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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 12

by Jessie Wolf

  “I must admit, I only thought that Hades produced and exported the Armored Power Suits that are used in our military and police units. I had no idea that the people of Hades produced more than that.” He was extremely embarrassed by his lack of knowledge. “Lady Nakatoma can you please forgive me my arrogance? When I was assigned here I thought it was the end of my career, so I didn’t bother with learning about Hades or its people. I believed that they had nothing to offer the Galaxy, but the A.P.S. or the civilian construction and framing models. I think I’ll spend some time with the P.D.F. cultural officer over the next few weeks. I believe that I have a lot to learn about your home.”

  “I’m sorry sir, but Hades is not my home planet, nor is it my place of birth. That honor belongs to my grandfather’s home planet of Apollo.” I reply. With a small bow I excuse a very bewildered General White.

  As both Kina and I made the rounds to each person who was still there, making my farewells, a Mitsubishi/Rolls hover-limo had pulled up out front. Now I have seen hover-limos and even regular wheeled limos before. But this one was a total awe inspiring sight, a true thing of beauty. From front bumper to rear bumper it was at least 15ft long and 6ft wide. Every inch was pearl white. It could probably hold 8 people in the rear cabin comfortably. I noticed the driver was not alone in the forward cabin; that must be his Shotgun rider.

  When they got out I could tell they were highly trained. They took in the entire area with a quick glance before moving. Yes, these were a pair of professionals. Now all we had to do was wait for 1st Lt. Walking Water to join us.

  Chapter 6

  Meeting Auntie

  I didn’t have to long of a wait as shortly thereafter Gin and the Lt. emerged from the M.C.U. and I could tell that Gin had not let her get away with the regular geta that I was wearing. I could also tell she was showing her displeasure in what the Lt. had been doing at the High Command, because poor Susana looked very much like a Maiko. Turning to Kina “Why has Gin turned Susana into a Maiko?”

  “Gin is not happy with her niece. You see she never approved with her being a spy in the High Command Staff, even though she was ordered to do it by her father, Gin’s brother-in-law. Gin told her that if she ever came home in disgrace that she, not her father, would decide her punishment.” At her smile I could tell that she had let slip the information about Susana being the one to alert my sister-in-law. I better quite thinking of her in those terms and more as my great aunt. If I don’t, I could slip up and blow everything.

  “Thank you Lady Maiha Mama for doing what you did. Do not feel to upset over this please you see Susana has been trying to get caught for almost two years now. This way she can come home even though to the rest of the world it will look like a reward posting and the Lord High Marshal will have a much more secure staff. You did very well in there a masterful manipulation of everyone involved.”

  “More like you getting me pissed off about there being a spy for the Nakatoma Shogunate inside the organization that should have our trust. Just because Gin and Susana are getting something out of this don’t think it’s over.” She could tell by my voice that I was beyond mad. I was in a royal full blown hard-on nail biting neck snapping mad. The fact that I appeared to be the epitome of a serenely calm, young Japanese Noble Lady did not go unnoticed by her. Looking me in the eye, she could tell I was not happy with her or Gin. Looking down with her head bowed and her hands folded around her parasol, she asked to be forgiven.

  “My Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana please forgive us. We only saw a chance to help Susana get away from a displeasing task that had begun to take its toll on her honor. We did not think that you would find removing her, or having her dismissed, upsetting.”

  “As I said, We will discuss this later. When we are not where there are so many eyes or ears. This is a matter for me and my ladies maids.” Looking at her to see if she got the full meaning of what I said. I continued in a softer tone. “Trust must flow both ways. From Lady to maid and back. It must not be one way.”

  Before anything more could be said Susana and Gin had arrived. “Susana you look so much more comfortable in a kimono. Now I know why you looked so on edge in there in your uniform, but I am surprised that one of mine would have fit you, as you are a bit taller than I. How is that?”

  “Lady Nakatoma, may I introduce my aunt” she said, gesturing to Gin “Yoduishji Gin Rai, maid and sensei of the womanly arts to Nakatoma Shogunate and at one time one of the finest Geiko in all of the Yo’kai Nohan district.”

