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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

Page 14

by Hart, Melissa F.

  In the course of events, Archer had been depleted of his powers and it looked like Lord Vladimus would succeed at killing him, but then Lynxar dared to challenge the vampire king. Thanks to Lynxar’s distraction, Archer was able to impale Vladimus with a wooden stake. He had been aiming for the villain’s heart, but pierced his arm instead; wounding him very badly. No one had seen or heard from Vladimus ever since and probably no one would ever again.

  After his victory, Archer had proposed to Dawn in front of his friends and to his immense joy she had said yes. Although Dawn had been married years before to Aurora’s father, this was Dawn’s first wedding and she wanted it to be really special.

  “My first marriage was hastily done in the courthouse before he had to leave on a military assignment. I didn’t have any flowers or even a dress. I think I was just wearing jeans at the time.” Dawn had told him as they were cuddling in bed after their engagement. “I want our wedding to be something truly special. I want the dress and the flowers and all of our friends there in their nicest clothes. Most importantly, I want us to recite our own wedding vows.”

  “Our wedding will be everything you’ve always wanted.” Archer had promised foolishly in an act he would nearly regret. Still, despite all the effort and expense it was taking to create the perfect wedding, the happiness he saw in Dawn’s eyes as each detail fell into place made it all seem worth it.

  Now, with the wedding just a few days away, there was really only one task left undone. Archer still hadn’t written his vows yet, and with only seventy-two hours left until the big day, he had no more time left to procrastinate.

  Archer looked at the clock as his last patient left the hospital and noted he had a few minutes before he had to meet Dawn for their appointment with the clergyman. Maybe he could scribble down a few hasty vows if he acted quickly.

  Archer grabbed his prescription pad and tried to think of what to write, but he just couldn’t think of the words to put his feelings onto paper.

  “Hey, a penny for your thoughts!” a familiar voice broke Archer’s concentration. He jumped up, dropping his pen, and laughed to find Dr. Rachel Deering standing there. She patted him on the back and said, “I didn’t mean to startle you. What’s got you so preoccupied?”

  Archer smiled at his best friend’s wife and confessed, “I was just trying to write my vows.”

  Rachel’s eyes grew wide and she said, “You haven’t written them yet? The wedding’s on Saturday! That’s just three days from now!” She picked up his pen off the ground and shook it at him admonishingly.

  “Thank you, I hadn’t realized that.” Archer said, as he snatched the pen from her hand with a rueful grin.

  Rachel grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into her office, saying, “Come on! I used to be pretty good at writing poetry when I was in medical school. Let me help you.”

  “I really think my vows need to come from me,” Archer said. “But I just can’t figure out how to put what I want to say into words.”

  “Don’t worry about trying to write it out.” Rachel said wisely. “Just talk to me like you’re talking to her. What do you want Dawn to know when you take her hand in marriage?”

  “I want her to know how much I love her.” Archer said. “I want her to know that she makes my life feel brighter and full of light and love. I want her to know that I’m going to do everything I can to make all her hopes and dreams come true, because she’s already done that for me just by loving me.”

  Rachel had been writing on the prescription pad for him as he spoke; putting his words onto the paper as they spilled from his lips.

  When he’d finished, Rachel showed him the paper with his heartfelt vows now written upon it.

  “Do you think she’ll like it?” Archer asked worriedly.

  “Yes! This is perfect!” Rachel squealed, handing the paper to Archer and hugging him tightly with joy. She’d been happily married to Lynxar for over seven years and was glad that her friend was about to embark on the same wonderful journey for himself. Teasing Archer, she said “If she won’t marry you after hearing this, than I will!”

  Suddenly, Archer squirmed out of her friendly embrace, gently pushing her away while he stuffed the slip of paper into his pocket.

  Rachel looked to see Dawn Bright standing in the doorway, staring at them.

  Chapter Two

  “Dawn! Hi!” Archer said, almost too excitedly. “I thought I was meeting you at our appointment later this morning?” He rushed forward to greet her with a welcoming kiss, but she turned her head away, avoiding the advance with a cold glare.

