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Jaded Jewels (The Coveted Saga #2)

Page 3

by C. M. Owens

  Finally, I conceded and took the bait. The longer I could stall, the better my chances were of someone coming to check on me. At least that's what I told myself to reconcile the risky decision.

  "What information? Why would you tell me?"

  "Well, one reason I chose you is because I was curious as to what all the fuss was about. Secondly, you are the least threatening of the Coldwell family, obviously. You can't be trigger-happy, since you don't have your powers yet." He paused as he waited on my mind to wrap around his explanation. I slowly nodded, and he continued. "I know of Graven's plan. He wishes to exterminate your family, and he wants to drain you of your essence to give his family more strength."

  It was probably not too smart, but I responded with sarcasm before I thought about it. "That's not really news. I kind of already figured that out, considering I've been attacked twice—well, three times, actually."

  "And here it was so easy for me to just come in through the window. Isn't that sad? I have the coveted little mortal thing Graven desires most... right at my fingertips. Mine for the taking."

  I never was a fan of games. And I was growing increasingly tired of the way they all toyed with me.

  "So do it and get it over with. There's no sense in me running or screaming. Just get it over with."

  As the inevitable registered, the tears started their slow descent from my eyes. He just smiled as I crossed over the bed. He blocked my path and stopped me in front of the window.

  "I already told you; I'm not ready to fight your family. I heard of the standoff in Brazil. Graven isn't ready yet either, but he will be. He's searching for something, though I'm not sure what. It's something that is apparently very special and strong. When he finds it, I can promise you that he will come."

  In nothing but a towel, I feel all the more intimidated, but mostly I'm just confused.

  "Why are you telling me this?" I gripped my towel tighter to my chest, acting as though it had a secret power that could save me if I needed it to.

  He absently waved his hand around him.

  "I'm telling you because I want Graven gone. I'm going to make a play for his throne—so to speak. As long as Graven rules, I'm just a shadow in the background. If he gets this power he seeks, I will never have my chance.

  "He'll slaughter your family with ease. And mercy will be a fool's prayer. If the Coldwell Coven is gone, he'll be unstoppable. This is a courtesy and temporary alliance. I think you need to be aware that I won't be so gracious in the future. Use this information wisely and act before he finds his treasure."

  He leaned over me quickly, breathing me in. The sick obsession with my scent was another thing that was growing old.

  When he hovered too close, I knew he was going to steal my essence, despite his earlier denial of such intentions. I shut my eyes, cringing as I waited. Instead, he kissed my head—a chaste action that resembled affection one receives from family.

  I could feel the heat of his breath, and chills spread throughout me. "You really should learn to trust people a little more, Aria. I told you I wouldn't hurt you."

  My eyes fluttered open in time to see his wicked, taunting grin spread. He moved toward the window, opened it, and placed one leg over the edge.

  He glanced towards my door briefly before winking at me. "I have to go now. Be careful, Aria. There's something special about you. I can tell."

  Suddenly, a horizontal streak of lightning shot across the room, barely missing Lokan as he leapt from the window and disappeared into the night. Ayla stepped out from behind Jay as he lowered his hands, glaring at the window as though he could will the intruder back for round two.

  Jay finally blurred to the window, as Ayla flashed to my side.

  "Aria, are you okay?" Jay asked, his voice breaking on the last syllable.

  "Yeah, I think." My whole body was shaking, betraying my lie. I was far from okay, even if I wasn't physically harmed.

  My legs had the consistency of rubber, and they were unable to support my weight any longer. I collapsed into Jay's arms. Henry rushed into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Ash, Aster, and Chris joined him.

  "What's going on?" Ash asked, panicked.

  "There was dramian in here with Aria," Jay growled before turning to me. "What did he want? Who was he?"

  Not answering right away, I stared at the floor, still trying to collect myself and process what just happened. He could have killed me so easily. My legs felt still felt rubbery, promising me I wouldn't be standing on my own any time soon.

