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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 19

by P. Mattern

  “Yes, Mage Febere! Thank you so much! Amazing festivities and we adore our gifts!” he added.

  “The gifts are all custom you know,” Mage Dante Febere told them in a confidential voice.

  “The gift you selected is a matched set specifically for couples, an enchanted pair of amulets that have the ability to reveal if the love between two energies is true…or otherwise.”

  “Wait!” Lux interrupted, ”How could you know that Pierre and I would select those two particular gifts. We waited at least ten minutes before we picked them up. We almost DIDN’T select a gift!”

  “Aaaaaah,”Dante replied, nodding his head sagely, ”But you were destined to select those very gifts, because of a spell I cast over them beforehand. I wanted to make sure that everyone received the perfect gift. Some are just wonderful material things, high end clothing or jewelry and the like, along with the highly sought after electronics many of them wanted.

  But a few of them were enchanted, providing an extra element of uniqueness and excitement. Your and Pierre’s gifts were in that category.”

  “Where is the music from?” Pierre, who loved classical music, wanted to know.

  “That would be the Venice Baroque Orchestra,” Dante answered proudly. “They do the most exquisite rendition of Boccherini’s string quintet in e major Op. 11 No.5. In my humble opinion of course.”

  “I would have to agree,” Pierre said, smiling at the Mage with admiration clearly showing in his eyes.

  “Anyway,” Dante Febere continued, “The key only works in the lock if the two lovers wearing the separate pieces are genuinely in love and devoted to each other, body and soul.

  --And it appears that the two of you, Pollux and Pierre, made the cut! How does it feel to know that you have met your soulmate?”

  Both Lux and Pierre gave Dante a grateful look, huge grins on their faces.

  “Thank you for such a wondrous and unusual affirmation!” Lux said, with deference for the famous Mage in his voice, ”But I think…I think that we already KNEW that!”

  It was not a door into summer, but the Western side of Dante Febere’s castle opened out into the perfect autumn day, replete with peerless blue skies, small fluffy scudding clouds and a cool breeze that scattered the dried leaves and made the young couple shiver as Absolam helped Natalie through the arched doorway into the yard. Around them in a semicircle were a sea of trees dressed in gold and orange and vermillion, moving to and fro in the wind as if dancing. Absolam took off his heavy plaid jacket and placed it over Natalie’s shoulders, putting his arm around her as they walked along for good measure. Fall was both Absolam’s and Natalie’s favorite season of the year, and they were seeking not only a brisk walk in the woods but also a private spot suitable for a tryst.

  There was a wide and worn pathway in front of them over which the trees arched, almost forming a tunnel into the woods. Natlie smiled at Absolam and spontaneously threw back her head and laughed. Ab joined her in her laughter. He’d never felt so free and so happy in his entire existence.

  Most of all, he’d never felt so in love.

  Just to tease him, Natalie broke away to run ahead. Ab quickly caught up with her and twirled her around as their lips met passionately for a few moments. First Ab sucked her pouty bottom lip, catching it between his teeth, and then twirled his tongue with hers in a passionate dance. Natalie broke away first, smiling saucily and pulled him forward and further into the forest. She couldn’t wait to feel his body pressed against hers.

  Absolam was gazing down at her—her lips, her eyes and her small hand entwined in his, when suddenly she stopped short and gasped, her eyes riveted on a figure coming toward the couple from the opposite direction.

  Even at a distance, Absolam recognized Stefan. His dark eyes were piercing and menacing and his long black hair was blowing behind him as he approached.

  Absolam set his jaw and strode confidently forward, squeezing Natalie’s hand to reassure her. When the couple reached Stefan, who had also continued moving forward, the two young men stood at an impasse, both of them refusing to step aside.

  “Absolam Noble!” Stefan said, with a hard smile, ”You can let go of my sister now, the little strumpet that she is. I have a mind to diddle her myself today. I’m afraid that you’ll have to find another ‘date’ for this afternoon!”

  As Stefan reached forward roughly to yank his sister’s free arm to pull her to himself, Absolam pushed Stefan back with both hands, causing Stefan to lose his balance and fall backward onto the dirt path. Stefan jumped up immediately swinging for Absolam’s determined face.

