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Winter (Rise of the Pride, Book 2)

Page 5

by Theresa Hissong

  He hurried upstairs to his room. Liberty’s sister was staying in the room just across the hall from his. Really not paying much attention, Kye stumbled and froze. Winter, in his panther form, was asleep right in front of her door. One eye opened, then narrowed. Kye raised his hands in a sort of surrender, letting Winter’s panther know that he wasn’t there to cause any trouble.

  Whatever the hell that was all about, he sure wasn’t going to ask. That wasn’t the first time he’d found the cat outside the human’s door.

  When he quietly left his room, Kye didn’t even look to see if Winter was still at the door. He had other things to take care of, and figuring out that male’s infatuation with the human was not going to impede on his work.

  “Where have you been?” Talon asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Took Evie home and came right back to change,” he replied. Whatever crawled up his brother’s ass was going to make for a long afternoon helping out with the pride.

  “She okay?” he asked, walking toward the back door.

  “No,” Kye answered honestly. The female was all he ever thought about. She was his and he felt it was his duty to make her better. She’d been through so much during her time with the wolves. The injuries had healed, no scars remained, but her mind still played those horrible few days on repeat.

  “The healer is on his way to see her,” Talon said as they stepped off the porch. “You need to stay away until later tonight.”

  “Fuck you, Talon,” Kye snapped, feeling a stirring of power emanate from his body. His power was nothing more than a breeze compared to the push of power he got in return from his brother, the rightful alpha of the pride. “I’m sorry. I’m just on edge when it comes to Evie.”

  “It is important she heal on her own, Kye,” Talon said, handing Kye an ax. “She can’t rely on you to hold her when things get too hard. I understand your desire to protect her. Hell, I understand it more than I ever did before, but you are not her crutch.”

  “I don’t like seeing her upset.” Kye frowned, swinging the ax over his head. The log split in half and he watched as Talon picked up another piece, setting it on the stump they were using as a flat surface for splitting the firewood.

  “Harold is visiting with her now,” Talon began, but held up his hand when he noticed Kye’s eyes flicker toward the road leading to her home. “He’s going to give her some medicine to help her sleep.”

  “Okay,” he sighed in defeat. Evie hadn’t been sleeping well. The anxiety when she closed her eyes was almost too much to bear.

  “Let’s work for a few hours, then you can go see her,” Talon said, then smirked. “You have that pile to split.” Kye looked over his shoulder and cursed at the amount of wood that was left to cut. He really wished the cabins would upgrade to gas logs, because this cutting firewood every year was for the birds!

  Chapter Five

  Nova sat at the kitchen table, laughing at the woman who helped keep the children of the pride while their parents worked throughout the day.

  “June,” Nova snickered. “How in the hell do you keep all of their names straight?” There had to have been twelve kids all under the age of six there during the afternoon. Talon’s home had a large playroom just off the kitchen that doubled as a daycare of sorts. There were toys and desks all over the room, colorful posters of numbers and letters adorned the walls. It looked like a kindergarten classroom.

  “It’s easy,” June said with a shrug. She was a beautiful woman, her hair a bright blonde that flowed down her back in small waves. Her icy blue eyes made her look like a fairytale princess. “When you’ve been doing this as long as I have, you get really good at remembering their names and who they belong to when their parents come at the end of the day.”

  It was nearing dinner time and there were only a handful of kids left in the room. Nova was sitting with June at the kitchen table only three or four feet from the threshold to the room. There was a short gate that attached to the wall and swung open after you released a latch.

  She looked up at the sound of boots entering the kitchen. Winter and Savage strolled toward the refrigerator and Winter reached inside to grab two beers, handing one to Savage. He cracked open the top and took a long pull. When his head leveled out, his eyes immediately fell on Nova, narrowing when he saw that she was not in her room resting. She was so tired of resting. It was time for her to go back home, but Liberty had begged her to stay just a few more days.

  “You okay?” he asked, his voice deep and not sounding the least bit concerned. Damn, he looked amazing. He must’ve just gotten off of work because he still wore the black collared shirt that had the name of the security company Talon owned on the breast pocket. His jaw held just a sprinkling of hair and Nova’s mind drifted to what it would feel like against her skin.

  “I’m tired,” she said, standing up from her seat. She hurried out of the kitchen, cursing herself for running out of there with a bullshit excuse. As she left, she threw an apologetic smile over her shoulder at the sweet woman. June just gave her a knowing smirk and walked into the room with the children, ignoring the Guardians who were left standing in the kitchen.

  Nova’s steps became quicker when she heard a heavy set of boots echo through the hallway coming from the kitchen. She hurried into her room, slamming the door loudly. Geez, did she have to make such a damn scene? It was embarrassing, and Nova promised to apologize to anyone that may have heard the sound.

  Except for the man currently knocking on the bedroom door.

  “Go away, Winter,” she sighed. Maybe she really was tired? Tired of his bullshit, she told herself.

  Looking at the door, wondering what the hell he wanted, she felt her shoulders slump. What was she even going to say to him?

  “Open the door, Nova,” he snarled.

