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Jaxson 5: Wrath of Thunder (Black Devils MC)

Page 14

by K. J. Dahlen

  Her eyes rounded as her jaw fell open at the in her face insult.

  I kissed her madly and chuckled the entire time.

  She fought me with indigence “Ohh, you are so gonna get it!”

  “Oh yeah? Badass biker chick? Really?” I teased as I kept up with my man handling of her body tickling her ribs and lowering my hands to just above her mound. A ticklish spot I already knew about.

  Still breathless, she laughed and squirmed. “Stop!”

  We laughed and I played with her body like a toy. It was just that too. My toy for pleasure, for loving, fucking and for keeps.

  We finally settled down as I slid over beside her, keeping her trapped in my arms. “So fucking happy to be with you, sweetness.”

  She nodded. “There’s nothing like being manhandled by my psycho caveman biker.” She giggled. Then her giggling stopped and she went quiet. “Jax?”

  I stilled at the tone. It was her worried voice. “What?”

  “I saw the way…” she faltered, “…the way Spider was glaring at Bella…”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “When he spouted off about her gun at he reception. The way he looked at her. It reminded me of the way Roy used to look at me.” She shivered. “Like a lust hate. Like…” Her words fell away as she trembled. “He’s a bad man, Jax. I just know it deep down.”

  I bit at my lip. She was more than likely right. He was a sonofabitch if our guesses about him were true. “You think he’ll hurt her?”

  She turned to lay her head on my chest. “Thunder will never allow that to happen…it’s just that I have a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Even while we were happy at the reception…I just couldn’t make the feeling go away.”

  I held her tightly to me. “We won’t let anyone get to her.”

  She nodded to my chest.

  I know she wasn’t convinced. Dammit, why did this have to be like this all the time? Someone gunning for one, two, or all of us? It’s the life. The MC world. You cannot live in it without people hating you.

  After an hour of holding her, I got up to shower.

  Chloe lay sleeping, her gun on the nightstand beside her. I stopped to look at her. So angelic, so tough, so sweet too. Caring about Thunder and Bella so much.

  I turned and went to the shower.

  After dressing in dark jeans and a black shirt, I checked my weapon. Loaded it, cocked it and slipped a knife into my boot as well. I knew I had to be in black and loaded up for this job whatever it was. I knew Bruno…it would be in the dark, under cover and full of danger.

  I let myself out quietly and locked the door, pocketing the key. I turned and saw Miggs silently watching me. “Keep her safe man.”

  He nodded at me his large head lowering and raising his eyes a pair of deadly lasers. “I got this. No one will live to try to hurt her.”

  I knew this was the best I could do. I looked over at Thunder’s door. We couldn’t take him. Bruno said no, that this was his wedding night and if he knew, he would insist on going with us. Not to tell him. I didn’t like keeping it from him but Bruno was right.

  I moved on down the long hallway and out into the main room.

  There at the bar sat Reaper, Marco, Demon and… Spider.

  Fucking Spider. Why? I kept my features calm and my expression casual. “Hey brothers.”

  They all nodded. “Having fun there, Jax?” Macro joked.

  Reaper and Spider snickered.

  I gave them a glare.

  They looked away.

  “Okay, let’s fucking do this,” Bruno’s booming voice came from behind me.

  I turned and asked, “Do what exactly?”

  He looked intense as he spoke, “The weapons are in dock.”

  I shook my head. The shipment of guns going to Columbia or some shit.

  “We wear vests and helmets for this ride and we have to double our weapons. Reaper, Spider, go get em.” Bruno nodded at the 2 lieutenants.

  They scooted off their stools and made their way out.

  Bruno looked at Demon, Nikky his nephew. “You are to backup Miggs.” He nodded at the hallway I just left. “You guard your sister and Jaxson’s woman. You hear?”

  He nodded and got up. He stopped at the hallway to check his gun. Then he holstered it and took out another from his vest. A magnum, almost like the one his sister packed. He checked the clip on that one too, and then put it back into its holster. Then he pulled a case from the floor beneath a table and opened it up. He pulled out an Uzi. One similar to Bruno’s favorite weapon of choice. He strapped it over his shoulder, grabbed a chair, and stepped into the hallway.

