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Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1)

Page 20

by Gemma Weir

  Her head flips between me and Echo. “Olivia, because of the nature of your injuries, I can’t release you without someone to care for you,” she says sternly.

  Echo tenses. “Doc, I’m gonna fucking take care of her.”

  The doctor looks at Echo and then at me. “Olivia, is that what you want?”

  I nod. “Yes. Echo will look after me.”

  The doctor tips her chin in agreement, and turns to speak to Darlene for a moment before leaving.

  The door closes, and I carefully sit up and turn to look at Echo. “What happened, how did I get here?” I ask.

  His face blanches and a darkness filters across his eyes. “What do you remember?” he asks cautiously.

  I close my eyes and Wyatt’s face is there. I quickly open them again, my heart racing and fear pulsing through me. Echo holds me closer. “Get some rest, sugar. You’re safe now. That’s all that matters,” he says, his hands running up and down my back lovingly.

  I shudder, the images of my attack playing on repeat in my head. “Was he arrested?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, reaching out to stroke my battered cheek. “He’s dead, sugar. Gus shot him.”

  Overwhelmed with relief, I let a sob escape. “And what—what about Mimi? Is she dead too?” I ask as tears stream down my face.

  Echo stills beneath me, tensing. “Mimi? What’s she got to do with this?”

  I pull myself out of his arms and carefully twist to fully face him. “Mimi was there, Echo. She’s completely insane. They were working together.”

  A few moments later, Darlene the nurse re-enters the room and injects something into the drip that’s attached to my hand. My pain recedes, and my eyes start to get heavy. I let my body succumb to the tiredness and fall asleep in Echo’s arms.

  I see Wyatt every time I close my eyes, and flashbacks haunt my dreams. I fight them in my sleep, thrashing and punching, fighting with everything I’ve got.

  I bolt awake. The room is dark.


  He’s sitting in a chair by the window, and my breathing begins to settle the moment I see him. He slowly rises and walks towards me, pulling me into his arms and settling back against the mattress.

  His eyes are tortured, darkness shadowing his usual brightness. “I’m so sorry, Livvy.”

  “Why?” I ask, confused.

  I feel his chest sigh when he exhales. “This is all my fault,” he says, anger and pain so clear in his voice.

  I try to sit up, but Echo’s arms tighten carefully around me, holding me in place. “How is any of this your fault? I got attacked by two deranged people who thought they were executioners sent from God. None of this is your fault.”

  “No, Livvy. I should have protected you. You’re mine. I promised I’d look after you, and I failed. I let you down and you got hurt. Fuck, you could have been killed. I don’t deserve you. You should fucking hate me, Livvy. I’m so sorry.”

  I shake my head vehemently. “The only people to blame are Wyatt and Mimi. You didn’t cause this, you and Gus saved me. Without you, God knows what would have happened. You have to stop blaming yourself.”

  Both Echo and I fall silent, the darkness of the room surrounding us. Wrapped in his safe arms, I relax into Echo’s chest and sleep pulls me under again.

  I thought I’d fucking lost her today; the feel of her chest moving up and down is the most fucking amazing thing in the world. I watch her sleep, curled in my arms. Nightmares plague her. I fucking hate that I let her down. It’s my fault she’s here, like this.

  That crazy old bitch Mimi is still out there. She was there with Anderson, encouraging him to hurt my girl. I’m gonna make her suffer for every bruise on her body and every tear Livvy cries. I didn’t protect her from them before, but I’ll never let anything happen to her again.

  Livvy’s been in the hospital for two days. Her body’s starting to heal, and her bruises have started to fade. I haven’t left her side; she wants me here, she needs me here, and I need to be near her too. Her snooty-ass doctor keeps telling me to go home, but that’s not fucking happening.

  She’s quiet and in pain; she doesn’t want to take the painkillers because she says they make her feel drowsy, but I keep insisting, and she does as she’s told. Livvy’s scared. She’s putting on a brave face, but I see the fear in her eyes every time the door opens. I watch her thrash and fight every night in her dreams.

  The police came by to take her statement; she cried the whole way through as she told them what happened, how they beat her and sliced her skin with a knife, the same knife Anderson stabbed me with.