  Nova glared at the door for a few seconds. She knew he’d bust the door down if she didn’t open it willingly. Those Guardians were all alpha males in some sense, demanding and growling to get their way.

  “What?” she barked, pulling the door open wide. She didn’t even wait for him to enter before she turned for the bed, climbing beneath the covers.

  “Talk to me,” he said softly, standing a few feet from the edge of the bed. He didn’t move any closer, and Nova saw him stiffen when she looked at the empty space between them.

  “About?” she asked innocently.

  “Are you ready to go home?” he asked, clearing his throat. Nova had a feeling he wanted to ask her something entirely different.

  “Yes,” she answered honestly.

  “What are you going to do about the bar?” he inquired. Winter eased his way over to the bed. Nova pulled her feet up as he made a move to sit at the end, his large body taking up most of the bottom corner of the bed. Even his weight registered as the bed dipped. The last thing she wanted to do was be the cause of their accidental touching. She wouldn’t do that to him. Plus, she was feeling pretty deceitful and refused to be the one to force the contact.

  “I need to go back, but…” she paused, touching her swollen eye. “I don’t know if I can cover this up. It’s hideous.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  Nova ignored his comment, knowing he only said it to make her feel better. Which was the exact opposite of his anger at her getting hurt. It wasn’t like she asked for Perry to take her out to a corn field and beat her senseless for information.

  “Can you ask Dane to take me home?” She glanced up into his beautiful eyes that had turned from ice blue to glowing amber.

  “Dane is not taking you home,” he growled, leaning forward. Nova leaned back when his eyes narrowed, his panther taking over. She gasped when Winter opened his mouth to speak and his canines had lengthened. “I trust no one but myself to keep you safe, Nova.”

  “Are you just going to yell at me every time I do something stupid?” she whispered. “Because, Winter…I don’t think I can handle that.”

  His look of shock an
d predatory snarl froze Nova in her spot for a moment. His head tilted to the side and he leaned forward. She felt the heat rolling off of his body… even smelled the scent she’d come to associate with Winter Blue. It was the same scent she remembered from her dreams. The wildness to his scent drove her insane with lust for this man, this animal. Her breasts tingled and a heaviness settled inside her stomach.

  Winter’s glowing eyes locked onto her lips, the tick in his jaw relaxing as he let out a tortured breath, then he inhaled again long and slow. Nova braced for the kiss that she knew was coming. She wanted it…she wanted him. A thrill raced through her veins as she realized he was going to finally make contact.

  Nova was frozen in her spot on the bed, not moving…not even breathing. Winter’s face showed the war that was raging in his mind. She knew he had to touch her to know if they were mates, but she wanted so badly to just close the distance between them…to take that decision away from him.

  But she wouldn’t do that. He had to come to her, because she already knew her feelings toward the Guardian.

  “I would never yell at you,” he said, his voice nothing but a deadly whisper. His warm breath caused bumps to raise on her neck. She felt her body relax, although her sex clenched with need. Nova’s breath hitched as he stared deep into her eyes. She wanted to close her own eyes, but wouldn’t. She needed to see the moment they touched for the first time.

  “Nova?” Liberty called out as she walked into the room. Winter jumped up from the bed like he’d been struck, shaking his head to clear whatever was on his mind. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I was leaving,” he muttered, walking toward the door. Liberty had to step to the side to allow him to pass, but didn’t say anything about what she’d walked in on.

  “I want to go home,” Nova said, her voice cracking as her heart beat faster in her chest. “Liberty, I just want to go home.”

  “Okay,” Liberty sighed, looking toward the door. “Okay. I’ll take you home.”

  Winter stormed out of the alpha’s home, stopping himself from slamming the door as he left. He shouldn’t have gone up to her room. He shouldn’t have sat on that bed…and he sure as hell shouldn’t have led her to believe he was going to kiss her. Truth of the matter was, his panther had been in control. He’d been mesmerized by the female, inhaling her scent so he could file it away in his memory.

  Cursing himself, he set out on foot back to his home. The walk would do him some good. Maybe even clear his mind and put his panther at ease. The cold wind blew through the tops of the trees, sending dead leaves toward the ground. He didn’t even shiver, the amount of heat that coursed through his veins was stronger than the cool air that swirled around him.

  A vehicle cranking up caught his attention. When he looked toward the old barn, he saw Dane backing out of his spot. Winter watched as the male drove to the alpha’s house, parking right up by the front door. The Guardian hopped out of his truck, rounding the front just as the door opened to the home. Liberty walked out first, June right behind her, holding a zebra print duffle bag. Two seconds later, Nova stepped out. She wore her gray sweatpants and an old blue hoodie. She was hunched over like she was shielding herself from the cold air; her casted arm held tight to her chest as if she were in pain.

  “Oh, hell no!” he barked.

  Winter’s snarl of rage sent his feet moving forward. When he rounded the house, Dane was closing the door to the truck, but didn’t move out of the way when Winter approached.

  “I’m taking her home,” Dane stated, his large body blocking Winter’s view of Nova.

  “The fuck you are,” he barked.

  “Winter,” Liberty warned.

