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Gods and Monsters

Page 2

by Sean Michael

  "I am Liska," said the other sweet mother of the earth, offering her lips for a kiss.

  "Liska." Her lips were warm, her innocence faded slightly, but her joy real. When the eldest male kissed him, he could taste her lips upon his mouth.

  Here is a real treat for you, my beloved brother. Three untested men, one as alike as the other. He could feel Verde's excitement, knew his brother would not wait much longer to take his own kiss.

  He rumbled, leaning down to take one kiss, then another, then another, phallus growing stiff and dark.

  "Look my children, look how beautiful he is in his need. You've done that to him, made him want, made both of us want." Verde's hands twitched and the young ones were naked.

  "Oh!" Liska gasped, hands covering her body, eyes wide. " Lord!"

  Verde sighed and the young ones were cloaked in pelts. My need makes me impatient, Beloved.

  They are sweet and young. Have patience. Marrone smiled and piles of pelts were mounded around a blazing fire. A gentle touch and the mortals were relaxed, heading to curl together in piles. Come to me, Beloved, and let them come to us with hunger.

  Verde purred and moved into his arms, his Beloved rubbing against him. He rumbled, kissing his brother deeply. He ran his hands down his brother's back, showing the sweet mortals his Beloved's beauty. Verde's hands slid over his body, touching his belly, his nipples, his neck, moving slowly, inexorably up to his horns. His beloved brother's purrs were growing louder, Verde's need becoming greater.

  His horns grew, his rumbles growing louder. The mortals were watching, eyes hot, the clutch of four beginning to move together slowly, little gasps sounding. Verde let his pleasure have sound, moaning and purring, murmuring sweet perversions into his mouth. He wrapped his hand around Verde's shaft, tugging steadily, displaying his Beloved's beauty.

  "Marrone! Such heat, my beloved brother." Verde rippled against him, pushing into his hand with abandon.

  "Yes, Beloved." His eyes met Liska's dark ones, fascinated and aroused. "Would you touch him? Feel his heat?"

  She nodded, crawling forward with parted lips.

  "Oh...yes...feel what my brother does to me." Verde's words were soft, low, full of such hunger.

  She moaned softly, one hand gently petting Verde's thigh. "Hot, my Lord. So soft."

  Verde laughed softly, the sound rich, seductive. "Not the hottest, nor the softest part of me, sweet one."

  "No?" Such sweet need, such curiosity -- this titian-haired beauty was the bravest of them all.

  Verde turned in his arms, back pressing against his warmth. "Can you guess which part of me burns for my brother? For you and your brothers and sisters?"

  He reached down, parting Verde's thin buttocks and sliding inside with a thought, joining them as thin, dark hands reached to caress his Beloved's phallus. His brother cried out, pushing back onto his phallus, hands moving to cup the flushed face.

  By the fire, sweet cries were rising, the musk from the mortals' need rising, making their coupling richer. The tallest of the men sat, hand stroking his own heavy shaft, watching the three of them with fascination. Marrone rocked strong and steady into his Beloved, watching these sweet, warm humans, feeding on their passion.

  "Take me into your mouth," Verde murmured, guiding Liska's lips to his phallus.

  Those soft lips parted, tongue sliding curiously, lapping at Verde's skin. The taste of his Beloved's seed was true addiction and the hint of it made those dark eyes flare as she pulled his brother in.

  Verde called out, jerking in his arms. "Yes. Take me, take my brother through me. Learn the joy of loving us."

  They moved together, slow yet hard, driving Liska's passion while allowing her to open to Verde's need. Mikah watched, sobbing as his hand worked furiously. His brother shook in his arms, writhed on his phallus, the scent of need, rich and dark and thick in the cave.

  Marrone waved his hand, a smooth wooden phallus -- small and thin -- filling Mikah, rocking in the same rhythm as his own thrusts into his Beloved. The boy's eyes widened, his body tightening as he came. The scent of sweet, pure seed filled the air, making his Verde shout and come as well, pouring his essence into Liska. He tumbled after, roar ringing through the cave as he filled his Beloved, eyes still fastened onto the sated and dazed mortal boy.