  “Another fucking De Luca.” Bruno looked proud.

  Marco and I locked gazes as we both shook our heads. I then looked over at Bruno again, a question in my eyes.

  Bruno stepped close. “We keep him with us. In our sights.” He knew I wondered about Spider coming along.

  I nodded. I knew his mantra for this. Keep them close, ahead of you and not at your back, so they can’t put a knife in it.

  Reaper and Spider came back with the vests, weapons, and helmets.

  “I hate wearing a fucking helmet,” Reaper mutter under his breath.

  Bruno strapped on his very large Kevlar over his very large chest and scoffed, “Better than your fuckin’ brains hanging out of your fool head.” He snickered and strapped on his helmet.

  Marco rolled his eyes and strapped on his vest then his helmet.

  We were ready. I paused as I buckled my helmet. Were we though? Ready to coast a shipment of guns down to Tijuana? We could all go to prison for this shit or die trying to keep the weapons from some lowly motherfucking gang.

  “Move it out!” Bruno barked as he whipped his hand around in a circle above his head.

  I grinned as I thought of what Thunder would say right about now.

  Fucking Bruno.



  Gasping, I bolted upright in the bed. I thought—I thought… I heard a Ping. The same kind I heard when the sniper tried to get us. I was breathless and sweating. Did I just have a nightmare? I hadn’t had but one about the shooting and that was the day after I got shot.

  I looked over at the bedside to see Lucy there on the nightstand and then at the digital clock. 4:15 am. Jax must have been gone for hours. I heard a strange noise. Like groaning? Holding my breath, I got up and looked down. I could see myself in the light coming from the kitchenette hallway. I had pink marks all over my body. I smiled. Fucking Jaxson.

  Then I heard it again—loud groaning and a thump.

  Fuck! I looked around and saw Jaxson’s dress shirt that he’d worn at the reception. I tugged it on over my head. The sleeves were way too long, so with trembling fingers, I rolled them up to the elbows. Then I grabbed my gun and tiptoed to the door. Easing the lock quietly, I opened the door just a crack.

  I peeked out while holding my breath. Nothing in the hall… then my gaze fell lower. A huge pair of boots. They moved and I heard that groaning again, I opened the door and gasped.

  Miggs lay on the floor and was trying to get up.

  I moved to go to him. Then stopped. What if the intruder-killer was still out there? I peered down the long hallway. I spotted something at the end and my eyes rounded. Another body!

  I stepped out, my gun leveled ahead of me and looked around then glanced up as I heard Miggs groaning again.

  His big hand hit the wall with a thump.

  I stared down at him.

  He looked disorientated but didn’t seem to have blood on him anywhere except for a huge read spot on his forehead and a cut on his lip. Who could knock a guy this size out cold? What could? It would take 5 men to bring this man down.

  I looked up at the door across the hall. My eyes widened.

  Thunder’s door stood wide open.

  NO! My body suddenly shook like mad. My heart was pounding in my chest. Oh, god. Oh, god!

  “W-what…” Miggs’ dee
p voice came from behind me.

  I paused to look down at him.

  “I-I can’t get…” he mumbled as he struggled to rise.

  I couldn’t think of him right now. I felt sick to my stomach as I moved to the open doorway. Please let them be there, safe. Please God. Please? I trembled as I stepped in, gun raised. I didn’t want to look, but I had to look.

  My eyes moved over the room, rose petals everywhere, clothes littered the floor. A huge tub sat in the middle. I kept scanning, my gun swinging with my gaze and then to the bed.

  Thunder laid over the bed face down with his lower half off on the floor.

  He moved a little, so I knew he was alive at least.

  “Oh, fuck…” I whispered as I looked around again. “Bella?” My heart was beating so loud and hard it pounded in my ears. “Bella!” I was gasping and sweating as I searched the kitchenette then the bathroom, my gun shaking in my hand with every panicked step I took. “No…No!” I got lightheaded as I almost forgot to breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out. “BELLA!” I shouted in desperation.

  God, she had to be here. She had to!


