The Mechanic's Mate

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The Mechanic's Mate Page 16

by Mikea Howard

  He slid his middle finger between the lips, over her clit and deep inside, burying it far as it would go. Finally! She shouted triumphantly in her head.

  “Any. Time. I. Desire. It.” He made his point by thrusting in and out with every word. “And, Sadie.” He ran the tip of his tongue up the side of her exposed neck to ear, raking his teeth over the lobe. “It’s apparent that you desire it too.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” She panted. “I do desire you.”

  Keeping the finger buried deep, he cupped her mound, forcing her hard into his hips.

  “Quiet wolf. I didn’t ask you a question. I’ve told you that you will only speak when I’ve given you leave to do so, or if I’ve asked you a direct question. Now place your palms flat against the floor, keep your arms stretched as far forward as you can and leave your cheek pressed firmly here, as I have it.”

  He didn’t command her acknowledgement so she didn’t give it. Sadie just let go of the water gun she still held, pushed it aside, lying palms flat. Domek straightened up, pulled his finger out, and removed his hand. He grabbed the skirt forcing it the rest of the way up and over, exposing bare ass.

  Taking her by surprise he grabbed her hip, and struck the fleshy part of her cheek three times. She gasped as the sting of being spanked set in, its loud cracks ringing in her ears. Her core tingled leaving her unsure if her developing cravings for this type of scolding were due to her desire for this man, or something else.

  His large hand roughly kneaded the throbbing spot. Grasping her waist at both sides he lifted hips higher so that her knees came off the floor a couple of inches. Forcing her to compensate by pressing toes down harder, he proceeded to attack the exposed mound like a starving animal.

  Using tongue and teeth he licked, sucked, and nipped at her clit. Each time, Domek proved to be a man who knew exactly what he did, and loved doing it. He played with her opening by dipping fingers in, and swirling them around while lapping at her. Sadie struggled, her legs began to shake with effort, holding the position during the alpha’s onslaught. She couldn’t hold it any longer so he dropped to a seated, cross-legged position, allowing her to place her knees back down. He maneuvered her without removing his mouth from her; she sent a silent prayer that he never would.

  The building orgasm rolled through her. Its heat spread from her belly to chest, moans growing louder and louder.

  “Alpha, please . . . I’m going to . . .” she whispered.

  “Not yet,” he growled.

  Her skull would surely pop from the pressure mounting inside it.

  “Please, please . . . please, please. I can’t . . . I can’t . . . I’m going to . . . oh goddess, I can’t stop it.”

  “Now,” he ordered continuing to lap at her mound stopping only to reiterate, “Come for me now.”

  That’s when it happened. She came so hard she sprayed for the first time ever. She shot all over his face screaming at the top of her lungs. But it didn’t appear to faze him, working her even harder with his tongue and teeth. The orgasms continued rolling through her, one after another, until she had nothing more.

  Her pussy, while not releasing anymore, pulsed and spasmed like it should be. No longer able to hold, her legs gave out but Sadie didn’t drop like she expected. At some point Domek had moved both hands to hold her hips up with the strength in his arms alone. Taking a long leisurely lick, he cleaned her from front to back, causing her to twitch involuntarily, and then eased her body to the floor. He pulled the skirt back down, moved to her side, rolled her over, and continued straightening her clothes.

  Through heavy lids, she took time admiring him. Her come still shone on his chin, small rivulets of it slowly rolling down as he licked his lips clean. He used the back of his hand to wipe it, leaving a sexy smile spread across that face. The slight lift of his mouth’s right corner, looked as though he knew what he had done, and couldn’t wait to do it again soon. Placing a hand on either side of her head he leaned down, hovering his lips just above hers. She smelled herself on him.

  Oh god I want a taste. I want to drag my tongue across his chin and clean myself off of him. Do it, Sadie, just do it. What’s the worst he would do for your insubordination?

