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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 21

by Jessie Wolf

  “Charley did you just tell me that if I wanted to form an armed revolt that I stand a better than a seventy five percent chance of succeeding?”

  Yes commander that is exactly what I’m telling you. With the current political climate even the civilian populace would rise up under your banner and fallow you if you were to overturn the current political regimen. (Charley)

  He’s telling you the truth here kiddo. For the past twenty years while your aunt has tried to protect the populace the Parliament has done nothing but take and take from them. First it was by forcing the selling of fifty percent of the business that have been the sole possession of the family that founded it for over a hundred years. Then theincreased taxes on personal property to force those who would not let allow their family futures to be placed in the hands of outsiders. If it was not for the fact that the Nakatoma Family held so much political and Military power things would be much, much worse. The fact that your aunt was able to stop the forced public sale of the military manufacturers on the open market off world is a testament to this fact. (Dee De)

  “So if I send Suzume to Parliament with my demands I can expect at least some blow back correct?”

  Affirmative Commander have you decided on a diplomatic solution over a military one? (Charley)

  “Let’s just say that a military solution is not off the table ok? I want a full battle plan laid out before we go that route.”

  I will begin to work up a full war plan to include all military options. (Charley)

  “Lady Maiha you can’t be serious. If I tell them you are willing to go to war we will have to deal with the entire P.D.F. as well as the House troops of the other Houses on Hades. We just do not have the firepower or troops to handle an all-out war.” Came her very shocked reply. I can tell she’s scared. I mean here I am telling the governing political body that I will blow them into a black-hole if they didn’t pull their collective heads out of their asses.

  “I highly doubt that we will have to face off against the P.D.F. as a matter of fact it will be the other Houses who should worry about that. You see we have an ace or two maybe even three up our sleeves. You just deliver my message verbatim. Let me worry about anyone who wants to try me. Now you need to go get packed. Oh and I want you to wear your uniform. I will not have the military secretary for the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family dressed improperly. Make sure you swing by the Quartermasters office and get your new rank as well Captain.” Once again I’ve caught her off guard. Yup, I’m going to enjoy my next little bomb shell. “You also need to find Mr. Walking Water and inform him that you will need his services as advisor in your new roll of House Representative to Parliament.”

  “Did you just promote me to Captain, Lady Nakatoma?” was all she asked. It hadn’t even dawned on her yet that I had just given her the entire might of House Nakatoma's military assists plus the P.D.F., to back up her place in Parliament. I think it will hit her around about the first time some High Family ass clown tries to ‘put her in her place’. Oh how I would love to see that, but unfortunately I will be in high school again. Oh well, into every life a little rain most fall and all that b.s. Looking up at her I nodded my head yes to her question. “My Lady Nakatoma I don’t know how to thank you. I have been trying to get promoted for more than seven years to Captain. I will give you my very best as your Representative. I don’t know why you choose me though, but you’ll get my very best.” And with that she bowed to me and my aunt then exited my room.

  Once she was gone I looked over to my aunt. “Auntie would it be improper for me to have only two ladies maids?”

  “No, but it would be unheard of. Why do you ask child?” she said looking at me in amusement. I think she knows what I’m about to do. When I looked at Nia all she did was nod her head while smiling.

  “Morine Nia Gemma, your family has sacrificed a great deal in your service to this House. I would now ask of you for one more sacrifice but before I do I want you to know you can refuse. Do you understand you don’t have to do this right?” when she nodded her head yes I continued. “You are to go to each of the local yakuza Oban’s where you will broker a peace treaty. Explain to them that you are my voice in all matters concerning yakuza. They can either have me as a friend who will only step-in if their activities cause harm to the populace. If they want me as their enemy remind them of what you said to me earlier. Because know this I will not let anyone hurt the people of this system anymore. Do I make myself clear?”

  With a very faint smile playing at the corners of her mouth Nia bowed to me. “It will be my pleasure to pass-on your wishes to the local Oban’s my Lady. Shall I also inform them of the fact that there are three companies of highly trained and dedicated infantry at your disposal with which to enforce your decrees?”

  “Do whatever it takes to make them understand that they would rather have me as a friend. I do not wish to fight the whole planet and install a dictatorship, but I will if it is the only way to put an end to the corruption that has reached all levels of society here on Hades.” When she nodded her head in understanding, I continued. “Give them no more than forty eight hours to have a reply. After that, you are to inform the Captains of the situation of where you are then move on to the next. They will deal with those who do not want a peaceful existence by sending them to their ancestors.”

  My aunt got my attention by standing up. “Come, it is late my dear. You have set in motion a plan of action that is sure to upset the very foundations of government on this planet and the surrounding system, but you have had a long and trying day. You will need your rest if you are to get anything done tomorrow. Gin, Nia Kina do not let her argue with you as you put her to bed.” With a kiss on top of my head she and her attendants left with a parting goodnight.

