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Jaded Jewels (The Coveted Saga #2)

Page 6

by C. M. Owens

  Then he yelled to Jay, "Kill the power!"

  Jay ran up and grabbed two of the power lines at the same time. His body seemed to almost be glowing from all of the electricity surging through him. With his teeth bared and clenched, he hummed with the electricity, owning it, consuming it, until there was blackness everywhere.

  Did he really just absorb all the power? Could he do that?

  His body had small electrical currents moving visibly across him. He shook slightly and dusted himself off while making a loud gasping sound.

  "Oh, I hate that! It's like feeling bugs crawling all over you," he growled.

  Fascinated, I walked up to him and started to touch his arm, but he jerked away from me rapidly, looking at me as though I was a lunatic.

  "Uh-uh. You'd be as fried as an apple pie if you touched me right now."

  I drew back quickly, but I was still mesmerized by all the flowing currents that were sliding around, seeming to be living on him. "That was incredible. Did it hurt?" I asked, transfixed on the slithers of blue climbing up and down him in quick succession.

  "No, but it doesn't feel good either. I have to find somewhere to safely expel this crap before I go bat-shit crazy."

  My head bobbed slightly with a bit of a laugh.

  "I know of a place," Tallis said.

  He walked up to me and put his hand on my back, a motion that felt so natural.

  "Aria can ride with me just to be safe."

  Jay nodded. "Take Ayla, too. I don't want to take the chance of some of this running out on her. Fortunately, my car is proofed."

  Tallis took my hand and began leading me through the darkness that still held panicked bystanders. It was hard to think as my phone buzzed.

  I used my free hand to read the text, and breathed in relief as I saw that Henry had gotten Amelia out.

  When I looked up, we were behind the festival grounds, and Tallis's car was right in front of me.

  "Ayla's riding with me," Desmond said as he got into his car.

  "You brought vehicles?" I asked, but it was only to break the silence between us.

  "Yeah. We thought we might need them in case we had to hurry. Wouldn't want someone seeing something they couldn't understand, so we couldn't have just used our speed."

  He opened the door for me, and I took a deep breath while getting in.

  "Are you sure you are okay?" he asked as he took the driver's seat.

  Physically? Yes. Emotionally? I'm wrecked. I was sure he meant physically.

  "Yeah. I'm fine."

  I wanted the conversation to continue, but silence descended as he started leading the convoy.

  "So, can you do what Jay did with the power lines or would it have hurt you?" I asked.

  His half-cocked grin did cruel things to my weak heart.

  "It wouldn't have hurt me, but I couldn't have absorbed all of the energy like he did. That's part of being an electric. I could absorb an explosion most likely. Not really sure about that one, though. Right now, he's on an absolute power trip, and I'm sure it doesn't feel too pleasant."

  I laughed a little at his intended pun, and his responding smile was rewarding.

  "Where're we going?"

  "My training grounds. It's pretty secluded. It'll be good for that sort of release."

  We pulled up to an abandoned factory. There was a big chain-link fence that wrapped around the entire facility. There were crests all around it, proving it really was a safe spot. Tallis hopped out and opened the fence, before motioning for Jay to drive in.

  After returning to the car, we followed him, and Desmond and Ayla followed us.

  "All right, Jay. Go crazy. This place is very well proofed," Tallis said while opening the door for me.

  I stood close to Tallis as the energy erupted from Jay in an amazing burst. There was so much of it escaping in an epic, bright blue blast.

  Tallis snaked his arm around me to pull me back. I had gradually moved toward the expelled energy without even realizing it.

  "Whoa. I didn't even know I was moving."

  He smiled at me again. Did he not know what that smile was doing to me?

  "That's the problem with magic. It's inconceivably intoxicating. You find yourself helplessly captivated before you even realize it. Such a desire to be close to something can often obscure your vision. It's hard to see it when you're the one affected."

  The pain in his eyes told me his words weren't to be taken at face value. He wasn't just talking about Jay's power right now; he was referring to our situation. It always came back to this. Just like that, our moment was soured, and I stood there in silence.

