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Taming the Alpha

Page 4

by Savannah Stuart

  The sound of the engine shutting off made her eyes fly open. They were already at her house. She shook her head and realized she might have actually dozed off for a few minutes.

  When she looked over at Grant, she saw something in his eyes she’d never seen before. It almost looked like vulnerability. Like he was nervous. Which was insane. Still, it tugged at her heart. “Stay with me tonight.” The words slipped out before she could stop herself or even think about what she was saying.

  Grant didn’t respond. Just growled low in his throat and reached for her seatbelt. Before she could move or react, he’d unsnapped her belt and dragged her across the bench seat until she was straddling him.

  Even with the barriers of clothing separating them, the feel of his cock pressing against her pussy made her moan. He shifted slightly so that his erection rubbed right over her pulsing clit.

  His mouth covered hers almost brutally. As their tongues clashed in a hungry frenzy, Grant’s hands slid up her bare thighs and under her dress until he roughly grabbed her sides of her thong.

  She heard the snap of the thin material before she felt it break apart. Then he was cupping her mound with one of his rough, calloused hands. As he slowly rubbed his palm over her wet pussy, she reached between them and grappled with his belt and button.

  Before she could free his cock, he grabbed her wrists with one of his hands in an unforgiving grip and held them together.

  Breathing hard, she tore her mouth from his and stared at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Not yet.”


  “I don’t trust myself not to fuck you the instant my pants come off.” His voice was uneven and raspy.

  And his eyes. The heated look in his dark eyes made her think of hot, primal sex. The kind they’d had too many times to count. Right now her body ached for him. For the kind of release only Grant had ever been able to give her.

  “Okay,” she whispered. Reaching down, she grasped the hem of her dress and lifted it over her head. Before she’d even gotten it off, she felt Grant’s lips on one of her breasts.

  His mouth covered her nipple, tugging and teasing and driving her wild. As she tossed her dress to the side, she arched her back, wanting to give him better access. Needing it. Whenever they were together like this, she always felt like she was the most important thing to him. It was the only time she ever experienced that kind of utter devotion from Grant and she didn’t care what that said about her. She craved it like she craved oxygen.

  Looking down between them, her breath caught in her throat as she watched his tongue swipe over her hard nipple. Combined with the way he was softly grinding his palm against her mound, right over her clit, it wouldn’t take her long to come.

  But she wanted to feel him inside her when she did. Before she could voice that, he slid two fingers inside her. The abrupt entry had her gasping for breath. She lifted up on her knees, not caring that she was acting like an animal in heat, and began riding his hand. He’d be inside her soon enough.

  “Come for me,” Grant murmured against her skin.

  That wouldn’t be too hard. Right now her entire body felt like a live wire. Exposed and electrified. When he switched breasts and tugged on her other nipple in a sharp sucking action she came apart. Her inner vaginal walls began contracting around his fingers.

  Even if she wanted to maintain some control, she simply couldn’t. Gripping his shoulders tightly, she arched her back and closed her eyes as the release surged through her. She felt it all throughout her nerve endings. The exquisite pleasure was mind numbing.

  With his fingers buried deep inside her, she was barely aware of anything else. She vaguely heard him tug his zipper down and before she opened her eyes, she felt him shifting beneath her. He withdrew his fingers and immediately her inner walls clenched, wanting to feel him inside her again.

  Before she had a chance to mourn the loss, he thrust between her legs, filling her with his cock. Her throat tightened as her body opened to accept him. It always took a moment when he entered her for her to adjust to his size. But she was wet with her own juices from the climax and she wanted to give him as much pleasure as he’d just given her.

  With shaky hands she grabbed the hem of his shirt and tore it over his head. It’s not as if she cared that she was the only one completely naked. She needed to see him. Was desperate for it. As soon as he was bare to her, she ran her hands up over his muscular chest, shoulders and arms. She loved the feel of all that power humming under her fingertips. He flexed slightly and that low growl that always got her hot started deep in his throat once again. The sound was almost animalistic.

  Her gaze flew to his. Something dark and dangerous lurked in his eyes. Instead of making her nervous, it only turned her on even more. Rising up on her knees, she began riding him with abandon. As she began moving, he thrust into her until their bodies were dancing in an erotic, frenzied dance. She couldn’t get enough of him and that scared her. The feel of his cock filling her made her already aching nipples tingle even more.

  From his rough, unsteady movements, she knew he was close. Could feel it in the way his hands tightly gripped her hips. As if he was barely holding onto that last shred of control.

  And she was almost about to come. Again. Her pussy contracted wildly around his cock. The pleasure was more intense than her first climax. She was about to fall over the edge again. The feel of him slamming into her and knowing he was losing control because of her always made her crazy.

  When he tore his mouth away from her breast, he surprised her by roughly grabbing her by the back of the head and devouring her mouth with his. His lips were bruising, almost punishing, but so erotic she didn’t care.

  He reached between them and tweaked her clit, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. The action had her wrenching her head back from his and crying out his name. As soon as the word tore from her lips, he came too, spilling his seed into her in long hot strokes.

