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Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas

Page 33

by Don Foxe

  “Yes, Prince Yauni. Orbital pattern relayed to your coms. I notice you have Fellen aboard,” the General said.

  “Is that an issue?” Cooper asked.

  “An issue, no,” the General replied. “But there are two Fellen space craft docked at my station. I thought they might wish to contact them.”

  Sky swiveled to face Cooper. Coop turned to Storm, who also had eyes on him. He gave her a simple nod of his head.

  “General, this is Astermalanlan of Fell. Can you tell me the names of the ships?”

  “The AStarr, and the CHoenor,” The General replied.

  “Thank you, General,” Storm replied absently, already keying contact codes. Sky left her station, without permission, but without comment by her Captain, and joined Storm.

  “Col. Kebede, please cover tactical. ENS Fallenitsch, set the course, and ENS Leigh, put us on station,” Cooper finished issuing orders, and turned back to the SHD. “General, we will launch a shuttle with Prince Yauni, Judge Korr, and a delegation of my people to the surface as soon as we have established orbit. I will also dispatch a fighter to your platform. Two of my officers, and two Fellen aboard. They will want to make contact with the Fellen in your dock.”

  “Understood,” The General replied. “I will alert the King. We will prepare to receive your fighter. Postatoon, out.”

  “Col. Kebede, you have command. Kennedy, order Lt. Dominczyk to report and take over communications, and Lt. Commander Sonoritsch to the Operations/Tactical station. Inform Capt. Casalobos to prep Demon for flight to the platform at the northern pole, and tell her Sky and Storm will be joining her.” He did not await a reply.

  “Storm and Sky,” the Fellen looked up, “move to my office to finish your communications. When ready, meet Elie and Mags in the hangar. The four of you will take Demon to the platform. Prince Yauni, and Judge Korr, join me in C-TAC.”

  In the conference room, away from others, Cooper began without preamble. “We have only three days until the wormhole gate is far enough for the Zenge to use. I really don’t need any more surprises. Unless there is something else, I intend to have the two of you join me, Dr. Hernandez, Chief Engineer Camden, Dr, Ordon, Dr. Kimura, Dr. Aziza, and Col. Gregory aboard the shuttle to the planet’s surface.”

  Yauni, and Tasha had nothing to add. Cooper continued, “Kennedy, have Col. Paré prep the LBJ [the 109’s shuttle craft] for a trip to the Rys’ Palace. Prince Yauni will provide the location.” The Prince nodded. “You heard the delegation list?”

  “Yes, sir,” the AI responded.

  “Make sure everyone is informed, and aboard the shuttle in one hour.”


  The landing pad, surrounded by hedge gardens and reflection pools, occupied a half-acre behind the Rys’ Palace. Designed primarily for surface transports, but capable of accepting space shuttles.

  After touchdown, a security detail consisting of a dozen Lisza Kaugh, with shoulder-fire laser rifles, surrounded the LBJ. Yauni disembarked first, and a couple of over-sized strides delivered him into the waiting arms of a female, and then a male; his parents, the King, and Queen of Rys.

  Korr exited, followed by the delegation of humans. Assuming the role of mediator, she greeted the royals, and received a warm reception from both. She introduced each of the humans to King Saharri, and Queen Navina, ending with Captain Cooper.

  First the Queen, and then the King wrapped arms around the smaller human, and gave him, well, bear hugs. “Thank you for saving our son, and the others,” the Queen said, stepping back from her hug. “Welcome to Rys,” the King said, and gave a hug nearly capable of breaking unbreakable ribs.

  “You’re welcome, and thank you,” Coop replied. “I apologize if I am blunt, but, unlike Judge Korr, I am not a diplomat. My ship brought weapons able to defend Rys from the Zenge. I need my engineers and yours to meet as soon as possible to determine how quickly we can complete installations.”

  “I received your data transmission. While I do not normally discuss affairs of state outside,” the King said to Coop, “I agree time is essential. Tell me, Captain Cooper of Earth, what must we give you in return for these weapons?”