  As soon as Jay was finished, I jumped in his car. Then Tallis flashed to my side.

  He stuck his head in the car, getting too close to me. "I can take you home if you want."

  My heart screamed yes, but it wasn't good at protecting itself.

  "There's really no need for that. I can just ride with Jay and Ayla. They're going back to the house anyway. It wouldn't make any sense for you to have to go as well."

  He frowned slightly. "I really don't mind."

  It felt as though a sadistic freak was burrowing a hole straight through my heart. I could say yes, and we could ride together, but he'd freak out and hurt me along the way. Always did. It wasn't worth it. I wasn't strong enough for the hot-and-cold game tonight.

  "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine," I murmured.

  Desmond ran up to the side of the car. "Sorry we interrupted your date with the mortal."

  Tallis grimaced, not seeming as playful about Trey as he did earlier. I rolled my eyes and spoke with exaggerated exasperation.

  "That was so not a date. Poor guy is probably still terrified right now."

  Desmond burst out laughing. "Yeah, I saw the nosedive he took when the first wave of bulbs shattered. I bet he had to change his boxers after the second one hit."

  I covered my face as the embarrassment rose. "Well, I don't think I have to worry about him even attempting to speak to me again after tonight."

  Desmond struggled to speak through his roaring laughter. "I absolutely loved it when he introduced you to Tallis."

  I pulled my hands down as Tallis laughed under his breath.

  "Yeah. It was a bit awkward."

  Desmond's chuckling continued as Jay walked up. "I feel so much better. I'm going to get the girls back to the house."

  Tallis and Desmond clapped him on the back and then walked off. I stared out the window as they climbed into their cars.

  Tallis looked back at me before he got in, and I quickly jerked my head to the front. It was getting harder and harder to be around him. It was starting to feel like I was misery's new play toy.

  I had a feeling I would be continuing the cycle of crying myself to sleep for a while.

  Chapter 6

  Party Like a Mortal

  You can run and hide, but eventually you still have to face your problems.

  It had been a while since the festival and someone from school had a party scheduled. No parents were going to be there, and it was supposed to be epic—according to everyone at school.

  I decided this time I was going to go and have a good time. I walked up to Amelia and Henry who were standing in the parking lot before school.

  "Aria," Amelia said with her perma-grin intact.

  Maybe I was a little jealous. But I was also getting worried about her. She and Henry couldn't be together for much longer. He was immortal. She wasn't. That was all there was to it, and it was going to be a bitter battle in the end. I wasn't even sure what he was thinking.

  "I want to go to the party they're throwing tonight, and I want you guys to go with me."

  Henry looked at me puzzled. "You want to go to the party?" Then he stuck his hand to my forehead as if he was checking for a fever. He continued with uncertainty, "Are you sure?"

  I smiled at his playful gesture and replied with light exasperation. "Yes, I'm sure. I want to do something young and mortal whi
le I'm still young and mortal. This time I plan to enjoy it."

  "Young and mortal?" Amelia asked, and Henry's eyes widened.

  "As opposed to young and dead," I said quickly, making up for my slip. Crap.

  Henry laughed uncomfortably, and Amelia gave an uneasy smile. Now I seemed morbid. Great. "I'll try to go, but no promises. I'll see what I can do. My dad should be going bowling as usual, though."

  Henry smiled. "I'll be there then."

  Amelia blushed, prompting me to roll my eyes. And then I restrained a gagging impulse when she giggled for no reason. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to class." And away from the envy pool.

  As soon as school was over, I ran straight to my car. The party was supposed to start at seven. I was going to eat, shower, and dress to kill. I was pulling out all of the stops tonight. I needed to be carefree and reckless for once in my life.

  Being good had only brought me heartache and pain. Being good had made me a target for everyone in the mortal and the immortal world. I needed to just break free and get some release. I was tired of all of the supernatural powers and complicated emotions. I was ready to be a typical teenager for just one night.