  Verde collapsed against him, purring and warm, fingers stroking the Liska's face. He eased them into the furs, drawing the sweet, soft skinned mortals close as Liska got a gentle kiss.

  "Oh, my children," murmured Verde. "Pray with me that winter lasts for decades."

  Marrone chuckled quietly. As long as you would like to keep and teach them, Beloved.

  So good to me, Beloved. Verde stroked his horns, sliding against him.

  He purred softly, eyes dropping closed as new hands joined in the touches, caressing him. Some were hesitant, shy and gentle, others bolder, though none as bold as his Verde, who drank from his mouth and played his skin like an instrument, filling the cave with the song of his need.

  Oh...this winter would be long and sweet, lost in pleasure with his Beloved and their mortals.


  Pleasure was good, but even Verde and his beloved brother knew that it would not hold them for the whole winter. There must be other entertainments for their dear mortal ones. And so one dark night, they gathered around the fire and he began.

  "In the beginning there were only Day and Night. The lady Bianca and her consort Nero. Together they made the world and everything in it. Their children rule the earth, rule nature, rule all.

  "If you have the desire to listen, I have the stories. Gather closer, we'll stay warm together and I will take you on such adventures as mere mortals have never dreamed.

  "I will tell you of the love and hate that flows between Bianca and Nero, how their arguments brought one man to his knees, how their love brought another to such heights.

  "I will tell you of Violo, their first born. The violet god holds sway over all creation and destruction. Be very careful what you wish for when you invoke his name.

  "I will tell you more of Marrone and myself, the second born, twins that cradle you within their thighs.

  "Turchino, the blue god who dances in the skies above us and swims in the waters around us. His storms put fear into the souls of men and yet his kiss can make men fly.

  "Fair and more beautiful than any other is Rossa. The red god brings passion to man's heart and makes him love, makes him hate; such good and such evil has been wrought in her name.

  "Even-tempered and steady, Gialla, the yellow god, is as a rock. Wisdom and knowledge flow from her loins. Her price is steep but her prizes gold.

  "Arancione is arrogant. Master of fire, energy, nourishment. Man's best friend and worst enemy.

  "I feel your question, I have not forgotten. Grigio, the grey god of dreams and nightmares. He was created that man could dream, could imagine that such things as gods did exist and more, that they could be petitioned to grant favors upon such as yourselves.

  "Each has their favorites, the children of their hearts. Dragons and unicorns, men and women, sprites and demons, mermen and warmongers. We fight, we love, we are brothers and sisters like any others and yet unlike anyone else ever born.

  "Move closer now, and give me a sip from your lips and tell me, whose story would you like to hear first?"

  Chapter Two

  They made love for days before the subject of the tales came up again.

  Verde was resting against his twin, head on the warm belly. Here he could smell the musk of Marrone's sex, the scent of need and growth and earth, fecund and rich, familiar and necessary.

  The triplets rested with their sister in a pile that was growing most familiar, while Liska and Mikah rubbed Marrone's horns with oiled fingers. They were such good caregivers and an excellent choice to be the mother and father of their followers. When the winter ended, he and Marrone would bless them with much fruit.

  "Would you tell us a tale, my Lord Verde?"
Liska asked.

  "Of course, my child. Which of the gods would you hear of first?"

  "Why, you and your twin, of course, my Lord Verde."

  He laughed and stroked her cheek. "Such a sweet girl, but you can tell the most important of our tales yourself. Surely you are curious about our siblings?"

  "I would hear tales of the Lord of Dreams," suggested Mikah. "I have long been intrigued by him. He seems as easy as smoke to hold onto."

  "Ah, a good choice, for our brother touches every being and his life is the stuff that dreams are made of."


  Grigio wandered the mists, hands playing idly with a dream here, stroking a dreamer to orgasm there, twisting a pleasant thought into a vile nightmare in passing. So delicate, these mortals, so vulnerable.

  The scent of incense caught his nose, sweet and a sure temptation, drawing him deeper into the mists.