  My adrenaline had been pumping so high that now my body was having to come back down, and it was making me shake all over. I finally sat down and answered the question.

  "He was certainly not a dramian. He hates Graven as much as we do. His name was Lokan. He wanted to give us some information. He wants us to stop Graven."

  "Who is Lokan? I've never heard of him," Ayla added, sounding as worried as all of us.

  Her close proximity to Jay left her vulnerable to such an emotion, something she wasn't accustomed to. It was notably overwhelming her.

  "I know who he is," Henry said, venom seeping from his tone. As one, we all turned to face him. Pale, shaking with fury, and jaw clenched, Henry looked close to imploding as he continued with, "He's the one that killed my family."

  A new sense of fear gathered amongst the room. He killed a bodyguard and a witch, not to mention the rest of the coven that was slaughtered. I shouldn't be alive right now.

  Ayla was the first to break the new spell of silence. "We have to get everyone together right now."

  Jay nodded in agreement, and everyone headed downstairs as I threw on some clothes and followed. I had to tell them every detail I just learned. The biggest thing I wanted to bring up was the fact security needed to be bumped up. I didn't ever want to find some stranger sitting on my bed that casually again.

  Chapter 4

  People Talk

  How many times are you truly expected to take the high road when so many low blows keep coming your way?

  Henry and I pulled up at school the morning after my nighttime visitor. After less than two hours of sleep, I was exhausted and he was refreshed. Immortals were quickly grating on my nerves.

  McKee and Taryn were already there. Henry walked me into the school hallway, guiding me with his hand at my back. But my stomach sunk when I saw Tallis approaching, looking furious. I turned to Henry as Tallis grew nearer.

  "Hey, can you give me a minute? Taryn will show you where your locker is."

  Henry nodded as he noticed Tallis rapidly closing the distance between us, barely refraining from use immortal speed. Henry walked away warily as they made eye contact, holding each other's gaze as each measured the other.

  Tallis broke the eye contact between himself and Henry as he approached me. His eyes quickly shifted back to meet mine, and the glare made me shiver.

  What had I done now? I just got here.

  "Why didn't you call me? Are you okay? I just found out this morning before I left."

  Whoa. What?

  How dare he sound so offended for being left out of the loop.

  "I'm fine. He never planned on hurting me… this time—"

  "This time?" he asked, sounding furious while cutting me off before I could finish. "He threatened to come back? Why didn't you call me? I could've been there in no time. You certainly made sure to call the rest of my family!"

  There was no way he was serious. Couldn't be. Why didn't I call? Was that rhetorical?

  I grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him to a corner where no one could overhear the tirade I was itching to release.

  "Really? You wonder why I didn't call? That's your big concern? I've called you incessantly—every day since you ran away from me—and you haven't answered one call. I have begged you to talk to me at school, but nothing. I have left you countless messages and texts. I have pleaded with you to call me back or come see me, but I hear nothing in return. I have cried myself to sleep
too many nights, while you pretend that nothing happened. You think you're so superior to me, but you're really not. You're over a century old, but you've been acting like a typical teenage jerk to me. A real class act, I have to say.

  "I walked into my room—that you weren't in—to find a man sitting on my bed. A man who threatens me, and then gives me information to help us at the same time. A man who got so close to me that he kissed my head. I could feel the heat of his breath; that's how close he was.

  "I feared for my life for over ten minutes, knowing that no one was around to save me because of my stupid, mortal feelings. I don't see how you have any right to act like you care now!"

  I hated crying, and lately, that was all I seemed to ever do. People were noticing the heavy drops running down my cheeks, and I was growing increasingly aware of how pathetic I looked.

  His eyes softened, and his guilt replaced his fury. I didn't want his guilt any more than I wanted his pity. He stepped closer as he changed his tone, sounding calmer and apologetic.

