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OMEGA Allegiance

Page 6

by Stephen Arseneault

  I rubbed my chin. "Any schematics, diagrams … anything telling us the layout of the interior?"

  Garrett shook his head. "About the best I have is directions for delivery of food supplies to the mess hall storage area. It mentions five decks. I would guess that structure has at least twenty-five. Don't tell me you are thinking about going on there."

  I half smiled. "We may have to. If you go through before we get there, they aren't just going to open the door for us to follow. We'll have to take control and open the portal ourselves."

  Garrett frowned. "Wow. I guess I hadn't thought about that. You attack that gate and it's a guarantee Harden Salton will want your head."

  I laughed. "I'm already violating my exile by being out here. If he finds out about that he will want it anyway. I'm just trying to be as best prepared as I can when we get there."

  Garrett paused for several seconds. "If you get here, and we're still here, what's the plan? I could sneak aboard this transport to look for Joni, but chances are high that she isn't on this one."

  I replied, "Chances are also high that you would get caught. Wait … how is it you are talking to us? You aren't near a portal!"

  Garrett smirked. "Yeah, I tapped into the comm system of the fleet here. You must still be in range of Contonal or one of their ships that is."

  I turned towards Go. "Any ships nearby?"

  Go replied, "Actually, yeah. They are at a distance where they won't detect us, so we are OK. From the channel ID it looks like another destroyer heading for the gate. I see Contonal is on the far side of it. That portal must have patched us through. We probably only have another thirty seconds of connection from it."

  I looked at Garrett on the holo-display. "Send us all the data you have. Maybe we can come up with a plan before we get there. Put some thought into it on your end. What can we do, how can we locate and free Joni, or if needed, how can we take control of that gate."

  Garrett nodded as the comm channel began to fade. "Will do. Get here…"

  The comm channel closed with a crackle.

  Chapter 6

  Sixteen hours passed before another Alliance ship came within range.

  Go scrambled when an alert came up on his console. "Mr. Beutcher? I can't patch through this one, but we have another issue. The ship is broadcasting a mayday. Should I open a comm to them?"

  I replied, "What kind of ship is it? If it's civilian, we'll attempt to offer what aid we can, maybe send a fighter out with a life pod."

  Go shook his head. "It's a destroyer, Sir. Wait … I think it's the damaged destroyer Garrett saw come back through the portal. We're being hailed. And it's over the emergency channel."

  I sighed, knowing it might only make matters worse by answering. "Open the comm."

  An excited voice returned. "Sir! I have a connection!"

  A second voice spoke. "This is Captain Carson of the New Alliance ship Molitar. We are in need of any assistance you can offer. Our last generator failed about an hour ago. Life support is draining the two battery banks we have remaining. We need rescue for a crew of five if at all possible. We have no functional lifepods!"

  I took a deep breath. "Captain, how long do you estimate your batteries will last? Are there any ships coming your way?"

  The Captain replied, "We only have about fifteen minutes left until this ship goes dark. That's only if the generator that failed doesn't blow. We lost containment and it's been spewing ions at an ever increasing rate. We had to go to battery before the excess power overloaded what circuits we have left. We are in desperate need of a pickup. Combat gear and oxygen will only take us for thirty minutes after the batteries fail. We're not showing transponders. Can you identify? Who are we talking to?"

  I sat thinking for several seconds before Go looked my way. "Mr. Beutcher, if we pick him up, we are compromising ourselves."

  I again let out a long sigh. "Captain Carson … hang tight. We will be there to assist in just under five minutes. Do you have any injured?"

  The Captain replied, "We are in good shape other than our ship failing in deep space. "I hate to ask after your generous decision to assist, but who are you?"

  I began to reach for the button that would add video to the comm, but pulled my finger back. "Captain, prepare for an open transfer to our ship. We'll have a docking bay gravity wall open for you and your men to drift through. We'll talk about our identity when you are safely aboard."