  “Nothing,” Coop said. “We want, we need crystals to power more ships, and weapons, but no one will be making trades if the Zenge take Rys. First, we get your defenses upgraded. Later, we can discuss alliances, exchanges, trade, barter or anything else to insure we continue to work together to stop the Zenge everywhere.”

  The King looked to his son, who said to his father, and monarch, “Captain Cooper is direct, and honest. What he says, he means. I trust him.”

  The King turned back to the human, appraised him for a silent moment, and then said, “I trust you, as well. Bring your people inside. I will contact the scientists, engineers, military and technical people we need to perform this miracle in three days.”


  Over the following three days, The Lisza Kaugh, the Dwards, and those aboard the 109 performed logistical miracles. Several.

  Four locations, currently housing plasma cannon installations, were selected for tachyon cannons. The plasma-based weapons fired extreme-heat projectiles at the wormhole gate to prevent ships from entering the solar system. They required an enormous amount of energy, and had limited range.

  Originally, the Earth engineers planned to place the six systems on Rys. After consultations with local experts, they decided each orbital platform would receive a lighter cannon. Engineers fearful of shaking the platforms into pieces from recoil, deciding to install downsized weapons. Though not as powerful as surface-mounted cannons, the stations provided extended-range, and mobility. The concern about the tachyon’s recoil, and the effect on the space stations, gave way to agreement a bumpy ride a price worth paying.

  Rys workers, provided schematics by Manny Hernadez, constructed the cannons, turrets, the crystal array cages and integrated connective fibers. As each system reached completion, Hernandez loaded the crystal, and aligned the laser arrays.

  Demon stayed busy ferrying equipment and people from planet, to moon, to space station, and every possible combination. Delivering Manny to the sites to complete each weapon became the speedy fighter’s main responsibility.

  Gregory, Captain Shah, the Marines and weapons specialists trained Rys military personnel on how to load, aim, and fire a tachyon cannon. They detailed problems to watch for, and maintenance fixes techs could perform on the fly to keep weapons operational.

  Commander Cornitsch, former Star Gazer Storage Commander, and current PT-109 Supply Administrator became the busiest person, by far. He remained in constant motion. He assured the proper parts and right people got onto the correct transports, and delivered to the accurate location. He, Assistant Chief Lt. Cary Miller, their staff of six, plus an additional six able-bodied sailors, worked around the clock. No one received more than a four-hour rest, or longer than fifteen-minutes meals.

  Dr. Ordon developed targeting solutions for the tachyon weapons. The Rys’ plasma cannons not replaced, received attention by Dr. Aziza. She created a chemical combination, and added it to the firing propellent. The improved mixture resulted in an extended range for the plasma projectiles. The increased reach provided an extra half-day Rys could worry the wormhole gate.

  Hiro checked orbital patterns for the planet and the moons, as well as surface topography to select the best four sites. Proper alignment allowed multiple weapons to cover every angle of potential attack. Limited to using current plasma bases, he still managed to set the weapons in a way to provide full coverage of the planet. Moon installations would use plasma cannons alone. Since they harbored size-limited habitats, those received sufficient protection.

  Storm and Sky made contact with the Fellen on the space platform. The AStarr, away on a job when the Zenge attacked Fell, belonged to Sky’s older sister, AStarratrae. The small commercial vessel designed to transport her, and her crew of four techies, to customers who hired them to improve communications sys

  Coop sat on the castle balcony, overlooking green ocean waters. He heard waves lapping against the shore. Time neared the end of the second day, and progress remained constant, with labor continuous. He recognized he needed rest, but he needed any information AStarratrae might provide more.

  Demon delivered Sky, Storm, and AStarratrae to the castle. While Elie and Mags ate in the castle’s kitchen, the three relatives from Fell joined Coop on the balcony. They enjoyed the equivalent of sandwiches, and fresh fruit. The chairs they used huge by normal standards, but cushions made them comfortable. The ocean breeze at dusk, and sounds of the water kissing the beach, made the troubles of the galaxy seem far away.

  AStarratrae and Sky shared family traits, but not in every way. Her auburn hair longer, falling past her shoulders, and her eyes melted from gold to green, instead of gold to burnt orange. She stood six-feet, and more slender than Sky. Not as buxom as her sister or cousin, but her long legs quite the show-stoppers. She wore the skin-tight clothing females from Fell preferred. Her outfit navy blue, with thin yellow piping.