  Ab ducked quickly enough so that Stefan’s blow barely connected, then tackled the other boy around the waist. Both of them went down, rolling on the dusty path and through the piles of dried leaves, with Natalie shouting at Stefan to stop.

  As Stefan scuffled with Ab he managed to kick Absolam off of himself with a great effort and jumping up, attacked Natalie, grabbing her roughly by the shoulder with his left hand while at the same time backhanding her across the face with his right,

  “You KNOW who you belong to Natalie!” he screamed.

  But before he could add to his diatribe he found himself airborne. Absolam, in his rage, had thrown him across several feet of ground and into the trunk of one of the giant maple trees along the path. Stefan immediately jumped up and ran back down the path in the direction he’d originally come from, without even turning to see if Absolam was in pursuit.

  Absolam ran to Natalie pulling her to him,

  “Nat! Are you hurt?” he asked. She shook her head, gazing up at him, and was immediately frightened by the look in his eyes.

  “Stay here,” he told her. “I’m going after him Natalie. I swear that this will end today!”

  Without waiting for her reply she watched his retreating back as he charged down the path at top speed. A chill went through her as she realized that Absolam had had enough, and was hell bent on killing Stefan. She recalled Absolam telling her that his father Cass had advised him,”Never kill without reason, but once you have decided on that course of action do it quickly, silently and without regret.”

  Natalie was convinced that after having witnessed Stefan striking her, he had decided to end him.

  Her heart pounding, she decided to run after Absolam. Picking up her skirts she flew down the pathway, the autumn wind catching up her long curls and tangling them as she ran.

  Absolam caught up with Stefan nearly a mile up the pathway which opened up into a clearing, devoid of trees. It took him a moment to realize that they were on the edge of a precipice, but he soon forgot his surroundings as the two young vampires, with fangs extruded, exchanged powerful blows in the open space. Both had been trained by the legendary Fallon Lunel, and they were evenly matched. As they fought, they became increasingly closer to the cliff’s edge. Stefan swung his fist and missed Absolam, then rushed him in an attempt to force Ab over the edge of the promontory.

  Instead, because he had miscalculated, with a cry Stefan fell over the side of the cliff himself. Absolam stood for a moment shocked, then ran to the edge to look over it.

  Stefan was several feet below the edge of the cliff, hanging onto a stout root with both hands. Below Stefan there was a void, swirling in wind driven mists that seem to have a low , continuous moaning sound. Absolam realized that this was what Dante Febere had warned his visitors about, and why their host had warned them not to stray too far from the castle.

  Below him Stefan, eyes wide with horror screamed,”HELP ME! YOU CAN HAVE HER! JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!”

  Behind him , Absolam was aware that, despite his admonitions to the contrary, Natalie was witnessing what had happened. She looked at Absolam incredulously, then seemed to regain her composure.

  “Don’t help him Absolam! I’m telling you he planned this—it’s a trap! The moment you reach down to help him he will pull you down ! He will never let us alone! NEVER!”

  Absolam turned his gaze from Natalie back dow
n to Stefan, who was now pleading, seemingly in earnest, for his immortal life.


  Absolam turned back to Natalie.

  “I’m sorry Nat…but I know what my dad would say. As despicable as he is, Stefan is still a member of the V-net, and I am sworn to help him, regardless of our personal differences. But don’t worry, I am NOT a sucker. I will do it smartly!”

  Absolam moved swiftly to procure a stout branch from a short distance away, one long enough to offer to Stefan to grab onto so that Absolam could pull him up from his precarious perch. Lying full length on the ground, he instructed Natalie to hold onto his feet as he stretched down over the edge

  until just his broad shoulders were positioned over the edge and he could pass the branch down toward Stefan.

  Several things seemed to happen simultaneously. Ab saw Stefan reach for the end of the branch, the imploring look in his dark eyes changing to something sharp and undecipherable. Above and behind him, he heard Natalie scream shrilly and shortly and felt something huge and heavy press enormous paws into his back as it leaped on and then over him.

  His last glimpse of Stefan was Stefan’s horrified face as the immense, furry creature, growling deeply, enfolded Stefan in it’s arms and tumbled with him, turning over and over, down into the mist shrouded nether regions of the abyss. Stefan never cried out as he disappeared.