  How far would he go? The memories of his past punishments made her shiver, bringing a new heat to his eyes. He closed the gap to kiss her, but was rudely interrupted by pounding at the door, accompanied by Marek’s shouting.

  Chapter 25

  “Dom, what the hell is going on in there? Domek! Open this damn door!” Marek called from the other side.

  Domek stood, walked over and opened it to find not only Marek, but also Kara with some pups he had kicked out. The children, all hiding behind them, peeked around her, still obviously terrified. The beta pair simultaneously took a deep breath, smelling what had just finished.

  Balan gasped, pointed at a resplendent Sadie yelling, “He killed her! I told you he was going to kill her! But you wouldn't come quicker! I begged you to come quicker Kara, I begged!”

  “Calm down little one.” She reassured him. “I had to get Marek in case what you said was true, however as you can see Sadie is fine.” Glancing at Marek, she smirked. “But I believe she could use your help in getting up. She must have slipped and fallen during her water gun fight with our alpha.”

  Kara followed as the pups ran over to do just that. But stopped as she passed Domek, drew her eyes up and down him raising a skeptical eyebrow. She took the sleeve of her shirt, wiping some of Sadie’s release from his chin and throat, making him sigh while fidgeting uncomfortably. Looking at him without difficulty, she made a noise of disapproval, continuing into the room.

  “Huh, looks like my mate may have your balls packed away as well,” Marek said at Domek, while never taking his eyes off Kara’s ass as it swayed past him.

  Domek placed a hand on his chest pushing him out of the way so he could leave. Finding where he dropped the healer’s satchel, he continued on his way, glancing over his shoulder at Marek.

  “You should teach your mate how to respect her pack’s alpha.” Taking a couple steps, he added, “And tell her she’s not allowed around Sadie anymore.”

  Marek laughed, shouting down in his direction, “Have some issues being all big and omniscient with your little lamb?”

  Domek stopped, turned slowly, and gave his beta a dark expression. “For only an instant. Then I reminded her of who her alpha was. Weren’t you leaving on a mission? A mission your alpha sent you on?” He turned back around continuing on to the healer’s house.

  Kara helped Sadie clean up water with the kids, lips twisted as though holding back a smile. As soon as the alpha was out of sight, she broke out in hysterical laughter. Sadie glanced at Marek expecting his usual solemn expression, but instead his shoulders shook as he held back laughter as well.

  “Oh my god, Sadie! It’s good for him. He needs you to keep him on his toes and drive him crazy. He doesn’t even know what to do with you!”

  Marek agreed saying, “You are a great mate . . . I mean, partner for him. I don’t know that I have ever seen him so happy yet furious all at once.”

  Sadie’s face fell. “I don’t know if partner is enough. I just wish . . .”

  “He’ll find a way to fix this. You don’t have a true mate bond, there’s hope,” Kara said, grabbing Sadie’s hand.

  “His focus on this won’t let him fail, Sadie, every inch of our alpha is stubborn,” Marek added.

  “Yes, well if it can’t be broken,” Sadie said before Marek interrupted.

  “We will imprison Eridon so he can’t hurt anyone else, making sure you remain with us. With Domek. Like we said, you’re good for him.”

  Sadie shook her head. “No, he must die. If the bond can’t be broken I forfeit my life, because his dying ranks higher than breath in my lungs. Promise me you’ll k
ill him either way.” Holding back tears she continued, “I made a bad decision, a life decision without considering or understanding all of its consequences and I’ll live or die with that choice.”

  Sadie caught the glance they shared as Marek said, “I have a mission our all-powerful alpha has given me. We have a bond to break.” He walked over, buried his hand in Kara’s hair, giving his mate a passionate kiss, pulling away to meet her eyes and gently tap her nose with his forefinger. “Be good while I’m gone. I mean it.”