  “Come Lady Nakatoma it is well and truly past what would be considered a normal bed time for all of us. Let us get you ready for bed and then we will see to ourselves. It is already close to the mid-night hour and you have as of yetnot, gotten used to our twenty eight hour days.” Was all Gin said to me as her and the other two led me into the dressing area. Where they began the quick tasks of changing out my kimono and underwear. When they had me stretched out and the corset off I got a real surprise as instead of letting me down like I thought they would they wrapped an even longer corset around me.

  “Hay wait a minute I am not going to sleep in this thing. Now take it off.” At my command to remove the corset they merely looked at each other then pulled the laces tighter. It was as if they were trying to cut me in half literally.

  “Dee De I know that I promised I would fallow their rules when it comes to my appearance but this is ridiculous. Now give me full access to my armor and weapons.”

  Not going to happen kiddo you have less than two weeks to get used to wearing a corset for a period of more than five to six hours at a time. Remember at that school they require corsets twenty seven hours of the day. (Charley)

  “Charley override her and get me my armor and weapons. Do it now before they kill me with this torture device.”

  I am unable to comply Commander as this is not a tactical situation as such I cannot go against my core programing (Charley)

  “Just what the Hell do you mean by that?”

  In the words of my counterpart “Get used to it” I will not endanger our ability to blend in with our surroundings and place the host in unneeded danger. (Charley)

  “So in other words. I have to put up with all the bull shit of being a Lady of Means and all it entails. Right?”

  Affirmative. (Charley)

  Got it in one kiddo. (Dee De)

  After letting me down I stopped them before they could go any farther. “Why in the world am I wearing a corset that runs from the top of my chest down to the middle of my hips when I’m just going to bed?”

  It was Gin who answered for them. “Lady Maiha you promised that you would not fight with us about your appearance. You said that you understood that in here WE are the boss. Are you g
oing to fight with us over your sleeping corset now?”

  “No I’m not going to fight with you over it. I just want to know why I have to wear one.”

  “Oh is that all. I am sorry my Lady we had forgotten that you weren’t raised to be a High Lady. The reason for the sleeping corset is help train your waist to proper size.” It was Kina who answered for them. “You see, whenever you remove your corsets your body wants to revert to its old proportions. Now, with a sleeping corset, all of the work that we did during the day will not be lost. We know that they are not comfortable but please bear with it, the results will be stunning. Also if we can get you use to it before you start school in a few weeks the better off you will be.” And with that they dropped a night gown over my head and led me to my bed. I swear I felt like a little girl as they put me to bed. “Good night, my Lady.” And with that they were gone. As they left they turned out the lights.

  As I lay there in the dark I came to a realization. I may have been at one time the most feared and respected of the Death Dealers but all of that was in the past. I was nolonger that individual. I was now a sixteen year old girl who just happened to be the Head of House for the ruling Family of this world. So what if I had over ninety seven years of life experience. I was now seen by the world as a little girl. Who cares if I can destroy three quarters of a Cavalry Combat Team with only the most powerful, heavily armed, and armored Power Suits being able to stop me if even then. I was once again a minor. What did it matter that at one time I commanded thousands of Death Dealers,seven whole Divisions. I had the respect of both my enemies and friends. I told the Heads of State for planetary systems what to do. All of that was gone now. What I did have was all of that experience to draw on. I was not alone in this, but I would be the one out front with the target on her ass. For some strange and uncontrollable reason that excited me to no end. I rolled over and went to sleep.

  The next morning………

  For some strange reason that pesky fly would not leave me alone. I swat at it again. A few seconds later its back. I swat at it again. For some strange reason this time I heard a giggle. Wait a minute did I just hear a giggle?I swat at the fly again. I hear the giggle again this time, I’m sure of it. That wakes me up faster than anything else. Rolling over I see Gin and Kina both trying for all they are worth to keep from laughing. That’s when I see the feather in Kinas hand. Oh are they going to pay for this. As I start to go after them I found I was hampered by my sleeping corset.

  Now I was pissed,which just made things worse. Before I knew what was happening I found myself landing on the floor on my chest. Frack! That hurt! As for my,ever so loyal Ladies Maids,well when they saw me land on my tits they promptly burst out laughing. That did it I was officially pissed off, but before I could engage my armor and burn off the offending clothes both Dee De and Charley blocked my access.

  “Damn it you two give me my armor!” I was past pissed. I was royally ticked off.

  Sorry but no. Not until you calm down. (Dee De)

  Once again I will stand with Dee De on this. You are not in a tactical situation. So no ma’am not until you have control over your emotions. (Charley)

  I couldn’t believe it two of the most powerful AIs ever designed that were supposed to be working for me one of which has been with me for over seventy years are treating me like a spoiled brat.

  Then quit acting like one and just go along with the joke you little shit. (Dee De)

  I concur as my counterpart would say ‘get it over it’. (Charley)

  Taking a deep breath I look up at my maids who are still giggling uncontrollably I realize just how stupid the whole thing is. Once I did I started to first giggle then slowly losing control to the point of outright laughter. I can’t help it I was laughing so hard it started to hurt. When Gin and Kina see that I am in pain from way to much exertion they descend on me like mother hens. “Oh Lady Maiha are you alright?” I could tell they were really worried about me. Once I got control again I nod my head yes. The two of them helped up off the floor. After they had me standing though it was time for payback. Before either of them could stop me I popped them on the rear end bringing out a pair of startled squeaks from the both of them.

