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Jaded Jewels (The Coveted Saga #2)

Page 15

by C. M. Owens

  It had been over four weeks since I had last heard from Tallis. No one would tell me anything about him. I assumed he was at home, but I had been under constant supervision—confined to the house. Iris worried about my safety more than ever.

  The letter was ashes in the fireplace downstairs. But the damage was done and the words were burned in my brain.

  My sweet Aria,

  I'm so sorry for doing this, especially in this manner. I feel cowardly writing this letter, but I can't do this in person. I physically can't do this in person. I'm not strong enough to tell you I can't see you anymore. I have to break this link between us. I don't know why it's as strong as it is, but I can't risk hurting you.

  I almost kissed you so many times. It was exhausting to fight the constant temptation. I reached the point where I was ready to quit fighting, and that's just unacceptable.

  I can't be around you for a while. I'm not sure how long exactly, but I won't come around you until I know I have broken the link. I came around you too soon the last time. I knew I still felt strongly toward you, and I should have stayed away. I just made it worse, and then this incredible week was simply intoxicating, sealing my fate.

  I could have stayed there with you forever. You're safe now, and well guarded. I know that this doesn't make it any easier, and I'm sorry. I promise I'm doing this for the right reasons. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you. Please help Amelia get her power under control. It will be harder to come back if she doesn't. I do love you, and I am so very sorry. More sorry than I can ever truly express with words.


  Bitter was a kind word to express how I felt after reading that. The news spread through the house, and I became everyone's project—distract Aria.

  One thing that I had been distracted by was Anesta's newfound happiness. She wasn't unpleasant at all anymore. The night of Jaslene's vision, Anesta had found a soul mate. He was a changer and a friend of the Verdans. I honestly didn't know she knew how to smile that big until recently.

  She thanked me almost everyday for opening everyone's eyes to the truth. It only made sense that if a bodyguard could be good or bad; a witch could be good or bad; then why couldn't a changer be good or bad instead of just bad? Magical people were stubborn like that.

  Henry and Amelia tried not to be too obviously affectionate in front of me. Amelia could feel my pain, and sometimes she would project it on Henry to remind him that he shouldn't be all over her. I mostly stayed confined to my room. I would sketch for hours. The same thing over and over—Tallis.

  Graduation had come and gone, but he'd been absent. No doubt he was doing all he could to stay far, far away from me.

  Ignoring the dull pain in my chest, I walked out side to meet Jay and Ayla after he'd sent me a text. As soon as I saw the blonde queen serenity, she sent a wave of calm toward me, easing some of the ache.

  "I was wondering if you wanted to get out for a while. I had my car crested to protect you. We can ride with the top down and get some fresh air.

  Forcing a smile, I murmured, "Thank you, Ayla, but I'm not up for it. I just want to swim for a while and go to bed."

  Ash walked up, surprising me, since I hadn't seen her much lately.

  "Let's all go, Aria. It's killing us to see you this way. You need to get out."

  Ah crap. Ash would never let me stay behind.

  "Well, get Amelia to come," I grumbled, deciding if I had to go, then so did she.

  "Can't. She and Henry are practicing on her focusing techniques. She's determined to learn how to stop projecting," Ash said casually, not noticing my subtle wince.

  Amelia was killing herself in an attempt to stop projecting so that Tallis could return sooner. Grudgingly, I got in the car, sitting behind Ayla as she took the driver's seat. Ash got in on the passenger side, making her diagonal from me. I was glad to be in the back since I wasn't feeling particularly chatty.

  The wind flew through my hair as we drove down the road, passing the grazing pastures for horses. We stopped at a red light, and some guys in a convertible jeep pulled up beside us, whistling obnoxiously while singing us praises. We just rolled our eyes and drove on.

  I'm sure they were whistling at Ayla and Ash—not me. I knew I had to look about as pretty as death at that moment.

  Then something caught my attention. A light reflected into my eyes from Ash's neck, and I leaned forward, trying to see better.

  "What's that?" It was an amethyst colored crystal that seemed to be alive with beauty.