  "Aria, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to—"

  I stopped him from getting any closer by putting my hand on his chest, which made his words halt as he stared at the connection. My hand began to burn feverishly with that slight touch. It had been so long since I'd touched him. But there was no place for useless desire when all it caused was pain. Spite and anger rolled around and quickly festered into one pissed girl—me.

  "I know. Believe me, I know. You're linked. You don't really feel that way about me because it's not real. And blah, blah, blah. No need to repeat yourself. I have to get to class," I murmured dryly, ignoring the small wince he gave.

  I walked by him, shouldering him out of the way. His hard body relented or I would have probably been thrown back on my behind. That would have sucked.

  I could feel him watching me as I tried to disappear into the crowd, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of turning around. I was done falling apart. I was done crying. I was simply done.

  Henry walked out of English class with me while he played the part of my protector. Most everyone was staring—most of them whispering as well. Yet again, a very attractive guy was by my side.

  My punishment? Icy glares, instant rumors, and harsh lies.

  As Henry ignored the scene and walked me to the lockers, he took a deep breath. That breath told so much and forewarned me of what we were about to discuss. Crap.

  "So, I take it that was Tallis this morning?"

  Just act cool and casual. Don't break.

  "Yeah. He was a little upset because he didn't know about my surprise visitor," I replied dryly.

  His lips pursed before he said, "Oh. He's trying to distance himself from hurting you, but he can't make himself not care about you."

  A reverent sigh fell through my lips as I tried to think of a way to respond to that. Henry didn't know Tallis.

  "He doesn't care about me. He just hates not knowing everything. He's used to being included."

  I pulled out another book as I noticed a group of girls talking. One of them, of course, was Elaina. For some reason she had taken it upon herself to become my nemesis—the ultimate mean girl. Apparently that wasn't too cliché for her. Despite all of the truly dangerous things I had encountered lately, she still seemed vicious to me.

  Her favorite thing to do? Discuss and ridicule me very loudly with her hyenas.

  "She's so tacky. Tallis breaks up with her before first class and now she's throwing herself at the first hot guy that comes her way," Elaina scoffed.

  "She was all crying and stuff before first period, and now she's all over the new guy. Tallis must have finally come to his senses, and now she's sinking her teeth into the first guy she finds," one of her minions callously added.

  "I don't see what's so special about her. She's just plain and not even all that pretty."

  I looked up to see Tallis diagonally across the hall from me. I heard them loud and clear, so I knew his sensitive hearing did, too. He grimaced as he started heading toward us.

  I knew Henry had to have heard them as well. That became evident when he caused a scene I wasn't quite prepared for. He winked at me discreetly before speaking very loudly, and threw subtlety out the window.

  "Tonight is going to be perfect. I promise I won't let you down."

  My head jerked to him, confused by his comment.

  "What?" I asked, still trying to understand.

  He grabbed me gently and kissed me very softly on the lips in front of everyone in the hallway. Gasps rang out in unison as the entire student body stopped to gawk. I would have gasped, too, but I was too busy choking on the lack of oxygen that had been startled out of me.

  Henry pulled back just in time to let me see Tallis turning back around and stalking away, anger driving his stride. Henry looked around, seeming pleased with himself. Everyone was quiet.

  He leaned over and whispered, "You have to work on your improvisation."

  My eyes were still wide from the unexpected kiss.

  "Yeah... I got nothing. I... well, um... thanks?"

  Dread and regret knotted up inside me, making me feel queasy for so many reasons. I had to get away from him if he was li—

  "Don't worry. You haven't given me any link. Your essence is strong, so I would have felt it if you had. I just saw you struggling and that was all I could think to do. It seemed to do the trick, though," he said proudly, silencing in my inner reason for panic.

  He leaned back on the lockers again, crossing his arms over his chest while smiling triumphantly, possibly looking a little smug. It was enough to make me smile.

  I shut my locker, still a little shaken. At least I didn't feel like I was burning alive.

