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The Girl in Between

Page 29

by Miranda Silver

  Ian groaned softly in her ear. Brendan's face lit up in a surprised smile. He pulled her down for another kiss, a deeper one.

  “I love you too, Di.” His thrusts were longer, grinding against her sensually. “You know that.”

  Ian’s cock throbbed in her ass. He felt huge as he eased out, then sank further, alternating with his brother’s deep strokes. His thighs were hot against hers. Cupping her chin from behind, his thumb brushed her mouth, and she sucked it in feverishly. She was filled beyond full, barely able to contain both twins.

  There were no more words. Only breaths, hard and soft. The push and pull of the twins as she rolled between them. The slide of slick skin. The more she tipped toward Brendan, tilted toward Ian, the more the boundaries dissolved. They weren’t three. They were one.

  Whispers dropped through the air above her, from Ian’s mouth to her ear.

  “Come.” An insistent finger stroked her clit, caressing the swollen bud. “Come, Diana. Come. Come. Come.”

  “Let go,” Brendan murmured beneath her.

  “Take us with you.”

  “Do it.”





  Everything flooded her body at once. Flames, wind, waves. She burst, clasping the twins inside her.

  The air was thick, but she was soaring. Then she fell and slammed back into her body. The twins were solid, not smoke. Heavy and real and hot and moving. Ian’s growls above her, Brendan’s groans below her, the hand in her hair, the wide-open hazel eyes that stared right into hers — this was real. The hard cocks spurting inside her, the sounds of pleasure, were no dream. Her orgasm seemed like it would never end.

  Their breath slowed. Ian eased out of her first, and Brendan followed. She collapsed between them, her crotch sticky with cum. Her heart was still beating fast, but she couldn’t move. She was sinking into Ian’s flannel sheets, cushioned by the weight of the boys next door.

  They lay still. She traced a path on Ian’s arm with her finger. Brendan brushed her damp hair aside to kiss her neck.

  “Shower?” Ian’s hand covered hers.

  “I thought it was impossible for me to get clean,” she teased.

  There were quiet chuckles — the same laugh from both twins.

  “We can try.”

  Powerful arms scooped her up. She gazed up at the freckle high on Ian’s cheek as he carried her the bathroom. Brendan adjusted the water, turning it hot enough that steam rose from the tub and filled the room.

  No one spoke. Sleepily, Diana lathered a firm chest on one side, a broad back on the other. She sighed at the feeling of four soapy hands sliding over her skin. A few bubbles floated through the warm fogged air. She popped one with her finger and watched the others float away.

  Back in Ian’s bedroom, she laughed out loud when Brendan began to strip the sheets off the bed. Ian gave his brother a look and finished the job.


  Hours later, Diana blinked awake in the soft darkness, woken by low voices. It was the middle of the night. She was naked in Ian’s bed, lying on fresh sheets, her face resting on someone’s chest. A muscled leg was between hers on one side, a solid arm flung over her on the other.

  “I mean, Diana— she's amazing.” That was Ian, his chest rumbling against her cheek, his arm around her waist. “Sometimes it messes with my head, I love her so fucking much.”

  “You always have,” Brendan replied from behind her.

  Diana lay still, half-awake. She didn’t want to eavesdrop, but she was curious. She squeezed her thighs around Brendan’s leg and reached back until her hand brushed his. She felt his sleepy surprise, then the slide of his warm fingers through hers.

  “Guess so.” Ian lifted his arm, then wrapped it around her again. “But being with her, it's a different world than thinking I'd never touch her. Being with a real girl instead of dreaming about her — really being with her, together, like there’s never been anyone else…I don’t know how to say it any better than that. But I know I can’t do it any other way now.”

  “Well, when you figure out how to say it, let me know,” Brendan murmured. He was drawing circles on her palm. She sighed into Ian’s chest.

  “You want that?”

  “Not yet. But eventually. What you guys have... Look, I like people, but sometimes I think no one can really love anyone else unselfishly and everyone's just out for themselves. You and Di give me hope.”