  The feel of his warmth filling her almost made her come emotionally undone. Digging her fingers into his shoulders, she pushed out a long breath as she came down from her high.

  Burying his face against her neck, he lightly nipped her with his teeth. “Talia.” Her name on his lips almost sounded like a prayer. So reverent, despite its unsteadiness.

  She blinked a couple times to clear her thoughts and pulled her head back. As she moved, he did the same and stared at her. Normally he was so guarded but right now, in the afterglow of sex, she could usually read his expression. He looked very satisfied.

  He half smiled. “If we can actually make it inside, I wouldn’t mind tying your hands to your headboard.”

  Her pussy clenched around his still-hard cock at those words. It didn’t matter how often they had sex, he always seemed to be in a permanent state of arousal. Even after he’d climaxed. And now he wanted to tie her up? Her nipples began to tingle with awareness even though she should be completely sated.

  Now he smiled fully, big and knowing. “You like that idea too.”

  Why bother denying it when he could feel the proof wrapped around him? Instead, she smiled seductively. “When you’re done, maybe you’ll let me tie you up.” She knew he’d never let her, but she wanted to see his reaction anyway. There was something in the man’s DNA that simply refused to be dominated. She might not completely understand it, but she knew that much about him.

  He snorted. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

  Grinning, she reached over and plucked her discarded dress from the passenger seat. “We’re lucky none of my neighbors saw us and called the cops,” she said as she tugged the dress over her head. Some of his warmth spread down her thighs but they’d be inside soon enough so she could clean up.

  He chuckled as he reached for his own shirt, though he didn’t make a move to put it on. “If they did, they probably just watched.”

  When they were like this, totally relaxed around each other, it was hard to believe she had any issues with
him. “So you not only have bondage fantasies, you’re into voyeurism too?”

  “I didn’t say I wanted to watch anyone.” Grant shook his head as he tugged his pants back up and zipped them. He didn’t bother with the button and she knew why. As soon as they got inside, he’d be taking them off immediately. He rarely wore clothes at her house, even when they weren’t getting physical.

  “Well, you owe me a pair of panties.”

  He sighed and picked up the ripped shreds of her thong from the floorboard. “I’ll just add it to my tab. I think I owe you, uh…quite a few more.”

  She could feel her cheeks heat up under his intense stare. Yeah, he certainly did. Not that she usually bothered with underwear when she knew she’d be seeing him. It seemed so pointless. But she hadn’t known how tonight would end up. Or maybe somewhere in the deepest recesses of her mind she had. When he’d told her she might see him at the martini club, she’d had a few naughty thoughts on how tonight would go. The image of him tearing off her underwear—like he had so often that first week they’d gotten together, back when she’d still worn them around him—might have played in her head a time or two.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we won’t make it to your bed,” he growled.

  Her pussy instinctively clenched at his words. Blindly she reached for the door handle when his phone rang. The ring seemed to engulf the enclosed space of his truck. It was close to one in the morning now. If someone was calling, she had no doubt it was an emergency at one of his establishments.

  She tried to squash the disappointment that swelled through her. Before he even answered the damn thing, she knew what was going to happen. He was going to get called away to deal with some issue and she wouldn’t hear from him for a day or so. It’s not that she minded him getting called away. Work was work. Totally understandable. It was the whole non-communication thing. Her parents had died a few years ago in a freak car accident, but she clearly remembered their relationship. Her father had called her mom every day on his way home from work just to tell her that he missed her and loved her. And none of it had been fake or forced. She wanted that kind of bond with someone. With Grant. When he didn’t answer the phone, she eyed him curiously. “Aren’t you going to answer it?”

  “Whoever it is can wait,” he said as he silenced the ringer.

  She shook her head. “You and I both know they’ll just keep calling.” Almost on cue, it rang again. The ring somehow sounded more persistent this time. “Just answer it.” Fishing her keys out of her purse, she sat and waited and listened to his half of the conversation.

  Yeah, he so wasn’t staying the night with her. Now she wished she hadn’t even asked him. As soon as he hung up, she braced herself.

  “That was Max.” His voice was apologetic. “I’m sorry, but—”


  “If I didn’t have to go, I wouldn’t.”

  She leaned over and lightly kissed him on the lips. “I understand how busy you are and I definitely understand emergencies. Just don’t forget to call. If you do…” She shrugged. She wasn’t into ultimatums. If he didn’t call or make an attempt to communicate and change things between them, then she knew where she stood. Or didn’t stand, rather. “I hope you work everything out.” Before he could respond, she slid from the truck and headed to her front door. She’d only made it few steps before she felt him tugging her upper arm to face him.

  Damn the man moved fast. He covered her mouth with his in a kiss similar to the hungry one they’d shared not long ago. “I’ll call you as soon as I can. I promise.”

  She nodded, believing him. Or at least feeling more hopeful than she had in a long time about the direction of their relationship. He sounded sincere and she really wanted to believe him. What they had together was hot, sure, but it was more than that. At least for her. She cared so much about Grant it scared her and she didn’t want to end things between them. For now she had to hope he felt the same. “Okay.”

