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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed

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by Mz. Lady P

  Shan Presents

  Love Was The Case That They Gave Me 3

  Case Closed

  Written By:

  Mz.Lady P

  Copyright 2015 by Mz. Lady P

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Previously in Love Was The Case That They Gave Me:


  We had finally made it to Miami International Airport. The whole family was with us, and we were headed out to Las Vegas to get remarried. Rashad and Chloe decided to tie the knot as well, so it was definitely a family affair. My baby Bella was finally getting the happy ending that she deserved, and I was happy to be the one giving her that. She deserved all of that and more. We had our health, wealth, and not to mention two beautiful kids.

  What more could a nigga like me ask for? I had to make her my wife again. I felt like I was less of a man for us not getting married sooner. That nigga Tyrin and that nigga Omar were both dead. I slept better at night knowing I never had to worry about them motherfuckers ever causing problems for my family ever again. I looked over and Bella was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn’t help but to smile at her and kiss her on the lips.

  “Jayceon Bennett.” I turned around, and I looked at the white guy with a FBI badge around his neck. I looked around and there were other officers surrounding Tech, Rashad, and Dominic. As bad as I wanted to take off, I knew that I couldn’t. My girl, my kids, and my mother were in the same room with me, so I didn’t want to do anything to scare them. I knew we were about to be taken into custody. I’ve done so much shit so there was no telling what the hell I was under arrest for.

  “Yeah, that’s me. Can I just have a minute with my fiancé?”

  “You have one minute, and I then I have to take you in.” I looked over at Bella and tears were streaming down her face. I wiped her tears with my thumbs and kissed her lips one last time before I was hauled off to jail.

  “Don’t do that. I need you to hold shit down while I’m away. I promise I’m coming home to you and my kids. Just hold a nigga down. I’m going to need you in order to get through this. Can you hold me down?”

  “Of course, I’ll hold you down.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. I kissed her one last time and kissed my kids.

  “I love y’all so much.” I said. “Keep that pussy tight aight.” I whispered to Bella.

  “We love you, too, and I will.” When I turned around, Tech, Dominic, and Rashad were already in handcuffs. I hated to see Chloe, Shayla, and my sister crying, not to mention, my mother. I mouthed the words I love you to her. My father walked over and gave me dap. I turned to the officer and held my hands out for them to slap the handcuffs on.

  “Take me to jail,” I said as I blew a kiss at him. As I walked away, I refused to look back at my family. I would probably cry if I saw Bella crying again.

  Two days later, we were in the Federal Detention Center in Miami. I knew that we were being charged with the bank robberies that we had committed. There were so many counts, I had lost count. I knew that my crew would never rat each other out, so we were about to fight this shit. As I sat across from my lawyer, Joel Rubenstein, I was becoming impatient as he sat quietly going over some paperwork. I paid this nigga good ass money to retain him, so he better get us the fuck out of here.

  “Tell me something good, JR.”

  “Mr. Bennett, I’ve been going over the paperwork, and this is going to be a hard case to beat. The State has a witness that is willing to testify against you and your crew. They claim to have firsthand knowledge of the bank robberies. I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I’ve been your lawyer since you were sixteen. And I think you should know who it is.” Joel slid a picture across the table, and I damn near passed out looking at the face on the picture.

  I put my head down and realized I was in jail because of a bitch that I gave the world to, and I would do anything for. The love I had in my heart for this woman ran deep. We shared the most special bond a man and woman could share, our precious daughter Angelica. This bitch Fatima wasn’t dead, but in the Witness Protection Program trying to take the Ski Mask Mafia down.


  You motherfuckers thought I was dead, huh? Real bitches don’t die they go into Witness Protection, and take down all of the motherfuckers that ruined their life. Yeah, I know I’m the bitch you love to hate, but that only means I’ve made an imprint on you hoes minds. I see that bitch Bella is still walking around like she’s the fucking Queen of Sheba.

  I swear I hate that bitch, and I wished that her little miss perfect ass would just die. I wonder how she would feel if her precious children mysteriously disappeared. Anything is possible when you fucking with a bitch like me. It feels good to have her and that nigga Jayceon’s life in the palm of my hands. I didn’t choose the life of a scorned ass woman. That bitch ass nigga Blockka chose it for me.

  That’s not it; I got something real special for my baby-daddy Rashad. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I gave birth to that nigga’s seed. I wish I would let him be happy with Bella’s sister. Bitch might as well get ready to play step-momma. My son Rashad Jr. about to be waiting for they ass at the door. I’ve went through this pregnancy all by myself. It’s a miracle that my son even survived after being shot by this bitch Bella.

  Why God spared me? I don’t know, but I’m happy that he did. All of these bitches need to pay for fucking over me. I know you all might not believe me, but it’s killing me to hurt Jayceon. I wish he could just see that I love him, and we can be a family again. It’s not him, though, it’s all Bella. As long as she is in the picture, I will never have Jayceon to myself. So since I can’t have him, neither can she.