  Quiet descended in the room. Diana wondered if the talk was over when Ian spoke.

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “Yeah. I mean it.”


  She woke again when someone shifted behind her. Brendan was climbing out of bed. The first slivers of morning light peeked between the blinds.

  “Love you, Ian.” Brendan reached over her to clasp his brother's shoulder. Ian mumbled a sleepy response. “Love you, Di.”

  Lips brushed her cheek. She reached up to Brendan, burying her face in his firm chest. Then she tipped her head up to graze his lips with hers. Brendan cupped the back of her head, stroking her hair as he held her in a kiss.

  “I love you too, Brendan,” she whispered.

  “Be good for my brother.”

  “I will. When he deserves it.”

  Brendan chuckled. “Ian always deserves it.” He bent to kiss her again. Then he pulled on his boxers and closed the door quietly behind him.

  Behind her, Ian stirred, his voice a low rumble. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close.

  “You awake?” she asked.

  “Mmm. Were you okay with everything?”

  “Yes.” It came out on a sigh. “Completely. Were you?”

  “Yeah. It was pretty fucking amazing.” His arms tightened around her. “And now I want you all to myself again.”

  “I’m yours.” It was all she could say. “I love you so much.”



  Three and a half years later

  Diana filed out of commencement with the other graduates in a row of black caps and gowns. The May sunshine lit the grass. She shielded her eyes and saw her parents waiting for her, the O’Brians at their side.

  Her parents hugged her proudly.

  “Smile big.” Ian held up his phone to take pictures of them, and Diana hugged her parents again.

  “Now us.” She handed her phone to her dad and went to Ian. He took her face in his hands and kissed her on the lips, and she kissed him enthusiastically back. She had no shame in kissing him in front of her parents now.

  Every time Diana had come home during college, her parents had more or less asked if she was done with Ian yet.

  Now that they’d been together for four years — through her junior semester abroad in London and his travel for basketball, the ups and down of college, his job in the real world at a gym and her preparations for grad school — her parents had stopped asking. Her mom was even beaming at Ian right now, asking about his promotion to assistant manager like he’d been on the approved boyfriend list all along.

  She wasn’t done with Ian. She wouldn’t ever be done with him.

  “Congratulations, dear.” Mrs. O’Brian kissed her on the cheek. “I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up.”

  Diana had hoped Ian would make it to her graduation. Bringing his family with him was an unexpected bonus.

  Brendan bent to kiss her too. There was no reason for anyone to think his lips against her cheek meant something beside brotherly affection. Or the hug he gave her, or her tight embrace around his neck.

  “You smell good,” she whispered.

  “Congratulations, sweetness,” he whispered back. “I know how hard you worked for this.”

  She stepped back, flushed, when he let go. Someone tapped her shoulder, and she turned to see Sonia standing behind her.

  Diana stretched out her arms. Sonia grinned and put up with a quick hug. She rolled her eyes when Ian hugged her
too, but looked pleased. Brendan gave her a professional smile, and Sonia shrugged in response.

  “Diana was lucky to be paired with a roommate she wanted to live with for all four years of college,” her dad commented.

  “Not that I expected it,” Diana said under her breath.

  “Hey, Brendan,” Ian said innocently. “Did you know Sonia’s moving to Washington too? You’ll be neighbors. You can say hi.”

  “That’s great.” Brendan’s professional smile was back. “Absolutely.”

  Sonia gave Brendan a pointed look and muttered something unprintable. She waved to Diana and Ian as she walked off with her family.

  Two years ago, for the twins’ graduation, Diana had taken the bus to UConn for the last time. Her parents couldn’t make it. She’d promised to send pictures.

  Graduation was on a Sunday morning. The twins’ roommates had cleared out right afterward, and Mr. and Mrs. O’Brian had driven home.

  Back at the twins’ apartment, Diana had looked around at the familiar couch, Ian’s flannel sheets, everything that had been her home away from home for the first two years of college, and asked mournfully,

  “Can we hang out for a little while before we pack everything up?”