  “The appointment’s been rescheduled. I came here to talk to Dr. Deering.” Dawn said to them stiffly.

  Rachel noticed that Dawn had intentionally called her by her formal last name, instead of her first name like she usually did. She knew she had better offer a quick explanation of her hugging Archer to smooth the matter. Smiling warmly at Dawn, Rachel said, “Archer was just giving me a congratulatory hug. Lynxar and I are expecting another baby!”

  “You’re pregnant?” Dawn said without emotion, while Archer masked his surprise and tried to act like he already knew the joyous news.

  “Yes!” Rachel gushed happily. “Lynxiennia is really excited that she’s going to be a big sister. I’m certain she’ll tell Aurora about it at school today, but I wanted to tell you in person, myself.”

  “I see.” Dawn said, with a cold look of calculation in her eyes. “That makes my plans even more perfect.”

  “What did you want to see me for?” Rachel asked, hoping to lighten Dawn’s strange mood.

  “The Mayor needs your research files on the crystal coffins you used to capture Prince Vlorian and Etherial last year. It’s a matter of security for the entire city and he needs to know exactly how they were constructed.”

  Rachel nodded. Mike McIntyre was a terrific Mayor, but he was married to Lynxonna, one of the key members of the AHF. Why didn’t he just ask his wife for the information? Why did he send Dawn for it? She was about to ask when Archer beat her to it.

  Archer put his hand on Dawn’s shoulder and said, “Does this mean you got that job you were hoping for at the Mayor’s office? Is that why you rescheduled the meeting with the clergyman?”

  “Yes.” Dawn said stiffly. She pulled her shoulder away from Archer’s touch and held her hand out to Rachel. “Now, please give me all the research files on the two coffin prisons.”

  Rachel frowned and said, “What about the third one; doesn’t he want the files on that one, too?”

  Dawn drew back her hand and clutched it to her throat, as if fearful of her life. With huge eyes, she said, “There is a third crystal coffin prison?”

  “Yes.” Rachel said simply. “We started building it the day after Lord Vladimus escaped, in case he ever came back. He never did, but we keep it in my laboratory at home. I thought you knew this?”

  “Yes, of course I did.” Dawn snapped, angrily. “I just forgot, because it’s been so long. How do you plan to capture him in it?”

  Archer stared at his fiancée. An unusual jeweled amulet hung around her neck, which he’d never seen before. The alloys in it shielded her bio-signs from his superior eyesight. He couldn’t read her like he usually could. He said to her, “The four members of the AHF, all working together as a team, are a formidable force. He won’t be able to escape when we all attack him together.”

  Rachel laughed lightheartedly and said, “Yeah, his only hope would be to split the team up and eliminate them one by one beforehand, but that will never happen. Lynxar and Lynxonna have been friends since they lived on Flonar; they were even engaged for a time. Bryan Hillman joined them as the Ghost just a year later, and now that Archer has joined, the team is complete. You guys are unstoppable together.”

  “Unstoppable together, but not when separate.” Dawn mumbled to herself. She snatched the files from Rachel’s hand, turned, and abruptly walked out the door with quick strides.

  “Dawn, wait! I’
ve completed my vows and I need to give them to clergyman. When has the appointment been changed to?” Archer called after her, running out into the hall to stop her, but Dawn was already gone.

  “That was strange.” Rachel commented.

  “Yeah.” Archer frowned. “You don’t think she suspects anything funny was going on between us, do you?”

  “No.” Rachel said reassuringly. “Everyone knows how much you love her and how much Lynxar and I love each other. Dawn’s probably just excited about starting a new job working in the Mayor’s office in addition to getting married this weekend. It’s a lot to take in for a girl; but she’d always been strong. She’ll be okay.”

  Archer nodded. Dawn’s resilience was one of things he loved most about her. Still, he couldn’t help but worry about her odd behavior.