  Chapter Four

  Grant slammed his hand against the steering wheel as he watched Talia walk inside her house. If that call had been work related he’d have blown it off. But this was pack business. Serious, serious business.

  A nest of vampires had settled in the area a few months ago and at first things had been okay. Vamps and werewolves didn’t mix as a rule but Grant didn’t have a problem with the other kind as long as they respected his boundaries and understood who ran this region.

  Unfortunately there had been a string of unusual deaths lately. Human deaths. Thanks to a few detective friends he had in the local police department, so far they’d been able to keep the details of the murders out of the media. But if more bodies completely drained of blood started showing up, people would start to ask questions. Keeping a low profile was what had kept all supernatural beings fairly safe the last few centuries. If these vampires moved into town and started causing waves, it would threaten the safety and anonymity of his entire pack.

  Right now Max and a few other of his pack had captured a vampire they’d caught in the act of attacking a human at one of his clubs. This bastard was going to pay for his crimes one way or another. And he was going to tell Grant everything about the coven that had settled down here.

  By the end of the week, Grant planned to make sure these murderous monsters were gone for good. Whether as ash or of their own accord, he didn’t care either way.

  Most of his pack lived on a stretch of beach along Gulf Shores in a condominium complex he owned. Almost everyone had a private condo unless they shared with their mate or family. He owned the two-story house next to it. Both places were a little farther down the west end of the beach from the main strip of condos and hotels, giving them privacy.

  And right now they had a vampire locked down in his kitchen. Grant just hoped there hadn’t been too much of a struggle subduing the guy. Sure, once they killed him he’d turn to ash but if he’d bled a lot, there would still be the clean up factor.

  As he headed down Gulf Shores Parkway, a strange tingling started in the back of his neck. It raced up his spine until the air around him practically crackled with electricity and untamed energy.

  Slowly, he pressed on the brake. Since it was so late there wasn’t anyone else on the road and he had a feeling he knew what was coming. The moment he slowed, a loud thud landed on the roof of his truck then a clawed hand tore through it. Vampire.

  Dodging out of the way, Grant avoided the vicious swipe. He yanked the wheel to the right and veered toward the side of the road. The truck almost tipped over at the sudden jerk but the vampire trying to claw its way through the roof held on tight.

  Another hand punctured through the roof with a sickening punch as metal creaked and ripped open. Grant slammed on the brakes completely and threw the vehicle into park.

  Using all his strength, Grant lunged up and through the roof. He wasn’t going to waste time needlessly making holes when he could rip the damn thing all the way off. As he broke through into the night air, metal shards cut into him but he barely felt it. A moment later he found himself staring at a fairly young vampire.

  The other man’s scent was a dead giveaway. The ancient ones had a distinctive old-world smell that he couldn’t exactly define. He just knew it when he smelled it. And this blond-haired undead, who’d likely been turned when he was twenty-five give or take a few years in human terms, was probably still close to that age. The fact that this moron had blatantly attacked him instead of using any sort of stealth also gave away his youth and inexperience. Whoever he was, he had a shitty master.

  Not wanting to waste time, Grant used the speed his alpha genes had given him and lunged at the young vampire, knocking him off the top of the truck onto the grassy incline below. He landed on his feet and Grant was milliseconds behind him. Without pause, he grasped hard around the vamp’s neck and dug his fingers in hard enough to break through the skin.

  The other man’s eyes widened at the show of strength. Grant was restraining himse
lf from twisting this guy’s head off and no doubt, the vamp knew it. “Who the fuck are you?” Grant asked as he squeezed even harder.

  The vamp’s blue eyes bulged out and he tried to claw at Grant’s hands but it was no use. He was helpless and had to know it. “If I loosen my hold, you’re going to answer me.”

  The vampire nodded, but as he did, he flicked a glance past Grant’s shoulders. And that’s when he felt another presence. A stronger one. Not much older than this vamp, but this had been a trap, albeit a shitty one. And Grant wanted to curse himself for falling into it.

  Grant squeezed his hand together in a fist and using all his supernatural strength, snapped the head off the vampire. But he didn’t have time to savor the kill. If it had been an ancient vamp, he’d have never been able to do this. As he sliced through the tendons and muscle and lopped his head off, he ducked and swiveled around. Kicking out in self-defense, he slammed his foot into the sternum of the other would-be attacker.

  As the second vampire with darker blond hair went flying back, he threw something at Grant. Something shiny glinted in the bright moonlight as it sailed toward him. He tried to duck out of the way but it sliced through his shirt and skin, biting into his shoulder with deadly intent.

  Immediately a burning sensation spread down his arm and it started to turn numb. Pure silver. He growled low in his throat, pissed off at the injury. This was a flesh wound and wouldn’t kill him but it still hurt like a bitch. Pain erupted in his veins, as if someone had poured scorching acid on an open wound.

  Biting back the pain, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. While the vampire recovered from the kick, Grant hit speed dial three and let the phone fall to the dirt. Max would answer and hear the commotion. From there he’d be able to figure out how to find Grant. They all had tracking devices in their phones in case of emergencies. He didn’t scent any other attackers nearby but just in case, he wanted to call in backup.


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