  She’d sat between them on the couch to watch a movie. Halfway through, the sitting turned to snuggling. Under her favorite blanket of Ian’s, the tangle of arms and legs had felt so cozy. Innocent — at first.

  Then the snuggling turned to kissing. Slow and hot, paths of lips over skin. And those paths led to clothes coming off.

  Ian was unzipping her dress. Brendan massaged her thighs, soothing her as he worked his way upward. She wrestled with their shirts, trying to pull them both off at once.

  Being the girl in between the twins — it hadn’t happened since that December night her freshman year. The three of them had been easier with each other since then, the twins closer without being locked into good and bad. The question of whether the threesome would ever be repeated teased her fantasies, but it hadn’t driven her crazy.

  “Is this just for now?” she whispered.

  The twins glanced at each other. A volume passed between them in the space of a second.

  “How about ’til tomorrow?” Ian licked her ear. Her body tightened, and the ache between her legs beat in a pulse. She reached out to both sides, stroking the bursting bulges in the twins’ pants. Their groans only raised her pleasure.

  “Well, you did just graduate,” she giggled.

  Ian had let her tie him up. Wrists cuffed to the bed, muscled body gleaming with sweat, arms straining, growling as she sucked his hard flesh. Brendan stood behind her, massaging her ass, stroking her soaked folds with sure fingers until she whimpered and backed up against him, needing his thick cock to enter her and his soft dirty whispers to fill her ears.

  God, she’d done everything possible with the twins over those two days, and some things she’d didn’t know were possible. In between, the moments of talking and joking, the ease among the three of them, felt so right. When the end came, it was right to kiss Ian as her boyfriend, and Brendan as something else. A lover, going back to being a brother.

  She didn’t know if the threesome would happen again. She knew the twins didn’t either, and that was okay. She liked it that way.

  The noise of commencement brought her attention back. Her parents and the O’Brians were snapping pictures of her and Ian like they were celebrities.

  “They look so attractive together,” Mrs. O’Brian sighed.

  “Brendan, get over here.” Diana beckoned to him.

  Brendan’s dimples flashed. A solid arm draped over her shoulders. Ian wedged her against his brother so she was caught between them. As flashes went off, his hand dropped to give her a firm pinch on the ass. Hiding a burst of laughter behind her smile, she pinched him back.

  She didn’t dare do the same for Brendan. Not here, in public, with happy graduates and families everywhere. But it crossed her mind.

  “It’s so nice that Ian and Diana will be in the same city now,” Mrs. O’Brian exclaimed. “And moving in together! We couldn’t be happier.”

  Diana’s parents made agreeable noises. She knew they were still recovering from last night’s conversation. After rehearsing five times in front of a mirror, she’d calmly told them she was going to share an apartment with Ian. There were fireworks, just like the Fourth of July that first summer, but everyone had come out okay. There was no question that she knew the real Ian.

  “Brendan’s so far away in Washington, though,” Mrs. O’Brian continued. “I hope you’ll all be able to see each other often.”

  “Brendan, maybe it’s time for you to settle down.” Mr. O’Brian clapped his son on the back. “We get the feeling you’re burning the candle at both ends. You should follow your brother’s example.”

  Diana and Ian burst out laughing, and Brendan grinned. “I don’t know if I can be as good as Ian. But I’ll try.” His father rolled his eyes.

  They all went out to dinner together. Over the meal, stories flew about Diana and the twins growing up. When they got to the year the Coopers had moved away, Mrs. Cooper shook her head.

  “Maybe it wasn’t the best idea. Diana became so much quieter that year. And when we came back, she refused to see the twins! Thank goodness that’s all in the past.”

  Under the table, Ian squeezed her hand. A foot nudged her ankle on the other side. She looked up, startled, at Brendan’s sympathetic gaze. She let her leg rest against his.

  “It wasn’t a good year, Mom.” Diana sucked down her iced tea. Both the twins were watching her. “It really wasn’t. But it’s over, and the past isn’t everything, and it’s never going to happen again.”

