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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 3: Case Closed

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by Mz. Lady P

  “Of course I’m your down ass bitch. Don’t ever question me about that. I know what I have to do when it comes to holding my family down. Please, Rashad, don’t sit here and act like this is a walk in the park because it’s not. I’m here for the long haul, and I love you more than words can express. I’m not going to sit here and be fake, acting like you going away to do twenty-five years doesn’t affect me because it does. Rest assured, I’m here and I’m going to hold you down.”

  “I love you too, and we’re going to get through this.” I leaned across the table and kissed Chloe like I was on my way to the damn gas chamber. We both shared tears. I hate to admit it, but I cried like a bitch. Not because I was about to go do time, but because I knew I had to leave my girls. This shit hurt like a motherfucker, but what’s done is done. After about thirty more minutes of talking, our visit was over, and I had my mind set on doing my time.

  Chapter 7- Shayla

  I had been trying my best not to cry, but this shit was so hard. I’ve been with Dominic since I was fourteen. He’s all that I know. He has been my reason for staying here in Miami. Now that he’s about to be gone there is nothing keeping me here. It’s better that I go home to Texas where my family is living. I’ve been dreading going to Texas, because I know that my family is happy that he is going away to prison, and that shit ain’t cool.

  My family hates the fact that I stayed with him after all the years of cheating and disrespect I endured. I loved him plain and simple. I stayed because I loved him more than they could ever understand. I love him even more now than I did before. I guess it’s because we have the children that we have desired for so long.

  Dominic Jr. and Diamond have brought so much joy into my life. They’re only four months old, and I feel like I’ve had them forever. They look just like Dominic, and I know that he is going to have a fit when he sees them for the first time before he gets shipped off. This meeting is bittersweet. It hurts to know that this will be his first time seeing his children and possibly the last time until he is free.

  He doesn’t want me to ever bring them to see him while he’s away. I hate that, but if that’s what he wants then so be it. I can’t believe Fatima sold the family out like this. I’m not surprised, though. I always knew she wasn’t shit and that she would bring everybody down behind her bitterness. Whenever Blockka didn’t want to give her her way she would do real childish shit like play sick or say something was wrong with their daughter.

  I never said anything but one time Jayceon had been out of town, and she wanted him to come home. So she fed her daughter a banana knowing full and well she was allergic to the shit. Just to get him to come home. Now if that ain’t crazy, I don’t know what the fuck is. If I had any idea that this bitch was plotting on my nigga, I would have put a fucking bullet in her head without hesitation.


  I had been waiting for my name to be called, so that I could get my last visit with Dominic before he left, but they still hadn’t brought him down. I knew that they should have been called my name, because they had called Sky and Chloe already. Some shit wasn’t adding up.

  “Excuse me, I’m waiting for my special visit, but I haven’t been called yet. Can you please tell me why I haven’t been called?” I was rocking each of my twins in my arms trying to soothe them. They were aggravated, and they were most likely hot because of all the clothes they had on. I needed to get them out of some of this shit, but these people were taking forever.

  “I’m sorry, he refused your visit.” The female correctional officer said as she continued to type on the computer.

  “There has to be some mistake, ma’am. Dominic would never refuse our last visit. Can you please look again? There has to be some type of mistake.” I begged and pleaded with her. I could tell I was getting on her last nerve, but I needed her to make sure there wasn’t a mistake.

  “Like I said your visit has been refused. Please have a seat, ma’am. I’m going to need you to calm those babies down, or you will have to leave the lobby. You don’t have a visit, so I’m not even supposed to allow you to sit in here.”

  “I can’t just leave; I came here with my friends, and they are on their visit.” My voice squeaked as I spoke because my feelings and my heart was hurt.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I’m just doing my job. Now could you please have a seat, you’re blocking my view and holding up my line?” As bad as I wanted to curse this ugly, smart-mouth bitch out, I didn’t have it in me.