  Wyatt’s dead, and Mimi’s still missing. How the fuck a woman in her sixties can just disappear without anyone seeing anything, I don’t know, but I’m not leaving it up to the police to find her. Every fucking Sinner is out there searching for her. She won’t be able to hide for long.

  I’m finally taking my girl home today; I want to sleep in our bed with her in my arms all night. All her spark’s gone; she’s a shadow of herself, and I fucking hate it. She needs to feel safe and relaxed, and I’m gonna make sure she does.

  I let this happen to her. I should have looked after her. I should have kept her safe.

  I failed her.

  Leaving the hospital is like being able to breathe fully after days of struggling. As soon as I step outside, fresh air fills my lungs and I instantly feel better.

  I need to call home. James is going to freak out. He’s going to want me to come home or to come see me, and I can’t deal with that yet.

  I’m scared. So fucking scared ever since Wyatt grabbed me, and I can’t shake it. I know I went through a traumatic event, but I didn’t think I’d feel this way. I feel weak, and I refuse to allow Wyatt that power over me.

  He’s dead and he can’t hurt me or anyone else now. But he’s dead because of me. He was insane, he was going to kill me, but a person is dead because of me. I’m not sure that’s something I’ll ever get over.

  Echo lifts me gently and places me into the truck. There’s a distance between us that I hate. I’m bruised and battered, but I’m fine. His hands are so tentative and unsure. He doesn’t want to hurt me or scare me, but I need to be close to him. It’s the only time I feel safe.

  I miss my alpha, bossy, unreasonable Echo. Since the attack, he’s changed. From the moment we met, he’s refused to leave me alone, but now when I need him to keep me close, he’s putting distance between us.

  We haven’t kissed since he rushed into my hospital room. His hands hold mine and stroke my hair, but he’s detached and distant.

  I miss him.

  He climbs into the truck, starts the engine, and pulls away. I’m sitting on the opposite side of the seat and staring out the window at the scenery. I’ve never been in this truck and sat this far away from him. I’m holding my breath and waiting for my controlling Echo to wake up and demand I slide over to him. Silently, I turn to watch him; anger and frustration is etched so clearly across his face.

  We pull up to the house, and my eyes lock on the woods. My chest starts to shake and uncontrollable shudders wrack my body. I throw open the door and race from the car straight across the street and bang on Gus’s front door.

  The door opens and there stands lovely, charming Gus. He saved me. He killed another human being to save me. I launch myself into his body, wrapping my arms around his neck. Gus steps back from the force of my embrace, and steadying himself, he cradles me in his arms, hugging me tightly.

  “Thank you,” I gasp.

  He chuckles and pulls back just far enough to pat my cheek. “Olivia, my dear, I’m so glad you’re okay. I wanted to come to the hospital, but Echo said you’d asked people not to visit.”

  I nod. The lump in my throat makes me unable to speak, so releasing him, I clear my throat. “I’m so sorry,” I say.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Gus assures me.

  I shake my head. “It’s not okay,” I say. “You killed him, Gus. You killed someone to save
me. I’m so sorry.”

  Gus pulls me into his arms again and pats my back. His touch is so paternal my heart swells with affection for him. He cups my face with both of his hands and speaks. “You listen here, sweetheart. You have nothing to be sorry about. I’d do it again in a heartbeat if it saved you or anyone else from being hurt by him. This isn’t your fault. It was his.”

  I nod and straighten, trying to pull myself together. “Thank you, Gus, you saved my life.”

  Gus smiles warmly. “You’re very welcome, Olivia. I’m so very glad to see you okay and home.”

  I lean in and kiss him on the cheek, then slowly walk across the street to where Echo is leaning up against the tailgate of his truck, his arms crossed while he watches me. I take his hand, gripping it tightly. Entwining our fingers, he lifts our hands to his lips, gently kissing my skin.

  Wordlessly, he leads us into the house, his huge body sheltering me from the woods, instinctively knowing that I’m not ready to deal with confronting the demons of what happened yet. Echo walks me upstairs and into his bedroom. The bed’s unmade, the sheets tousled from the night we spent here.