  "Oh, by the way," Henry said while keeping his smile, "he does care. I saw it when I kissed you. He couldn't get out of here quick enough. Truth can't hide in the eyes. He's in pain. Just like you."

  My breath came and left with those words. I wasn't sure what hurt more—knowing Tallis was suffering like me or thinking I was suffering alone. I hated being a teenager all of the sudden. Too much angst and stupid drama.

  Lunch rolled around, and now everyone was looking and whispering. The initial shock Henry had delivered was wearing off, and repercussions were sure to follow.

  Tallis was with a couple of guys and Everett—who was staring at me. Tallis turned and smiled weakly at me, not hiding how forced the expression was.

  I just turned away. I couldn't play his game of don't show or tell right now.

  The first bit of backlash from the hallway kiss emerged in that instant, making my day that much more unbearable.

  “What a slut."

  "Yeah, she totally made out with some random guy in the hallway earlier. I mean... have some self respect."

  "Definitely a slut." Elaina. Again.

  I looked over to Tallis, as if he was always the first one I needed to see while I was under attack. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but before he could, a new voice rang out.

  "Stupid witches. She's not a slut. She's probably a virgin, if I had to guess. Three hot guys chasing after her would insinuate that she's hard to get—not easy. You girls must be real easy, because I don't see the first guy chasing after you." Someone's defending me?

  Several laughs mocked the beaming red and scowling faces at Elaina's table.

  I looked around to see the face of my unknown defender. It was a girl about my height, with bouncy, short brown hair. She smiled at me as the laughter and mockery grew within the cafeteria, making Elaina and her pack leave lunch early.

  She stuck her hand out to introduce herself. "Amelia Sparks."

  Her perky little voice was sweet and refreshing.

  I happily shook the hand of my savior. "I'm Aria Weislen."

  "Oh, I know who you are. You're a very popular girl around here. I thought maybe I could hang out with you and catch some of your castoffs."

  She laughed jokingly as she gave me a playful nudge.

not like it seems. I promise." I bowed my head awkwardly, somewhat embarrassed, and she sat down beside me before continuing.

  "Well, judging by your body language, McKee is just in love with you, but you don't reciprocate those feelings. You thought he was cute for a second but no real emotional attachment. The new guy, Henry, is a good friend that kissed you to shut up the rat pack earlier. And that guy over there"—she turned to point to Tallis very obviously—"is the one you really love. He did something he feels guilty about though, so now the two of you are on the outs."

  My mouth fell open. She thought she was being quiet, but there was no doubt that every immortal in here heard every word she said.

  Then she turned back to face me, beaming with pride. "How'd I do?"

  I was completely stunned by her accuracy, and a little sickened by how obvious everything apparently was. "Pretty good, actually. How'd you know all that?"

  She shrugged and took a bite of her food, acting as though she hadn't just undressed my drama and left bare. "It's a gift. I have a knack for these things. Always have."

  I then realized what was going on, and I sighed.

  "Oh. So are you a bodyguard, or a light being, or a changer, or something?" It made sense she would be supernatural. Iris probably sent her after the whole ordeal last night.

  "A what?" she asked, looking at me as though I had lost my mind. I was questioning my sanity these days as it was. "I don't know what crazy code you're spouting off, but I do play tennis."

  I laughed to myself, breathing in relief and exasperation. A mortal. Just a mortal. Wow. I felt like an idiot. I shook my head for my misconception and spoke with a better versed mortal question.

  "Are you new?"

  "Sort of. I came here at the beginning of last semester, but I've been staying under the radar. I kind of just hang back and watch people. I know it sounds creepy, but it's not like I'm outside with binoculars or anything. It's always been a therapeutic hobby for me."

  I laughed—a real, heartfelt, genuine laugh. It felt good. Henry kept his eyes concentrated on his tray, squirming uncomfortably for some reason. Taryn seemed to be trying to calm McKee down. His food was being thoroughly chewed between his grinding teeth. I'm sure he wasn't overly fond of Amelia's earlier assessment.


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