  As he walked away, Sadie turned toward her, about to speak as Kara said, “Enough! We have chocolate to eat before Domek removes me from your presence.” She put her hand out as if it would stop Sadie from speaking. “I’ll not discuss killing you, so table it for now okay.”

  Kara picked up a water gun, squirting it where her mate stood just a moment earlier. “I’m not sure how I feel about these either. They’re fun, but I wish they could be in another form. Guns are . . . not how we live in the enclave.”

  “I’m sorry, Kara. They’re just toys. I didn’t think anything of it, truly.”

  Kara smiled. “Oh, I know that, Sadie. Maybe we can use the metalsmith’s shop to come up with a more kid friendly shape or something . . . because these could be so much fun.”

  “The shop, yes . . . why don’t you think Smitty said anything? I mean, so many of you have issues with guns.”

  “Smitty is older, so maybe he had more exposure?” Kara paused in contemplation for a moment. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”

  Chapter 26

  “Domek, do you understand what happens during a mating?” Matus asked rifling through some old rolls of paper.

  “Yes, of course. Two wolves become bonded for life. If one dies, so does the other. Never leaving one to grieve or go on alone.”

  “Well, yes. But I mean more specifically. Are you aware that when both participants open their hearts to each other, metaphysical bonds tie the two life forces together.” The old healer turned in Domek’s direction stressing his point by bringing hands together, fingers intertwined. “Two hearts become one in truth. If you listened to both simultaneously you would find that they share the exact same beat.” He turned back to his task, but continued explaining, “A mate knows when the other is excited, or even relaxed. Their heart will race or slow as well.”

  Domek began to pace. “So Sadie feels what that bastard Eridon does”—fisting his hands in agitation—”and he knows when her heart races, such as in excitement?”

  Matus turned his gaze over one shoulder at Domek giving him the same face Kara had given as she embarrassed him by cleaning Sadie off his neck. “Yes, excitement. I did smell ‘excitement’ as you entered my house. I would recommend you wash up here if you plan to tackle any other tasks today, Alpha.”

  Blue Wolf’s old healer moved to a chest in the room’s corner, digging through it. “However, no, I’m not entirely sure they feel each other’s heartbeats. As you said, Sadie rejected mating during the metaphysical ‘bonding of hearts’. Both must be open and accepting for them to become one beating organ. Neither participant can be forced into a mating, both must accept each other, hence the required statements of commitment.”

  “But Sadie told me she said those words. That Eridon said ‘Do you accept me as your mate’ and she replied with ‘I accept you as my mate’.” He furrowed his brow in frustration. “Changing her mind once the bond started, knowing something wasn’t right, she fought it.”

  “Ah, here it is!” Matus pulled a rather large tome from the chest. “My father’s book of ‘Oddities and Anomalies’. As a meticulous record keeper if anything came to him not within our normal physiology or anatomy, he wrote it down. As neither you, nor I, have ever heard of a partial mating if it has ever happened, it should be here.”

  Matus carried the book to a large round table sitting central in the room, opened and slid it in front of Domek. He turned taking a few steps toward the door.

  “Tea! I will need some arnica tea if I plan to lean over this book all night. I am an old wolf you know. Would you like some tea? I can make you a cup’a Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba to keep you awake. It’s quite obvious you're tired.”

  Domek brought his gaze up from the pages to catch the old healer giving him a curious look. “Is something keeping you awake at night?” Matus asked, as he left Domek alone, and unable to reply.

  He grew annoyed of people getting in the last word with him today. But those last words rang true, because he was exhausted. Sleep evaded him as of late. Nights lying in bed obsessing over a newly turned dieselhead lying beside him. Thoughts about how she might be, but might not be, mated to a rogue that Domek wanted to kill, but couldn’t in case it killed her too, encompassed every waking moment since finding her on the forest floor. Having her sleeping beside him eased his mind a bit, but the desire to take her every time her body curled against him, certainly didn’t help with rest either. Yeah, tired didn’t seem an adequate description.