  Jayceon doesn’t get to move on with her and their kids as if my daughter and I never existed. So I’m sending his ass to jail, and he will not be collecting two hundred dollars. He’s going to regret the day he ever fucked over me, and that bitch Bella is going to wish she never fell in love with a nigga that belonged to me.

  The crazy part about all of this is that I’ve married someone else. He’s cool, but the nigga is no Jayceon. I’ll never meet another Jayceon, and that’s another thing that’s fucking me up and making me lash out. No! I simply can’t let these people live a happy life while I’m miserable. Misery loves company, and I refuse to live alone miserably.

  Final Chapter

  There’s Nothing In This World I Wouldn’t Do for You Boy!!

  By: Avant ft. KeKe Wyatt

  Chapter 1- Bella

  “Come on, Isabella, give me one more big push. She’s beautiful, and she has a head full of hair.” Ms. Tina had been in the delivery room with me and was coaching me along the way. I was trying my best to push this baby out of me, but she was being so stubborn. Had I known this shit would hurt so much, I never would have let Jayceon talk me into having a natural birth. Just thinking of him is making me sad. I felt
the tears well up in my eyes, and the ache in my heart. I needed Jayceon here with me as I brought our second child into the world. I became so angry that I gave one big push and my baby girl was here.

  “Congratulations, Ms. Bennett.” The doctor said as he placed my daughter on my chest. She was wailing and screaming at the top of her lungs. I looked over and Ms. Tina was on the phone. I knew it was Jayceon. He had only been able to call once a week, and that just wasn’t enough for me. Him being in jail is harder on me than I expected. It’s been nine months since he’s been locked up, and every day it gets harder.

  I wish I could get my hands on that bitch Fatima, but the government is hiding her good as hell. This bitch sold out her whole crew just because Jayceon no longer wanted her weak ass. I’m not surprised, though. After all, she did try and kill me over his ass.

  “She’s gorgeous, Jayceon. Looking just like you and Rock.” Ms. Tina was shedding tears like she had just given birth. I love how she loves me and my kids. She’s the mother I’ve always dreamed of having. Most mother in laws are strictly for their sons, but not Tina. She is in no way, shape, form, or fashion one of those fake ass mother in laws who bonds with every bitch her son brings home. I know that she loves me as if I was her own, and that means the world to me.

  These last months have been hard on me, to the point where I had to move in with her and Pops. The Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia I had during my pregnancy had me damn near bedridden the entire pregnancy. I watched in the distance as they cleaned my daughter off and weighed her. I heard the doctor say that she was eight pounds and nine ounces. Her ass felt like ten pounds coming out of me. The nurse had her looking so cute as she swaddled her and placed a bow shaped hat on her head.

  “Hey, momma’s girl. You’re so beautiful. Looking just like your daddy.” I kissed her on the forehead. I tried to gather myself and not cry, because Ms. Tina came over and handed me the phone. At the same time, she took the baby out of my arms and sat in the corner with her. I took a deep breath and listened to Jayceon’s sweet but strong voice in my ear.

  “Hey, babe. How are you feeling?”

  “Besides my pussy and ass hurting. I’m okay.” We both laughed.

  “I heard she’s beautiful. Have you named her yet?”

  “No. I was waiting to see what you wanted to name her.” I was trying my best not to cry, but it was hard. To give birth for the second time without Jayceon being present was weighing heavy on me.

  “Don’t cry, Bella. I can’t take it. I need you to just hang in there. I love you. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah. I know you do. I love you too, and I miss you so much. This is so not fair.”

  “Life ain’t fair, Bella. We just have to make the best of it and roll with the punches. Everything is going to be okay. I just need you to keep holding a nigga down and being here for me. The phone is getting ready to hang up on us. Her name is Jaylah Angelica Bennett. Kiss her for me, and let her know her daddy loves her very much. I’ll see you next week, right?”

  “Yeah we’ll be there as scheduled. I love you, babe.”

  “I love you more. Please stop stressing and crying. I can’t function in here knowing you all depressed and shit out there. Man the fuck up. You’re not no weak ass bitch. No disrespect. Now breastfeed my daughter. I heard that shit is good for their brains or some shit like that. Make sure you get with JR; he has some papers I need you to sign in regards to some of our properties.” The phone hung up before I could respond. I smiled because he went from Jayceon to Blockka real quick. I love that man, and I’m gon’ hold this family down no matter what. I knew that I needed to keep a clear and leveled head. At the same time how could I when he was facing football numbers.

  Chapter 2-Jayceon

  I had been thinking real hard about the time they were trying to give the crew and me. We could have copped out for the twenty-five years but fuck that. I wasn’t about to plead guilty to a motherfucking thing. If the white man wanted my freedom, he was going to have to work to put a nigga like me behind bars. I wanted this shit to go to trial.

