The Mechanic's Mate

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The Mechanic's Mate Page 17

by Mikea Howard

  “That is unknown. Sometimes he asks for items, but other times, it’s favors, unspecified ones that will be collected at a later date.”

  Domek rolled up the map, straightened, and tucked it under his arm. “Understood,” he said, leaving Matus for his own office.

  Sadie stood nervously outside Domek’s office door. She got the message that he needed her as soon as possible, however it didn’t say why. Maybe my punishment for the toy guns? Ghosts of his past punishments made her stomach flip both scaring and exciting her with anticipation.

  Domek’s shout cut through his door, “Damn it, Sadie, we talked about this. I gave you an order to come see me, so get in here, now!” Of course he’d detect her. Duh! Werewolf . . .

  Entering his office, she kept her eyes averted while walking toward his desk. He remained bent over with elbows locked straight, hands braced against his desk. His brows furrowed, studying a large paper atop it. Once positioned across from him she could tell he looked at a map. Even though Sadie viewed it upside down, she recognized her city.

  “Do you know your way around every part of this place?” he asked without bringing his head up, dragging his right hand over the ink rendition of Eureka.

  “Of course I do, lived there all my life. Why?”

  “I need to know which way is best to get here without drawing attention.” He pointed northwest of the river.

  “Okay, what do you need over there? That’s where most of the juice joints and gin mills are.”

  “I’m visiting a rogue owl named Oldrich. He may be able to tell us more about your mate bond with Eridon. What in Gaia’s name is a juice joint or gin mill?”

  “That’s what we call drinking clubs. Wait, wereowls?! How do they get so small? How many other birds are there?”

  “Their physiology works a bit different. They’re not Weres, but Shifters. They can’t be ‘made’ like us, they’re born that way. Not all can shift. Most have some sort of psychic skill though. Other bird Shifters exist . . . but we have gotten off topic. You’re just as bad as Kara.” He shook his head. “The best way, little rabbit?”

  “Oh, sorry.” She smiled, facetiously adding, “Any chance there are werehorses?”

  Domek laughed. “Thank Gaia no, or we would suffer a breed constantly touting that they were truly hung like a . . . No, should we talk about my best path into Eureka now?”

  Smirking and pointing at the map, she explained, “Ok, follow these train tracks to get there in the best time, if you’re hoofing it. It does pass through some rougher parts, but I never had any difficulty picking up cars there.” Sadie paused, biting her lip. “By car you’ll take the bridge further south. How will this rogue know about my bond?”

  “Some owls have something called ‘soul sight’, it can be used in various ways . . . like finding someone’s fated soul mate, learning which souls can be saved, but in this case, I’m hoping we can find how a soul is tied,” focusing on her, he added, “and can be released. According to Matus, this one has vast knowledge on mating for every breed.”

  “Okay, when do we get a wiggle on?”

  Domek must understand some of her diesel terms because he didn’t give her his usual glaring annoyance. “Not we, me. I’ll not take you into danger.”

  “We aren’t going anywhere near where Eridon kept me. He can’t smell across all of Eureka, right?”

  “Wait . . . What? Where did he keep you? Is it on this map?”

  “He took me here.” Indicating the area circled by Half-Moon Lake in the southwest corner. “On Horseshoe Island. It’s where most wereanimals lived before the Diesel War. Mostly in ruins, rogue Weres have been moving back. I ran from somewhere in here”-she pointed at an open southern end of the island-”following these tracks over the river to your woods. My feet didn’t stop moving until you found me.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?”

  “Ummm, because you didn’t ask. Why wouldn’t I go with you?”

  “Why? It’s too dangerous and that is final.”

  “What? No it’s not!” She covered her mouth with both hands surprised the words came out. Wait, if I talked back, he did not use his alpha voice! He doesn’t mean it! “You know I need to go!”

  “No, I do not.”

  At her ability to still argue she laid out her key points. “Okay . . . First, how will he use his soul sight without my actual soul? Second,” as he tried to interrupt, Sadie held up her hand, hollering, “let me finish! That’s my town, and I can get us through better than anyone else here. Third, I promise to misbehave terribly otherwise!”

  The third qualified as little more than a silly threat, but she must go. Domek needed her to go.

  “You . . .” He sputtered. “You can go, but will not leave my side.” He waited a moment then added, “Ever!”

  Grinning in victory she said, “Okay, fair enough.”

  “We leave at sunrise. Go home now. I have some things that still need taken care of, but will be there in about an hour . . . Oh, Sadie, just because we will be leaving in the morning does not mean I don’t need to be properly greeted tonight.”

  “Yes . . . Alpha.” Hopeful this adventure into Eureka would go right, Sadie could one day greet him the way she wanted, not only as a master, but as her mate. She knew that they had a connection beyond friends, or even lovers.

  As Sadie turned to leave, knocking at the door stopped her. Domek inhaled then asked her to wait as this new visitor entered. She studied his familiar face. He may have been someone Kara had introduced during her first enclave tour. Short in stature, for a wolf, he stood maybe only six feet tall. His shoulders, broader than all humans, still spanned less than Blue Wolf’s average pack member. Although he had strikingly tanned skin, a baby face made him appear young for one of Domek’s enforcers. His dark brown hair had sun kissed sections framing his innocent face. This man looked to be one who liked spending as much time as possible outside, under the sun’s rays.

