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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 10

by Jessie Wolf

  “Excuse me Dir. Reed but would you happen to have a recent photo of my great aunt on your tablet? You see, I have no idea of what she looks like. I think I should at least know what the woman who has had such a large impact on what has been happening to me since landing on this planet, looks like.”

  “Excuse me ma’ Lady? You mean you have never seen a picture of your grandmothers’ family?” Reed asks, with a great deal of surprise.

  “No sir, I haven’t. You see, the only pictures of my family were ones of my mother, grandmother and grandfather in grandpas’ home. As I said earlier, I know that there was a fight between my great aunt and grandmother, but I have no idea what it was over.”

  “If you give me a moment I’ll pull one up for you.” With that he started typing away on his tablet. “Here you go ma’am.” As he turns it toward me, I get my first look at Dai Etsu Nakatoma, a woman I have not laid eyes on in over 60 years, not since the day that I married her sister, my wife, Matsue. I never knew what caused the split between them, but I know that it ate at Matsue till the day she died.

  Before I could become any more depressed, Maj. Howard got my attention. “My Lady, your great aunts’ maids and representatives have arrived.”

  Now I’ve seen military support trains enter an area in the past. But I was not prepared for what I saw coming though the hanger door. I don’t think anything would have prepared me for that, or what was soon to follow. Much to my dismay.

  Chapter 5

  My mobile Salon

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a heavy transport coming through the door. What, in the name of all that’s Holy, is going on? Why would these people need a heavy transport? I mean, all I should need is a shower, some clean underwear and maybe a decent shirt and pants.

  After it comes to a stop I notice that all of Maj. Howard’s troops have encircled the hanger with their A.P.S.s’. From what I can see, the Marauders are out front placing the heaviest amount of fire power where everyone can see.

  “Um… Maj. Howard? Why are all the Marauders out front? Shouldn’t they be spread out?” I asked.

  With a smile and a bow he says. “This is to make sure that the reporters and news hawks get the hint ma’ Lady Nakatoma.”

  “Maj. I would greatly appreciate it if you and your troops just called me Maiha and not Lady Nakatoma?” I asked of him.

  “I’m afraid that would be unacceptable. We can use Lady Maiha when not in public, Lady Nakatoma, if that would please you.” Was all he said.

  I was very confused by this. How did I go from, at worst Commander, but most of the time ma’am or miss, to formal pronouns and names. “But Maj. just less than 3 hrs ago you were calling me Miss or ma’am. What changed? And when did it happen?”

  “When Director Reed appointed the Hell Hounds to be your personal bodyguards. My X.O. 1st Lt. Stephanie Wolf had served in a P.B. unit before coming into my command. She was the one to inform all of my staff on how we should interact with you. What is and is not acceptable, my Lady Maiha.” He answered.

  Before I can comment, two very distinguished Japanese women approached me. With a bow from the waist they said. “You are the Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana, yes?” At the nod of my head they continue. “We are your Ladyship's great aunt's personal maids. She has sent us to you so that you may be made presentable for the public. If you will follow us so we may get started?”

  With a sigh I turn to everyone else. “It would seem that we are done here for tonight ladies and gentlemen. I thank you all for your hard work and dedication in helping me this evening. I hope that we will get a chance to meet again, but under better conditions. When that time comes I hope to reward each of you in turn for all that you have done on my behalf.” Then, with a bow to them all, I turn to the two maids saying. “Ladies, I am in your capable hands. Shall we?” I asked, gesturing to the heavy transport trailer. As I walk over I notice that it has a communication uplink dish on top. “Would it be better to set up the truck outside? I see that it has a communication dish on top.”

  “My Lady Maiha, once we are inside, the M.C.U. driver will move it outside so we may up link to your ancestral home here on Hades and the Lady Dai Etsu your great aunt. But until you are presentable we cannot allow for you to be seen by those pigs who are with the news vids. To do so would be an unacceptable error of duties on your behalf.” Said the one on my right.

  I had not really noticed but they had placed themselves behind me one on each side. How in the world did they do that? I mean one minute they’re in front of me the next they’re one foot behind and to each side as well. I have to find out how they pulled that off when I get the chance. “Your bodyguards have done a remarkable job of forcing them to keep a distance that makes them use long range camera lens, but they can still see the front of the building. So we will take no chances and have you get on board in here, then move outside.”

  I want to laugh at so bad at that comment I can’t stop the giggle that escapes. I mean if the troops in those A.P.S. out there wanted to every one of those reporters would be blasted into hamburger. “Dee De? Can you give me a run down on the A.P.S. outside as far as fire power goes? You can forget the Marauders.”

  Sure give me a minute.




  “My God Dee De, any of those pilots could massacre those reporters from where they stand! Patch me into their network now!”

  Are you sure? If you do that, then our ace in the hole will be out in the open?

  “No you are right. I need to keep a lead on all our capabilities.”

  “Maj. Howard, please make sure that your very loyal troops don’t have an ‘accidental’ discharge over one of the reporters getting too close. Please?” I asked, as nicely as possible. The maids behind me start giggling at my request.