  After dinner, she said goodnight to her parents and the O’Brians. Everyone seemed to expect that she’d hang out with both twins that evening. They got drinks and ended up in the twins’ hotel room, sitting on the balcony, talking lazily about college and the real world. More stories were told, the kind they hadn’t shared with parents around.

  As the conversation slowed, Diana leaned back, her eyes half-closed. The twins were watching her like they had at the restaurant, but with something very different in their gazes.

  “Congratulations, Diana. You’ve come so far. What do you want for graduation?” Ian’s voice was husky.

  Her eyes opened all the way. Slowly, she took off her glasses and set them on the table.

  Everything started slow. Kisses on her jaw from Brendan, licks down her ear from Ian. Each time she tried to kiss one of them back, a hand would grip her hair to hold her in place, or close on the back of her neck.

  A swift palm slipped under her dress to fondle her breast. Ian was touching her out in the open, with the city spread out below them.

  “You guys — oh God — anyone could see.”

  She tugged Ian’s hair, pulling him down for a kiss that didn’t end. The zipper down the back of her dress parted, inviting male hands to slide it over her shoulders and follow with the satin straps of her bra. Her hand went under Brendan’s dress shirt, exploring hard abs and soft hair and the warmest skin. As his fingers wandered down her arm, they toyed with the crevice of her elbow in a way that just escaped tickling and connected straight to the desperate ache between her legs.

  “Anyone could see,” she whispered.

  She came out there. They made her come, outside. Under the stars and above the skyline, with her dress bunched around her waist, her bra lying on the table, and her lacy thong pushed aside by insistent male fingers.

  Brendan swallowed her moans in long sensuous kisses, one hand rolling her puckered nipple and the other massaging her clit. Ian’s fingers filled her again and again, while he whispered words so filthy that her gasps of laughter threatened to pull her apart.

  When her palms traveled down two sleek chests covered with too much fabric, bumping over belt buckles to cup two heavy bulges, her laughter deepened to uncontrollable moans.

  As her cu
nt hugged Ian’s fingers in a long burst of need, his other arm circled her shoulders, holding her close as his brother teased her clit to peaks of desire and release.

  She’d been through more than she’d ever imagined with both the twins. With Ian. But out on the balcony in the open air, about to graduate and take another step into the world, coming between Ian and Brendan, she’d never felt so vulnerable yet so safe.

  Strong arms carried her inside. Clothes came off and scattered the hotel room. Everything after that was a sensual blur.

  Brendan, bending her over for a spanking because Ian had assured him she needed one, and the things he’d done to her while she was in that position… Ian pinning her wrists down while she squirmed under Brendan’s hands, until he fed her his thick rod because she’d begged to taste it… The hazy glow of both their cocks inside her, her body locked between theirs, climaxing uncontrollably as the twins fucked her.

  The bliss of puddling in their arms afterwards.

  Diana woke at the first light of dawn. She was naked, wrapped in crisp sheets and muscled arms and legs. The unfamiliar hotel room confused her, but the deep breathing close to her ear — close to both her ears — brought everything back.

  She’d graduated Yale. She was between one part of her life and another, with no idea what to expect next. The twins lay on either side of her, and she was the girl in between them.

  She lay still, savoring the moment. Then she shook Ian awake. His hair was messy, his body warm, his leg thrown over hers. The pillow had left adorable creases on his cheek. Brendan was fast asleep, a peaceful smile on his face.

  She and Ian stumbled sleepily into the bathroom to shower, where they blinked at the bright light. Afterward, she woke Brendan up, which wasn’t easy, for one last kiss and a few whispered words. His smile made everything seem right in the world.

  Ian’s arm around her as they walked to the Jeep, their fingers intertwined as they drove to her apartment, made everything right in their world.

  Streaks of orange broke through the sky, lighting the purple-gray streets and buildings. Diana’s bag rested by her feet. Inside was the red journal Ian had bought for her when they started dating.


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