  Dawn walked from the hospital as quickly as she could until she rounded the corner into an alley and was safely out of sight. Grinning evilly, she pressed the jewel in center of her amulet, deactivating its magical spell. The sacred amulet had the power to transform the wearer into any person they chose. The disguise appearance of Dawn Bright melted away to reveal the figure’s true form. The vampire king, Lord Vladimus, now stood in the alley, clutching the amulet and laughing to himself.

  For the past twelve months he had been in hiding, healing from his wounds and plotting his revenge against Archer and the other members of the AHF. Now he knew just how he would do it. First, he would divide them against each other and then he would capture them one by one. Once he had them all, he would drink their blood, stealing their energy and strength. With the blood of superheroes inside him, he would be unstoppable and Colossal City would be his for the taking!

  Chapter Three

  The real Dawn Bright rushed into Hillman Research Hospital, looking worried. She saw the figure of Dr. Rachel Deering standing by her office, quietly stroking the jeweled amulet that hung around her neck. Excitedly, Dawn ran up to her and said “Have you seen Archer? He was supposed to meet me at an appointment with our clergyman an hour ago, but he never showed up. Do you think something has happened to him?”

  Vladimus, disguised as Rachel, looked at Dawn with his black eyes and smiled cruelly. Trying to imitate Rachel’s voice, he said “Yes, something has happened to him, but not what you think.”

  “What do you mean?” Dawn asked, now even more scared than she had been before.

  The image of Rachel sneered and said “He’s fallen out of love with you and in love with me. We’ve been having an affair for months.”

  “No! That can’t be true!” Dawn gasped, covering her mouth with her slender hands and shaking her head.

  “Ask anyone who works here. They’ve all seen us embracing,” the figure who looked like Rachel sneered.

  “Why would you do such a thing?” Dawn cried out, as tears sprang to her eyes.

  Vladimus enjoyed her reaction and embellished his lie. He said, “Lynxar’s the one to blame. He and Lynxonna have been in love since they lived on Flonar together. He only married me because he was trapped on Earth and he thought he’d never see her again. Ever since Lynxonna arrived on Earth, they’ve been having an affair. Well, he’s not the only one who can cheat. I decided to have an affair of my own and Archer was only too happy to participate.”

  “I don’t believe you!” Dawn cried out, openly sobbing now. “I’ve got to find Archer and talk to him!”

  “Don’t bother.” Vladimus said, coldly. “Archer’s called off the wedding. He never wants to see you again. He’s going back to his home planet of Mathias. He’s at my house right now saying goodbye to Lynxar.”

  Dawn ran from the hospital, blinded by her own tears. She hopped into a taxi and asked the driver to take her to Lynxar’s house. When Lynxar opened the door, Dawn was hysterical. He told her that Archer wasn’t there and she told him the shocking news that Archer and his wife were having an affair.

  Vladimus was still at the hospital, disguised as Rachel, when he saw the phone in her office light up. The caller ID said it was Lynxar and the vampire already knew why he was trying to get a hold of her. Grinning, he touched the jewel in his amulet and changed his appearance so he was now disguised as Archer. The plan was going perfectly, now it was time for the next part.

  Vladimus passed the real Rachel Deering in the corridor on his way out of the hospital. The amulet bounced against his chest as he walked quickly briskly past her, but she stopped him.

  “Hey, Archer. Where are you going?” the real Rachel asked the fake Archer innocently.

  “Oh, I’ve got to go see the Ghost about a plan I’m finalizing.”

  “Okay, well have fun.” Rachel smiled.

  Vladimus winked and said, “Oh, don’t worry; I certainly will. By the way, your husband’s been calling for you. It sounds urgent.”

  Vladimus stifled a laugh as he saw Rachel pick up a phone to dial her husband, then he used his super speed to rush through town to the Hillman Mansion.

  Bryan was on the phone himself; sitting on his leather chair behind the antique oak desk of the hi-tech office he kept on the third floor of his mansion.

  “Turn on your camera, so I can see you.” Bryan said into the phone, as he flipped the power switch to the large, high-definition monitor screen he kept on his desk.

