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Fun With The Wolf Pack (bbw, werewolf menage)

Page 2

by Kelly, Carrie

  Already he pulled me in with his adorable innocence. “Hi, I’m Elisabeth,” I said and took his hand.

  He squeezed it and sent electricity throughout my nerves. This was way too much! Now being surrounded by four hot as hell guys, my heart hammered as if it’d break through my rib cage any minute.

  “You found her,” he said and looked at Connor.

  He shook his head. “Shaun,” said the red head.

  “Okay,” I said and pulled my hand away. “You guys need to stop doing that.”

  Brandon put four bags of food on the desk and Sam opened one up, pulling out a carton and some chopsticks.

  Shaun raised an eyebrow and did the same. “Do what? Hey are you hungry?” he asked. And offered me some noodles.

  “Thanks,” I said and took it. My stomach grumbled. “I mean stop acting like I’m a huge catch. Like I’m special.” I took a bite and pouted.

  Connor leaned in and wiped a little sauce from the edge of my lip. “You are special,” he said and licked his finger.

  I took a deep breath. “You all are either desperate or humoring me.” I took another sip of water. The ghost of Connor’s touch still lingered on my lips. Delightful shocks coursed up between my legs.

  “We’re not humoring you,” Shaun said and took a big bite of beef.

  I sighed and didn’t know whether to trust them.

  We all ate while Shaun rehashed the entire time at the bakery. I blushed when he got to me asking Daryl for sex. Still weird that he had paid that much attention to me.

  Sam raised an eyebrow. “Were you attracted to him or something?” he asked. Annoyance in his expression.

  I huffed. “I didn’t have much interest in the guy. I was looking to get laid that’s all.”

  Connor chuckled. “Is that what you want Lizzie? You want someone to fuck?”

  I swallowed and frowned. Talk about awkward. “What’s wrong with that? Girls like me have needs to,” I said and dug my fingers into my knees. Is this the part they all tell me to get real? That it’ll never happen. “I want to know what it’s like,” I spat and widened my eyes.

  Didn’t mean to say that.

  I glanced from surprised expression to the next.

  Sam took a deep breath, his eyes glazed into a pool of lust. “You’ve never done it before?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “No,” I said.

  Connor grabbed my wrist tightly. His eyes brightened. Almost like a reflection. Like an animal’s would. What the hell?

  Leaning in close to me, he smirked. “I guess we’re all going to have a lot of fun tonight,” he whispered in my ear.

  I got up and backed away. “What?” I squeaked.

  Sam bared his teeth.

  For a moment I swore I saw fangs.

  “Are you not attracted to all of us?” Sam growled.

  “I didn’t say that, but I mean, all of you?” I said and gaped. Was this for real? I was surrounded by four hot guys and they all wanted me? Not that I’m complaining, but how the hell was I supposed to handle four men? I looked at Sam’s bulge and blushed. So, I guess they weren’t humoring me after all.

  Shaun took my hand and kissed it lightly. “It’s what you want isn’t it?” he asked.

  Again that wave of charm clouded my head and I nodded. “Yes,” I whispered.

  Behind me Brandon wrapped his arms around my stomach. “What are you afraid of?”

  I shook my head as Connor and Sam join the circle. “You have to ask?” I said and trembled as Shaun pressed his body into me.

  Connor and Sam kissed the side of my neck. Their lips scorching my skin.

  I moaned as Shaun ran his hands down my breast. Tickling my nipples with his thumbs. “Ah!” I gasp.

  Raising my dress, Brandon hooked my panties in his fingers and pulled them down to my ankles.

  Slowly, I kicked them away and closed my eyes. Ragged breaths escaped my mouth and fire ignited the burning need between my legs. Overwhelmed by the four, I tore away. “Wait!” I stammered.

  Connor growled and ran his fingers through his hair. Then he knitted his brows. “What is it?”

  I took a ragged breath. “I need to wash up first,” I said. Anything to stall.

  The four nodded and Shaun frowned as he scratched the back of his head. “Don’t be long,” the blond said and smirked.