  Matus returned with tea, setting one next to him.

  Domek took a sip appreciating its light sweet aftertaste. Not bad. Not bad at all. Downing the cup in one gulp, scalding his mouth and throat, he put the empty cup in front of the healer.

  “Requiring another cup?” Matus asked.

  “Might not hurt.” If I drink it slower. Returning his attention to the book, he said, “I’ve read just three pages, and it’s already putting me to sleep.”

  Flipping through the weathered sheets he scanned brief descriptions of each affliction: Additional dewclaw appearing with each shift, lactation in male human form, female human form-male wolf form, multiple personalities in one form, Ambras Syndrome after first shift. The list went on and on.

  Reaching the book’s end and not even one chapter having anything to do with a partial or incomplete mating, he shouted, “Full Moon and night skies!” He shook with anger, wanting to throw something at a wall.

  “Please don’t, Alpha.” Matus placed his hand on Domek’s arm, which held ‘Oddities and Anomalies’, drawn back ready to let fly. “It was my father’s, and although it does not contain what you need, it may still help others.”

  “My apologies healer, it was just a passing thought out of frustration. I truly did not intend . . .”

  “I understand your misdirected anger, Domek.” Taking the tome from him, he returned it to the chest. “You appear desperate for an answer. You feel something for this woman, do you not?”

  “Of course, I am always responsible for any new wolf, and with this wolf being a product of my own past mistakes, I feel even more protective than usual.”

  “No, Alpha. I mean . . . you feel . . . possessive. You want to wipe all traces of your old beta from her. You want to keep her for yourself.”

  Domek, about to argue, paused, and took a deep breath instead. He had already admitted to himself that he wanted to keep her, mated or not. Did he exhibit possessiveness instead of just dominance? Absolutely. He did want to wipe that rogue’s iron and oil smell from her. Domek wanted to leave that sweet honeysuckle smell alone, and then blend it with his scent. The night of her first shift Marek had accused him of acting as though he sired her . . . or mated. He thought of how just prior to heading over here, he’d devoured her, the sweetest flavor he had ever had on his tongue or running down his chin. The replete look in her eyes, filled with warmth that had practically strangled his heart.

  He murmured, “But what can I do when she’s already mated to a monster . . . One I created?”

  “Not completely, Alpha.” Matus walked over to a gigantic dresser with skinny drawers, pulling one open. “Only one breed of Shifter has studied and passed down knowledge regarding mating rituals of every other.” He retrieved a map. “The goddess blessed them with ‘Soul Sight’,” he said, spreading it out.

  Chapter 27

Domek had once met an owl Shifter with ‘Soul Sight’ years ago; when he needed information on whether a soul could be salvaged. Taking his previous beta, he hoped to find evidence of good he believed still left in the other man’s soul. Without making Eridon aware of the reason behind their trip, he made it a priority mission because he needed to know if his beta had slipped too far down that dark hole.

  Eridon had always had darkness in him while growing up within the Scrub encampment. Everyone had just assumed it a side effect of being born in Eureka, and torn away from friends to be raised in an enclave during that critical developmental age. In adolescence, when they became close, Domek thought the shadows in Eridon’s eyes, came from feeling excluded. He thought changing him, making him a true member of the pack would eradicate the darkness. He’d refused to believe that someone could simply be born with sickness of the soul.

  “You’re sending me to an owl?”

  “Not just any owl, but Oldrich the rogue. Being a less than charitable man, he’s made his sight into quite a profitable business.” Matus ran a hand over old parchment inked in black, stopping once he found what he wanted. “Here it is. His last reported residence.”

  Domek studied it. “That’s almost outside Eureka, practically on the opposite side from where we are.” He used his finger to draw all possible paths. “I would have to either go zig-zagging through their streets, suffering its deadening effects, or around it and take almost twice as long.” He moved his attention up to Matus. “Profit huh? What payment will I be taking him for this information?”


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