  The sexy voice of his wife, news anchor Vicky Campbell-Hillman came clearly over the phone. She said “Okay, my camera is on; are you receiving the feed? Can you see me yet?”

  Bryan grinned as the image of his wife filled the video monitor. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a white silk blouse that was cut just a little too low. Her erect nipples protruded through the thin fabric of the blouse, making him aroused for her. He said teasingly into the phone, “I can see you. Is that how you usually dress for work?”

  The rich sound of Vicky’s laugh came through the phone line and she said, “I only dress like this when I know I’m getting a very important and private phone call from my husband.”

  “Well, I’m sure it’s appropriate to dress so provocatively at the office.” Bryan continued to tease. “Perhaps you should take that sexy blouse off.”

  Enjoying the game of phone sex combine with the voyeuristic use of the surveillance camera, Vicky performed a sexy striptease for her husband while he watched.

  She ran her hands seductively over her bare flesh, as ever so slowly it was revealed, inch by inch. The last thing to come off was her black silk panties. Once they were removed, Vicky slowly slid her hands up the inner curve of her thighs, and caressed her most sacred folds with her fingertips.

  “Oh, that feels so good. I wish you were here at my office so I could do you.” Vicky moaned and Bryan practically dropped the phone, he was so turned on.

  To his extreme delight, Vicky treated him to a show and let him watch as she masturbated for him. Her long fingers rubbed and stimulated her folds until they glistened with the juices of her arousal. Then she slid her fingers deep inside herself, thrusting slowly at first and then faster and faster as her pleasure increased into a frenzied passion.

  “Climax for me, baby.” Bryan breathed into the phone, excited beyond belief at the private treat she was giving him. He couldn’t wait till she came from work after giving the 11:00 a.m. News broadcast, so he could make love to her.

  Vicky stifled her moans of pleasure so no one else in the television studio would hear through her locked office door and worked her fingers until her body exploded with the ecstasy of her orgasm.

  When she finished, Bryan could feel himself perspiring along with her. He said, “I knew it was a good idea to install that security camera in your office at work.”

  “You just wanted to keep an eye on me.” Vicky teased, as she put her clothes back on and smoothed her hair for the broadcast.

  “Well, with a wife as beautiful, smart, and sexy as you; who can blame me for wanting to look at you twenty-four hours a day?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t get the same pleasure.” Vicky teased, shaking her finger at
him in mock admonishment through the video monitor. “I hardly get to see you at all. Every time you’re emotions or passions flare, your powers of invisibility get activated and you disappear.”

  “You said you liked that!” Bryan said, looking worried and a little hurt.

  Vicky laughed lovingly and said, “I do; I really do. I think having a husband who can do the things you can do is sexy beyond belief.”

  “Whew! You had me worried for a minute.” Bryan teased and Vicky laughed that beautiful laugh of hers one more time. “Uh oh. I’ve got to go. It looks like someone’s come to visit. Good luck with the eleven a.m. broadcast. I’ll see you when you’re done!”

  “Bye, love you!” Vicky said as she turned off her video camera and hung up her phone. Bryan looked at the security monitors that guarded his front door and saw this guest was a familiar face. Happily, he bounded down the stairs and threw open the front door.

  “Archer, what a pleasant surprise.” Bryan Hillman said, shaking the hand of the man he thought was his friend as he invited him inside. “What brings you here this morning? Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your wedding? After all, the big day is Saturday.”

  Vladimus sat down heavily in one of the gorgeous antique chairs in Bryan’s sitting room. Trying to imitate Archer’s voice, he sighed and said, “I don’t think so. The wedding has been officially called off.”

  “Why?” Bryan asked, leaning forward with concern.

  Vladimus smiled cruelly and said, “Because, I’m no longer in love with Dawn; I’m in love with your wife!”

  “What? How can this be?” Bryan shouted out. He felt his emotions getting out of control and his invisibility turning on. As he felt his body fading away, he struggled to maintain his focus and control. “How can you be in love with Vicky?”


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