  “That’ll teach you to tickle my nose in my sleep.” I told them with all the snootiness I could muster.

  The looks on their faces showed that I had gotten one up on them. “We shall remember this lesson Lady Maiha. It was well and truly delivered. With striking clarity.” Was all that Kina said in reply to my challenge.

  Before she or Gin could say anything “Now ladies let us set some ground rules here before we go any further. Rule one is that there will be no actions taken in the bathroom and dressing room. We don’t need one of us getting hurt. Second all pranks shall only affect us and no one else do we understand each other. Lastly no pranks where it might cause either of us undue embarrassment. Are these terms acceptable ladies?” They looked at each other smiled then nodded their heads yes.

  “Very acceptable Lady Maiha. Now shall we get you ready for your day?” Gin said while leading me to the dressing room to begin my daily routine.

  An hour and a half later I was dressed and heading for breakfast. As we walked down the hallway Gin commented on how well I was walking compared to yesterday. “Lady Maiha I must say if I had not seen how you moved yesterday to today I would swear by all the Gods and everything holy that you had to have been raised in the Temples.”

  Kina chimed in with “It is as if all the grace of the Reverend Mother and her sister the late Lady Matsue had descended upon you in your sleep.”

  It brought me up short. I didn’t even realize I was even moving in such a manner. But to realize that these two women knew my wife shocked me to my core. “Do you mean to tell me that you both knew my grandmother?” I asked trembling.

  The look of horror on their faces as they realize what they had just said made me stop. It took all of the restraint I had learned over a lifetime of dealing with the different personalities from different branches of the Militaries across the Galaxy. “Please tell me how did you know her?” I was almost begging for the information.

  “Lady Maiha I first meet your grandmother when I was just a girl as you are now. She was my teacher at the Temple along with your great aunt.” Was Kina’s answer.

  “I first met your grandmother also as a young girl here at the Temple but I was not a student or a novice. I came here every day to pray for my father and his men as they fought on those faraway battlefields and for their safe return home.” Gin told me.

  I had always known that Matsue had been a teacher here on the Family estate but I did not know that it was for the Temple. My God! No wonder Dai Etsu was so mad when I married Matsue. First was the fact that I was the man called Death. Secondly I took her away from the Temple. Dai Etsu’s true home the one she had hoped to share with her sister. Finally there’s the appearance of Matsue giving up her vows of peace for a warrior. To Dai Etsu she had betrayed everything she had stood for. “Ladies thank you for telling more about my grandmother and her time here before she married my grandfather.” With a bow to them I turn and walk as quickly away from them as I can so they don’t see the tears in my eyes. When I enter the dining room for breakfast my aunt can see I’m upset but at the shake of my head she leaves me alone. But I can tell she will bring it up later when we are alone.

  This morning we are joined by the department heads for the Household staff. Maj. Howard was there as the new commander for the House troops. As the meal went on I learned more of how the household worked. I was amazed at how each department was dependent on the others. I sat back and watched as each one aired their grievances with the other then work out a way for each to solve their problem and still get something out of it.

  The only time that either my aunt or I stepped in was if the two parties could not reach a mutual agreement. But then once we had gotten both parties to explain why a problem should be solved the way that they each wanted and were able to
come to the compromise that would work everyone was happy. When the meal was over I asked for the head of engineering to join us for lunch. At his startled look I explained that I wanted to talk to him about building a wall that would enclose the living area of the estate. He said he would be glad to and he would have the preliminary figures for a wall that would match the estate wall in height thickness and that would surround the living area of the estate plus an additional hundred square acres. I thanked him but told him to also include the Temple area as well. With that in mind he left us. Once we were alone we headed out to the courtyard.

  “Now child we are alone. No one will interrupt us unless it is a true emergency. What was it that had so unsettled this morning?” she asked with great kindness.

  I took a deep breath centered myself to find the calm that I would need for this. Once I had reached it I began to tell her about this morning’s revelations by my maids. “I’m sorry for the heartache that I caused you when I took your sister from this place of great peace and love. I never truly understood what she had given up to be my husband or the mother to my children. I do know that she never wanted Ohmie to join the Military. She had always hoped to return here but she could not as long as she remained married to me. I know she was happy as first my wife but then as a mother. However it was not until this morning that I found out about her time in the Temple. She never told me. Now, now though I understand why you so hated me and our marriage. When I first came here you said that you failed us in your duty as a priestess. Well I failed you as a brother. I did not try to understand what this place and its Temple mean to you. I have never had much use for religions. As a warrior I always believed that I would spend eternity in purgatory for the lives that I took. That was the price I had to pay to protect the ones that I loved and those who couldn’t do that for themselves.” I was fast running out of steam and control. So I paused for a few minutes to regain that which I was close to losing. “Can you ever forgive my own short sightednesses?”


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