’Tis the witching hour my dear,” he said, breathing at the nape of her neck. “And we must needs depart. And I will build you another mansion, whether your preference is underground, above ground or even in the sky, I will build it.”

  Mitzi relaxed back into Cass’s strong arms. He was wearing a long hooded coat made of boiled wool with fur at the sleeves and collar and he emanated warmth.

  “All I need is you,” she told him,”And our children and friends. I feel privileged to have been able to raise the twins here. It was such a lovely time. And I said my goodbyes to Buttercup today also, in the spot where she rests under the willow tree. This was her time of greatest happiness also , and that soothes my heart. She loved it here.”

  Mitzi felt Cass’s hands move up her body.

  “The mobile home has a King sized bed Mrs. Castor Noble. Not quite as fancy as you are used to, but fancy enough for road travel standards!

  …And a mirrored ceiling too,” Cass added, a gleam in his smiling eyes.

  He picked her up against him and kissed her thoroughly, then took her hand in his.

  “Let’s blow this joint,” he suggested “’TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!’”

  “Cass isn’t that from ‘Toy Story’? “ Mitzi said, amused.

  “Hell yes!” Cass replied.

  “One of my favorite movies EVER!”

  The last caravan was finally on the road. The group kept in touch with the vamps with special wireless radios that they had been issued, in case any of them got lost.

  Even though lacking the living space that the vampires were accustomed to, the mobile home was spacious enough so that they didn’t feel that they were in a vehicle at all. Most of the time they hung out on the crescent shaped couch that was like a lounging pit.

  Mitzi spent most of her time up front with Cass, who wanted to drive, but also excused herself periodically to fix snacks and entire meals in the small kitchen of the Winnebago. Because of circumstances she hadn’t been able to cook as much as usual in the underground farmhouse. Now she delighted in making fried chicken for the vampire’s first ‘meal on wheels’.

  Everyone was amazed as they sat at the bolted down double rows of dining tables.

  “So excellent,” Cass remarked, ”You are truly a domestic goddess in the kitchen. But Mitzi, Love, you made enough for an army!”

  “Or just me,” Absolam teased, helping himself to his third piece, ”This is seriously good mom.And since you are in charge of us, please tell my girlfriend that she has to eat!”

  Natalie smiled her lovely smile.

  “I will eat a piece. I am just so happy to be traveling with you instead of my family. I feel sorry for my sister Rosie…she will be wanting to see Jaxon! I bet she can’t wait until we get to the Kentucky karstlands.”

  Mitzi was bustling around making sure everyone got baked beans, coleslaw, and iced tea.

  “I made extra for whosoever will when we get to the first rest stop. I imagine Jaxon, Lux and Pierre will enjoy some homemade food also. I’ll give it away until it’s gone.”

  “We have a shower here, right?” Ab wanted to know.

  “Yes-it’s a double one but you and Natalie will NOT be showering together, just so you know.” Mitzi replied good humoredly. You can sleep together on the couch though if you like. We have to maintain decorum during this journey. Natalie’s mother expects it and has entrusted me with her daughter so we must err on the side of caution.”

  “Delicious cake,” Cass said, rolling his eyes as he helped himself to a huge slice of coconut sheet cake.

  “Dad if you weren’t a vamp you would be a paunchy guy,” Ab teased his father.”Why do you crave human food like you do? Even I take a break once in a while just to clear out the system, and I’m a teenager. Ostensibly.”

  Cass looked at Absolam. Love was shining in his warm brown eyes, and also mischief.

  “You know how I much I love you, right?”he asked Ab.

  “Sure,” Ab answered back easily.”But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well I have to keep my strength up,” Cass replied with a wink,”So that I can make more of you!”

  Ab covered his face with his hands.

  “I am so embarrassed ,” he said to no one in particular, ”Natalie you will have to excuse my father….repeatedly and over time He can be borderline inappropriate!”

  Natalie was giggling.

  “I think it’s nice,” she said.”Wouldn’t you like to have a brother or sister?”

  Briefly Ab thought of Cory, and wondered what he was doing at that moment. Absolam had mixed feelings about Cory. He now realized in hindsight that his half-brother had been going ‘darker’ over a lengthy period of time.

  Still, the ‘showdown’ in front of the tree portal had been a rude awakening, and left no doubt that Ab and his brother were cut from very different cloth.

  It was obvious that Cory preferred the Dark.

  Absolam grinned at his father,”Okay then, you’re on! But since I am the ‘Lone Ranger’ at this point I get to choose my sibs made to order. First I want a brother.”

  Cass tossed his head back laughing.”DONE!” he answered smiling, ”And then next?”

  Ab was happily into the game he and Cass were playing.

  “After that I am not particular…you may alternate them ‘boy, girl, boy, girl’. And no more than that or I won’t remember their names!”

  Natalie was cracking up at their conversation.

  “I LOVE your family,” she told Ab, slipping her arm through his and squeezing it ,”My family doe
sn’t joke or tease…except for my brother and his teasing is always mean-spirited.”

  Absolam looked down and played with the chicken bones on his nearly empty plate.

  “I’m glad you didn’t say his name,” he told Nat,”It gives him power. We can refer to him as the ‘Creeper’.”

  Across the table Cass raised an eyebrow as he studied his son.

  “Lux told me that there was some friction between the two of you. I hope it was resolved when you clocked him.” Cass said.

  “Not nearly,” Ab replied, shaking his head slowly from side to side.”’To be continued’ I’m afraid.”

  Cass leaned forward, his voice low so that even Mitzi, a tribite, couldn’t hear.

  “Do me a favor, Ab. Keep it away from camp or Lux will most enthusiastically bust your ass and throw you in our makeshift ‘brig’. Just take it out in the woods or something. I know young vamps challenge each other, but your mother is of a more gentle disposition and would want you to shake hands and give the other dude a hug. I can see by the fire in your eyes it’s an unresolved issue. So as your PRACTICAL parent I can only advise that you keep it away from, er, prying eyes.

  …And if you hit him, hit him like you mean it!!!You’re a Noble, after all!”

  “Sound parental advice, thanks Dad,” Ab said teasingly, smiling at Cass.

  At the same time Cass and Ab were having a son and father bonding session, so were Adrastos and Argent. Adrastos was sitting behind the huge carved ebony desk in his private study , and Argent was seated on the other side of the desk across from him.

  A human girl in a sarong skirt though nude from the waist up came in silently and delivered a huge silver tray of refreshments onto Adrastos’ desk without spilling anything. Argent visually perused the girl , her curvy waist and long auburn hair causing a stirring in his loins, until Adrastos dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

  “I like that one father,”Argent remarked, ”May I have her for bed?”

  Adrastos smiled conspiratorially at his offspring.


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