  I hurried to the bathroom and splashed cold water in my face, upsetting my make-up. This can’t be happening! I’m about to have my first time with four men. Hell even my friend Debbie never went past two.

  I cleaned my face and gurgled with a small bottle of scope I brought along in my purse. Then I fixed my dress. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach and I frowned. Can I really go through with this? It’s not as if I didn’t want it. Hell it was my dream come true!

  Then I stared at my figure and frowned. Why couldn’t I look like a beauty queen? Or like Debbie? She was a long haired black beauty with a slender body and a tight flat stomach.

  I touched the curve of my hip and gritted my teeth. Come on snap out of it! It’s not like they don’t know I’m a big girl. They have workable eyes. Still they haven’t seen me naked yet. Clothes can hide a lot.

  Finally I opened the door and dropped my mouth. All four men stared at me with hungry looks. Each one butt naked.

  Connor took a couple of steps towards me and offered his hand.

  I trembled as my eyes traveled down to his cock. Wow! Talk about endowed. “You all really want me?” I put my purse down on the couch and took Connor’s hand. “I mean I look worse underneath the clothes.”

  “I highly doubt that,” Connor said and pulled me into his muscular chest.

  From behind Shaun touched my ass and kissed the back of my neck. I tilted my head to the side and watched Sam and Brandon exchange blank looks.

  Sam shrugged and joined the circle.

  Every touch and caress from their hands built the need in my cunt, but my stupid stubborn mind wouldn’t let go of the fact that I was about to reveal my flaws to four men that had none. They said they’d like me, but what if they change their minds after they see me?

  Once again I tore away and fixed the zipper on the side of my dress. “I’m so sorry guys. I really want to do this but I can’t,” I said and looked for my panties. Where the hell did they go? I frowned when I saw Connor holding them up with his finger.

  The red head’s eyes burned like the center of a flame.

  Sam gritted his teeth and growled. “You’re really a tease aren’t you?” he asked and glanced at Connor.

  Shaun ran his fingers through his hair and chuckled.

  “What’s funny?” I asked him.

  Connor threw the panties far behind him and I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. “Do you think you could back out now?” he asked.

  Was he for real? “Yeah, I do believe I can make that choice,” I snapped.

  “Ohhh, she’s getting feisty,” Sam said and smirked.

  I looked at him and raised my brows. Okay, situation is getting out of hand.

  Brandon hurried and stood in front of me. “Hey guys calm down. She’s not certain right now. Just have some patience and…”

  “I think we’re all tired of being patient, considering how long it took to find her,” Shaun said and stared at me. His eyes peered through me. Like he was trying to read what I was going to do next.

  “Seriously, how the hell were you all looking for me when you’ve never even met me?” I balled my fists. Stupid jerks!

  Shaun shook his head. “I already told you. We all at one point or another caught onto your scent and…” he said.

  “You’re our mate,” Connor finished and licked his lips.

  “Mate, right,” I said. I really don’t fucking get it.

  “Do you really think we’re going to let you get away? Just like that?” Connor asked and leaned against the side of the wall.

  “You’re all going to stop me?” I asked.

  “Course,” Sam said and smi

  That does it! I hurried and grabbed my purse then pulled out some pepper spray. I held it out towards Sam. Him because he irritated me the most.

  Sam’s eyes widened and he put his hands up. “What the hell?”

  “I’m fucking leaving,” I spat as my body trembled.

  Brandon put his hand up. “Everybody calm down! Elisabeth look if you give us a chance to explain the situation it’d make so much more sense,” he said. His eyes pleaded with me.

  I shook my head and walked towards the double doors, but stopped as Connor, Shaun and Sam stood in the way.

  Brandon sighed. “Liz, you’re riling everyone up,” he said.

  “I’m riling everyone up?” I said and squeaked after I looked back at the group.

  All eyes reflected and glowed.

  Shaun smiled revealing a set of sharp fangs.

  “What the hell?” I gasped.

  “You like hide and seek?” Connor asked. “Go ahead. Try to leave.” He threw open one side of the door and backed away.

  I dropped the pepper spray and my purse. No fucking way! “What’s wrong with your faces?” I asked sounding so pathetic.

