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Lorna's Gigolo

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by Fawn Lowery


  Lorna's Gigolo

  by Fawn Lowery



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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©

  First published in 2010

  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


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  Lorna's Gigolo

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  Fawn Lowery

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  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

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  Copyright (C) 2010 by Fawn Lowery

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  ISBN 978-1-60313-670-9


  Cover Artist: Nancy Donahue

  Editor: Desiree Reeves

  Printed in the United States of America

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  “Lorna's Gigolo is a clever romp through the bedroom and Ms. Lowery has taken the opportunity to throw in a twist or two in this erotic birthday present gone awry. Lorna does her best to keep her cool and handle the situation. Ramon does his best to see that his reputation is not totally tarnished in the aftermath of their night. I can't think of any way to tell you more about this story without ruining it for you. All I can say is give it a read. You might want to have your friends find you a Ramon for your next birthday!”


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  To Jan;

  thank you for the opportunity.

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  [Back to Table of Contents]

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  Chapter 1

  Lorna Adams bolted upright in bed. Her heart pounded frantically. Sweat drenched her filmy nightgown, pressing the sheer material against her breasts.

  “Damn nightmares,” she mumbled.

  She pushed her long hair across her shoulder, and blinked her eyes against the early morning brightness filling the bedroom.

  It had been almost eight months since the car wreck but she still dreamed about it. It was Christmas Eve, an out-of-hand office party that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. She had offered Mary Fabick, an old friend from college, a ride home. It had rained earlier in the evening, leaving the mountain highway slippery and treacherous. Fog had rolled in off the ocean, and visibility was poor. While trying to execute a hairpin curve, her car slid off the roadway and struck a rock bluff, ending Mary's life.

  The nightmares had begun almost immediately, as did the self-blame. Despite her best efforts, she had been unsuccessful in making herself believe she was not at fault. If she hadn't offered Mary the ride home, her friend would still be alive.

  Lorna swung her feet over the edge of the mattress, contemplating getting up, when the telephone rang. For a moment, she merely stared at it, trying to will the caller to hang up so she wouldn't feel compelled to answer. It was her day off, for Pete's sake. And it was her twenty-eighth birthday.

  “Crap,” she muttered, lifting the receiver. “Hello.”

  “Happy birthday!”

  Lorna smiled slightly as she recognized the voice of Amber Stone, a close friend and one of her employees at the store.

  “Thanks, but I really don't want to be reminded of how old I'm getting. It only reminds me of how pathetic my life is.”

  “You need to cheer up. The gang from the store has just what you need. We're sending you a little gift.”


  “His name is Ramon and he'll be there at six o'clock.”

  “Ramon?” Lorna questioned, her brow furrowing. “Who's Ramon?”

  “He's your sex toy for the evening. Enjoy! Oh, and, Lorna—try not to scare him like you did that poor IRS agent last week.” Amber laughed and hung up the phone.

  Lorna sat on the bed and tried to make sense out of Amber's call. Surely she was joking. She chuckled aloud. “My own sex toy for the evening? That would really be a birthday present.”

  Lorna showered, then made her way to the kitchen and fixed morning coffee. Pouring herself a steaming cup, she ventured out on the wooden deck of her beachfront home. The Pacific Ocean lay peaceful and calm, its gentle white-capped waves washing ashore with barely a whisper.

  She stretched out on a chaise lounge and stared at the blue water while she drank her coffee. Down the beach, she spied Mark Louden walking his dog. He raised one hand and waved at her. Lorna grimaced and waved in return. She hoped he didn't think it necessary to stop off for a visit. She didn't like his dog, Pokey, a yellow lab with a penchant for humping her leg.

  “Why don't you find a bitch in heat and let that dog have some sex, for Pete's sake!” she once told Mark when Pokey jumped her.

  “You're the only one he ever does that to, Lorna,” Mark laughingly remarked, yanking on Pokey's leash in an effort to get him under control. “There must be something about you he's attracted to.”

  His remark had left her speechless but she'd vowed the very next time Pokey humped her leg, she was going to crack him on the head.

  Lorna stared at the two of them on the beach hoping they weren't coming over, until she saw Mark pull the dog in the direction of his own cottage. Relieved, she finished her coffee and tried to decide how she would spend her day.

  At six o'clock, Lorna's doorbell rang. At first she considered not answering the door. After the third incessant ring, she put aside her romance novel and went to the front of the house.