  "It was a gift"—she paused, her eyes turning from excited to guilty, and her voice changed to a sadder, regretful tone—"from Desmond."

  I didn't have to be empathic to read her emotions. Desmond had finally accepted that she was his soul mate. He gave her a stone, something he knew she would love. I was forced to fight back my guilty tears.

  My sister shouldn't have to hide her happiness. It wasn't fair. I had been so selfish and wrapped up in my own self-pity that my sister couldn't even tell me about falling in love because she felt guilty. It was simple. I was a jerk.

  "Ash, I'm so sorry. I know I've been a mess, but you can tell me. I am happy for you. I've been hoping he would get over his issues for a long time." I could hear my voice crackle in shame.

  She smiled softly as she turned around. "Thank you, Aria. It was all thanks to you."

  I tilted my head to the side. "What did I do?"

  She smiled bigger, looking down bashfully and... did she just blush?

  "The day you asked him to bring me the stone you found was the first time that he couldn't seem to pry himself away from me. We must have talked for hours, and then we kissed. It was... incredible." Her shy grin made me smile, too. "We can talk about it some more later."

  We were pulling back into the driveway now, much to my surprise. It was a short trip to nowhere we had taken, which wasn't like Ash.

  I noted the numerous cars all over the place, and groaned inwardly. I hated our house because it was magic central lately.

  "SURPRISE!!" everyone yelled in unison as we walked through the door.

  I looked around, wondering who we were supposed to be surprising.

  "What's going on?" I whispered to Ash, feeling suddenly uncomfortable when I noticed most of the eyes were on me.

  "Aria, it's your birthday." Her eyes narrowed to accompany the concern in her voice.

  I hadn't even realized it was my birthday. Wow.

  I smiled as everyone hugged me. When Allaysia made her way to me, I pushed aside the urge to ask about Tallis. It was time I let it go for the sake of everyone around me. Seeing Ash's guilt over being happy was the wakeup call I needed.

  Allaysia hugged me tightly, bringing a smile to my face as I allowed myself relax against her.

  "Happy birthday, Aria." She leaned back to hand me a present. "Gear said you couldn't open presents yet, but I wanted you to have this now. We can keep it our little secret." She winked at me, and I couldn't help but smile bigger.

  It was a tiny box wrapped delicately in a light blue wrapping paper. It had a lacy white ribbon crisscrossed on top. It was almost too pretty to open. Almost.

  I untied the strings, and pulled out a beautiful blue stone necklace. It was shaped like a perfect teardrop, and it was stunning—and probably too expensive.

  "It's beautiful," I said in a reverent whisper, dropping the wrapping so I could put on my new jewelry.

  She smiled warmly, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "My mother gave it to me when I was little. She said one day I would find someone else worthy to wear it. I gave Ayla another family piece that I held dearly to my heart, but this stone was meant for you.

  "I originally held on to this in case I had another daughter or a granddaughter. Then I met you, and something inside me has been dying to give this to you. You came into my family, and you gave us hope. It's because of you that my family is no longer ostracized. We're understood, accepted, trusted, loved, and even respected. Most importantly, my mothe
r's name has been cleared and now people know of her amazing sacrifice. Now she is thought of the way Isis was. You don't know how much that means to me. Nothing like this has ever seemed possible, but now it's all happening. And I owe it all to you."

  She hugged me again as I warred with a new onslaught of tears that begged to run free. Everyone had been so thoughtful, much more thoughtful than I had been lately.

  We ate cake and celebrated the day I had forgotten. Surprisingly, it was just what I needed.

  Iris asked to speak with me as the others danced and sang. I followed her to her room, curious as to what she needed to say that required privacy.

  "Allaysia told me that she gave you a family heirloom. Something like that is a great show of respect, especially when done outside of the blood family. Allaysia doesn't trust anyone that she can't read; no one that can't show they've chosen our side. You're the exception to everyone's rule." She smiled as she handed me a pair of earrings, both of them fashioned in an elegant oval.

