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Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1)

Page 27

by Gemma Weir

  “Ow,” I cry when his sharp teeth nip at my breasts. The pain turns to pleasure as it hums through my skin. Widening my legs, I wrap them around his hips, crossing my feet at the ankle. His cock pushes towards my sex, and he slides deep within me.

  There’s an exquisite pain as he stretches me to capacity. My back arches, and I surge upwards, groaning loudly. “Mine. Forever. My Wife,” Echo growls. His voice is muffled where his head is buried against my neck, but I feel the importance of his words and warmth pulses straight to my core.

  He rocks into me; each thrust is deep but gentle. He consumes my body, but not by force or dominance. He overwhelms my senses with words.








  I brace my hands against the headboard and close my eyes. I hear every word and feel his vow behind them.

  He’s my forever. My husband. My life.

  I try to speak, but a tide of sensation overwhelms me. An orgasm builds from nowhere, and I scream. I wrap myself around Echo, urging him deeper, until he tenses and releases deep inside me.

  “I missed you,” I say.

  His body tenses at my words, and holding my breath, I bite my lip and brace myself for his anger. “You have no idea how much I missed you, sugar,” he replies.

  Echo rolls onto his back and moves me until I’m lying on his chest. “I’m still fucking pissed at you, Livvy. It’s gonna take me some time to get past that.”

  I sit up and nod. “I know. I’m gonna give you so many ‘I’m sorry’ blowjobs,” I say earnestly.

  A loud laugh bursts from him. “Mmmm. I like the sound of that, sugar. But first we need to get you home, where you belong.”

  “Home,” I say wistfully. Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away. “I already have a ticket for the flight to Texas, so we need to see if we can get you on the same flight.”

  “The sooner the better, sugar,” Echo murmurs.

  I pause, unsure how to broach the subject of me returning to Archer’s Creek without destroying the happiness we’re both feeling right now. “Echo, I can’t wait to go home with you, but I still only have a month left on my visa. I’ve been applying for jobs that will sponsor a visa for me, but it could be months or even years before I get one.”

  I expect Echo to tense and argue with me, but instead he shuffles up the bed, resting against the headboard, and I lie against his chest. “Sugar, I promised you I would find a way for us to stay together, and I’ve been sorting it. The week we met, I applied for one of the companies the Sinners owns to sponsor a visa for you.”

  I blink in shock, unsure what to say. Echo cups my cheek, and his gaze locks with mine. “Even before I told you I loved you, I knew that you were it for me. I want forever with you, and I don’t ever want us to be apart again,” he says.

  Lifting me from his lap, he places me on the bed and crosses the room to rummage in his bag. “I knew after a week together that you were mine and I was yours. I knew then that we belonged to each other, so I bought you this.” He drops to his knees and opens a velvet box, revealing a stunning princess cut diamond.

  My hands cover my mouth, and I gasp. He pulls my hand free and slides the ring onto my finger. “I love you, Livvy,” he says reverently and kisses my hand where his beautiful ring sits.

  I throw myself into his arms and kiss him passionately. Pulling back, I cup his face in my hands. “I love you too. So much.”

  Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out some papers and hands them to me. “You might have doubted my feelings, Livvy, but I always knew. You’re my forever. I had to pull a few strings to get it pushed through quickly, but I refuse to be without you again.”

  Cautiously, I unfold the paperwork. “Application for K-1 Fiancée visa,” I read aloud. Confused, I look from the papers to Echo. “I don’t understand, what does this mean?”

  Echo’s smile is blinding. “You still have to have an interview, but it means that you can come home with me and we can get married. We can be together while we wait for your green card.”

  I walk into Echo’s arms, tears streaming down my face. “You’re mine, Echo. My forever, my happy ever after. I love you so fucking much.”

  Snuggled back in bed, I settle against Echo’s chest, my muscles slowly relaxing. Bolting upright, I shout, “Oh shit. I need to try and get hold of my parents before we leave and let them know we’re engaged.”

  “Engaged. Sugar, I fucking hate that word. I don’t want to be fucking engaged to you. I want you as my wife,” he grumbles.

  I laugh and slap his chest lightly. “I know we’re getting married, but that’s not gonna be for a while. I need to tell my parents before the actual wedding.”

  Echo rolls quickly, pinning me beneath him. Holding my wrists down, he spread my legs with his knees and settles between them. “Listen here, sugar. I told you we’re getting married, and we are. You want to get married in church, then I’ll speak to the preacher when we get home. If not, Brandi can help you put something together at the club. But either way, you’re gonna be my wife as soon as possible.” His voice is a demanding growl, and I roll my eyes at him.

  “Echo, that’s insane.”