  A bright red BMW sat on the gravel drive. When she peeked through the gauzy curtain on the door glass, she could see a man standing on the front porch. Curiosity welled up inside her as she grasped the doorknob. Could Amber have been serious in sending her someone?

  Lorna pulled the door open and her breath caught in her throat. Tall and dark, with a thick mop of black hair grazing his shoulders, a well-proportioned man dressed in a purple satin shirt and black spandex shorts leaned nonchalantly against her doorjamb. He straightened when Lorna opened the door, turning a chiseled, handsome face her way. He smiled slowly as his dark gaze traveled along her figure.

  The heat of his gaze made her flesh prickle and for a fleeting second, she admitted she'd never been inspected so intently or with such a lusty stare. Her crotch felt immediately damp and her nipples began to peak.

  “I'm Ramon,” he said, his voice a soft caress. He bent over and picked up a sack of groceries and a leather tote from the porch floor. Facing Lorna once more, he gave her a wink with one large dark eye. “I'm here to help you celebrate your birthday.”

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  Chapter 2

  Holy crap. Ramon stepped into the house. Without hesitation, he aimed his feet toward the kitchen as though he knew exactly where he was going. Lorna watched, dumbfounded, until she finally made herself close the door and follow him through the foyer into the back of the house. He proceeded to deposit his hefty bag of groceries on the granite countertop and then began inspecting the room.

  “An excellent working kitchen,” he remarked, taking in the stainless steel appliances and the ample island setting in the center of the large room. “Beautifully designed.”

  Lorna stared at him. Magnificent and a bit comical in his purple satin shirt and skintight bike shorts, there was little room for the imagination to wander. His buttocks were tight and muscular, and his cock appeared more than ample for a man his size. She considered for a moment, her gaze fixed on his crotch. What was it they said about the size of a man's feet in proportion to his penis? She sucked in a quick breath and forced her mind to stop assessing Ramon's butt. He had crossed the kitchen and was busy depositing some of the food items he had brought into the refrigerator.

  “This is rather awkward,” Lorna began, smiling nervously as she walked in his direction. Arranging the words in her head, she prepared to send Ramon on his way. Great butt or not, she was in no mood to be entertained.

  Ramon glanced at her over his right shoulder, his black hair flying about his head as he turned. “Please don't say you have other plans,” he crooned, flashing a dazzling white smile. He closed the refrigerator door once he placed the carton of strawberries and the magnum of champagne on the top shelf, and went to retrieve something from his leather tote. In the next second, he extracted a portable radio and pushed a button on its top. Instantly, heart-thumping drum music blared into the room.

  Lorna realized she would have to shout her intentions to Ramon if she was to be heard but then he startled her again when he began moving to the beat of the music. His lithe body gyrated in a sensual rocking motion, his pelvis wiggled back and forth. She raised one hand to cover the smile that suddenly sprang to her lips. Holy cow! His hunching movements made her think of Pokey, Mark Louden's horny dog.

  Ramon gyrated across the floor, his body in perfect rhythm with the music as he stripped out of his satin shirt, baring a beautiful muscular chest.

  Lorna's lower jaw dropped and the music seemed to intensify, growing louder with each sway of Ramon's hips. Mesmerized, she couldn't take her eyes off him. Suddenly, she admitted she didn't want to. For the first time in months, she felt her emotions spring alive.

  Ramon smiled at her, slow, deliberate, and then he paused to slowly peel the tight shorts down his flat abdomen.

  Lorna's pulse thundered in her wrist.

  A dark trail of body hair appeared just beneath Ramon's navel. Lorna's gaze latched on to the dark furrow and followed it lower as he revealed more of his midsection. Finally, as though she had been waiting for the big prize, the thick dark triangle at Ramon's crotch came into view.

  She felt her body heat up. Her senses began to jolt. There was no turning back now. Anticipation welled up inside her. If he didn't hurry up and toss aside those damn bike shorts, she was apt to do it for him.

  Suddenly Ramon laughed deep in his throat. His gaze was pinned to her face. “I'm sorry,” he bellowed over the loud music. He pulled up his pants. “I didn't mean to get carried away.”

  Lorna blinked her eyes at him. Should she call him a tease? Should she demand he pull off those damn tight shorts and let her ogle his bare ass?

  Ramon hurried over to the radio and shut off the music. “Do you like bubble baths?” he asked, turning to Lorna.

  For an instant, she couldn't find her voice. She merely stared at him as if he'd suddenly grown another head.

