Bunny Hills and Bikinis
Page 12
“I guess that’s why they say time flies when you’re having fun.” That limo ride certainly had been more fun than she was used to having on a date. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who had trouble forgetting about their interesting and invigorating hot tub experience. Apparently Nate was as eager to pick up where they’d left off as she was.
Dinner is going to take forever.
Somehow, in the midst of their impromptu make-out session, they’d switched places during the ride over. Now, Nate had to climb around her on the seat to get out of the limo. He extended his hand back in toward her. Taking it, she enjoyed the strength and warmth radiating from him. It filled her with a sense of contentment she wasn’t used to experiencing on a first date with a guy. Butterflies of excitement filled her with anticipation, but the nervousness she usually had was absent. She didn’t wonder if Nate liked her or if she was saying or doing the right thing. With Nate, she was completely at ease.
Heck, she’d told him off on their very first meeting and he still acted like she was the most exquisite thing he’d ever seen. The usual sense of trying to be on her best behavior, put her best foot forward, wasn’t necessary. Not with Nate. She felt relaxed, comfortable, and thanks to that steamy limousine ride—aroused.
They walked into the restaurant together, arms linked. From the outside, the restaurant appeared to be a simple log cabin with lanterns hanging along a stone walkway. But inside, the space had a rich amber hue, reflecting light from the sconces hanging on the walls. The unexpected beauty that greeted them as they walked in the front doors took her aback.
Candlelight flickered and danced across every surface. It made her feel like she’d walked onto a movie set. Places like this didn’t exist in real life. If this was a movie, she wanted to star in it for the rest of her life—dining in an amazing restaurant with the most amazing leading man. What more could she ever want?
Savory smells of flame-kissed beef mixed with something sweet like warm apple crisp and vanilla ice cream greeted them by the time they’d reached the small hostess podium. The delicious smells made her mouth water. The limo ride had made her forget just how hungry she was, but now her stomach growled angrily at her. A young girl stood there waiting for them. As they approached, she took their jackets and hung them in a small cloakroom off to the side of the entrance.
“We have a reservation for tonight,” Nate said to the hostess.
He took Amelia’s hand as they stood waiting patiently for the hostess to collect their menus and consult her table diagram of the restaurant. It seemed to Amelia like this should be their fourteenth date, not their first with the level of mutual comfort they shared with one another. Nate hadn’t hesitated for a second in taking her hand, and she hadn’t had a second thought about accepting it, letting him wrap his hand tightly around hers. In fact, she was pretty sure she would miss his hand when they had to sit across from each other at a table for a few hours during dinner.
These feelings were strange to Amelia. Usually on a first date, or even fourth or fifth date for that matter, they would still be in the awkward, uncomfortable stage. She never knew if she should offer a guy her hand, or reach out and touch his arm if he happened to say something particularly funny.
But with Nate, there was no hesitation, no wonder or self-doubt. With him everything was purely instinctual.
Just like her instinct to grab his buns right there in the front lobby of the restaurant.
She restrained herself, but not because she doubted his acceptance of her action. She knew he’d like it, but he might like it so much they’d have to detour back to the limo again before dinner. Best to keep her hands to herself, at least for a little while.
“Right this way, Mr. Miller,” the hostess said, motioning for them to follow her.
Amelia couldn’t see any tables in the actual restaurant as they wound their way down short hallways and around corners. She began to think they might have mistakenly entered some kind of crazy maze when they finally stopped at an intimate table for two.
Tucked away in a little nook off of a darkly lit hallway, it was completely surrounded by walls on three sides. Only the front of the table was open so they could slide into a cozy horseshoe shaped booth. A small round table was adorned with crystal goblets and buttery soft linens. A large hurricane lantern sat in the middle of the table, casting a glow around the intimate space.
As Amelia scooted into the booth, she was a little awestruck by the unassuming elegance of the restaurant. Though there weren’t many items on the small table, the ones that were there appeared handpicked. Each was unique and beautiful in its own way and complimented the others perfectly. Who would have ever guessed that the simple log cabin facade out front would house such an amazingly ambient seating area inside?
As her eyes adjusted to the low light of the table area, she glanced around. Something twinkling down the hallway caught her eye. After a moment carefully studying it, she was surprised to see the twinkling of another hurricane lantern on another table. Other diners ate meals at similar tables staggered along the edges of the hallway they’d just walked down and she hadn’t noticed a single one of them. It had to be some kind of optical illusion the way they’d designed the path to your table, making you feel completely alone in the restaurant.
“This place is amazing,” she whispered to Nate as the hostess walked away. She picked up her menu and began scanning the first page. Every item sounded more delicious than the last. The prices were reasonable considering the ambiance of the restaurant.
“It’s even better than the hotel concierge made it sound,” Nate agreed, taking his napkin and laying it across his lap. “I had no idea what to expect, but this place outdoes anything my imagination could have come up with.”
“So you’ve never been here before?”
“No. Why?”
“I don’t know. You just seemed so comfortable back at Evergreen Lodge. I guess I thought you’d been to the area before.”