  “Get into bed, sugar. The doc said you need to rest,” Echo orders gently. I start to argue, but he silences me when he grabs the hem of my shirt, slowly lifting it over my head. He peels my shorts off, then quickly undoes my bra and pulls my panties down, holding me steady as I lift my legs free.

  Naked, I wait for him to touch me, to remind me that I belong to him. My breath comes in short bursts, anticipation pulsing through me. Dropping his cut onto a chair, he pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his glorious chest. When he steps towards me, my nipples pebble in awareness. He leans in, his lips touch my forehead, and he drops his warm shirt over my head.

  Stunned, I stare at him.

  “You need to sleep,” he growls.

  I push my arms through the sleeves, and the hem of his shirt falls to my knees. He sweeps me from my feet and cradles me to his chest, holding me with one arm, and after pulling back the sheets, he places me in the bed.

  I grab his arm. He tries to pull away, but I hold him tightly. “Echo.” Uncertainty pours from my voice, and his eyes avoid mine. He straightens and pulls away from me, scanning me from head to toe. His assessing eyes taking in every cut and bruise.

  “Sleep,” he says firmly and backs away. He leaves me alone and insecure in his huge, empty bed.

  The silence descends around me the moment he shuts the door, and a barrage of unanswered questions shout at my subconscious, refusing to be ignored.

  Why won’t he kiss me?

  Doesn’t he want me anymore?

  Is he repulsed by all the scars and bruises?

  Where’s my controlling alpha who’s determined to own me?

  I sit against the pillows, my mind swirls at a hundred miles an hour, and I stare into space, tears spilling down my cheeks. I need Echo to make me feel normal; he tells me he loves me, but I need to know if the attack has changed things for him.

  I’m not brave enough to ask him, just in case it has.

  The door inches open, and seeing me sitting up, Echo walks in. “You okay, sugar, you in pain?” I shake my head and he moves closer. “Come on, Livvy, you need to try and get some sleep.”

  I hold out my hand to him; my voice is small and begging. “Please don’t leave me.”

  Worry shrouds his eyes. “Never,” he says and climbs into bed. He pulls me into his arms, and a relieved breath collapses from my lungs. Crawling into his lap, I wiggle into his chest until he surrounds me.

  Safe and protected, I finally close my eyes.

  Livvy pulls my arms tight around her and my whole body relaxes for the first time since I realised she was missing. It doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep, but I lie wide awake, listening to her breathe and reassuring myself that she’s okay and here.

  But she’s not okay. Her face is a fucking mess, her beautiful skin marred with bruises where those psychos punched her and cut her. Her perfect lips are red and broken. One eye is still swollen shut.

  I’m terrified of hurting her. She’s so fucking delicate and so small compared to me. She’s suffered so much, and she’s still so frightened, so I’m trying to keep my hands to myself.

  Every fibre of me wants to wrap her in my arms and mark her as mine so the universe knows not to fuck with her again. But I can’t. I see the fear in her eyes. She’s not scared of me, but she’s still fucking scared, and I don’t have a fucking clue how to take that fear from her.

  My phone rings, and I curse the fucking club or anything that’ll pull me away from her. “What,” I snarl.

  Park’s voice answers. “Brother, how is she?”

  Since she woke up, she hasn’t wanted to see anyone, so I’ve kept the club away from her. We’re all big fuckers, and I don’t want to frighten her any more than she is already. “She’s okay. In pain and tired.”

  “She back home?” Park asks.

  I sigh deeply. “Yeah, we just got back an hour ago.”

  “Fuck. Man, I’m sorry, but a shipment of weed’s gone missing, and I need you to do your thing and find it,” Park says. I can hear the apology in his voice, but it does nothing to stem the anger that bursts from me.

  “Fuck!” I shout. “Why does this have to happen now. There’s no way I can leave Livvy alone.”

  Park remains silent, knowing this is fucking with my head. He’s only the messenger, and if I say no, it will be Pres on the phone next.

  “Arghh,” I roar, then snap. “Fine, give me ten to sort someone to come sit with Livvy.” I cut the call off before he gets a chance to respond.

  I pull up Sleaze’s number and call him; he answers on the first ring. “Echo,” Sleaze says anxiously.