  “We’ll give you a head start,” Shaun said and hunched down to all fours. Then his bones cracked and his body twisted as white fur prickled and covered his pale skin. Hands became paws and his snout lengthened.

  Lifting his head, his green eyes shone, ears perked and his tail swished.

  Sam and Connor followed and shifted.

  In a matter of seconds I was surrounded by wolves. Fucking werewolves! Like in the damn movies.

  Connor took a step towards me. His form so big he looked like a damn dire wolf. His amber eyes studied and followed my every move like I was his prey.

  Sam sat down and I could swear he grinned. Baring his sharp fangs. His fur was the same chestnut brown with spots of white.

  I blinked my eyes and shook my head. No! This can’t be real. Someone spiked that water or something. Although, I wouldn’t know why they’d do that.

  I looked behind me and glanced at Brandon. He was still human, but he looked as if he was fighting the change. He ran a shaky hand through his hair.

  “Brandon, tell them to turn back please,” I said and walked behind Connor’s desk.

  Connor, the wolf with the rusty red coat, growled and leaped in front of it.

  I yelped and stood still.

  Brandon shook his head. “Can’t,” he said.

  “Why the hell not?” I asked.

  “You don’t understand. It’s really hard to control the urges,” he said and gritted his teeth.

  “How do I know I’m not hallucinating or dreaming or something?” I asked. Hoping he could give me some logic.

  “Nope, we’re the real deal,” he said and held his stomach.

  I pouted. So much for logic.

  “Why aren’t you changing?” I asked as I kept my eye on Connor. There’s no way I’d be able to get past three gigantic wolves.

  “I don’t want you to be afraid of us?” he said.

  I gave him a look. “Too late,” I said and screamed as the other two wolves lunged at me.

  I tried pulling up the desk, but failed. How the hell much does this fucker weigh?

  Connor moved to the side and I crouched underneath before he could nip at me. Not that my next move mattered, considering I just cornered myself in.

  Then in an instant the desk was flung into the air and I covered my head. The large thing landed with a bang and splintered open.

  I glanced at the doors. No one guarding them. Without hesitation, I got up and ran as fast as I could. Pulling the door shut behind me.

  I ran towards the elevator and pressed the button continuously.

  Hurry up! Hurry up!

  A huge crash rang through the hall. Four wolves shot out of the entrance like lightning and I screamed and ran to the stairs. Then I closed the door behind me and tried running down two at a time.

  As soon as I heard the door slam open from above I moved into the twenty-sixth floor and shut the door more quietly this time.

  If I make it out of here in one piece I’m giving up guys! I’ll be a lonely cat lady or something.

  I moved amongst the office rooms, glancing back and forth. Was there really no one else in the building? Sure it was a holiday, but there had to be some workaholics around. I walked into a random office and frowned. Then I hurried and picked the phone up, dialing 911. The other end rang twice and I fidgeted.

  A low growl echoed behind me and I froze. Slowly I turned around. Heart hammering in my chest, I bit my bottom lip.

  Sam was hunched behind me. His dark eyes focused on me until a voice echoed on the other end.

  “911 what’s your emergency,” it said. Before I could answer Sam barked and grabbed the phone in his mouth. Then he crunched it between his teeth until it shattered to pieces.

  Ducking away, I ran out and back across the hall. Back to the elevator. This time it didn’t take long to open. I jumped inside as Sam edged closer.

  I screamed and looked away as he made his move. Luckily the doors closed him off in time and started to move down.

  Almost home free. Doors opened and I hurried out. Running towards the exit, but sitting in wait was the red wolf.

  I tried to stop, but ended up skidding on the waxed floor and tripping over my feet. I crawled backwards but the wolf didn’t hesitate. Connor jumped and knocked me on my back. Then he bit down on my ankle and dragged me further into the shadows of the lobby.

  Shaun and Brandon stormed to each side of me and I screamed as they bit and tore my dress to shreds.

  I covered my face with my hands and shook like a scared little mouse. “Don’t hurt me,” I whispered.