  I couldn’t believe Dominic had refused my visit. How could he do this shit to me? No. How could he not want to see his newborn son and daughter? I sat back down on the hard bench, and I cried hard as ever. I rocked my kids back and forth and shed so many tears. All of the women who were also there for visits were looking at me with such pity in their eyes.

  I couldn’t blame them, though. I was without a doubt sitting there looking pitiful as fuck crying and holding my babies. I swear I was looking like a damn single mother poster at the moment. I apologized over and over again to my babies on behalf of their father not wanting to see them.

  About an hour later Sky, Chloe, and their kids came downstairs. Of course they were both looking all sad at me as well. I guess they felt bad that he refused my visit, and at the same time, sad their niggas were leaving. They joined me on the bench, and we all cried until we got the courage to leave the jail. The ride home was long and sad as fuck.

  Chapter 8- Bella

  The sound of someone ringing my doorbell jarred me from my sleep. I had been trying to drown the sound out, because I didn’t want to be bothered with anybody, not even my own kids. That’s some sad ass shit to say, but it was true. I wanted to sleep for twenty-five years and wake up to Jayceon lying beside me. I knew that wasn’t about to happen, but there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking.

  I became heated as the person who was ringing the bell began to bang on my front door. I jumped up from bed without hesitation and grabbed my gun from the nightstand with the quickness. I ran down the spiral staircase, and I looked at the security system on the wall to see the screen. I shook my head at the Federal agents that were standing outside. Jayceon wasn’t here, so I had no idea as to why they were at my home. I put my gun into my purse that was hanging on the doorknob, and I swung the door open only to be pushed to the side by the agents.

  “Wait a minute, what the hell is going on?” I blocked the path of the original agent who was knocking on the door. He shoved a piece of paper in my face and walked past me. I lost my balance and I ended up catching myself before I fell. The government was seizing all of my property, because it was believed to be illegally obtained with the money from Jayceon’s numerous heists.

  “Wait a minute, I purchased some of these things too. I’m a real estate agent, and I file my taxes every year like clockwork. You can’t just come in here and start taking my shit.”

  “If you can prove it then all of your items will be given back to you. For the time being this house and everything in it belongs to the Federal government. Please step aside, Mrs. Bennett, and let my men do their jobs.”

  I watched in horror and cried as all of my things were being taken out of my home. The men were walking around with notepads and pens writing everything down like it was inventory. These motherfuckers were putting tags on certain things as well. The damn government ain’t got no chill. I went from sad to angry in a matter of minutes. I just started breaking any damn thing I could find. If they wanted this bullshit they would get it in a million pieces.

  At that very moment I was regretting I ever met Jayceon’s ass. This shit just keeps getting worse. I’m glad he decided to throw the damn towel in. I never know what the fuck is going to happen to me behind his bullshit. I swear I’m going to court to get my name back to Santos. It shouldn’t be hard since we’re technically still divorced. I grabbed my purse and what little things I could for my babies.

  As I drove aimlessly, I had to pull over to the side of the road, and let out one o
f the most gut wrenching cries ever. I know I’ve done some crying these last couple of years, but nothing compared to the way my heart and soul felt. As bad as I wanted to continue to blame Jayceon for everything, I knew that I couldn’t. I had ample opportunities to move on with my life after I found out what he really did for a living, but I didn’t.

  There is no need for me to sit up and point fingers after all. I wanted to be in Jayceon’s life. No let me rephrase that, I wanted to be in Blockka’s world. Right now I’m living the repercussions of being Blockka’s wife. I can’t blame him. This is a prime example of love was the case that they gave me. At this moment I knew I needed to chop this shit up as a loss, and get my shit together.

  For a brief moment I lost sight of being Bella and a mother to my children. After all Baby J and Jazzie needed me more than anything in this world. I had been neglecting them, because their father had once again broken my heart. I can’t keep making them victims of my downfalls in regards to my relationship with Jayceon. They deserved to have my undivided attention at all times. I can’t be lying in bed all day crying and sulking about Jayceon.