  “Of course Lady Maiha. I will see to it at once.” He said, then turned away, leaving me with the maids.

  The one on my left politely asks “Lady Maiha, surely such fine Samurai's as the ones who guard you would not actually do such a thing?”

  “Oh yes they would. The pilots of those A.P.s out there all have a real and justifiable hatred for the press.” I say. “By the way, they are not samurai. May I please know your names?”

  “I am Gin and she is Kina, Lady Maiha.” Said the one on my right. “As for your bodyguards, if they would go so far as to attack the reporters for being too close to you, then they are Samurai. And I am sure that if they are not, then your great aunt will make it so. Now you have delayed long enough to make sure that your Samurai will not cause a scandal. It is time to get you cleaned up and appropriately dressed.”

  So much for my delaying tactics. These women must have figured me rather quickly.

  Hate to tell you this kiddo, but these gals are the 9th generation of their family to serve the Nakatoma women. There isn’t a trick you can think of with your short time as a girl that they don’t already know. I would suggest using the old tactic of passive resistance for now.

  “Gee, thanks a lot Dee. You know that is not my style.

  Well it had better be for a while. We need Intel. and we need it now.

  “Intel what Intel? Just what are you talking about? Have you popped a chip?”

  You need to know how to, first be a girl, second, how to be a Lady, and finally, how to be the HEAD of House for the Nakatoma Shogunate. Where else are you going to learn?

  “That puts a whole new spin on all of this.”

  Yes it does kiddo, but I do know this much, and you can take it to the bank. Deep down you are still you, but you have to become a combination of your wife, daughter and what you are. If, and only if, you meant what you said earlier. If
you really are Deaths Own Daughter? Are you?

  “By all that's Holy and unholy, I AM Deaths Own Daughter!”

  With that thought firmly in my head, I straighten my back, stand as tall as I can and head inside to face my destiny.

  After stepping inside, the ramp door closed up behind us. I feel the transport start to move backwards and I hear the hanger doors open up. As I stand there, waiting for it to stop, I look around the inside. What I saw floored me. Instead of your typical mobile command headquarters, it was more like a mobile home with its own beauty salon. To say the least, everything to make me into the best example of a proper young, Japanese, High Families Lady. I mean they had it all, a hot tub, steam room, massage table, make up table and chair, full salon station, full nail station, and an area for dressing someone in the height of fashion. You name it was there at their beck and call.

  “Uh… Gin? Can I ask why my great aunt would have something like this? I mean it’s not like something as what happened to me is an everyday occurrence.”

  “Lady Maiha this transport is yours, not your great aunts. As to why you have it, well this is your mobile residence and throne room. This back half is really supposed to be in front, next to the driver's area. You see over there, behind that wall, is your bedroom for when you travel to visit your other family members. The throne room half will be here in the back allowing you keep this half as your private sanctuary.” Explained Gin. I really want to see how they swap the two halves around sometime. “Now, young lady, it is time for you to start getting ready. So please remove those undignified clothes at once.”

  Ok, I may not know a whole lot about the way a High Family House is supposed to work when it comes to servants, but I do know that maids do not talk to their Lady’s like that. “Excuse me? Did you just order me to strip? Well you can get bent if you think you can order me around, sister.”

  With a sly smile on her face that said more than her words, Kina looked at me and said. “Lady Maiha, when in front of others you may be in charge, but here at in your private quarters at the Shogunate, we your maids are in charge. For you see, it is our duty to make sure you are presentable for public appearances. Now, as you said earlier, STRIP or shall Gin and I have to treat you like a small child and remove that ship suit and boots for you while applying a hair brush to that pretty hind end? It is your choice.”

  “Dee De, can I access the enhanced strength without the armor akin?”

  Sorry honey, but no, and I am not going to allow you access to either. You need to understand that when it comes to your appearance, they are the experts and the ones in charge.

  “You mean that you would actually allow them to spank me?”

  Got it in one kiddo. This is not a life or death situation. So do as they say.

  Realizing that Dee De was not going to be of any help here and due to the fact that she has already locked me out of my access to the armor skin, I begin to unzip the ship suit. I can see that Gin and Kina aren’t going to give me any privacy so I just get it over with without any more protests. After I had taken the borrowed boots and ship suit off, Gin took them and dropped them into a recycler unit. “Hey! Those weren’t mine! I have to return them!”

  “Do not worry Lady Maiha, the military will be reimbursed. Please follow me to the bathroom so we can get you cleaned up like a proper Lady of the Families.” came from Kina. So following her into the bathroom I find myself receiving the first bath to be given to me by a maid in what will undoubtedly be a long line of them to come. I don’t even try to argue with her. I can tell she will brook no argument from me at all in this matter. “Do not worry Lady Maiha, I am sure that your great aunt will let you choose your own maids once you have taken over as the Head of House.”

  “I know I am going to regret this question, but here goes any way.” Looking her in the eye. “Do I really need a personal maid? Can’t you teach me what I need to know so I can do it myself?”

