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The Mechanic's Mate

Page 23

by Mikea Howard

  While she took in small details of his appearance scanning up his body, once she got to his head she found herself entranced by the enormous antlers atop it. They branched up like a large buck’s she only knew from National Geographic. However, his had an opalescent sheen that certainly no animal on earth had. Fascinated by them she pondered the existence of weredeer, moose, or jackalopes, picturing them in her head, but chose to keep those musings to herself.

  The corner of his mouth kicked up giving Sadie a covert glance as he grabbed her goddess’s hand. He pulled it to his mouth, kissing the back of her fingers in an antiquated manner staring down to Gaia’s face adoringly. He smiled. “Ah, my love, don't be too hard on her, she says it only when she is amazed or surprised, as we all become in your presence.”

  The goddess glared at him saying, “Stop being so charming,” just loud enough to be heard over the maiden’s giggles.

  The horned god turned his attention back to Sadie, still holding the goddesses hand. “To answer your question, no . . . all Shifters are predators. Also neither your goddess nor I ever created a rabbit with antlers . . . that's just silly.”

  She stared at him, mortified as he continued, “Now since I have indulged you, you may indulge me by saying 'oh god' once in a while . . . I don't mind. I even appreciate it.” He winked at her. “I might even recommend when it would best be used . . . Many times in succession.”

  The goddess extricated her hand from his playfully smacking his arm. “Stop it! The wolves belong to me. Go play with your bears.” She approached Sadie embracing her in a warm hug whispering, “But you were mine even before you became wolf. You are so loved, Sadie.” She pulled back and framed Sadie’s face in her hands kissing her forehead.

  The crone’s watery eyes met Sadie’s. “You'd best get back to him, mates don't like to be separated for so long.” She sighed wistfully. “You are strongest together.”

  The horned god added, “Especially the male halves. We don’t do well without our females.”

  The gray fog surrounded her again until it clouded her vision. Panicked, she called out, “I don't know which way to go!”

  The maiden giggled.

  “Just follow your heart,” the mother’s voice called out.

  “Make haste, dear!” the crone added.

  A warm embrace cocooned her filling the air with the goddess’ floral scent and the horned god’s wild musk, as though held in the circle of their arms. The panic subsided and she regained her strength, continuing blindly in search of her soul mate’s sandalwood and evergreen scent.

  Chapter 38

  “Damn it, Dom! It’s been three days and she’s still not waking up. You have to let it go. You have to let her go! Your pack needs their alpha,” Marek shouted from the doorway of Domek’s bedroom.

  Domek had banned him from entering after the last time he brought this topic up. He refused listening to him. Just as he’d said when she first slipped into the coma, he couldn’t live a life deprived of her. Otik had prophesied his soul mate, and even if he had been too naive to believe it then, he knew the owl spoke true from the moment she stumbled into his life. How could anyone go on living without the other half of their soul?

  Carrying her all the way back home, Dom bared his teeth at anyone who approached him offering help. Laying her on their bed, he refused to leave the house. He seldom left her side, but every moment he would get up, Kara would take his place. Like this moment. Standing to battle it out with Marek, Kara sat in the spot he vacated on the bed, verbally attacking her mate first.

  Kara pointed, shouting, “Get out, Marek! No one lays a hand on her, and if anyone brings up ‘putting her down with wormwood’ again, I’ll put them out of their misery. I’m not doing this for just anyone. This is Sadie for goddess’ sake!”

  “Has anyone seen Matus?” Domek demanded storming toward his beta. “He said he’d be back with new herbs to try.” He shoved Marek out of his way. “Did you have enforcers accompany him like I ordered?”

  “Yes, Alpha, I sent them, but I don’t know how that would help since only Matus knows what they look like.”

  A knock cut off their conversation. Domek bolted to the door, throwing it open. However the healer didn’t stand there, Smitty and Helena did.

  “We are sorry to bother you again, Alpha, but Helena insisted we bring you something to eat,” Smitty apologized.

  Helena scoffed. “I got tired of the old man pacing around the house wringing his hands, desperate to know if she’d woken up.”

  Thank Gaia everyone knew Domek had little patience, so never felt hurt by his curt replies. “No, she’s not. Come in. Did you see Matus on your way here?”

  Without replying Helena entered the kitchen, lit the stove, and placed food in it to keep warm. She walked right past Marek and her mate, heading into the bedroom. Smitty looked crestfallen by his confirmation that Sadie still indeed hadn’t woken from her coma.

  Placing his hand on Domek’s shoulder he said, “No, Alpha, would you like me to go find him?”

  Without giving him a chance to reply, Helena walked back out. “I’ll go find him. I know all the areas he tends to look for his herbs. Smitty, go sit with Sadie, hold her hand and talk to her. Talk about smithing.” Stopping at the front door she glanced over at Domek, while addressing her mate. “And about other things she loves.”

  Smitty turned toward his alpha for approval to do as his mate said. After permission was granted with a slight nod, the old man shot off for the bedroom. Marek moved in front of Domek, arms crossed over his chest. He just stood there, glaring at him. The tension closed in so thick a wolf couldn’t gnaw through it.