  For a long moment, other than the moaning of the shifting winds at the edge of the abyss, and the creaking branches of the trees behind him as they tossed in the wind, there was silence. Then Absolam heard a familiar male voice behind him say,

  “Well I guess that’s that. That young man was bound to come to a bad end. And that Hoarwolf saved me the trouble of killing him myself!”

  Absolam peeled himself out of the dust, spitting out the debris that had gotten into his mouth when he was flattened by the beast. Seeing Natalie’s shocked face he immediately embraced her as he noted the human Rafe , and his dad Cass standing behind them. Both men were armed. Cass was looking at Absolam contemplatively.

  “I just found out that Stefan raped my 14 year old daughter,” Rafe said, spitting on the ground, and adding, ”That was an easy death, compared to what I had planned.”

  Then seeming to realize that Natalie was present, Rafe bowed in apology,” No offense meant Miss. I know he was your brother.”

  Cass , still looking at Absolam, stepped forward and exchanged a hug with his son.

  “I’m proud of you, Ab. We have enough witnesses here. I am sure there will be no inquiry. Especially since I heard a rumor that Stefan had insulted Dante several times during his stay in the Marble City. I also heard that Dante Febere, being the powerful Mage that he is, has control over all the creatures that roam the grounds here, and can command them to do his bidding.

  I think that, all things taken in balance, one could conclude that justice has been served,” Cass finished, winking conspiratorially.

  With that, all of them turned and headed back to Castle Febere.

  Three days later, as morning mists shrouded the snowy terrain that surrounded the generous frontage of Castle Febere all the vampires and humans were gathered, along with their personal belongings, to hear a farewell message from their host, Mage Dante Febere. Rumors had been circulating that Dante had prepared an alternative method of transportation to carry them onward to their newest, and final, destination out West. It was supposedly a remote area that was located far from cities and suburbs.

  Or even roads and gas stations.

  The mood was light and festive. Many of the vampires and humans were adorned in Steampunk attire that their host had provided. Metal rimmed goggles, old fashioned hats and bustiers and long skirts for the ladies abounded.

  Castor Noble and the vampires and humans in their familial group were dressed to the nines in nostalgic Steampunk regalia. All the ladies were wearing lace dresses with buttoned lambchop sleeves and kid boots. The men had striped breeched tucked into nearly knee high boots and vests and pocket watches. Mitzi told Cass his thick metal rimmed goggles were flattering, and they also had been modernized to double as sunglasses in bright light.

  A hush fell over the travelers as Dante emerged from inside the walls of the legendary Marble City. He was dressed from head to toe in royal blue velvet, his long cape lined with satin and trimmed with silk embroidery.

  “Greetings,” he intoned, his voice so clear and radiating so well that he could be heard easily even without a microphone.”I have come to bid you a most fond farewell. Many of you came here as either mere acquaintances, or even strangers, but you all are departing as extended—and dear—members of my family! Quite a few are staying on here at Castle Febere, with as Mage apprentices or to reside here permanently as part of our wonderful staff.”

  A round of applause broke out spontaneously, but Dante immediately held up both hands to quiet the crowd.

  “In appreciation for your company, and to convey to you how much your visit meant to me, I have decided that the final leg of your journey will be spent in style. The mode of transportation I selected is extraordinary—a hybrid of retro technology that has withstood the test of time and so is coming back into it’s own, along with enchantments that I added to make your journey truly magical. And so to that end I bid you adieu, and give you—

  --the Febere EXPRESS!—nicknamed the “MAGE””

  As if on cue the crowd was immediately aware of a huge locomotive pulling into the castle grounds, riding on a track that seemed to be made of ordinary iron railroad ties, but appeared to hover a few inches off the frozen ground.

  It was a Steam locomotive from the 19th century, and as it pulled in a whistle sounded shrilly and Cass , Lux and the rest were shocked to see Pierre, with an enginer’s cap on, sitting up in the cab of the train. As the train slowly grinded to a halt, Pierre waved madly at the crowd and motioned his vampire budies to join him.

  Amid excited talking and shouts of ‘hurray’, Mitzi and the other female energies entered the first car of the locomotive as Lux, Cass and Orry joined Pierre in the cab of the train.