  The temple was old, almost as old as the gods themselves, and three of his smoke demons danced in it, joining with the smoke rising from the bowl where the incense burned. They twisted and writhed together, calling out to him, imploring him to come and spend a dream or two with them.

  Beloved Ones, how fare your dreamings? He smiled, heart singing at their beauty.

  Our Lord! As one they rushed to him, wrapping him in smoke that slowly grew into the forms of three men, legs and arms twined around him.

  We danced for your pleasure, Lord.

  We searched the ether of dreams and nightmares for your beloved presence.

  My beauties, I felt you and came to share in your dance, your pleasure. With a thought his robes dissolved, his form mingling and mixing with his children.

  You honor us, Lord. They rubbed against him, formed, but soft, fading in and out, the smoke a different, more subtle touch than where they were solid. He returned the touches, sparking pleasure deep within each one, their need rich and real upon his tongue. One of them kissed him, smoke pressing deep into his lungs, the caress consuming. Grigio sank into the dreaming of it, drawing the kiss out until the night-time sky vibrated with his need.

  Warm, hazy lips surrounded his phallus and a smoky tongue pushed into him from behind, his beloved children filling him as only they could. His pleasure poured around them, the incense taking ghostly form to touch his beloved demons, share his joy with them. They arched, shimmered and faded in and out, ghostly pulsing within and without.

  The ancient temple began to pour forth legions of wishes and lies, dreams and wishes, night terrors and fantasies, all fuelled by his own need. More smoke demons joined the three who loved him, drawn to the temple by his hunger. They touched him, adding the caresses of thousands to fuel his pleasure.

  When he dissolved in pleasure, he left the breath of his love mingled with each of his most beloved.

  As the intensity of his pleasure faded, he found himself floating on a cloud of smoke, his demons cradling him. Stroking gently with both fingers and mind, he offered his thanks and joy and love. In return they offered him all that they were, pledging their very selves to him now and always. He accepted, curling and mingling with their need, letting the world pass unnoticed beneath them.


  Grigio wandered the mists, lonely and idle, wanting that which he could not name or understand, unable to muster the energy to send his horned devils to scare, his succubae to seduce, his beleaguered phantoms to give portent.


  "Lord Verde?"

  He was surprised at the interruption. "Yes, Melin?" he asked the boldest of the three triplets.

  "Why is Lord Grigio always lonely?"

  Marrone answered for him. "Because he does not have a beloved brother as Verde and I do."

  He nodded. It was true. He and Marrone shared a bond that none other had. For all their denial, their siblings were most jealous, he was sure of it.

  "Let him continue, Melin." Selin looked impatiently at her brother.


  Grigio sighed and his discontent formed tiny rain clouds and heavy-headed mushrooms and fat lizards with slow-blinking eyes.

  Mist gathered at his feet, smoke slowly rising along his legs, circling, caressing. He breathed it in and when he breathed it out again, one of his children, one of the smoke demons, coalesced before him."My Lord, I felt your need and answered your call."

  He offered a warm smile, arms opening in welcome. Oh, his children! His most favored, most loved! They never failed to ease his heart, to make his burden less. The young man flowed into his arms, solid against him, smoke surrounding him, stroking him, whispering beneath his robes and caressing his thighs.

  I would have your name, beautiful one. The touch of their minds together was lightning and storm, energy at its sweetest.

  Etero, my Lord, created for your pleasure.

  He touched their lips together. Etero, so lovely, come to ease my melancholy.

  It is you who are lovely, my Lord. I am but a pale reflection -- smoke in a mirror. Etero's lips melted against his, smoke flowing into his mouth to caress him inside.

  He purred, sweet and long, blessing his dear ones with his joy, his care.

  What is our Lord's pleasure? Etero wound around him, heat and air.

  Mmm...share your sweet touch with me, let us dissolve together in the air itself. He touched the long spine, cradling them together. The demon leaned back, floating on the air, pulling him down along the ethereal body. His laughter slid along the mist, rippling it. My beautiful Etero.

  Beautiful for you, my Lord. Barely-there hands slid beneath his robes. May I, Lord Grigio?