  “Sadie, this is Edo, an enforcer scout sent out to check on your father. You may remember him as one of the wolves you nearly ran over the other night.”

  “I’m sorry for that. Is my pop safe?”

  She caught his glance in Domek’s direction, waiting for his nod, and then replied, “Pop’s Shop is burnt out. It was set on fire overnight.” At her gasp, Edo continued, “Your father wasn’t in there. They got the blaze out quickly, keeping it from traveling to any neighboring shops.”

  “Thank Gaia for that. Did you get any other information?” Domek asked, putting his arm around Sadie’s shoulders, tucking her head into his chest. He rubbed circles on her back, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head.

  “Molly at the bakery invited me in to tell me that they didn’t find any bodies. She handed me this note just saying ‘it’s for her’ along with treats. I didn’t tell her anything, so not sure how she knew I had checked for you . . .” He passed her the paper.

  “Molly is . . . special. It’s okay though, she’s a friend.”

  He agreed that she definitely qualified as special and lovely to boot. “I didn’t read it, although I did eat the doughnuts she handed me with your note, acting like one of her customers. I suspect she knew someone could be watching us. A good thing too, since a suspicious looking gal, with an odd Were scent I couldn’t place, came in right as I turned to leave.” Edo said shyly, glancing at Sadie, then Domek, “But I didn’t have to act about one thing, they were the best doughnuts I ever ate.”

  Sadie chuckled, knowing he wanted to cheer her up after learning that her shop, where she grew up, laid in shambles now. Unfolding the paper it read:

  I took care of that thing you asked me for. I can’t say where it’s been put, but it’s safe. No time for feathers, so have fun with those bush hounds. Take care of yourself, my friend.

; “What does that mean?” Domek asked.

  “My father is somewhere safe.”

  “I got that much, but what does the rest say?”

  “Umm, she doesn’t have time for pointless conversation but wishes me well,” Sadie said, interpreting Molly’s diesel slang for him.

  “I mean bush hounds? What in the night sky does that mean?” Domek acted annoyed but clearly held back a smile.

  Sadie also smiled, recognizing his attempt at taking her mind off the bad part. “Rustics . . . people who aren’t flappers, or”-she coughed-”werewolves.”

  “Maybe we’ll discuss your choice of friends tonight too. First Kara, now this.” Turning to Edo he asked, “What did you think of her? Someone we can trust?”

  “I got a good feeling about her,” he responded with a wolfish grin.

  “Fine.” Domek gave a knowing smile, returning his attention to her again. “I’ll be home shortly, Sadie.” As she turned, he added, “I still expect my proper greeting. Don’t think your old neighbor’s revelation changes that.”

  A little thrill ran through her. She needed to leave immediately, to keep her arousal at his words from being too obvious. Despite Edo’s bad news, her father remained safe. They could work the rest out. She had just one more thing to do.

  “Alpha, can I stop and talk with Smitty first?”

  “Of course, Sadie, but don’t take too long, because I will be done here soon.”

  Sadie stepped into the shop as Smitty cleaned up, getting ready to head home.

  “Well hello, Sadie, what brings you here tonight?” he asked while propping his shop broom against the wall.

  “We’re heading to Eureka tomorrow, so I won’t be in.”

  He laughed. “I thought I specifically said not to take any jobs within the political wing.”

  “Oh, Smitty, you know better than that.” Sadie stood there, adding, “I also wanted to ask something that’s been bothering me. Do you have time?” At his nod, she took a deep breath. “Why didn’t you stop me from making those water guns? I’m assuming you feel the same way as Domek about them.”

  He chuckled, nodding again. “Hmm, that’s a good question. Why do you think?” He motioned for her to sit.

  “I have no idea,” she said, taking a seat as he pulled another chair across from her.

  “Sadie, when they first told me I’d have a diesel girl apprentice, it annoyed me, so determined that it wouldn’t work. Just knowing it was a waste of my time clearing that workbench, ridiculous making space. Sure you’d never last.”

  “Oh.” Sadie’s heart sank. Smitty didn’t even like her. “So you sabotaged me?”

  He smiled. “Oh goddess no, Sadie. That was before we met. The moment you walked in, I felt all kinds of a fool, just terrible that more space hadn’t been cleared. I couldn’t believe that, even for one moment, I doubted you when the goddess likely sent you to us as part of her grand plan. After seeing you with our alpha, I am convinced.”

  Sadie let out the breath she didn’t even know she’d been holding.

  “There are things to learn from us just like we have things to learn from you. I have no way of knowing what those things are, so if I smother your creativity by saying, ‘you can’t do that’ it stifles growth, which stifles our pack. I knew that your heart came from the right place with those guns. So, found no purpose in stopping it. Plus you and Kara would never have made those silly squirters the kids love.” Chuckling adding, “Or maybe there is great joy in seeing our alpha all worked up.”