Nate shook his head. “I travel to a lot of different places, some of them I may have been to multiple times, but this is my first trip to Lake Tahoe.” He smiled at her. “Another first you’re a part of.”
She looked down at her hands. She liked sharing these first moments with him, but his comment of how well traveled he was just helped to remind her of how little she’d traveled. How was it that they could enjoy each other so much, yet live such different lives?
“You know, it’s my first time here too. Well, my first time anywhere actually.”
“You’ve never traveled before?”
“Nope. Never had a reason to. I’ve never had anyone to travel with either.”
“What about your parents, didn’t they ever take you on a family vacation anywhere?”
“Sure, to little places in the same state, but nowhere far—definitely nowhere on a plane. This whole experience is a first for me and I have to say I’m enjoying it a hell of a lot more than I thought I would,” she laughed. “I didn’t think a weekend workshop retreat for my job sounded like fun. Nor did I think it sounded fun to travel on my own. Actually that part sounded terrifying. But, it was a free plane ticket somewhere new and a free vacation, so I figured why not. If I’d known it would be this much fun, I’d have signed up for a workshop a long time ago.”
He put his hand on hers. “I’m glad you waited. If you hadn’t, you may not have decided to come on this trip. Then I never would have met you. I can’t even imagine what it would feel like without you here with me this weekend.” He shrugged. “I guess it would have been like every other weekend. Work, work, and more work. Maybe a drink or two thrown in there somewhere for fun. Certainly I wouldn’t be having dinner with the most stunning woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.”
Her heart melted. Every time he opened his mouth, more and more amazing things seemed to come out of it. How was she lucky enough to meet someone who was so incredibly hot and so absolutely gentlemanly at the same time?
Lucky? W
ell, lucky was really relative.
Sure she met this great guy—seemingly perfect guy—but what good was it going to do her? He lived a life of traveling around, being with new people all the time and she had to go back to cold Minnesota soon—alone. No sense getting caught up in just how wonderful he was if she wasn’t going to get to keep him anyway.
She may as well enjoy the moment for what it really was—a moment. “I’m happy to be here with you too.” She smiled.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Chapter Ten
“May I get you something to drink this evening?” a waiter asked, appearing at their table as if he’d magically vaporized there out of nothingness. “We have a wonderful selection of wines.”
Nate broke her gaze and focused back on his menu. “Do you like wine or would you rather have something else? A cocktail?”
She did like wine, but they’d just had champagne in the limo ride over. Was he hoping to share a bottle? Would he care if she ordered a cocktail instead? Was that rude?
No, it’s Nate. He hasn’t cared about petty stuff like that so far, I doubt he’s going to start caring now if I want liquor and not wine.
“Do you don’t mind not sharing a bottle of wine?” She didn’t want to be totally rude. Even if she didn’t think Nate would care, it was still polite to make sure.
“Of course not.” Nate shrugged. “Order whatever you like.”
“Okay, good. I really don’t feel like wine after that yummy champagne.” She loved that he was always so laid back and casual. Even when she’d come barreling down that ski run right in to him, he hadn’t gotten flustered. “I’d like an Appletini, please.”
“And for you, sir?” the waiter asked.
“I’ll have a rye and Coke, please.”
The waiter nodded and left the table as silently as he’d arrived. Nate put down his menu and Amelia could feel his gaze penetrating her as she tried to concentrate on the menu. It gave her a subtle but tingly feeling she wasn’t ready for.
“Why would I care what you order to drink?”
She shrugged casually on the outside, but cringed on the inside. Why did she have to doubt him and ask? Why hadn’t she gone with her gut and ordered what she’d wanted so she wouldn’t have to answer this silly, awkward question now?
“I was just checking that’s all. I didn’t want to be rude if you expected the night to go a certain way.” Amelia glanced down at her menu again, not wanting to meet his powerful gaze. She peeked up at him through her lashes and hoped her simple answer would be enough to satisfy his curiosity. She didn’t really feel like explaining her reason for the question but she would if he asked. She was fairly certain she’d tell him anything he asked of her.
He eyed her, taking his time to study her face, then spoke again. “It’s nice you’re concerned about my feelings, but I don’t care what you order, drinks or otherwise.”
He leaned back in his seat, staring at her silently for a moment before shaking his head and leaning toward her again, pinning her with his gaze. “I don’t want to be too intrusive or bring up something painful, but I have to ask to satisfy my own mind. Did you have a boyfriend who cared about that kind of thing?”
She sighed, wishing she hadn’t been stupid enough to bring up the past inadvertently. “He always decided everything. But he wasn’t my boyfriend.”
“I thought he wanted to be, but I was wrong. I guess I haven’t gotten over it yet.” Her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment.
It had started with one impulsive night together that she’d hoped would lead to another. After a couple of failed attempts to get him interested in her as anything more than a one-night stand, she’d realized it was over. He’d been bossy, domineering and treated her like garbage.