  “I did not know she was your aunt or the sensei who would be teaching me to be a lady, but how does that explain me having a kimono that fits you?”

  “It is not yours my Lady. But mine. My aunt always had at least one of mine handy if she knew that there was a chance I would be able to wear it.” Was all she said. I knew that she was telling the truth, but not all of it.

  I could tell that she wasn’t too happy about the Maiko make-up. But that was not my problem, nor did I care. However if she was to be my personal secretary, she will need a more mainstream look. “Well you look very beautiful. However in the future, I would prefer for you to wear a more mainstream make-up and keep the Maiko look for when you are with your significant other. Please.”

  “Of course my Lady. I promise you here and now, I will never intentionally cause you embarrassment by look or action.” Susana said, with a very deep bow from the waist. If she went much lower she'd hit her head on the ground.

  “Thank you. I accept your promise. Now my feet and lower legs are cold so let’s get in the limo and get this parade on the road. Maj Howard, time to mount up and roll out.” I yell out to him and his men.

  “Yes Ma’am, My Lady Nakatoma.” Turning to his troops he called out in a very military manner “Hell Hounds, mount up, power up, and be ready to roll out in two. Report in when ready. Let’s go people. Move it, move it.” And with that he climbed into his machine.

  As we approach the hover-limo, the Shogun opens the rear door for us. I let the others get in first to see how they do it. When it was my turn I followed their example by sitting down first and then swinging in my legs. My actions did not go unnoticed by my ladies maids. Gin just had to comment on the way I entered the vehicle once the door was closed and we were alone. “That was flawlessly done Lady Maiha. One would have thought that all you have ever worn were dresses or skirts your entire life. No one would have guessed that you’ve never worn either before today.”

  As I looked around at the spacious cabin, I noticed how the others were sitting. Feet and knees together while pointed to the side, so that only their sides came into contact with the seat back, insuring that their obies would not become wrinkled. I quickly assumed the same position.

  “Thank you Gin. I just followed your example.” A few moments later I felt the hover-limos’ power plant begin to hum as it lifted off the ground. When I looked out the window I saw two of the Marauders’ move along side, one in front, the other in back; both in line with one of the bumpers. “Aren’t we going to take up a lot of room in this formation? I mean, the way Maj. Howard is placing his troops we will take up the entire roadway. Won't the locals get upset with us?”

  A small giggle escapes Susana before she can stop it with her hand. Looking over at her I can tell that she knows way more than she is letting on. For one thing, the girl is way too comfortable being dressed as a Maiko. “Alright, let’s hear it Susana. Just what is so funny? I mean, here we are with a full company of A.P.S.s’ just marching down the middle of the road as if we own the thing. If I tried this back home every peace loving and anti-government yahoo for 100 miles would be surrounding us. So please tell me what’s so funny?” By the time I was done all three were fighting to keep from out and out laughing in my face. Kina and Gin were turning red in the face and I could tell Susana was as well, even under the entire heavy, white base that covered her face and neck. Seeing as how I wasn’t going to get any answers till they could control themselves, I turned back to looking out
the window.

  What I saw amazed me. The local people were coming out of the stores, restaurants and homes even, but instead of throwing things at us, they were cheering us and waving. It didn’t make any sense. Here we were, for all practical purposes, a military convoy, just taking over the road without letting anyone know ahead of time, disrupting everyone’s lives and they’re happy about it. “Why is everyone so happy to see a military convoy like this?”