  Sadie belly laughed, hugging Smitty. Still smiling when he said, “You’re good for us all, Sadie. I’ll not doubt you or your intentions. Now, get on home so I can finish up here.”

  Chapter 28

  Domek woke as dawn broke, lying on his side, body curled possessively around Sadie. They needed an early start to make it through the forest, into the city and to Oldrich’s last known location by late afternoon. He still couldn’t believe how she succeeded in talking him into taking her along. She was right though. She had in-depth knowledge of Eureka, plus how could the rogue owl help if the partially mated wolf in question didn’t stand present for him to examine.

  Or maybe I gave in easily because I can’t stand the idea of being apart for even a day. But I still don’t have to like the idea of Sadie being in danger.

  He struggled getting up and out of bed thanks to exhaustion from last night. Sadie did well at greeting him when he arrived home. She came along quickly, understanding what it meant to be a submissive wolf instinctually. When inside the walls of his house, she had already gotten used to his basic rules and expectations. How he expected her to undress as soon as she entered, regardless of his presence. How within minutes he required she use the round cushion to kneel in the room’s center and wait.

  Last night she surprised him by not being in the living room, but kneeling in the kitchen, by his chair at the table. Domek’s dinner sat there warm and waiting. However, the sight of her made him hungry for other things.

  Having Sadie sit on the table’s edge facing him, he sat in his seat making her lean forward for him to feast on her breasts as his first course. As the main course he had her lie back to use her hips, belly, and pussy as a plate for the meal she prepared, licking it clean. Then because Sadie hadn’t been in the living room’s center as instructed, he took her down to the cellar. He couldn’t help but notice how she skipped through the pantry door and down the stairs.

  Throwing back the covers from both of them, Domek viewed fading red paw prints the paddle left on her bottom. She whined in her sleep, shimmying her well-punished ass to nest snug against his cock, searching out the heat she just lost. He wanted to warm it up another way by adding a fresh paw print of his own. Sadie woke with a gasp as the newly applied perfect outline of his hand turned from a pink to a bright red on the cheek he struck. Sitting up, he leaned down and gave the mark a soft kiss.

  “Good morning, little rabbit.” He nuzzled the top of her head. “If you still plan to go through the city with me, you will need to get up now.”

  Sadie shut her eyes again, grasping around blindly until finding the covers, pulling them back up. “Enough gobbledygook, this dame will need coffee to be able to function this early after the long, hard punishment she got last night.”

  “Coffee huh?” He smiled a little at the diesel-speak, somehow finding it cute coming from her mouth this morning.

  Domek headed into his kitchen opening the pantry; pulling out the one thing he just happened to still have from her first shift. Intending to return the coffee pot, something told him to hang onto it. Trying to remember the instructions Marek passed on from the scrub, he added a few spoonfuls of grounds to the pot’s upper percolating chamber. Shrugging, he added a couple more, then filled it with water. He lit up the stove, setting the pot for it to boil. Pouring the almost black liquid into a cup, Dom walked it back to his bedroom.

  Sadie lay still curled on her side with her eyes glued shut. He sat down waving the concoction under her nose. Her eyes popped open zeroing in on the cup.

  “Oh my goddess! Is that actual coffee?” Struggling to sit up, the covers slid down, pooling around her naked body.

  Taking a sip, she cringed and appeared to choke it down. “Thank you, Alpha. This is . . . wonderful. Strong enough to get me up and going . . .” Under her breath she added, “And put hair on my chest.”

  “Sadie, as we discussed the day I found you, you’ll be honest with me, always. I’m quite aware that my first time making this did not go well. However, I do expect you to show me how to make it the way you like later.”

  She kept her gaze down at the cup now in her hands. “I’m sorry, Alpha. But I am grateful, thank you. Maybe if I add some sugar and milk to it.”

  He followed behind her as she sauntered her naked body into his kitche
n. Domek liked how comfortably she behaved in his home without a stitch of clothing on. Being bare at all times at home might not be a normal requirement for a submissive wolf, but from that night he brought her home and she knelt in front of him, he knew he didn’t want to cover her beauty with clothes. He loved being able to touch or taste her anytime he wanted. While abnormal for an unmated pair, he was already addicted to how sweet she tasted on his tongue. Nothing about his time with her had been normal.

  While she finished choking down his first attempt at making coffee, he got dressed and packed essentials into a satchel. Whether finding the owl within reasonable time or not, they’d likely not be coming home until the following day. He went over to the desk making sure to pack the healer’s map. Although Sadie could traverse Eureka with comfort despite it, he could not.

  They dressed, gathered their supplies, and headed toward the city. Fairly impressed with how that black brew gave Sadie a large boost of energy, he considered trying it at some point. Bright eyed and moving at a good pace, she allowed him to walk at almost his normal speed. The coffee also made her talkative. However, the further away they got from the enclave, the faster her words flowed. At one point Domek knew Kara would have been able to understand her, but he couldn’t with the rapid fire of sentences. Her bombardment of words effectively ended his interest in ever trying the black mud.


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