She’d learned her lesson, deciding never to let that happen again—until now of course. Now she was here with Nate and had every intention of being with him later. But this time she knew nothing more would come of it, no risk of thinking that he might want her as anything more than what this was—one night to be a little reckless and give in to the feelings she normally pushed aside.
She shook her head, clearing away the negative thoughts. “I’m sorry. I knew you wouldn’t care, I don’t know why I asked. Old habits die hard, I guess.”
“Sounds like it’s time to make new habits.” He pushed his menu across the table, leaning back against the bench as if he was completely at peace.
“So what did you pick for dinner?” She couldn’t seem to make up her mind and he had obviously decided already. “Everything sounds wonderful, I don’t know how I’m going to pick just one.” Her mouth watered at the descriptions of the chef’s special dishes.
“Good. Why don’t you pick two?”
“How much do you think I eat?” She laughed at his joke and smacked him gently on the arm.
“No, really. Pick two things you want to try and we’ll share—if you’re cool sharing food with a guy who’s virtually a stranger, that is.”
She giggled. “Well, if I was worried about swapping germs, it’s a little late for that already.” She eyed him with curiosity. “You really want me to order for you?”
How strange? And sort of awesome.
“Yep. Tonight is ladies choice. I want you to know I’m not like that controlling ex of yours. I’m not going to make all your choices for you. You’re a smart woman, I’m sure you can make good choices for yourself without any help from me or anyone else.”
Her heart swelled again with his kind words. Why did he have to keep saying the right things? This wasn’t going to make the weekend any easier to walk away from later. This wasn’t going to help convince her emotions to stay in check and not get too attached. How was she supposed to have a carefree fling when he made it impossible not to want to care about him?
“You’re not really a guy are you?” she teased. He was too good to be true—said too many of the right things. He was perceptive and kind and just about the best man she’d ever had the luck of meeting. She narrowed her eyes and studied him. “Really terrible in bed? Bad flatulence problem? You snore like a train? What is it?”
There’s got to be something wrong with him.
“No guy is as awesome as you are all the time.” She tilted her head, waiting for his response.
Nate laughed. “What on earth are you listing off? Yes, I’m really a guy. I was hoping you could take a peek at the evidence for that yourself later,” he winked. “No gas, no snoring—well maybe a little of both—I am a guy after all. Oh, and I am awesome every time. I plan on proving that to you later, too.”
Her mouth dropped open.
If there is a single girl heaven, he is standing in the center of it, drizzled with chocolate sauce and topped with a cherry.
This is the stuff people said on a Hollywood set, not real life—well except for the gas and snoring, but she’d been the one to bring that up, not him. The now familiar heat began burning again inside her chest at his words, the implications of which were creating fantasies in her brain. Fantasies she very much looked forward to recreating.
Snapping her mouth shut again, she focused on the menu to keep her mind out of the gutter, which is exactly where it had wandered off to the moment he alluded to the things they might do together later. She could barely wait for later to get here.
Okay, so not spaghetti—too messy. Salad—too rabbit-foody. I think I’m going to need carbs for energy tonight. Oh and protein. Hmm…
The waiter set down their drinks and stood ready to take their order. “Have you decided what you’d like to eat this evening, Sir?”
Nate nodded in Amelia’s direction. “This one’s all her choice.”
“Miss, what can I get for you?”
“I think we’ll try one filet mignon and one herb crusted halibut. Thank you.” She handed her menu back to the waiter.
Steak for a good energy boost and fish because it’s light. Can’t be weighed down to
“Good?” she asked Nate as the waiter wandered away again, leaving them alone in their secluded booth.
“Very. Both sound great.” He took a swig of his drink, the ice cubes clinking around in the glass. “So, are you enjoying your first trip away?”
“I’m sitting in a stunning restaurant with a hot guy who constantly sounds too good to be true. I’ve no complaints. It must be weird to you that I’ve never traveled before, huh?”
He shrugged casually. “Everyone has their own path in life. I can’t imagine for my own life what it would be like to never see new places or people. I know my life of travel isn’t for everyone either.”
“I’d love to travel. I may not love skiing and the cold here in Lake Tahoe, but being out doing different things with different people is great. Now I’m dreading going home to the cold, flat, Midwest and my boring life there. I already want to start planning a real vacation, not a silly weekend away that includes work responsibilities. My next trip will be strictly for pleasure only.”
“Sounds like a good plan. Where will you go?”
She drummed her fingers on the table while she pondered her answer. “I’m not sure. I guess maybe a beach somewhere tropical or maybe New York City. I don’t know. Where would you go if you were me?”
“That depends.” The corner of his mouth twisted upward slightly. “Who would be joining you on this fictitious trip?”
The question was innocent enough, but the grin playing on his lips and tone of his voice said the question was anything but innocent. Did he want to travel with her?
I’d go anywhere with you.
“Hmm, let’s say I had a really hot boyfriend I wanted to show off, where should we go?”
“Well, you might want to lie around on a beach if he’s that much of a babe—eye candy and all that. But, if he’s really that hot, you may want to save somewhere with great scenic activities for your second time traveling and go somewhere a little more low-key for your first official trip together.”