  You may, my beauty. He closed his eyes, nuzzling the soft throat, breathing his Etero in.

  His clothes gave way beneath the smoky hands, leaving him naked, his skin free to be explored by Etero's touch. The energy between them was rich, sweet, lacking edge as they floated together, their mists mingling.

  Etero thinned, spread over greater distance, bringing him along until they filled the entire dark forest with their essence. The wind and stars went through them, causing laughter that floated down into lucky men's dreams, then Etero's arousal awakened his, drawing forth the succubae and incubi to collect their seed. His phallus was stroked by Etero's smoke, surrounded by heat. He rocked, his pleasure filling the air and drawing hymns and blessing upon the mottled skin of his own.

  My Lord Grigio! The smoke rippled against him, growing warmer against his skin. Wanton and writhing, his faithful Etero found pleasure's greatest touch and offered it to him.

  They moved together, faster and faster, smoke growing fingers, fingers smoky, rippling along and within and around. Twisting through the air, they spun together, floating and flying, pleasure chasing everything else away. He blessed this beautiful being with his lips, his mark, his shaft, his seed -- painting his need and pleasure for all to see this was one most favored.

  My Lord. My Lord. My Lord. Etero repeated the words in his mind, over and over again, senseless with pleasure and happiness.

  My beauty. My own, marked so all might see... The waves of joy shattered him, spraying dreams far and wide, calling all dreamers into his realm.

  Yours, most exalted. Etero came, dissolving, disappearing. Slowly the smoke returned, coalesced, and he found himself again with his beautiful smoke demon in his arms.

  He stroked the fine face, offering another smile. You have done well, my Beauty. What would you ask of me, and I will grant it.

  I wish only to come to you again, Lord Grigio, to ease your pains and share your joys.

  Oh...such beauty. Such love.

  As you wish it, my Beauty. He stretched out, petting happily, tracing patterns of joy into the demon's skin.

  Etero drifted into smoke and reformed as a man over and over again, the demon playing with him, flirting happily. His laughter filled the air, melancholy vanished, an entire world dreaming well as the Lord of the Mist loved and was loved by one of his children.


  "Would you like to hear more?" Verde asked, laughing a
s the six of them gathered close and clamored that yes, they would, indeed.


  Resting silently upon a bed of mist, the Lord of Dreams slept. His limbs were long and thin, masses of silver hair covering what the mists did not. His cheeks and chin were pointed, nose long and slim, beautiful storm-cloud eyes hidden away behind heavy silvered lashes.

  He slept, lost in his own dream, his own fantasy, and refused to wake. The world of dreams fell in chaos around him as he dozed and dreamt that he himself was mere mortal, a king of a tiny kingdom searching endlessly for his lost love. His mother begged him to return to his duties, but he banished her from the kingdom. His sisters pleaded with him, his brothers jealously tried to stop him from completing his quest. He ignored them all.

  Nero himself came, sliding into his dream. "My dreams are lonely without you, son."

  Grigio tilted his head, admiring the Dark Lord, his father. "Do you dream, even still?"

  "When I wish to." Nero slid a finger along his cheek. "Though I would rather dally with the Lord of Dreams than spent time in the dreaming."

  The touch sparked something within him, and his kingdom grew transparent, focus on that contact. "We have not touched in many dreams. I had forgotten."

  "Then let me remind you, my son." The Dark Lord was suddenly naked before him, the long, black hair making the alabaster skin appear to glow.

  His face was cupped, and Nero drew him in for a kiss. His lips parted easily, this flavor familiar, needed, beloved and dear. The kingdom fell away, leaving them pressed together in a mist-filled void. Nero's tongue invaded his mouth, his father never fearing to take what he wanted, from whomever he wanted. The pleasure of the kiss was not one-sided, though, the Dark Lord's tongue leaving his mouth tingling.

  His hands found Nero's hair and tangled in the heavy curls, so different from the smoke-fine cloud that covered him. His own ridiculous mortal clothes fell into the abyss, his body pressing against his father's. Solid and hot, Nero was no dream, no wisp of smoke or phantasm. No, the Dark Lord was as real as anything could be.


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