  Storm and Sky dressed like their human counterparts. They both wore white collared shirts tucked into dark gray cargo pants, and soft-sole matte-black boots.

  AStarratrae stood, then moved to the railing to finish her story.

  “We flew back to Fell when we heard of the attack. We exited the wormhole. There was no fighting. We tried to raise Fell, and got nothing. There was one Fellen ship, the CHoenor racing away from the planet, with fifteen Zenge ships in pursuit. AStarr is a quick ship. I love her dearly, but we do not carry weapons.”

  Sky took up the tale, hearing it before. “AStarratrae hacked the Zenge ships, setting off every alarm they had,” she said with pride. “The noise alone would disrupt the crews. Add in every warning light going off, and it must have been completely disorienting. Genius.”

  AStarratrae smiled at her younger sister. “A desperate act, but it worked. It provided time for the CHoenor to enter the wormhole, and for us to follow. We returned to the system we came from. Once there, we contacted CHoenor, and agreed to meet at Rys, the nearest planet with friends and trading partners.”

  “About the CHoenor?” Coop asked.

  “The CH tribe on Fell consist mainly of farmers, and foresters,” Storm said. “CH means land. CHoenor means Land Rider. The crew are agricultural experts who trade information and farming techniques with other agricultural races. They have eight on board.”

  “Did you have time to discover anything about Fell?” Coop asked.

  “Nothing,” AStarratrae replied, eyes down. “We did not try scans before we ran.”

  “If you hadn’t run you would be dead, or captured,” Coop told her. “This way we have more information, and more help when we go after the Zenge.”

  “Plus these,” Sky said, producing three thin bracelets. “AStarratrae began work on this advanced design the last time we saw her. It replaces the translator rings worn around our necks. These are much easier to wear, and provide twice the non-enhanced range. Like the collars, they can piggy-back a stronger communication system for improved distance.”

  “I included the private channels between the three of you. Storm told me about nicknames,” the tall Fellen said, her blue shade slightly darker. “When you begin by using a nickname — Coop, Sky or Storm — you connect directly to that person. The conversation remains private. I added myself to the channel.”

  “We gave her the nickname, Star,” Sky said, and Storm giggled. “Star is married, with a little girl. We did not think she needed to have sex with you for a nickname,” Storm added.

  Cooper dropped his chin to his chest. “No one ever had to have sex for a nickname,” he said.

  “We know,” Sky said, “but it is fun to tease you.”

  “As the oldest, I have given you a name as well,” Star said, coming over, taking Coop’s hands, lifting him, to stand in front of her, eye-to-eye. “You are a welcome member of our tribe, and your Fellen name is ASaniel. It means Free Angel. Now take my sister and my cousin to bed, and then go to sleep. You look like you need all three.”


  “As of this moment, four tachyon cannons are emplaced on Rys, and one on each space platform. The surface-defense plasma cannons not dismantled, are improved, thanks to Dr. Aziza.” Coop called the briefing to bring everyone up to speed.

  “Besides the surface, and platform-based weapons, a dozen Rys’ military spaceships with lasers are available. Add the 109 and Demon, and you know our defensive and offensive capabilities.”

  “We can push a platform further into space, and continue to blast the wormhole with the tachyon cannon. This will prevent anyone from entering the system for another week,” Yauni said. “If we use your ships, we can continue until the gate is at a distance the Zenge will not consider worth the effort.”

  “Or not,” Gregory said.

  “I don’t understand,” Yauni replied.

  “We know, from experience, the Zenge can create wormholes,” Gregory told Yauni. “If they cannot access a current gate, they might try creating one. Such an action could come anytime, and anyplace.”

  “You want them to attack now,” Tasha said.

  Coop answered. “Yes, while the PT-109 is on site, and everyone is ready. Being able to dictate the time and location for a battle means control over major advantages, which might not happen again. Add the surprises of the 109 on site, and the tachyon cannons in place. Enticing them to attack now outweighs waiting to see if they create a wormhole.”