  I heard the cracking of bones again. Two hands caressed my arms and pulled them to my side.

  Connor straddled me. His erect cock pressed firmly against my thigh. “Are you going to give in to us?” he asked through ragged breaths.

  I took a sharp breath as Brandon and Shaun crawled on either side of me and peppered my shoulders with soft kisses.

  My eyes glazed over as I took in their naked glory.

  They’re not going to hurt me? This is still about sex?

  A door slammed open in the distance and Sam approached the crowd and frowned at me.

  I looked back into Connor’s eyes and licked my lips. “I guess so,” I stammered.

  He leaned down and our lips connected.

  Fire ignited my skin and I moaned. Our tongues danced and he growled before leaning back. Then he forced my legs opened.

  Shaun moved behind me and ran his fingers over my hair as Sam took his place on one side.

  I closed my eyes and gasped as four mouths worked every inch of my body. Kissing and licking sensitive places.

  Another mouth connected with mine and I welcomed whoever it was. Tasting the sweet feeling of passion. As I opened my eyes Shaun smiled at me.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” he breathed and pulled my hand up to his face. Then he bit down on one of my fingers and sucked.

  My eyes widened. “Mm! Ha!” I gasped as Connor dipped his head between my legs and ran his tongue over my slit.

  Sam and Brandon each took a nipple and suckled, stimulating them into hard nubs.

  I bit my bottom lip and arched my back. Delightful shocks made my body twitch with each lick.

  Spreading the folds of my cunt, Connor lapped back and forth across my clit. Up and down. Up and down.

  Shaun leaned down and smashed his lips against mine.

  In the midst of every single wonderful sensation it was still hard to believe this was happening to me.

  I reached up and grabbed a fistful of Shaun’s hair.

  He bit my bottom lip and moaned as I tugged at his silky locks.

  The muscle in my gut clenched as Connor worked his tongue faster and harder. His fingers dug into my thighs. The he pushed my knees, making my legs spread wider.

  My body
twitched. The peak edged closer, but Connor pulled back before I could cum.

  Sam and Brandon nipped a few more times at my nipples until they leaned up as well.

  All eyes stared at me. Still full of hunger.

  “You like that Lizzie?” Connor asked, his voice husky.

  I scowled. Still feeling stubborn, I didn’t want to admit it, but the charm in his amber eyes clouded my mind and I caved in. “Of course,” I said.

  The alpha smirked and caressed my stomach.

  “Please don’t stop,” I begged. How pathetic of me.

  “What else do you want us to do?” Shaun whispered in my ear. Then he licked my lips lightly.

  I sat up slowly and looked Connor in the eyes. Without hesitating I grabbed the red head’s cock.

  Connor groaned and widened his eyes as if he was surprised. Ragged breaths escaped his lips as I stroked his length.

  “I want you all to fuck me,” I said.

  Muscles tensed, Connor gritted his teeth, revealing a couple of fangs. Then he pushed me back to the ground with his hand over my chest.

  “Sam, Brandon, finish her,” he demanded and moved while the mid rank and the omega leaned down and continued what Connor started.

  Taking turns, each man sucked my pussy. Lapping and licking my clit as rough and fast as they could.

  Connor chuckled as I screamed. Then he ran his hand down my cheek and to my breast. Caressing the overly stimulated nipple with his palm. He glanced at Shaun and gave him a nod.

  Eyes glazed in pure lust, Shaun straddled my face. His hard member hanged close to my lips and the tip was already leaking.

  Slowly, I licked the precum, the taste salty on my tongue.

  “Please,” he grumbled and moaned.

  Grabbing the base of his dick, I wrapped my mouth around it and started sucking hard. The tip assaulted my throat as he bucked his hips and I tried not to cough.

  His gasps and moans sent a delightful shiver down my spine. Means I was doing something right, considering this was my first time giving a blowjob.

  Eyes widened as the peak threatened to split me in two.

  Connor still rubbed and played with my nipples as Sam and Brandon continued to feast on my cunt.

  A hot tongue flicked across my clit one last time before one of them wrapped their lips around the small button and suckled.


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