  “I told her I would be the one watching over her,” he growled, looking around Dane’s large shoulders. He couldn’t see Nova because of the dark tint on the Guardian’s windows. He did, however, see the outline of her small body and he could feel her gaze on him even if he couldn’t see it with his own eyes.

  “She asked for me,” Dane said, standing his ground.

  “Have you touched her?” Winter growled, his panther prowling just under his skin. His canines extended and he wanted his brother’s blood. The thought of another male touching Nova sent his mind reeling. “Is this what it’s all about?”

  “No,” Dane replied, his own canines lengthening, preparing for a fight. “I have not touched her, but I will care for her. She is a part of us, even if she is human. You had best remember that.”

  “Guys?” Liberty questioned. Winter saw her take a step toward them, but June reached out, pulling the alpha’s mate back. If the two men went to blows, letting their wildness take over, Liberty could be harmed and then Talon would kill them both.

  “You will not be taking Nova home,” Winter hissed.

  “She’s already in my truck,” Dane pushed, his eyes flashing with humor. Dane was always ready for a fight, but this time, Winter wasn’t doing it to let off some steam. This male was standing between him and his…

  Winter shook himself, realizing what had just passed through his mind.

  Nova wasn’t his.

  “You better not let anything happen to her,” Winter snarled, spinning on his heel. He needed to stop thinking about the human.

  “I’ll protect her with my life,” Dane called out.

  His panther whined inside his head, upset that Winter didn’t stay and claim the woman. What could he do? Claim her as his own without even touching her to see if they’d been fated to be mates? What if they were mates, but completely incompatible? What if they weren’t mates? Winter would never pursue a relationship with her, because if he ever found his true mate, he’d have to leave Nova and he wasn’t prepared to do that to anyone.

  As the truck sped out of the driveway, Winter cursed again, dropping his shirt to the ground, his body already changing. His panther was pissed and so was he, but his panther was pissed at Dane and, well…Winter was just pissed at himself.

  Work had been hell today, looking for the missing human. Then he came home and totally fucked up any chance he’d had at being the one to guard Nova…again. He really needed to stop being a complete asshole, but that was not likely to happen anytime soon. The thought of Dane touching her sent his body to the ground…his panther needed to run or fight.

  After he went for a run, Winter would take himself to Nova’s and demand Dane head home. The last thing she needed was for him to be over there, beating the Guardian senseless for being close to her.

  Winter was sure the two of them would come to blows before too long. It was only a matter of time.

  Chapter Six

  Nova slammed the refrigerator door, cursing when all of the condiment jars rattled in the door. Dane was outside, checking the woods around the house while she attempted to fix herself something to eat. She’d been spoiled at the pride by the women making sure she was well fed. She laughed to herself, remembering the women frowning when she didn’t finish the mound of food they’d made. Thankfully, one or more of the Guardians were always around to finish off whatever was left.

  Heavy boots stomped on the back porch right before a key slid into the deadbolt. Nova looked up as Dane entered the kitchen, a soft smile on his face. Winter had installed new locks on the house the day before he’d voiced his opinion on who she dated. Nova had given a key to Dane when he’d taken over being her bodyguard after she’d all but sent Winter home with his tail tucked between his legs.

  “Anything?” she asked, averting her eyes. She didn’t want anyone noticing how much Winter’s anger affected her. She already had enough guilt about going out with Perry and eventually being assaulted by the asshole. Why hadn’t she carried her gun that night?

  “No wolves,” he said, leaning against the counter. “Just a faint scent of some deer roaming around in the woods. May have to come back for those later.”

  “Dane Walker!” she gasped, looking over her shoulder. “I will shoot you in your panther ass if you mess with my deer!” She started to argue m
ore, but noticed the corner of his mouth crinkle. When he finally laughed, Nova chimed in, turning back to the table where she’d laid out what she needed to throw together some sandwiches for a quick dinner before she made an excuse to head to bed for the night.

  “Do you want me to do that for you?” He frowned, nodding toward her cast.

  “No,” she sighed, shaking her head. “I appreciate everything the pride has done for me, but I need to do things on my own.”

  “Um,” he said, shifting nervously.

  “What?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at him. Dane’s ice blue eyes narrowed as he ran his hands through his dark blond hair. Nova looked away when his damaged ear was exposed. She never asked him about it, and knew he had trouble hearing out of that ear from an injury he’d sustained many years ago, but she wasn’t going to pry for the details.

  “Let me do it,” he replied, reaching for the package of deli meat.

  “No,” she growled, pausing the Guardian in his reach. “I can do it.”

  “Nova,” he warned, reaching for her again. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m not an invalid,” she said, turning to the side to glare at him, but he was closer than she expected.

  It happened. Dane’s fingers brushed across the back of her hand, freezing them both. Nova’s heart raced, her eyes darting to his face, which suddenly appeared as if it were set in stone. His skin turned deathly white as he stumbled backwards.

  “What the fuck?” Winter yelled as he stepped into the kitchen. No one had heard him enter and that was not good. Not good at all, Nova thought.

  “No!” Nova hollered, just as Winter grabbed Dane by his collar, pulling the Guardian out the back door. Nova was right behind them, scrambling for something to say to stop them from killing each other.


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