  Marek softly said, “How is this even possible, Dom? How can she still be breathing? Eridon died . . . She killed him.”

  Domek brought his hand to his face, rubbed his eyes, and then drug it down his tired mug. “She ripped his throat clean out and tried chewing through his spine, to save me. She sacrificed herself, to save me, Marek. So I have no idea how she continues to breathe. Perhaps it’s the incomplete mating, and the fading bond. I don’t know, but I will spend every waking minute figuring out how to bring her back to me, and I won’t tolerate anyone who stands in my way. Goddess or gods be damned, no one, not even the great deities, will keep us apart. Sadie’s my fated soul mate for goddess sake!”

  In his desperation he pleaded. Gaia please! I have been your loyal guardian and devoted follower. I’m so sorry I didn’t find her and protect her sooner. Please don’t take her from me. My heart now beats only for her. Please. Yelling coming from their bedroom interrupted his prayer.

  “Domek! Come quick! Full Moon and night skies! It’s Sadie! Come here now! Fast! Her breathing, it’s changing,” Kara yelled at the top of her lungs.

  Oh goddess her death approached. No Gaia! I begged you not to take her to the otherworld!

  Running into the room, he moved Kara out of his way, sat on the bed, and pulled Sadie on his lap to hold her as she took her last breath. He lightly rocked her, crying. This time tears fell even harder than when he begged her to accept him as her mate while she faded in the cave. Stroking her hair he held her tight against his chest. Liquid saturated his shirt where her head pressed, but not from his tears. They were hers. Her body shook with sobs. Reaching for her face, he tilted it up. Her eyes opened, moisture welling, though not from sorrow.

  “I found you!” Exuberant, she exclaimed, “Through the darkness, I found you.”

  Domek squeezed her tight. “Thank Gaia! You’re here! You’re back with me, Sadie. I commanded you to stay, and you did.”

  Her voice cracked. “Yes, you do need to thank Gaia. You should also thank the crone, mother, and maiden . . . maybe even the horned god.”

  “Explain that in a moment, but first I need to just hold you. You were gone for so long, little rabbit.” Do
mek didn’t think he’d ever let go.

  “What do you mean? I stayed in heaven for only a few minutes, an hour at most.”

  He stroked her arm explaining, “Little rabbit, you slipped into unconsciousness in Eridon’s cave after killing him, three days ago. You’ve had the entire pack beside themselves. The healer’s been trying for days to wake you. During our rare times alone, I would try rousing you with my own methods. Yet, nothing, until now.”

  She scoffed. “Three days? Impossible. Also, what do you mean the entire pack? I believe, dear Alpha, you exaggerate things for my benefit.” Before he answered she added, “Wait! What kind of methods?”

  Domek chuckled and devoid of any true dominance, scolded her, “I did not give you leave to ask questions, and I do not lie, or exaggerate. Every member has been by our house checking in on you. Kara had a hell of a time getting the pups to leave as they all insisted on sleeping around you, keeping you warm until you woke. It took Headmistress Magda to get them out, but even she acted reluctant to leave.” He adjusted her so she sat in his lap facing outward, allowing her to take in their surroundings. “Look.”

  He studied her reaction as she scanned the room, first spotting Smitty, then Kara, and finally Marek. Wait. Didn’t I ban him from this room? He would let it slide this time.

  An emotional Sadie had a hard time getting out, “But, why? Why would everyone worry about me?”

  Smitty replied in a matter-of-fact manner, “Well we love you. How couldn’t we love the other half of our alpha’s soul?”

  Kara just had to pipe in, “Well she’s way more lovable than Dom.”

  Sadie widened her eyes in shock, asking Smitty, “How did you know? Gaia only just told me.”

  “What did Gaia say?” Domek asked.

  Grinning, she turned her head to him. “That we did it. We are mated. Our souls connected, even before our hearts bound together in the cave.”

  “But you didn’t say it. You went unconscious while I begged you to.”

  He flashed back to the moment he pleaded with her, commanding her not to leave him. How as Sadie fell unconscious, his heart burned like fire, expanding in his chest. He had assumed it was a result of overwhelming heartbreak. Now it all came together.

  “So you’re saying the goddess heard you, little rabbit?” Running his thumb along her bottom lip, he addressed only her. “I don’t know how I feel about you not using these lips, since I didn’t get the pleasure. I think that I still need to hear the words out loud, and be confident my mate will always tell me these types of things.”

  Leaning his head down, he kissed her deeply, passionately, enjoying her heart’s insistent thudding against his chest. That’s when something Matus said came to mind. He slowed, and just held their lips together, listening to his own heartbeat, beating steadily in time with hers.

  Not taking his eyes off Sadie he broke the kiss, calling out, “Everyone leave. Although Gaia has granted us our mating, I itch to mate this woman properly.”

  He had to make sure she enjoyed all steps of a proper mating for a new wolf. His mate deserved a traditional event, filled with ceremonial words and actions, alone and among their pack. Miles away from what she endured the first time. Blue Wolf pack instantly sprang into action. Some spread out throughout his home, others doing their part about the enclave, completing their tasks with quick efficiency. Helena returned only seconds later with items Sadie would need, while Matus completed a prayer of blessing over the two of them as they still cuddled on their bed.