  I flipped around to see Thunder trying to rise as he called her name. Oh… I ran over to him.

  He flipped over then slid to the floor. He held his head in both his hands. “Fuuuck…” he muttered.

  “Thunder?” I asked.

  He groaned and slumped over onto the floor.

  “Thunder!” I yelled as I knelt down.

  He slowly opened his bloodshot eyes. “Bella?”

  I shook my head. “I-I…” I couldn’t say it. I just fucking couldn’t— not to him. He was going to go ape shit. I knew I was about to lose it and soon, as my hands shook so badly I almost dropped my gun. I stood up in a panic. I wanted to find her. I held on to the stupid hope she was here somewhere…

  Thunder’s hand reached out and snatched onto my ankle. “Where?” he puffed the word out breathlessly. “W-whereissheeee?”

  Tears filled my eyes as I swayed on my feet. Knowing she was gone. Totally gone! “D-Dino…” I started and then gulped down a sob. “She’s—she’s…”

  He grabbed both my ankles and shouted, “WHERE?”

  I knelt down and tried to heft him up.

  “God dammit Chloe! Just tell me!”

  I was crying full out now, as I yelled back, “She’s gone!” I wept as I dropped Lucy to the floor with a clatter. “Oh, god! She’s gone!”

  He pulled himself up and leaned over the bed. “No. She was right here. Right…” He looked around at the room.

  My heart broke as I cried and watched his face. I knew I shouldn’t see him like this. I just couldn’t look away. They got her. They took her! I started to really weep as it set in and I slumped to the floor flat on my ass. The truth of it hit me hard—the reality of what it meant.

  “Bella!” he shouted above his lungs as he staggered around the room almost blind from whatever was wrong with him. “Fucking woman!” he yelled.

  I then heard a noise. I stopped crying with a small hiccup and looked around. Was it her, like hiding somewhere? I hoped upon hope. I gazed all around.

  Now Thunder was tearing up the room, tossing chairs and growling with rage.

  I spotted Miggs crawling to the door. It was him that had made the noise. His face looked stark white like he was about to hurl. He spotted a raging Thunder then his eyes swung to me.

  I shook my head as huge tears rolled down my cheeks.

  “Fuck!” Miggs slammed his huge fist onto the floor.

  Thunder whirled around at the sound as if it pulled him out of his fury “ Miggs!” He rushed over and almost stumbled. “Where the fuck is she Miggs?”

  The poor fallen giant seemed to gulp heavily as if to get some air into his lungs as he shook his head.

  Thunder clenched his fists as he turned all around looking at every corner of the room. “Fuck, no!”

  I couldn’t watch this. I couldn’t. It was too much. My throat swelled up so badly that I was starting to gasp for air.

  Pain etched his face as his eyes looked wild. He was a man about to shatter—a man on the edge of insanity.

  I covered my face and cried. That monster got Bella. He got her! I couldn’t fathom it. Oh, god… the things he would do to her. “No!’ I cried out. “No! Nooooo!” I screamed as I stood up. “We gotta find her we…” I caught sight of Thunder’s face and I gulped with fear.

  He looked white, ashen. His eyes raging. “Miggs…get your ass up! Fucking now!” he shouted.

  Poor Miggs struggled with his three hundred pound body as he literally dragged himself up along the doorframe while scratching the wood with his fingernails. Finally, he stood but he swayed badly. “S-some drug…” he breathed the words out, “Drugged.”

  I looked back at Thunder.

  “No shit.” Thunder spat out. “But how?”

  “What does it matter?” I yelled. I lost it. Just lost it. Entirely insane now. Nothing made sense. Nothing sane clicked in my head. Just pure fear. Terror, like I have never felt in all my life. Not even when I faced that prick Antonio. No… this was helpless fear. “Who fucking cares! We got to get her back. NOW!” I screamed like a crazy person. “He—he will…Oh, fuck!” I started to cry again.

  “No, he won’t. He will do nothing but die…” Thunder whispered. “Miggs get the weapons and gear.”

  Miggs nodded and turned away.

  I stared at Thunder, not that I could see him well now through my tears.