  It was Susana who finally answered my questions. “My Lady Maiha, we were not laughing at you, but the situation. You see, the road that we are on is wholly owned and maintained by the Nakatoma Shogunate. That is why we can do what we’re doing right now. As to why the people are so happy to see a ‘military convoy’ is it has been almost 40yrs since the last time a bodyguard unit escorted anyone down this road. For them to see one again can only mean that the true heir of Shogunate Nakatoma has come, hopefully, home. What that, hopefully means, is there an end to the infighting in sight or it has come to an end. That hopefully, finally, peace has come to our ruling Family at last after all these years.” And with a very happy look in her eyes she points to me saying “You have brought that hope. Everyone on Hades has been praying for a true heir to come to light. Someone who has a direct line of ascension to the Head of House which is you my Lady. Outside of your great aunt, you are the only one to have such a claim. No one else in the family, out of all the cousins, 2nd aunts and uncles, can come close to even claiming as strong a connection the Head of House except for your great aunt, but it was your grandmother who had first claim. Followed by your mother and finally, then you.”

  “Ok that explains all the happy civilians, but it does not explain why your appearance is that of a Maiko. Want to tell me about that? Oh and, by the way, you look really cute.” Where upon I started to giggle. Aaaagggggeeee!!! I have to find a way to shut down that behavioral modification program or at least get control over it. If I don’t I’m going to end up being the biggest Japanese girly-girl schoolgirl there ever was or will be. While Susana is thinking up a way to answer my last question I decide to set Dee De on the behavioral program.

  “Okay old lady I need your help big time. Have you looked into that behavioral program yet?”

  OLD LADY!!! You will pay for that, you little shit, but as to your question, I have. I also am no closer to figuring it out. I have no frame of reference to compare it to. Once I have that I’ll get back to you.

  “Dagnabit! You have had over 8 hours to study the programming for that Secondary Reconfiguration. Do not tell me that you don’t have a clue as to what went on. Now quit trying to soften the blow and tell me if you can shut down that program, or give me enough control of it so that I won’t be a brain washed zombie.”

  Ok I tried to put this off, but as usual you have to go bulling your way into things head first. From what I have been able to figure out, all of the behavioral programing was written straight into your neural pathways. As far as where it’s information for the behavior of a teenage Japanese schoolgirl, all of it came from the planetary internet. All of the information it gathered was compiled, then broken down into the most feminine and expected behaviors of that group sample, then hard wired into your brain. Because of this, there is no way to override the programing. You, my dear, had better get used to the idea of becoming the biggest girly-girl in the Galaxy.

  “Aaaahh Hell!! Why did it have to happen over Hades instead of over someplace like Ares or Jupiter? Some place with a more even ratio of males to females.”

  It’s not my fault that the population of Hades has a ratio of 5.86 to1 of females to males.

  “Don’t worry about it. Well I guess I’ll just have to deal with it. I just wish I knew how far it will go?”

  That, I can answer. One of the few things I was able to dig up out of the code was a model of what you want to look like. Do you want to see, or be surprised?

  “Go ahead and show me what my new look will be, thanks to the compulsions.”

  Ok here you go. This is the best that I can come up with.

  Idea of Maiha Normal look 1, 2 and 3

  Oh boy! From the looks of things I’ll be on the fast track for the girly-girly-girl with no stops for the weak at heart. I have to see if Dee De can stop this before it gets out of hand.

  “Good God Dee De! Do something! You have to override that programing. Now!”

  Listen to me kiddo. The only way to stop this thing is for me to short out your brain. Do you hear me? We’re talking a major stroke, big enough to short out your whole brain. We’re talking about having to kill you to stop the program. Do you understand now?

  “Is there any chance for a little bit of boyishness in there?”

  Hold on…… the best you can hope for is this.

  Maiha as tomboy 1 Maiha as tomboy 2

  “Well damn. I will still look like a girly tomboy.”

  Hey, you better pay attention Susana is talking to you.

  “Talk later”.

  “……decided that the best way to teach my father a lesson about putting a spy in the H.C.S. was by me showing up as a Maiko like my aunt threatened to do when I was first sent to work for the H.C.S.” she was saying.

  “Excuse me Susana. I must apologize for my lack of concentration. What were you saying again?” I asked in my sweetest tone.