  Plus, I wanted to exercise my constitutional right by confronting my accuser. I wanted to look at that bitch Fatima in her lying ass face. She was really acting like she never had a hand in any of the heists. In the beginning her ass was damn near the mastermind behind some of the shit. I know my baby Angelica is rolling over in her grave at what her parents have become. I shed a tear every night for my baby girl. She should be here with her sisters and her brother. Not in a damn cemetery, because of her careless ass father. I’ll blame myself for her death until I take my last breath.

  Facing time had humbled me in so many ways. I was walking around like I was invincible and taking shit for granted. I’ve had nothing but time on my hands to sit up and think about Bella and my kids. I took her for granted and now I’m missing the fuck out of her. It hurts me knowing that I missed the birth of our daughter. I felt real fucked up knowing that I had never been in the delivery room to hold her hand with either of our children. Each time it was because of the fucked up choices I had made in my life.

  Just when I walked away from my life of crime and tried to change my life for the better, this is how Fatima steps in and fucks everything up. I swear if I could just find out where they’re keeping this bitch, all of my worries would disappear right along with her fucking body. No witness, no fucking case. It’s cool, though, I’m a motherfucking goon, so I’ll never take what this bitch is dishing out without a fight. She better make sure she has all of her eggs in a basket and her ducks lined up, because shit is about to get real.

  I’ve been anticipating my monthly visit from Bella and the kids. Seeing them always makes a nigga feel better. I just hate that Bella and my children have to come inside a fucking jail to see me. This is something I definitely never wanted for my family. Bella has been through so much, and she deserves so much better than this. Sometimes I wish I would have let her be when I first met her. She was a boss in her own right. She never needed a menace to society like me to come in and corrupt her world. She lost everything being in my world. I don’t regret loving her, because she is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can’t think of a better woman to carry my last name and raise my children. Bella deserves the highest honor and more. It’s sad to say, but I really don’t deserve her or my children.


  I was anxiously waiting for Bella and the kids to arrive, and they had yet to make it. I knew something wasn’t right because Sky, Shayla, and Chloe hadn’t even made it to visit. Tech, Rashad, or Dominic hadn’t been called down for a visit either. Some shit just wasn’t looking or feeling right to me. I became aggravated with waiting to see what was going on, so I decided to call home.

  I had the juice on my tier, so I basically did whatever the fuck I wanted to do without any backlash from the CO’s. Ski Mask Mafia was in full effect on the inside taxing niggas for protection and housing. Yes, these motherfuckers had to pay to live in peace on my tier. My motto is Fuck You Pay Me, and there was no way around it.

  I wasn’t taking any shorts or losses. I was in full survival and beast mode. Before I could make it to the phone area, my name was called down for a visit. A nigga was relieved when I heard my name being called. I’m not going to even front or lie, I think I would have shed some tears had I not got my damn visit.

  My smile turned into a frown when I saw my mother and not Bella with my damn kids. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy to see my OG, it’s just that I would rather see my wife and kids.

  “What’s good, Ma? Where’s Bella?” My mother pulled me in for a hug and her touch scared me. She held on to me longer than I expected and that wasn’t like her. My mother loved me, but she was hardcore too. It wasn’t much that affected her. As I observed her facial expression, I knew that something was wrong.

  “Sit down, Jayceon, I need to tell you something, but I need for you not to start going all crazy. Your daddy is handling things the best way that he can.”
I sat down and my mother reached across the table and held my hands in hers.

  “Just tell me what’s going on, Ma.”

  “Bella was arrested yesterday, and she has no bail.”

  “What the fuck you mean she was arrested?” I said louder than I intended to.

  “I know you’re mad but watch your mouth. Apparently, she’s being charged with Felony Robbery and Accessory to Murder before the Fact. That bitch Fatima told the damn police that Bella was in on the heist at the jewelry store. She told them damn people that Bella is a member of the Ski Mask Mafia. This shit ain’t looking good. She’s being transported to the Women’s Division here.” My emotions got the best of me, and I got up and threw a chair across the visiting room.

  “Visit over, Bennett!” One of the CO’s said as he and some more officers escorted me out of the visiting area.

  “Calm down, Jayceon. Everything is going to be okay!” My mother was screaming out to me. I hated that I had to see my OG crying like that, but I was sick to my fucking stomach knowing my wife was behind bars due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was becoming clearer that I needed to just cop out and take the wrap for everything. I can’t function knowing Bella is in prison for some shit she had nothing to do with. God was testing a gangster’s faith right now. My fucking kids are out in the world without either of their parents. This shit can’t be life right now.

  Chapter 3-Bella

  It had been three weeks since I had been incarcerated, and I was ready to get the fuck out of here. I tried my best not to cry, but I was missing my babies like crazy. My Jaylah is so small she had probably forgotten my scent by now. As for Jazzie and Baby J, I know that they are having a really hard time without me and Jayceon being there with them. I know Jazzie’s head is looking a mess, because she only lets me comb her hair.


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