  He looked sane now. Almost calm. I never seen him look so cold in all the time I’d known him.

  “Thunder!” Miggs called out.

  Thunder made his way to the door. His legs seemed to not move very well, but he forced himself to walk.

  Sniffling and a little ashamed of my childlike sobbing and my losing it in the face of—I shook my head, got up and looked around. I was trying to get a hold of myself. I had melted down, became a blithering idiot. Panicked and horrified at the fact that my best friend was gone. Maybe forever. This wasn’t going to help Bella or Thunder. I looked around for any clue, anything to tell me what happened here.

  How did they get her out of an MC compound that was on lockdown? How?

  My eyes caught sight of a champagne bottle lying on the floor. Then to the glasses also lying on the floor, like they had been dropped there. Did Thunder do this? I thought back to when I first came in. No. They weren’t on the table then. I went over, picked up a glass, and took a sniff. It smelled normal like champagne. Then I looked close. There was some type of granules in the bottom of the glass. They were drugged.

  “Fuck!” Thunder shouted from the hall.

  Still shaking, I dropped the glass like an afterthought. I picked up my gun and went out.

  They were at the end of the hallway, kneeling by a body.

  I didn’t want to go there. I didn’t want to see another dead person ever again. But my feet stepped into the hall and my legs took me there. I halted when I saw who it was.

  Nikky…Demon. Bella’s brother. His face and neck was all bloody.

  “He was cracked in the head bad, Thunder,” Miggs whispered.

  “I-s is—he…?” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Thunder checked his pulse at his neck. “He’s alive but just barely.”

  Miggs hands shook as he took out his phone.

  Thunder glared at him. “You are not telling Bruno yet!”

  Miggs looked up bewildered. “I was calling Mason…for the kid?”

  Thunder nodded as his expression remained cold and dark.

  I stepped closer. “Thunder, you have to tell them.”

  He looked over at me like he couldn’t figure out what I meant. “Where the hell is Jax?”

  I sighed. “They are all on a job?”

  He stared at me. “A job?”

  I shrugged. Like I didn’t fucking know. I was never told anything.

  “Fuck!” he again swore under his br
eath as he went around Miggs.

  “Thunder!” I shouted. “Where are you going?”

  “To kill…” he muttered, “Kill.” He strode away.



  Blind… Blind fucking rage.

  I staggered down to the basement. I needed weapons like never before. I tugged a vest out. Put it on as my hands shook. I blanked my mind out. I moved around and grabbed a scope rifle from a wall case. Holsters. Picked up two PPQs, loaded them and moved to the cage. I unlocked it then pulled out 6 grenades and 2 smoke bombs.

  I loaded them onto the vests in the tuck pockets. I searched around for more ammo. Grabbing a stack, I tucked it into the vest.

  I stopped for a second.


  I moved to the case and got two. Shoved them in.

  How long has he had her?

  I sucked in a deep breath.

  Too long.

  I checked the rifle and slung it over my vested shoulder.

  What has he done to her?

  “Fuuuccckkk!” I slammed my hand onto the counter.

  Noise came from the basement hall. Yelling.

  I turned on my heel to face the door, both guns high. I felt lightheaded from the drug but shook it off.

  “The fuck!” someone yelled as men came through the hall into the armory.

  First was Spider. His hands tied behind his back.

  I aimed both guns at him.

  He spotted me and his eyes widened. “Thunder?” he yelled.

  I narrowed my eyes. Imagining his brains all over the fucking wall. This man had set it up. It had to be.

  Reaper was behind him pushing him along. “Fuck, Spider. Move!”

  Spider backslided into Reaper and shook his head. “Fuck no!”

  Reaper looked over his shoulder at me. “Shhiiittt,” he whispered.

  Then we heard Bruno yelling, “What is the dammed holdup?”

  Reaper looked back at him. “We got real trouble, boss.”

  Bruno pushed around him and stared at me. “No…”

  I nodded. “Yes… She’s gone!” I aimed both guns at Spider’s head. “And he dies. Right. The. Fuck. Now.” I gritted my teeth.

  Spider looked panicked. “What the fuck is going on?”


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