  You would have thought I had taken a dump on a shrine altar. The look on her face told me everything I needed to know. “Lady Maiha for you to know how to do all of your personal toilet is not against the rules, or to be able to do them yourself, but to not have a personal maid would be undignified for a person of your station.”

  “Thank you Kina, and please forgive my ignorance. This is all still very new to me. Hell I’ve never even worn a dress before, let alone have a personal maid. For the last 12yrs the only person who washed my ass was me.” I said with a little embarrassment.

  “Oh my! Lady Maiha, I had no idea. Both I and Gin thought that you had only lost your clothes during transit. We had no idea that you were not raised to be a lady. You can’t tell by the way you carry yourself.” Was her reply. “When we first saw you, both Gin and I said to each other ‘Her Ladyship is handling herself quite well considering how she is dressed. We are going to have our hands full with this one.’ We did not know that you were a tomboy or that you had no woman’s touch in your upbringing.”

  I didn’t know whether to be insulted or not. I’ve never received such a back handed complement before in all my 97yrs. Right now I could really use an owners/operators manual for my new sex. Normally I would have Dee De helping me out with little hints on how to behave here, but as she put it earlier, I need Intel, and the only way I was going to get it was from them. “I hope that wasn’t meant to be an insult toward my grandfather Kina? Because if it was I will make sure no matter what else happens, you and Gin, as well as your families, will be in need of new employment. No one, and I mean NO One will make disparaging remarks about my parents and grandparents. Do I make myself clear on this matter?”

  “Please forgive me ma’ Lady. I meant no disrespect. I merely was commenting on how well you present yourself for one who is not used to the expectations of a member of the High Families is all. Considering the fact that your grandfather may not have known how to raise a young lady, he did a remarkable job of instilling in you a true sense of self.” She said as she bowed to me.

  As I look up at her from the hot tub I can see that she is sincere. She did not mean anything bad in her comments, but praise. “I forgive you Kina. Neither you nor Gin could have known, but yes I guess you could say I’m the original tomboy. All my life I was a ruffian. Constantly getting into and out of trouble. All too often to the displeasure of my guardians. I guess that was why grandfather was so happy with my appointment to H.M.A. in Haifa.” I lied.

  About that time, Gin came into the room. “Come, my Lady. It is time for you to get out. Everything has been prepared in the outer room.” As I get out of the tube the two of them give me a quick pat down with warmed towels to dry me off. After placing a silk robe around me they lead me out back into the back of the transport trailer. “If you would please take a seat in the chair, we can get started on your make-up and hair.”

  “Will one of you please explain to me why we are doing all of this? I mean, aren’t we going to be travelling from here to my great aunt's?” I asked of them.

  “Oh no Lady Maiha. We will not be travelling in this monster, as comfortable as it is, to the Shogunate. For you to arrive in a heavy-transport would be a great insult to your great aunt and your Family. It would be saying that you do not trust them not to make an attempt on your life. It is also a sign of weakness. The fact that you have an entire A.P.S. company travelling with you as bodyguards will tell the Galaxy you are not one to be trifled with let alone angered.”

  I can see the logic in Gin's words. If I roll up in an M.C.U. it would definitely give off the wrong signal. I swear I’m going to keep these two as advisors if it’s the last thing I do. I don’t need maids, I need teachers and they are definitely two of the best when it comes to court politics. They are also aptly named, as Gin means silver and Kina means silk. Two very valuable resources. “After we have made you beautiful we will escort you back outside to your personal hover-limo, which will transport you to the Shogunate. Past those pig reporters over there.

  I wish for the day wh
en the government has more control over the news vids. I hope one of them tries to stop the hover-limo, don’t you Kina. From what that young man in the Mustang said, it would be worth seeing one or two of them crushed flat by his... what was the term he used? Oh yes, ‘sweet baby girl Jenna’. I do not see how something as big as those machines can be so beloved by the men and women who pilot them.”

  “Oh, I know what you mean. You should hear my husband Takashi about his A.P.S. I swear the man loves it more than me at times.” Kina replied with some heat. “He has even named the monster. Moon Light Dancer of all things. Can you even see that beast dancing? Why it would put holes in the courtyard if he tried to do that.”

  “You are not alone in your suffering Kina. My Tanaka is just as bad about his own A.P.S.” Gin was smiling as she said it. I could tell that both women truly loved their husbands. They just didn’t understand their love affair with their A.P.S’. I can’t help but giggle as they gossip back and forth. “Did we say something funny Lady Maiha?”

  “I’m sorry ladies. It’s just that my grandpa often told me stories of A.P.S. pilots and their love affair with their machines. “I can’t help but smile at their looks of confusion at the thought that I, a teenage girl one who has not even had her first boyfriend, would have insight into what they, who were married and with children, would know what their husbands felt. “Yes, my grandfather imparted to me a great deal about the way the mind of a military man works. He once said ‘There is no greater love than that of a beautiful woman, except for a finely crafted fire arm, to the military man.’ So I can understand how they can love, would love their machines as if they were their children.”


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