  “You will place my entire world at risk,” Yauni argued.

  Cooper nodded. “Your world is already at risk. We are providing you the opportunity to fight while the odds are in your favor. But it is your world, Yauni. We’ve delivered the cannons, and we can negotiate an alliance. We can trade, or barter for crystals, or leave without them. Whether you take the odds, and accept the risk, is your decision.”

  “What do you think the Zenge will do?” Yauni asked.

  Gregory answered. “If it were me, I’d send drones until one popped through. If it was not fired upon, it would indicate the wormhole gate was too far for your plasma weapons to hit it. Then I would throw everything I have at you. Partly because it’s how they operate anyway, but mainly because you’ve been pissing them off.”

  “My opinion is let them in sooner than later,” Coop added. “The less space between us, the less time they have to detect the addition of tachyon cannons, or discover the PT-109.”

  Going old school, Cooper used items on the table as visual representations.

  “I’d park our ships far enough away, scans wouldn’t detect them. You allow their ships within range of your surface-based cannons. When you open up with everything you now have, we’d close from the rear. Hammer and anvil.”

  “Even if we defeat them, what would stop them from coming back later, after you are gone?” Yauni asked.

  “Nothing,” Coop conceded. “But they fight from strength. While they are willing to sacrifice themselves, they don’t appear eager to die. We kicked their butts out of our solar system, and they haven’t been back. When we do the same here, they’ll reconsider invading Rys, and hit other, less defended, targets in the galaxy. They would justify staying away as an opportunity to develop greater strength. Retreat now, and return after the easier targets are taken. Providing time for us to mount a counteroffensive.”

  Tasha Korr interjected, “I am a diplomat, not a military strategist, but Captain Cooper’s plan makes the most sense. I would strongly advise Rys to take advantage of its current position, and send a strong message to the Zenge. Rys is not to be trifled with.”

  The Lisza Kaugh prince rose from the table. “I will take this to my father. It is ultimately his decision. I am sure he will consult his generals and senators, but in the end he must choose our course. If he asks, I am in agreement with Captain Cooper and Colonel Anton.”

  Cooper escorted Yauni and Tasha to the door.
br />   He closed the door, and addressed those remaining.

  “Genna and Kennedy, decide what details you need to address, then delegate to crew members any systems with the slightest potential of taking time from your priorities. Anton, prep your Marines. We may need to take a ship, or repel invading troops on the moons, the space platforms, or the planet. You need to be ready to deploy and engage enemy combatants at any of the five locations. Elie, you, Mags and Storm prepare Demon for a firefight. Storm is crazy good at communications and tactical displays. She can handle both ships, if needed. Sky, spend more time with Star. Find out everything you can about how she hacked the Zenge ships at Fell. Maybe we can do the same here. Hiro, you have two jobs. Ask for anything anyone in the sciences can come up with to help. Aziza already increased our firepower with the improvements to the plasma cannons. Maybe someone else has a good idea. Then get the other Space Ranger together. They may need to assist Anton and the Marines. Surface incursions defined our original mission. Now’s the time to see if we remember the drills. Anyone, anything? No. Dismissed.”

  ☀︎Prince Yauni, and Tasha explained the situation to the King, who, in turn, explained it to his military and civilian council. While not everyone agreed, the majority backed the concept of controlling the time and place for engaging the Zenge. The King approved, and Yauni informed Captain Cooper.

  ☀︎Col. Gregory and Captain Shah divided their team. Gregory would stay at the northern pole space platform. The AStarr available should they need to redeploy. Shah, with her team, moved to the southern pole station. They would use the CHoenor if they needed to relocate.

  ☀︎Col. Rachelle Paré, Col. Sindy Kebede, Dr. Hiro Kimura and Captain Javaari Canedee, who volunteered, formed a four-person assault team. They would remain aboard the LBJ, with Paré as pilot. The shuttle loaded with extra ammo, weapons, EVA suits, and field packs. Dr. Bahadur Singh, his two Corpsmen, Sergeants Torre and Lindsfors, would remain on the shuttle as well, ready to provide field medicine wherever required. The Space Rangers would make sure the medics got in, and got the injured and the responders out again.


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