  "This will match the necklace perfectly," she said, letting the first tear roll down her cheek.

  They were the exact same color as my necklace. They were outlined in a white gold frame just as the necklace had been, and the stones were identical in every way except for in shape.

  "Grandma, this is perfect. How did you match the colors so well?" I asked while putting them on.

  "I didn't try to match it. I didn't buy these. These have been in our family since the days of Isis. I had them turned into earrings for you. They used to be in a brooch. I assumed this would be more suitable to your style. Apparently Isis and Allora were more alike than we realized.

  "I gave your sisters other family treasures on their eighteenth birthdays, but I just knew these were meant for you. Considering Allaysia's gift, I feel more justified in my belief now." She smiled as she hugged me. "Now go enjoy your party."

  I started walking away, but then I turned and ran back to hug her again, catching her off guard. "Thank you, Grandma."

  She hugged me tighter, kissed my hair, and we just stood there as the world around us celebrated. Finally, I pulled back, and we made our way back to the party.

  Everyone was dancing now. Ash went outside to spark a bonfire for us as the night began setting in. Desmond came up behind her while she was setting a blaze. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. She turned to meet his face, and they were suddenly engulfed in a passionate kiss.

  Admittedly I was so frigging envious, but I was also genuinely happy for her. Ash deserved to feel that way, and to have someone feel that way about her.

  Jay and Ayla were dancing slowly to a fast song beside Ash's fire. Gear and Olivia were laughing with some of the changers. Gear had his arm around her waist, pulling her tightly to him.

  Aster was sitting on the couch with her feet raised up on a pillow. She was propped against Chris who was kissing her head and rubbing her twin-baby belly. I couldn't help but smile.

  Amelia and Henry were in the corner of the room, kissing each other softly, not concerned at all with what was going on around them. It was disheartening to be the only one there without someone to love, especially when I knew who my love was. But I was done feeling sorry for myself.

  I had been rolling around in self-pity for too long. I would never get over Tallis, but I had to pull myself together for the sake of everyone else's happiness.

  Desmond walked up and handed me a present, startling me with his sudden presence. "Here you go, Aria. I hope you like it."

  I smiled and unwrapped the present. "Thanks, Desmond." I smiled bigger when I saw what was inside. "Wow. You shouldn't have."

  He grinned his boyish, sweet grin that I would have never thought he possessed when I first met him.

  "Well, I thought it might help you with your sketches. I thought you could take pictures of stuff, instead of working from memory."

  I smiled and hugged him, completely shocking him. He gasped before slowly returning the embrace. He cleared his throat, and took a step back, seeming rattled by his unexpected emotion.

  Playfully, he added, "Don't be sneaking around taking pictures of me, though. I know how mesmerized you've been with me since the day you saw me bare it all, but I love your sister now, and I don't want things to get awkward."

  I slapped him across the chest, and then did a five minute owie dance while clutching the poor hand his immortal body had just wounded. He laughed even as I glared at him. But Jay and Ayla walked up, saving Desmond from my wrath.

  Ignoring my throbbing hand, I held the camera up and said, "Say cheese, guys."

  I snapped the picture, but I was squealing as sparks flew out, and the camera all but exploded in my hands. Ayla pulled it away from me just as it finally did blow up, forcing another high-pitched, embarrassing squeal from me.

  Desmond slapped his forehead, groaning. "I should have told you that you can't take pictures of electrics."

  I just stood there, trying not to laugh once it started to make sense. Jay frowned, and then it turned into a pout. Obviously I had a golden opportunity on my hands.

  "Wow, Jay." I drawled. "You literally broke the camera."

  Jay scowled as Desmond joined me in laughter. Ayla patronizingly petted him, cooing out mock words of comfort, which in turn forced Jay's lips to twitch involuntarily.

  Ayla smiled and kissed him when she saw him caving. "My poor little electric," she added, grinning when Jay's smile spread. Of course, as always, their kiss went from PG-13 to NR-17 in less than a breath, so I looked away.