  “I'll draw you a hot bath and you can relax while I cook dinner,” Ramon said, taking a bottle of bubble bath out of his tote bag.

  Lorna watched him leave the room, her gaze pinned on his tight butt. She sighed. For the briefest of moments, she regretted not making a fool of herself and insisting he take off his shorts, but then she padded across the tiled floor toward the bathroom.

  “At some point this evening, I've got to have that man,” she muttered, her senses on fire.

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  [Back to Table of Contents]

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  Chapter 3

  Lorna sank down into the tub of frothy hot water. She'd never been more aware of her body. Her crotch was on fire and her breasts were so sensitive she could barely stand the bath water surrounding them.

  She jerked her head toward the bathroom door when she heard Ramon coming down the hallway. He wasn't wearing any shoes, she realized, as she listened to his bare feet slap against the tiles.

  Suddenly the door opened and he entered the room, a silver tray lying on one extended hand. “Champagne goes beautifully with a bubble bath,” he announced, handing Lorna a bubbly glass of wine.

  Her hand shook as she took the glass from him but her eyes were on the tiny red heart-shaped apron tied around his middle. Since she had last seen him, he had taken off his tight shorts, along with his shoes and socks, and donned the apron. She stared at it. He hadn't found that apron in her kitchen.

  A smile pulled at her lips as she brought the drink to her mouth. The evening is beginning to show some promise. Should she ask him to lift the edge of his little red apron so she could have a quick peek at his sexy ass?

  “I'm not sure what my friends told you,” she began, feeling the need to clear the air. “But being catered to is not something I'm used to.”

  Ramon held up one hand, silencing Lorna. “I'm here to help you celebrate your birthday. Relax. I've lots of surprises for you this evening.” He gave her a sultry wink. “I'm heading to the kitchen now.” He turned and strode toward the door of the room.

  Lorna watched his back with growing interest. He was naked except for the little red apron tied around his middle. Her glance went immediately to his bare butt. The very sight of it made her want to grab each cheek and squeeze the tight muscles beneath the smooth skin. She stifled a lusty shiver, then laughed out loud. He's really got an act. She took a sip of the champagne he served her, wondering about the next stage of the game.

  “And what's on the menu for dinner?” she called after him. “Or, are you merely going to remove your little apron and serve me your hard cock?”

  “Oooh!” Ramon voiced, stopping and untying his apron. “I had intended on teasing you a little longer...but perhaps you're aroused enough already.”

  “I have to admit, Ramon, I'm quite distracted by you.”

  He untied the apron and tossed it on the bathroom floor, fully exposing himself to Lorna's curious eyes.

  “You won't mind if I cook in the buff?”

  “Not at all.”

  He gave her a quick wink. “As
you can see, I'm quite aroused, too.”

  His manhood was gorgeous. Long, thick, and fully erect. Lorna swallowed down the urge to call him over and took another sip from her champagne glass.

  “Be careful cooking,” she beckoned, toasting him with her glass when he turned to leave the room.

  She heard him making noise in the kitchen and wondered what he was preparing for dinner. Did she dare hurry with her bath so she could watch him cook in the nude? She chuckled softly in her throat. She'd never cooked in the nude, but then she'd never hired a male stud either.

  Lorna finished her champagne and pulled the plug in the tub. She'd slip down the hall to her bedroom and dress, and then she'd surprise Ramon in the kitchen. Tantalizing aromas were already filtering down the corridor.

  She stepped from the tub and was in the process of wrapping a bath towel around her body, when Ramon suddenly opened the door.

  “I've brought you something to put on,” he announced. He proceeded to unfold a filmy black negligee for Lorna to slip into.

  Lorna gazed at the transparent robe, then Ramon.

  “Don't be bashful,” he coaxed.

  Her cheeks flushed, but she dropped the towel and allowed Ramon to help her don the robe. It grazed her ankles and dipped low across her breasts. Ramon proceeded to tie the velvet ties at the robe's front, his knuckles deliberately brushing the swell of her breasts.

  “You're beautiful,” he said in a low tone. “No wonder I'm so hard.” He sucked in a quick breath as he ran a palm across her pert nipples.

  Lorna fought the urge to grasp his hard cock. His breath was warm on her face as he stepped closer and continued to caress her flesh.

  “Is there a man in your life, Lorna?”

  His erection pressed against her hip, its round head hot and beckoning to her senses.

  “No,” she replied her voice a quiver with emotion. Were they going to have sex standing there in the bathroom?

  “What's your greatest sexual fantasy?”


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