  “Oh, no problem. I can tell you are getting tired. What I said was that when I saw that my aunt Gin was one of the maids sent to help you get ready, I knew it was my chance to get out of that mess. So while you were busy with Maj. Howard, I let Kina and aunt Gin to blow my cover, thereby giving you the opportunity to out me. This way it’ll look like I’m coming home in an honorable way.” As she took a moment to catch her breath, I looked over at Gin who was nodding her head yes to my unspoken question. “But I could not let my father think he still had an intelligence asset. So that was when I decided that the best way to teach my father a lesson about putting a spy in the H.C.S. was by me showing up as a Maiko, like my aunt threatened to do when I was first sent to work for the H.C.S.”

  “So this is just to get him to stop spying on the H.C.P.D.F. here on Hades, correct? What if he tries to use someone else? What will you do then?” I asked.

  “That is for you to decide Lady Nakatoma. You see, the only person who can stop him from doing it is the Head of House, because the only way to stop him is to make him retire. Please my Lady, allow him to retire as your commander of the House Troops.” I could see the pain in her eyes. I can tell that her father’s position is slowly killing her family. “If my leaving the service of the House to become a Maiko, and then finally a Geisha, will shame him into retiring then I would do it. That is why I am dressed this way. I have to save my family.” The poor girl was almost in tears.

  Taking a deep breath and nodding my head. “I’ll do what I can to help. How much longer will it take to reach the estate?”

  “About three hours. Why my Lady?” ask Gin.

  “Please wake me when we get there. I’m feeling rather tired and thought to take a little nap... or is there something else you wished to discuss with me?” I asked of them.

  “Not at this time Lady Maiha. There is a button to raise the foot rest next to you on the door handle. Sleep well my Lady.” Kina told me.

  Finding the button for the footrest I raised it, leaned back and went to sleep.

  Three hours and a little more later……

  I must have been more tired than I thought, because I could have sworn I had just closed my eyes when Gin was waking me up. I must have really been out of it.

  “Please! Wake up Lady Nakatoma... Please!” Poor Gin was almost in a panic.

  “I’m up. I’m up already Gin, calm down. Now what’s wrong?” I asked her.

  With a visible relaxing of her shoulders and upper body she sighed. “We began to worry when you would not awake when called. So Kina tried to shake you awake and, well, you hit her in the nose. I don’t think it is broken but you started to thrash about. That
was when I grabbed you and started to call your name. Only then did you start to wake. We have arrived at the estate compound border.”

  “Ok, I am awake now. Is Kina ok?” at the nod of her head I continued. “Now why were you three so worried when you could not wake me up?”

  “The Medical team that extracted you and your grandfather had told Suzume Nanami that we should keep a watchful eye on you. So when you fell asleep, we took turns watching you.” The hover-limo came to a stop so I quickly looked around. I saw that Susana was holding a towel to Kinas’ nose. I don’t believe I smacked her in the face, let alone in the nose.

  “Oooh! Kina I’m soo sorry. I didn’t mean to do that!” I can’t believe it! I was almost in tears over what I did. “Please forgive me?” I almost pleaded.

  Moving the towel from her face, she just looked at me like I had grown a second and third head. “Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana, you do not beg the forgiveness from someone who has grabbed you without reason. I should not have touched you, nor shaken you to wake you up. That was not acceptable behavior on my behalf. I should have waited to get to know you better before assuming such familiarity. You have nothing to be sorry for. Now dry your eyes. You are the Head of House for the Nakatoma Shogunate. Show me that steel I saw earlier, child.”

  With a deep breath to calm and center my feelings I straightened my back and sat back in my seat like a true Lady would have done, and I should have done. “Please forgive my un-lady like behavior Kina. I shall always try my best to uphold the standard that you have set for me. It is a very high standard, so forgive me if I stumble every now and then.” I tell her. That is when I see the smile. It is small but it is there. Oh yes, this woman will not be leaving my service any time soon. When I look over at Susana and Gin they both have the same small smile. I think I just passed some kind of test. What that was, I do not know. At about that time something registers in the back of my mind. Gin called Susana by a different name. “Gin what did you call Susana just a moment ago? It was not Susana, I know that much.”


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