  The Captain tapped on the mic attached to his chair. "Get here as soon as you can. That fifteen minutes might have been an overestimate. And whoever you are, we appreciate your assistance."

  Within minutes the Garmon was floating in space beside the damaged New Alliance destroyer. Captain Carson and his four crewmen left a hatch, powering their way across the void between the ships with their suit thrusters. After coming to rest in the docking bay, the gravity wall was taken back to full and the bay flooded with air. A squad of Talisan Marines escorted the Captain and his men to a conference room where they were asked to remove their battle suits. The Captain and his crew were not armed.

  I walked through the doorway into the conference room. "Captain Carson, I'm the commander of this fleet. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you and your men are safe."

  The Captain nodded in appreciation. "And the bad news?"

  I replied, "The bad news is that we are in the middle of an important mission, and you and your men will be going with us until such time as we can safely release you."

  Jack Carson sat down at the conference table. "I can see from these uniforms that you aren't New Alliance. Who are you?"

  I sat in a chair across from the Captain. "We're a private organization on a mission of extreme importance to us. You will be our guests until, like I said, we can safely release you."

  The Garmon shuddered from an external explosion.

  Jack Carson nodded. "Well, I guess I can't complain. I'm sure that was our generator blowing, and if I were you, I would put some distance between us and that ship. If the rest of her blows, you might take damage."

  One of the four crewmen whispered into Carson's ear. The Captain nodded.

  I shook my head. "I appreciate your concern, Captain; however, the armor plating on this ship is much thicker than yours."

  The crewman spoke out loud. "Sir, if that alien ship goes, we might go with it!"

  The Captain looked around at his crewman with a frown. "Thank you, Mr. Harness. That will be all."

  I tilted my head slightly. "That alien ship? Captain?"

  The Captain looked back towards me. "Well, you might want to move anyway. The hold of that destroyer has an alien vessel in it and I'm not sure your plating will protect us if it blows. We don't know how it's powered and we haven't been able to break into its systems. You might want to get at least a few kilometers distance."

  I leaned forward. "Is this ship from the species you were fighting in Andromeda?"

  The Captain pulled back from the table. "How do you know about that? Who are you?"

  I raised my hand. "Relax, Captain. We are on the same side. We're with the New Alliance, only not officially sanctioned as such."

  I turned towards the Talisan lieutenant standing beside me. "Get a salvage crew, get on that destroyer, and see what we need to do to bring that ship into our hold. If it came from Andromeda, we might need it."

  The lieutenant nodded before turning away.

  I gestured to the remainder of the crew of the Molitar. "Have a seat, gentlemen. Can I get you some food? We have Human food aboard."

  The Captain placed his hands on the table in front of him. "We've eaten. I don't want to seem rude, as you no doubt just saved our lives, but who are you?"

  I smiled and held out my hand. "I'm the Emperor of Dallex. We are on an important mission for the Salton family. And as I said, we are on the same side. We are part of the New Alliance. If that alien ship you mentioned is important to the Alliance, our retrieving it will be of benefit to the Alli
ance as well."

  The Captain gestured. "Those aren't Alliance uniforms. How do I know you are on the side of the Alliance?"

  "Well, technically, you don't."

  The Captain continued, "And for that matter, why are you flying a ship with no transponder in a sector that is no doubt the most restricted in the galaxy?"

  I crossed my arms. "How about this … I'll ask a few questions of you first. Your ship … you've been in a fight in Andromeda. You have a captured alien vessel with you. How did you get the damage and how did you get the alien ship?"

  Jack Carson leaned back and crossed his arms as well. "That's all classified. And if you knew what was good for you, and if you are indeed on the side of the New Alliance, you would fly myself and my crew to the shipyards, which I'm certain you know where they are."

  I laughed. "I don't think so, Captain. What incentive do we have? There won't be a reward for your rescue. No, there's no good reason for us to do that while risking our own mission."

