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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

Page 26

by Jessie Wolf

  Maj. Howard started to chuckle. “I only sent what I believed to be a proper show of strength my Lady.”

  “And just what might that be Maj. Howard? Perhaps a platoon of light armored infantry with A.P.S. support maybe?”

  “Only two squads with their normal I.F.V.s and A.P.S. attachments ma’am, I didn’t think you wanted a ‘hammer or gun’ approach. I figure that the young captain will know what to do with them. If she should have need of more I can have the rest enroot to her in a matter of minutes.” Was his smiling reply. The man had to be absolutely crazy to think that an infantry assault team was a mild response to a request for back up in an urban environment. Then again this was the military way of dealing with terrorists. So I really can’t fault him for the actions he took. As a matter of fact I must commend him for his restraint. A normal response would have included a whole infantry platoon with full A.P.S. back up.

  “Very well I’ll let Cpt. Walking Water handle the situation on her end as she sees fit. However I believe that the ‘hammer or gun’ approach would be more in keeping with what needs to be done here.” I began to tell my commanders what would be transpiring in the morning. “I believe that by 1000 hours local time over half of the Hall of Lords will be under arrest along with sixty percent of the Parliament, the Planetary Governor, the Lt. Governor and half of the Heads of House for the current High Families on Hades.” I saw smiles form on the faces of over three quarters of my officers. “Yes ladies and gentlemen justice is coming to Hades. We are going to rip the corruption out of our planet’s government. Once we are done the government of this planet along with all its resources shall be returned to the people. So Maj. I believe that the rest of that infantry assault team needs to be dispatched please.”

  The look on their faces tells me I have started down the right path. Looking over at mother Dai Etsu I can tell I have done what she had always wished to do. No there is no change to that mask of inner peace on her face I can still tell by the twitch of her mouth.

  “For now though what we need is intelligence, like who paid for the revolt here, the assassination attempt on Cpt. Walking Water, why did they attack tonight, and who all else is involved.” Looking over at my prisoners I feel my anger begin to rise. A hand gently grasps my shoulder. Looking over at who would dare place their hands on me, I see the peaceful calm of mother Dai Etsu. The look on her face is all I need to see. I cannot let my anger show. I must be the one to remain calm while others rage at the traitors. I must not let them know how much they have upset me; if I do then they will direct how this interrogation will flow.

  With a calming breath I center myself, and then wave for the guards to bring the first traitor forward. “Sergeant I will ask you one time, and one time only. Who paid you to kill me?” when he does answer me I look over at the young female captain from the House troops. “Captain I need the use of your sword please?” when she begins to remove her katana from its scabbard the fool started to scream for his lawyer. “You want a lawyer do you? Will I am afraid you lost that right the moment you tried to use assassination to bring about a change of leadership. Captain if you would do the honors please?” with that simple request she brings her sword down across the back of his neck removing his head. “Thank you captain. Before we proceed further I would know your name and why you have such anger towards the men of your dead uncles’ former unit?”

  “My Lady Nakatoma, I am Captain Gunma Konami. As for my anger with these dogs dressed as men, well I have had more than one complaint filed by the women of my company about sexual harassment, assault, assault & battery, attempted rape, and rape by the men of my uncle’s old unit that it sickens me. These men have not had to face justice of any kind. My uncle would merely dismiss the charges as the ‘flights of fantasy’ that only ‘a woman’ would have. Not a true warrior or samurai.” The anger this young woman had was justified. I will need to have the new Head Captain and the Commander for the House troops investigate these charges. Then if they are true bring the criminals before me to receive their punishment. “Before you ask my Lady the majority of those who participated in tonight’s crimes were the worst offenders. For too long the Head Captains Unit has had no one to force them to follow the U.C.M.J. or any form of law. They all believed that might made right the only person which they would answer to was a power hungry, greedy, and selfish old man with dreams of being the ‘true power’ on the throne.”

  “Calm yourself Captain. I will still need your judgment in dealing with your cousins and their friends.” I wave for the next prisoner to be brought up. “I will give you the same chance as your friend there. Who paid you to kill me?” When he didn’t answer I looked to Cpt. Gunma and nodded my head. Her strike was just as swift as the last. Mother Dai Etsu has yet to say one word on how I have been handling the situation. “Mother Dai Etsu am I doing the right thing here? I feel as if I have been violating their rights to a fair trial.”

  “No Child you are not; what you do here is not law but justice. These men betrayed the House that has clothed, housed, and fed them. Now put your mind at ease, and do your duty. Remember ‘Honor is light as a feather, Duty heavy as the mountain’.”

  “Yes ma’am I remember. That was one of Matsu’s favorite sayings; she used it when I doubted what I was doing. If you’ll excuse me I need to finish with this unpleasantness.” Turning back to the proceedings I wave for the last two to be brought forward. When they were in front of me cut to the meat of the matter. “I do not care what you want or perceive as your right to a fair trial. You have one, I repeat one, chance at mercy. To receive it you will answer my questions and be truthful when you. Do you understand?” when they each nodded their heads yes. I guess seeing the heads removed from their partners in crime got the point across. “Who paid you to kill me?”

  The one on the left answered first. “It was the Family of Vic. Lord High Marshal Blackstone. They paid us fifty thousand gold credits apiece.”