  At seven sharp, I decided to leave. I knocked on Henry's door, not bothering to wait on him to answer. "Are you still going?"

  He walked to the door dressed like a model. "Yeah, but Amelia said she wasn't going to be able to come tonight."

  The disappointment tainting his expression was a damper on my excitement.

  "You don't have to go then. I can do this solo."

  He shook his head. "No. I could use a night out. It gets boring staying here all the time. Besides, I told Everett we were going. He's supposed to be meeting us there."

  "Good. I really didn't want to go alone."

  He smiled mildly. "I know."

  We mostly stayed quiet for the short drive. It was less than ten minutes from my house, but it was long enough for me to become a ball of nerves. I started to ask him about his involvement with Amelia, and how long he was going to let it go on, but it was too heavy of a topic to broach. I had to trust he'd stop it before it got too deep.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, his voice soft.

  It seemed as if he was almost trying to talk me out of my decision. "Yeah. I'm sure. I need this."

  "Well, let's make an entrance then."

  I smiled and nodded, and we climbed out of the car. I was wearing a slinky camisole top with low cut jeans. My stomach was trying to peek out of the bottom of my shirt just barely. Tonight I was on a mission to have fun—wild, mortal, irresponsible, crazy fun.

  We walked up and started to knock on the door, but it swung open before we could. It was Trey, which was surprising. He started laughing for no apparent reason. He seemed wildly fascinated with our arrival.

  "Aria? Awesome. I didn't know you were coming."

  "Yeah, Amelia was supposed to come, too, but she wasn't able to."

  "Amelia's the hottie that usually hangs out with you, right?" His words were barely understandable through his slurs.

  Henry grumbled something under his breath, and I tried not to laugh.

  "Yeah. She was supposed to come as Henry's date."

  Trey's eyes widened. "Oh. Cool. So you two aren't together?" I shook my head no, and Trey continued, "Well let's get to partying then."

  He let out a loud yell and the whole party responded by mimicking his primitive call. I laughed, amused by the whole scene. It was different than the party Jared and I had attended.

  Trey ran off to talk to some more new arrivals. Henry and I made our way to the beverage table, which was overly cramped with too many selections. I grabbed a cup and poured some punch into it.

  Henry put his hand over my cup to stop me from drinking it seconds before it reached my lips. "You don't want to drink that, Aria."

  My eyes went up to meet his amused ones. "Why not?"

  He snickered lightly. "It has alcohol in it. I can smell it from here."

  I looked at the cup, weighing my decision. Shrugging, I smirked. “Well, you only live once, right?"

  Henry didn't seem crazy about my response, but he removed his hand and ran it through his hair while sighing. "If you say so. Just remember I tried to warn you."

  "Can you get drunk when you're immortal?" I asked, genuinely curious.

  "No. Our bodies and metabolisms are too strong to be affected by it."

  I smiled and raised the glass in a toasting motion. "All the more reason to do this while I'm still mortal then. I might not get a chance otherwise." I smiled and turned the cup up.

  What the hell kind of toxin is that?

  I turned my nose up as I choked down the nose-wrinkling sip. It burned painfully and disgustingly down my throat, but I managed.

  "I wasn't prepared for that," I said through a harsh breath.

  His condescending laughter rang out, taunting me. "Yeah. Like I said, I can smell it from here. Be careful not to drink too much. It's just poison in a cup if you ask me."

  I smiled at his overly mature nature. For once he sounded his age. "I'll be fine. I think it's just what I need, to be honest."

  "If you say so. I'm going to find some food. Just yell if you need me and I'll be here in a flash.” He winked at me and then maneuvered around the room.

  I continued drinking the poison. I finished my cup and returned for seconds, giggling for no real reason and sloshing the punch a little too much. I could feel my legs starting to burn, and my inhibitions began to lower. I felt free and not even least bit self conscious or worried about anything.

  By the end of the second cup, I felt the need to dance. I filled my cup for the third time and went with the flow. Trey's drunken grin met me, and suddenly he was at my side, dancing.