  I hated to admit it, but that’s all that I wanted to do at the moment. However, shit just got real for a bitch, and I need to man the fuck up and get on my shit. Before meeting Jayceon I was a fucking real estate beast and had my own money. I need to get back on my grind and channel my hurt and anger into trying to get back in the real estate game.

  Once I got my cry all out, I headed over to Sky’s house. When I made it there I became sad again. She was standing on her lawn with the kids, and the government was seizing her properties as well. As soon as I exited my car to go over and console Sky, I had two texts come through from Shayla and Chloe. The government was also at their homes seizing all of their properties. This shit was beyond sad. What the fuck were we going to do now?

  Chapter 9-Jayceon

  I knew that the crimes me and my crew had committed against the government were fucked up, but to seize all of our properties was fucked up too. Getting that call from my Pops had a nigga fucked up. My girl and my kids out in the world assed out got a nigga fucked up. Life was not supposed to happen like this. Never in a million years did I think that I would be in jail facing twenty-five years, and my fucking girl would be put out of the home I built for her and our children.

  I’m that nigga Blockka, and this ain’t even the way I roll, but it is what it is and there is nothing I can do about it. If I could just get Bella to talk to me I could tell her about a hidden sum of money that no one knows about. See I always knew there could come a time when that shit would come in handy. The word broke is not even in my vocabulary, that’s fuck nigga shit. I don’t give a fuck if I took the money. I’m a boss and I had to get the shit by any means necessary.

  Only my getting money niggas and bitches would understand that. I swear I’ve made so much fucking money that it’s ridiculous. So trust and believe a nigga like me, my crew included, is nowhere near broke. But the government doesn’t need to know that. I wanted to tell my mother, but I would rather keep trying to get in contact with Bella. She on straight bullshit with a nigga. Plus, I’m sure the FEDS have been listening to our phone calls dying for us to slip up.

  My baby really hates a nigga, and that has me feeling a certain type of way. She knows I can’t get to her that’s why she’s showing her ass. Bella knows I love her ass to death; she just has to give me a chance to make shit right. It doesn’t matter that I’m in here. I’m still that nigga they call Blockka, she better quit fucking with me.


  I was lost as to why we were being transported by airplane to the damn Federal Prison in Louisiana. Which happened to be the worse fucking Federal Prison for a nigga to be housed at. The government had fucked us over big time. It was also strange for them to be transporting Tech, Rashad, Dominic, and myself all at the same time.

  Not to mention we’re the only inmates on this big ass plane. There were four armed Federal agents on board with us. We were all separated and instructed when we got on the plane not to say anything to one another. This shit was looking all off to me. Something wasn’t right. The looks that I was exchanging with my crew let me know that they were feeling the same way.

  “How much longer does it take for us to touchdown? I’m ready to get this fucking sentence done and over with?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Bennett! Didn’t I say no talking during this flight? That shit included you niggas talking to me.” This white motherfucker had been using the nigga word a little too freely, and I was ready to murk his ass. You can call me a lot of things, but nigga ain’t one of them. Especially when it’s coming from a white man’s mouth. The agent went back to reading his newspaper like it wasn’t nothing. At this moment, we started to feel a lot of turbulence.

  “What the fuck? I hope the damn pilot ain’t drunk trying to fly this motherfucker. I don’t want to go to prison, but I damn sure ain’t trying to die. While ya’ll sitting on ya asses, you need to go and see what the fuck is going on up there.” Tech looked scared as fuck. I forgot how his bitch ass could be when we’re flying.

  Me, Dominic, and Rashad was dying laughing and the shit felt good. Despite our current situation it felt good to have a laugh. Lord knows it will be a minute before we laugh like this again, or be with one another in such close proximity. I had been with these niggas damn near all my life. Reality was sinking in that our reign had come to an end. It had a nigga getting a little sad, but I couldn’t let these stupid motherfuckers see that.