  “So you sold your soul to the very people who have been raping the people of your home? Do you have no honor?!” I screamed at him. I had lost control of my anger. I felt my combat blades snap out to their full length. If it had not been for mother Dai Etsu placing her hands upon my shoulder I know for a fact that I would have gutted the man myself. Taking a deep, deep, breath to calm down and regain the inner peace I needed to show those around me. After a few moments I was once again calm enough to continue the interrogation. “Would you care to explain why they wanted me dead or did they even tell you?”

  This time the other one answered it would seem I have scared the first moron so bad he had passed out. “They said that you were an imposter put here for the sole purpose of destroying House Nakatoma. That Lady Dai Etsu was being led astray by the O.E.C.H. They told us that with you dead Lady Dai Etsu would be returned to her rightful place.”

  “What else were you promised?” Maj. Howard asked before I could.

  When no answer came Maj. Howard reached over and grabbed him by the neck. Pulling the prisoner off the floor the Maj. began to beat the poor bastard about the head and shoulders. Every time Howard would hit the man he would repeat his question, the man never said another word. After a few minutes I called a halt to the beating. “Enough Maj. I need him alive for now.” Looking around at the gathered officers, both House and Bodyguard alike, all of them wanted to drive these two jokers into the ground with their bare hands. Time to see if either one is willing to talk. “Ok shitheads; let’s have a little more cooperation here. No need for you to lose your heads or other body parts. I just need you to answer my questions. Do you agree?” I wait for a few seconds to make sure they understood. “Now one more time, what else were you promised?”

  “The Head of House for Blackstone would make us Captains in the House troops and the Kiel Head of House promised that the all of the women of this House would be sent back to where they belong.” Shithead 1 said. No this last bit really got my attention.

  “Just where would that be my little man?” m
y face may have only shown a peaceful calm not betraying the anger that was boiling inside of me, but my voice was as cold and hard as the polar ice caps.

  “Be at peace, child.” Mother Dai Etsu said from behind me. “Forgive the poor ignorant fool his misconceptions. I highly doubt for us to remain barefoot and pregnant. Why I’m sure he would have no problem with any position we took so long as we answer to a man.” Like me her face may show peaceful calm, her voice held the total heat of the flames in Hell. She maybe a pacifist, but she was still human. I believe if it was not for her vows this man would be missing his ability to reproduce. I swear to all that was holy and unholy the poor man lost control over his bladder. I know that I can put the fear of the gods in a person, but mother Dai Etsu makes me look like an amateur. “Now tell my niece that is a daughter to me exactly what you meant by return the women of this House to ‘where they belong’.”

  If this man had the brains of a chipmunk he would keep his mount shut. “The women of this House by trying to unnaturally assume the rightful positions of men and have torn down the very foundations of this Family and House. Your father should have married you off like he did your sister. Better he had appointed one of the males from the lesser family members than to have let either you or that whore of a sister that thing there claims as a grandmother.” I snapped this time. With a scream of rage, pain, and hunger for vengeance. I extended my combat blades, and then proceeded to peel the skin from his body one inch at a time. No one tried to stop me. As I sliced the flesh from his body I demanded answers to questions that were asked by those around me. I did not care if he told us anything or not I just wanted vengeance for the lives this man had destroyed. I didn’t care if he lives or not when I was done. Over half his skin had been removed by my hand. He was a bloody mess and I didn’t care. I was covered in body fluids and I didn’t care. My robes were ruined and I didn’t care. I had answers to questions, valuable intelligence, and I didn’t care. I had ripped the information from this man by the use of torture. I had crossed a line, that twenty five years ago I would have never even come within a mile of, but tonight I had not even though once about. Still I didn’t care. All I knew was I had begun my quest for vengeance, and there was nothing that I would not do to reach it. Surprisingly this though doesn’t upset me.

  “Charley Dee De why am I not upset with my actions here? I should at least feel bad about what I have done to this man but I feel nothing. Do either one of you know why?”

  Sorry honey I don’t have e a clue. (Dee De)

  Unfortunately Commander Nakatoma I believe that I do. (Charley)

  “What is it Charley you don’t sound happy about whatever it is.”

  I have just found a subroutine in the behavioral program. From what I have discovered this subroutine will remove whatever behavioral blocks that will get in the way of you doing whatever it takes to achieve your mission goals. (Charley)

  “So what your telling me is that I will have no inhibitions to doing whatever it takes to succeed and not blow our cover right?”

  As Dee De says you got it one. (Charley)

  I have only one though upon hearing this. OH SHIT! That crazy behavioral program has turned me into the Galaxy’s most heavily armed biggest amoral girly-girl sociopath with access to an entire planetary military at her full disposal with no questions asked. Sweat Mother of God! HELP!!!!!!!!!!

  ---------------------------------To Be Continued---------------------------------------


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  Other books by the Author

  Death Dealers Saga

  Book 1: Death’s Own Daughter – Into the Fire once more. – (June 2015)

  Book 2: Death’s Own Daughter –Out of the Ashes – (Sept 2015)

  Book 3: Death’s Own Daughter – Birth of a New Legend – (Jan 2016)

  Book 4: School Time for Death –TBA – (Apr 2016)

  Book 5: School Time for Death –TBA – (Jul 2016)

  Book 6: Knights of Death – TBA – Current project.

  The Marshals Saga

  Book 1: Embracing Justice – TBA – Current Project.





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