  "Hell yes!" he exclaimed, his hands going around my waist as the music boomed loudly throughout the house.

  Henry reentered the room, shaking his head in mild disapproval. I didn't care though. For once, I was enjoying myself. I let go of everything that had been binding me, and acted like a complete fool.

  I didn't care who was saying what. I didn't care how stupid I looked dancing. I was just enjoying myself. But Henry apparently cared. Irritating immortals.

  He pulled me away from Trey and over to the side. "We need to go."

  His tone left me with unwanted chills. I looked around and worried that there was someone dangerous I hadn't noticed—or smelled. I even sniffed the air, looking like a dog, but found nothing. My nose tingled, and I giggled as I touched it, trying to tease the odd sensation.

  "Why? What's wrong?" I asked through my uncontrollable giggles.

  He frowned as he looked into my eyes—at least I think it was a frown. "The light militia needs me. I need to take you home first."

  Go? It was just starting to get fun.

  "No. I want to stay. You go. I'll be fine. I saw Everett earlier. He's perfectly capable of handling me."

  "Aria, you came with me. That makes you my responsibility."

  Responsible Henry. So boring.

  I smiled at his protectiveness. "I'm hanging out with a bunch of mortals, so there's absolutely nothing that could happen that Everett wouldn't be able to handle. Tonight I just want to be one of them. Let me stay, please. Everett has had to keep tabs on me numerous times and he hasn't failed me yet. I'll be fine. Just go. I'll call you later."

  I sounded like a five-year-old begging for one more hour to play outside, but I didn't care. I'd stomp my foot if it meant getting my way.

  Henry seemed reluctant to go along with my request, but he finally conceded. "Okay, but you call me if anything goes wrong."

  I nodded and giggled. Everything seemed a little funny no matter what was said. "I will. Don't worry."

  He rolled his eyes. Then he walked over to Everett—Mr. Serious. I saw Everett glance at me and then nod at Henry. The boring version of Henry picked up his phone to call someone as he walked out the door.

  I went back to dancin
g and drinking. I wasn't letting anything stand in my way of having a mortal good time. I was sick of dealing with the immortal chaos, and I needed a break.

  Trey had been dancing with me for a while. He finally took advantage of my lowered inhibitions. He leaned in to kiss me, but I pushed him back. I wasn't that drunk.

  "Whoa. Not interested in all that. I just want to dance."

  He pulled back with a slight scowl. "Why not? We've been dancing for at least twenty minutes. I don't see any harm in a kiss."

  I rolled my eyes. "You and I have very different opinions of what a dance means. I just came to have fun. Not to get tied up in a lip lock. Sorry."

  "I don't know what the big deal is. Just kiss me."

  He leaned in and I pushed him back harder. "I said no." I turned to walk off, but he grabbed my arm at the elbow, halting my escape.

  If I was a normal girl without immortal bodyguards, I'd be afraid. But I wasn't normal. I knew that Everett was there. I could see him making his way toward us, but before he made it there, someone else grabbed Trey and spun him around.

  It was Tallis. Oh crap, crap, triple crap. No!

  I was trying to escape him. That was the whole reason I came and even started drinking. He wasn't supposed to be here.

  "She said no. I suggest you learn to listen better."

  Trey cowered down, as expected. "Yeah. You see, we were dancing and I just thought that it would make sense—"

  I scowled at him as Tallis interrupted his nonsense. "She said no. I'll take it from here. You go find someone else to piss off."

  Trey suddenly had a crazy look in his eyes. Alcohol apparently had a shot of courage in it, because otherwise he would have sulked and walked off. Instead, he wrenched his fist back and thrust it at Tallis's face.

  Tallis could have easily dodged it, but he let it connect. He only slightly turned his cheek as Trey's fist struck him with all of his strength. But the immortal just smirked. Something crunched on impact, and I knew for a fact it wasn't from the explosion-wielding masterpiece. It was a mortal crunch. Trey had just broken his hand—no way around it.


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