  After several minutes of conversation a call came over my arm comm. "The alien vessel is in transport, Sir. We should have her aboard in about five minutes."

  I looked back at the Captain. "Anything you want to tell me about this alien ship?"

  The Captain shook his head. "A, I don't know anything else, and B: if I did, I couldn't tell you."

  I pressed the comm button on my arm pad. "Go. As soon as the cargo is aboard, let me know."

  Go replied, "Yes, Sir!"

  I turned back to the sergeant who was in charge of the guard watching the Captain and his crew. "Sergeant, I believe we have several spare quarters set aside for dignitaries. Please escort the Captain's crew there. And see to it they have any food or drink we can offer."

  I turned back to the Captain. "Care to join me on the bridge? I have a few more questions I would like to ask."

  The Captain shook his head. "If it's all the same to you I would just as soon stay with my crew. We've been through a lot together and I'm not comfortable being separated from them."

  Go came back over the comm. "The alien ship is aboard. Should we continue on our prior heading?"

  I thought for a moment. "No. Can you target the other generators on that destroyer?"

  Go replied, "I can. They are in lockdown. Do you want to destroy the rest of that ship?"

  I nodded. "Yes. Take us to a safe distance and make sure there is nothing left but small parts when you are done. Tell the Major to have several ships join in for target practice."

  The Captain stood. "That's my ship, an Alliance warship! The Dauntless! What are you doing?"

  I held up my hand as I stood. "Your ship is finished, Captain. My crew needs the practice, and we don't want anyone coming after us for the alien ship we just took."

  The Captain plopped back in his chair. "You don't have to worry about anyone looking for it. We're the only ones who know it's on there ... was on there."

  I gestured towards the door. "Why don't you all join me on the bridge. That destroyer is good for nothing but salvage now."

  Jack Carson replied, "You're going to make me watch the destruction of my own ship?"

  I smiled. "Think of it as having closure."

  The Captain stood. "Why would you let me see your bridge, and see the power of your weapons?"

  I replied, "As I said, we are on the same side. We have a critical mission to accomplish, so I can't waste any more time here discussing this with you. If you want to see the bridge, and to develop at least a small amount of trust, follow me now. Otherwise, the Sergeant can escort you to our guest quarters."

  The Captain looked back at his crew. "The Molitar served us well. We might as well see her off. We'll follow you, Mister…?"

  I gestured for the Captain to join me and the Sergeant to follow. "I suppose it doesn't matter. My name is Knog Beutcher. I work for the Saltons just like everyone else. Only, they don't know that I'm out here in Theta."

  The Captain asked, "Why did you call yourself Emperor earlier?"

  I replied, "It's a long story, but I essentially overthrew the prior emperor of Dallex, and by default I was crowned as the new emperor. So, long as I am alive I will remain the Emperor of the Talisans and their home world Dallex. It's in the Omega sector."

  The Captain winced. "Omega? I didn't think there was much out there? And what is this fleet of ships? I thought all warships, except those going to war in Andromeda, were illegal."

  I nodded as we walked. "They are. I said I have a mission to accomplish. We have to rescue someone who has been conscripted. This person, it's important that we remove them from a fleet of transports that are about to pass through the portal to Andromeda. The hard part of doing that will be the fact that there are more than two dozen destroyers waiting there with them. We don't want to harm anyone, just rescue this one individual."

  The Captain gestured towards the ship that surrounded us. "They won't release anyone from conscription. We are getting our asses kicked too badly in Andromeda for them to do that. Unless it's some major corporate CEO or something."

  As we walked onto the bridge, I said, "It's Joni Salton, Harden Salton's niece. She was on Adicus when it was conscripted. The family doesn't know she's there, and for whatever reason she isn't telling them."

  The Captain replied, "They conscripted Adicus? That's in Alpha, and it's not that far from Alpha Prime!"