  My eyes went to the vacant corner of the yard, and something demanded my attention. I saw an odd little thing sitting all alone. It looked as if it had been tossed over the gate. Upon further inspection, I realized it was a present. To my knowledge, I was the only birthday girl there.

  I picked it up and read the name tag, curious as to who would abandon a present. There was only one person I could think of, and my heart fluttered in anticipation. But anticipation turned into a touch of disappointment.

  To the greatest girl in the world. Sorry I couldn't be there.

  Love, McKee

  I opened the long, wide box that was wrapped in fire engine red paper. It was a new sketch book with oil pastels. In that instant, I felt a pang of regret for how I had treated McKee in the past, especially now that I fully understood how someone's cold demeanor could break your heart.

  At least now I knew he was okay.

  I went back inside and put my new sketchbook away. While I was in my room, I heard a familiar voice that I had been missing.

  "Happy birthday, love."

  I whipped around quickly to see the face of the Irish boy grinning. Jared.

  I rushed to hug him, throwing my arms around his neck. He wasted no time wrapping me up in his arms and lifting me from the ground. I've spent months worrying about him and the way we left things.

  "I've been so worried about you," I groaned, not letting him go. "Gear told me how dangerous the mission you were going on was. I've felt so horrible about that night. I'm so sorry about—"

  He silenced me by pressing a finger over my lips, cutting me off mid-apology.

  "I'm fine." Slowly sliding down, my feet found the floor again, and he hesitated to continue. "I heard about lover boy and the nearly fatal kiss. I also heard about the new threat and all the drama you've been dealing with. I figured you needed a friend right now. That's what I promised to be in the beginning. I let myself get caught up, and I knew better. It wasn't just your essence, but it was you that drew me in. I shouldn't have stormed off like I did. It was immature, and you didn't deserve that. I just came back to be here for you."

  I hugged him again, feeling mounds of tension flee from me. "Thank you," I croaked, wishing my voice sounded stronger.

  He grinned sweetly as he handed me a dark blue, canvas bag. I gave him a quizzical look. He smiled a little bigger as he spoke. "Open it."

  I did as told, and then I pulled out a
bottle of sand. Um...

  "What's this?"

  He took the bag from me and pointed to the bottle as he sat down on the ground. "That is sand from the Arabian deserts—all of them."

  He patted the ground beside him for me to join him, which I did willingly. Then he pulled out another bottle that had water in it as I crossed my legs. I put the bottle of sand down so I could take the glass bottle of water.

  "That's water from an Alaskan glacier." Then he handed me a bag with tea leaves. "That is tea from London." Then he handed me another bag with what appeared to have rubble inside. "These are some crumbs from the great wall of China."

  I was stunned and confused, but mostly so impressed with all the places he'd been.

  He smiled a little bigger as he pulled out the next present. It was a framed four-leaf clover. “This is my favorite. It's a four-leaf clover from Ireland."

  The smile that spread across my face was almost painful.

  "This is amazing. What made you think to do such a thing?"

  He looked down bashfully as he responded. "We had to travel a bit during our last mission. Everywhere I went made me think of you. I thought you might enjoy having a few pieces of the world. Let me tell you, though, finding a four-leaf clover in Ireland is ridiculously hard. The tourists are beasts up there. A woman in her eighties almost tackled me for this thing. I barely got away unscathed."

  I chuckled while shaking my head, and he grinned that sweet smile that put me at ease. I looked back down at all of my worldly wonders. I couldn't help but find myself wondering if Tallis would show up as well.

  Jared noticed my sudden change of thought. Instead of asking questions, he pulled me to my feet in one, swift and graceful motion. Then he put all of his incredibly thoughtful gifts back in the bag.

  He took my hand and led me back to the rest of the group, twirling me once, and prompting me to giggle. Everyone was still dancing by the fire.

  "Let's dance. It'll take your mind off of things."

  I just smiled at him as he took my hands and slid them around his neck. I clasped my fingers together while looking up, way up. Jared really was almost as tall as Tallis.


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