  “Brother, I need a favour. Where’s your old lady at?”

  He doesn’t get a chance to respond before Brandi shouts loudly in the background, “Is that Echo? Tell him I’m coming to see Liv today and I’ll cut off his balls if he tries to stop me.”

  I smile; Sleaze’s bitch is a good woman and a good friend to Livvy. “That’s what I was calling for. I’ve got club shit to deal with. Can you and Brandi come sit with Livvy till I get back?”

  I’d forgotten how close they live until the doorbell rings a couple of minutes later. Brandi rushes in, and after giving me an evil glare, she disappears upstairs in search of Livvy. Sleaze waits for me to invite him in before following me to the family room.

  I’ve known Sleaze for years. I’ve seen him angry, in pain, and frustrated as fuck, but I’ve never seen that look of sympathy on his face before, and it cripples me. “I’m sorry this happened, brother. How you doin’?” he asks.

  I blow out an exhausted breath and rub my hands back and forth through my hair. “It’s fucked up. It’s my fault this happened to her. She’s mine, and I let her get attacked. I failed her. I don’t deserve her.”

  Sleaze doesn’t usually waste words, so I’m shocked when he reaches out and grips my shoulder. “This isn’t your fault. None of us had any idea that Anderson was gonna lose his shit,” he growls. I shake my head. I know this is on me, but Sleaze’s grip tightens. “This wasn’t your fault. Your girl is gonna be fine.”

  I nod, and he nods back.

  I cough to clear the emotion that makes a lump build in my throat and grab my keys. “Her meds are in the bathroom if she needs them. I’ll be back as soon as I sort out this fucking shitstorm,” I say and leave.

  I’m cold, shivering. The covers are pooled around my waist, but Echo’s gone. His side of the bed is warm but empty.

  Irrational tears well in my eyes. He’s pulling away from me.

  The first tear runs down my cheek and is quickly followed by a second and third. Echo and I crashed into each other’s lives, but in a short space of time, he’s become completely vital to me.

  Tears are pouring freely down my cheeks when Brandi appears in the doorway. Rushing to me, she cocoons me in her arms. “Oh Liv, come here, sweetie.” />
  I sob, words pouring from me. “He’s gonna leave me. I can see the look in his eyes. He doesn’t want me anymore, and I don’t know what to do. All he sees when he looks at me is the bruises, and I need him to touch me. I love him.”

  I pull in a deep breath before I look up into the sympathetic eyes of my friend. “Sweetie, calm down. Echo loves you. He hasn’t left your side since the attack. Those psychos really did a number on your face. He just needs some time to figure out how to deal with this,” she says, her hands stroking my hair. “Now, how you feeling? You need some pain meds?”

  Her genuine concern heats my cheeks and tears pool in my eyes again. We may be new friends, but we’ve forged a connection that will last long after I leave Archer’s Creek. “No, I’m fine. It looks worse than it is.”

  She smiles sadly and sighs. “I doubt that, honey.”

  I wipe the tears from my cheeks and pull in a deep, calming breath. “Where’s Echo?”

  “He had to go deal with some club stuff, so he asked me and Sleaze to come stay with you till he got back,” Brandi tells me, as she fusses around the room, picking up my discarded clothes and folding them onto a chair.

  “Oh, okay,” I say quietly. My shoulders slump, my disappointment obvious.

  “He wasn’t happy about going, but he was the only one who could sort out whatever the problem was,” she assures me. I nod, unconvinced.

  I pull on my shorts and follow Brandi downstairs. Sleaze is watching TV in one of the BarcaLoungers. Seeing me, he jumps up and pulls me into a tight hug, kissing my hair. I cling to him, a few more tears escaping before I can pull back and wipe them away. Sleaze doesn’t speak, just returns to his seat and carries on watching the TV.

  Brandi and I walk into the kitchen, and she fills the kettle, searching the cupboards for tea. My phone sits on the counter, charging. I grab it and see the message icon flashing wildly. There’s several texts from friends back home and one from James.

  James: Hey Liv, how goes the biker sex? I want lots of hot stories when you get home so get kinky baby lmao!!! xx


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