  “WHEN?” Lux demanded, giving Pierre an accusing look, ”When did you learn how to drive this baby? You and I have hardly been apart since we arrived at the Marble City!”

  Pierre was looking immensely pleased and exhilarated, and gave Lux a ressuring bear hug before he replied, “You’re correct. Mage Febere either suspended time, or created additional time within the constraints of the few moments we were apart so that he could tutor me as a Chief Engineer.

  I must say he did comment that I was an extremely quick learner!” Pierre added, laughing at Lux, who was almost pouting.

  Pierre became all business, sending Orry out to call ”ALL ABOARD” and make sure that the tracks were clear. Then he commanded Cass to act as the ‘fireman’ along with Orry, to shovel coal into the furnace of the steam engine. Lux smiled when Pierre transferred his engineer’s hat from his own head to that of Lux and told Lux to pay rapt attention while Pierre pushed the reverser/’Johnson Bar’ , a large lever that arose from the floor of the cab and could be shoved forward by squeezing the release handle before easing off the handle and locking it into place to assure the forward motion of the train.

  Soon the locomotive was barreling smoothly down the track, and Pierre monitored Lux as he kept an eye on all the different gauges. Aside from the magical additions Dante Febere had added to the train, there were some modern enhancements as well: the ‘Mage’, as Dante had dubbed the train, would not need to make stops for water because a water replenishing condensation system had been installed, and the coal that fueled the train was a specially processed type that was compacted and burned hotter and more efficiently so that the train was carrying more than enough coal for the trip West.

  Inside the first car of the locomotive all the vampire and human ladies on board w
ere exhilarated, their cheeks pinked with excitement. Only Blue was disconsolate as he gazed out of the locomotive window seat he’s selected, his eyes too dimmed by unshed tears to appreciate the panoramic views. He’d gone as far as requesting a private audience with Dante Febere and begging to either be included in the apprenticeship program or even remain behind as part of Dantes private staff.

  Dante had regretfully declined, telling Blue that these things were prewritten in the stars and were part of a destiny that was immutable and unchanging, and also that he was so very sorry.

  Blue had gone to Fessenda for comfort, sobbing out his disappointment in her arms. Fressenda had assured him that he was welcome to stay with Charley and herself after they arrived at their destination

  In the meantime the Mage had been equipped with two dining cars in order to handle the nutritional requirements of those traveling. The chefs had been supplied by Dante Febere, and though the menu was a short one, it included many favorites as well as a sumptuous brunch offering that was available 24-7. The brunch included any style eggs, French toast, popovers. Flapjacks, biscuits, ham, steak,sausage links and even fried oysters and a fresh fruit compote. Hamburgers and hotdogs, french fries, and a variety of soups , vegetables and alcoholic, carbonated and noncarbonated beverages finished out the dining car offerings.

  The travelers had been told that their 18 hour journey would land them in a Westernmost state, but only a select few on the journey knew that the mysterious steam locomotive was taking them to Hinsdale County Colarado, chosen because it had the distinction of having more roadless land per capita than any place in the contiguous U.S. The region was mountainous, and terraced like some of the ancient regions of South America , a veritable Machu Pichu in the West. Because there were mountains, there were caves also;the entire region was honeycombed with them. Although the growing season would be short, the area was protected by its inaccessibility.

  It was the perfect Eden in which to birth a new society.

  When the steam locomotive finally arrived at dawn two days later the vampires and humans quickly organized into groups. The first group scouted out and located the entrances to the caves that most of the population would be living in, at least temporarily. Inflatable shelters were set up in the meantime, to provide warmth and a common waiting area. Cass and a group of eager determined vamps including Byron, DeMarcus, Orry, Lux, Pierre, Charley unloaded pallet after pallet of concrete canvas from the box cars to insulate and block off ‘apartments’ within the large caverns, trying to provide both shelter and comfort as soon as possible. Many of the caverns harbored natural underground hot springs, and these provided ‘hubs’ around which individual and family accommodations were built. .The concrete canvas, a relatively new invention, hardened to concrete as soon as it was dampened and provided durable and permanent shelter nearly instantaneously, particularly with the vampires working at vamp speed.


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