  I nodded as I sat in my chair. "It seems they are using conscription to rid themselves of populations that are rebelling. The Alliance is having a lot of those lately. I think they think this war can be used as a tool for ending the worst of the unrest."

  I gestured to a set of chairs. the Captain sat. "Wow. You're gone for five years and the whole place changes on you."

  I looked down at the Captain. "You have been fighting in Andromeda for five years?"

  The Captain smiled. "Me and these four. They've been with me through dozens of skirmishes, attempting to get transports down on the surface, and twenty-six major space battles. We managed to survive that, so they gave us the assignment to capture the enemy ship. If you are truly with the Alliance, we really do need to get that ship back to the shipyards. They are kicking our asses out there, and until we know how to fight them, we are just going to keep losing people and ships needlessly."

  An image of the destroyer came up on the main holo-display on the bridge.

  "We are ready, Mr. Beutcher," Go said.

  I nodded. "Have the weapons officers fire at will."

  Several seconds later a barrage of ion cannon bolts began to cut the exterior of the once-powerful destroyer into pieces. A violent explosion signified the destruction of a locked-down ion generator. That explosion was followed a few seconds later by an identically large pyrotechnic display. Within minutes, no pieces of the destroyer bigger than five meters diameter were left.

  I turned towards Go. "Send out a salvage beacon. Delay activation for a couple hours, and get us back underway."

  Jack Carson looked up at me. "That was actually an impressive display of firepower, Mr. Beutcher. I wish we'd had those weapons during our last fight."

  I replied, "These ships are capable, Mr. Carson. We thought we might be heading to Andromeda. Could you offer us anything that might keep those ships from traveling through the portal gate?"

  The Captain thought for a moment. "How many destroyers did you say they had with them?"

  Go spoke up. "Twenty-eight last count. We think more were on the way."

  The Captain nodded. "They are almost ready to go. The last half dozen fleets that have come through have had thirty-six. How old is your ship count?"

  Go replied, "That was about twenty hours ago."

  The Captain winced. "They may have already gone."

  I leaned back. "If that's the case, we will have to go through after them."

  The Captain tilted his head. "What? Are you nuts? You go through that portal and you aren't coming back!"

  I replied, "You came back through."

Captain was silent for several seconds. "We cheated. Transports are the only ships they let back through. We waited until that portal opened on the other side and rushed through with those transports. Had we not been broadcasting a phony transport transponder code, they would have shut us out."

  I turned my chair towards the Captain. "I thought you were on a mission to recover an alien ship?"

  The Captain propped his elbow on the chair arm and leaned his cheek over on his fist. "The mission was of our own doing. It was unsanctioned as well, like yours."

  I laughed. "So, you took it upon yourselves to capture an enemy ship? And then tried to bring it back for study? Is that why you hadn't told anyone about its existence? I would have thought the Salton's military Commanders would have been falling all over themselves to get to you to recover that ship when you first came through that gate."

  The Captain sighed. "I've been in this war a long time, Mr. Beutcher. Twice before, whole ships were captured. Only problem was that someone got paid off for that information and both times the ship carrying the alien cargo was destroyed. There are powerful forces at work on both sides of this war, Mr. Beutcher. I think some of the other families have spies in Andromeda."

  I pulled my head back in disbelief. "Why would the other families sabotage the war effort? I can see them declining to participate, but why would they try to stop the Saltons?"

  The Captain shook his head. "I couldn't say. We've been there, me and the others here, we've been there fighting for five years and during that time we've only managed to take three planets."

  I scratched my head. "You mean take back three planets?"

  The Captain furrowed his brows. "What?"

  I continued, "You mean you've only taken back three planets from the enemy?"

  The Captain again shook his head. "No. I mean we've conquered three planets in the last five years. What are you talking about?"

  I held up my hands. "I was told we were defending planets. That the invaders had taken nearly a quarter of the planets in the Andromeda galaxy!"


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