  Plus, I’m the glue that holds us together. My niggas are depending on me to hold shit down for all of us, and I have no problem doing that. After all they’ve had my back through thick and thin. A nigga like me couldn’t ask for a better set of friends. If I ever looked up the word loyalty in the dictionary, I guarantee you their faces would be right there. No bullshit.

  These streets are filled with fuck boys and snitches. I’m just glad I had a crew of loyal motherfuckers by my side. Minus that bitch Fatima. I swear that bitch single handedly ruined my fucking life. The only good thing about that bitch was that she birthed my baby girl Angelica. Everything else about that bitch is rotten and poisonous.

  When I find that bitch I have every intention of making her die a slow and painful ass death. Just because I’m in prison don’t mean I ain’t got people looking for that bitch. She’s hiding real good, but that bitch can’t hide forever. What she failed to realize while she was snitching was that I taught her everything she knows about the game, and how to get over on motherfuckers.

  I know that bitch inside and out. Crazy part about it is that Fatima loves this shit and she wants my attention. Who am I to deny a woman her wants? It might not be tomorrow, next week, or the week after that. But I’m coming for that bitch, and she better believe I’m coming hard as fuck. That bitch knows better than to go against the grain.

  The airplane was starting to jerk back and forth. I was starting to get scared at this point. I’ve traveled all over the world and never have I experienced this shit.

  “Yo, what the fuck is going on?” Dominic yelled out. The lights were flickering, and I knew shit was wrong. One of the Federal agents jumped up and headed towards the cabin. As soon as he got close to the door it swung open, and he was shot in between the eyes. The force from the bullet caused him to fly down the middle of the aisle and land at Tech’s feet.

  “What the fuck?” One of the other Federal agents said, and they all drew their weapons. They were too slow for the nigga who was letting off shots and hitting each one of their asses in the head. This shit was like something out of a movie. Tech, Dominic, Rashad, and myself were all ducking under the seat. Mind you we’re all still handcuffed, and our ankles are shackled together.

  The cabin door closed and out walked another nigga who was dressed as a pilot. He leaned down and checked the pockets of the agents until he found the keys. He didn’t speak a word as he took the cuffs and shackles off of us.

“Here put these on. Don’t ask any questions just do it.” The nigga said as he threw all of us life jackets. We were all looking around at one another, but we did like the nigga told us. I had no fucking idea what was going on. One thing for sure and two for certain these niggas did not work for the Federal government.

  As I locked eyes with the nigga that had passed us the life jackets, he looked so familiar to me. I was unsure of if I knew him, or if we had crossed paths before. For the time being I would roll with whatever this shit was he was up to. He had a gun, and we didn’t have shit. So it wasn’t like we had a choice anyway. At the same time, I knew he wasn’t here to kill us, or we would have bullets in our domes as well. The nigga stepped over the dead agents and walked back into the cockpit like it was nothing.

  “Who the fuck is this dude, and what the fuck is going on?” Rashad said as he snapped the clamps on the life jacket.

  “I don’t know who he is, or what the fuck is going on. It’s obvious we’re not on our way to jail. In the meantime if them niggas decide to blast we blasting too. ” Tech said as he went over and grabbed the federal agents guns off of them, and gave each one of us one.

  “This shit is weird as fuck!” Dominic said as he paced back and forth. Meanwhile I’m just sitting trying to wrap my mind around what was transpiring right in front of me. I’ve never been rendered speechless, but this shit had me at a loss for words. I honestly had no idea who these niggas were, or why they were helping us escape from prison. It was obvious that’s what was going on, but why were they helping us.

  “Just calm down and have a seat. Let’s see what’s to these niggas, I have a feeling this shit is about to get better. Don’t ask me why, I just have a gut feeling about it. Calm down and let’s see how this shit plays out.” The plane started to jerk again, and the nigga came from the cockpit again.


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