  Matus stood by while Helena hung the ceremonial items, offering an arm to escort her home. After seeing them out, Domek sat next to Sadie. “Are you ready for our mating, little rabbit?”

  She curled into his side replying, “I’ve been ready since the day you found me.”

  Chapter 39

  Sadie entered modeling the little silk teddy Helena made. She had never been so embarrassed, as when the seamstress handed her the little scrap of silk and lace. Helena had informed her that the pack seamstress made one for everyone’s mating, that, and the decadent gown hanging in their wardrobe. How she knew it would be needed, doing all of this as she slept for three days, comatose to the world, confounded Sadie. It appeared quite possible Helena had the same gift of sight as owls . . . or Molly. While considering questions like a gumshoe, she instead decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Her breath caught taking in the view of Domek stark naked lying on his side, head propped on a fist, waiting on the bed. On our bed. The room, lit by dozens of candles scattered throughout, ensconced them in a soft glow. Sadie stood there dumbly, in disbelief of her new life. Domek leisurely drug his gaze up giving her an appraising stare. The cock that had lain limp began swelling and running up in line with his abdomen. Warmth filled her and moisture dampened her thighs at the sight of the prominent veins and smooth head. Any shyness experienced while dressing, evaporated.

  Domek inhaled deeply and smiled saying, “Get over here now.”

  She walked over to him climbing up, but he stopped her, with her knee resting on the bed. She had one hand gripping the headboard, and the other braced at her side. Shifting forward, he grabbed her ass to lick the moisture that had dripped down her thigh, already bent toward him. The sensation of his tongue dragging along her skin left her mindless with passion.

  He kneaded her ass, using his thumbs to pull the teddy up to her hipbones; glancing down to see he had exposed her glistening folds. Hungry lips followed the wet trail along her inner thigh, as he suckled and kissed her skin, until reaching the moist crease between her legs. Sadie slid her fingers through his hair, fighting the urge to hold his head there longer.

  Inhaling again, he pulled her in tighter to his mouth, gripping to tilt her toward him. Domek speared her with his tongue, pulling back to flick her clit with it before going in again. The pleasure of it made Sadie let go of the headboard, nearly losing balance she put a hand on his shoulder to keep from falling over. Already wound with anticipation, her orgasm built at a rapid pace as she breathed heavily, unable to hold in a moan.

  “Please, Alpha, I’m going to come,” she whispered.

  Licking her thigh, he groaned, “Mmm, not yet mate.” He stopped kneading her ass, pulling one hand back for a fast, but hard, smack.

  That almost set her off, but she held it back, chuckling at his wolfish grin. Her juices glistened on his face in the candlelight, as he pulled her all the way up into bed to lie facing him.

  “Look at me, love.” While meeting his eyes, he continued speaking, running fingertips along her body from upper thigh, to just below her breast, stroking the area with his thumb through her teddy. “I had initially planned to punish you for risking your life, but I prefer to save that for tomorrow, or maybe tonight after our festivities. So now, while I know we are already mated, I want us to have the intimate ceremony we should have had. I know you read the tomes of our traditional practice, and I would like to finish with a siring bite to wipe away all traces of . . . the one who bit you first.” He shifted a little nervously.

  Sadie smiled, kissing his nose. “All traces of him have been wiped clean, but if it would make you happy, I can think of nothing better.”

  Domek echoed her grin, dropping his hand down her thigh hooking it behind the knee and hitching her leg high up over his hipbone. The head of his cock slid between her labia as he leaned forward kissing her. He held her hips rocking them, insinuating himself between her folds. Lined up at her opening, just putting the tip in, he grabbed the leg up on his hip and rolled onto his back, pulling her with him.

  Sadie had never been on top, so sprawled there with him filling her; she had no idea what to do. She sat up shyly, moaning when the position caused her to slide further down onto him. He filled her, so long she felt him hit her cervix. Resting palms on his pectorals she raised an eyebrow in question. />
  “I thought we’d take it slow and sweet tonight, although I’m not sure how much control I’ll have, even in this position,” he explained stroking under the teddy, following along her arms when she raised them to remove the lingerie.

  Domek flung it off to the side, glided both hands along the same path again. This time though he brought them around front just below her bust instead of following her arms. Cupping her breasts, he pinched the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

  The sensation caused her to squirm, making him groan. He reached around to her spine and pressed her down so he could feast on her breasts. He sucked hard, lightly nibbling the tight peaks, while grasping her hips to rock her against his thrusting movement.

  Releasing her nipple, he lifted her up, shoving his arms under her legs and grabbing both her ass cheeks. “I need to taste you again.” He pulled her pussy to his mouth.

  Gasping, Sadie reached up to steady herself on the headboard.

  He used teeth and tongue to work her to the edge of orgasm once more. Holding her hips with a firm grip, Domek fucked her deeply with his tongue, forcing her to ride his face.


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