  “Enough,” Echo shouts, and I freeze. “Enough, Livvy. You said forever, and that’s how it’s gonna be. We’re getting married as soon as possible. You want your parents to come, then I’ll fly them in. But there will be nothing that’ll stop me from claiming you completely. And I mean nothing, Livvy.”

  Fire burns in his eyes, and I truly see the pain I’ve caused him. I love him, and I want to be with him for the rest of my life. It doesn’t matter if I marry him today or in ten years’ time. But it matters to him.

  I pull at my arms. He reluctantly frees me, and I reach forward and cup his face. “I want to marry you. I want forever with you. I want to wear a white dress and get married in a garden. None of the other details are important,” I whisper.

  Echo kisses me, and we lose ourselves in a perfect moment in time, the only two people in the world, happy, in love, and going home to start our forever.

  I fucking hate airplanes. I’m too fucking big for the seats, and the food always tastes like crap.

  My woman’s asleep in my lap. The moment the seat belt light went off, she crawled into my arms and fell asleep.

  I can’t wait to get her home and marry her.

  I want to tie her to me in every way. I want to give her my name so everybody in the fucking world knows she’s my wife. Mine.

  The need to brand her is worse than ever. She’s fucking run from me once, and I refuse to let her run again. I’m still so fucking angry at her. I’m hoping this rage I’m feeling will die down when she’s sleeping in our bed every night and wearing my ring.

  I glance down at the huge diamond on her finger that glistens in the light. Fuck, my chest swells every time I look at it on her finger.

  We’re getting married as soon as fucking possible. I’d do it tomorrow, but she still needs to have her visa interview and she wants a dress and a garden. All I want is her as my wife. I want to start our life together without a timer hanging over our heads, so the sooner I legally tie her to me the better.

  My mind flashes back to the conversation she had with her parents before we left the UK.

  Livvy’s fidgeting in the chair, watching the laptop as her fingers twist nervously in her lap. The screen flashes to life, and two older people appear on the screen. Livvy’s smile is wide, and I instantly see her resemblance to them.

  “Mum, Dad. It’s so good to see you. How’s Russia?” she asks.

  Her mum smiles widely before replying. “Olivia, darling, you look serene.” Barely pausing for breath, she launches into a conversation without letting Livvy get a word in. “We left Russia about two weeks ago, and we’re in Latvia now. I’m sure I sent you an email with our new location. Latvia’s s
uch a devastatingly beautiful country, and Daddy and I just felt drawn to it. We just jumped in the camper and drove straight here. We found this amazing commune where you can camp for free as long as you help tend the gardens. They grow the most fantastic weed here, and Daddy and I have been helping to harvest the pla—”

  “Mum.” Shouting loudly, Livvy interrupts her mum, who pauses midword. “Mum, I’d like you to meet someone. Mum, Dad, this is Echo.” She turns towards me, and I nod to her parents. “Echo, this is my mum, Ruth, and my dad, Neville.”

  Neither looks intimidated by my tattoos or biker cut. They simply smile brightly at me. Livvy nudges me, and smiling briefly, I speak. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  Neville leans forward and finally addresses his daughter. “Princess, you look beautiful. I love your hair like that, all wild and free. I always hated when you ironed it. Are you okay?”

  Livvy beams at her father, blushing at his praise. “Hi, Daddy. I’m perfect. We have something to tell you.”

  “What’s that, princess?” her father asks.

  Livvy takes a deep breath and then says, “Echo asked me to marry him, and I said yes.”

  Ruth pushes Neville back and moves in front of the camera. “Oh Olivia, how wonderful. Are you pregnant, sweetheart?” her mother asks excitedly.

  Rolling her eyes, Livvy sighs. “No, Mum, I’m not pregnant. There are other reasons to get married, not just a baby.”

  Ruth visibly sags. “Oh well, never mind. I got quite excited, thinking I was getting a grandchild.”

  “Daddy,” Livvy says. Neville moves forward again, and blowing out a ring of smoke, he passes a lit joint to Ruth, who inhales deeply. “Daddy, could you just listen to me for a minute and get stoned later?” Livvy asks, obviously frustrated.

  Neville nods silently, his eyes starting to glaze and gradually closing. “It’s a natural experience, princess, you really should try it sometime. I can give you the number of our dealer at home if you want,” he slurs.

  Livvy rolls her eyes. “I think two stoners in the family is plenty, Daddy,” she says sarcastically. ”So we’re getting married as soon as we can, in the next few weeks in Texas. Do you think you and Mum could fly out for the wedding?”

  A smug grin slowly stretches across Neville’s face. “God, this is good shit. The Latvians really know how to cross-pollinate,” her father murmurs. Frustration shows on Livvy’s face before she finally shouts, “Daddy. The wedding, can you come?”

  Neville’s eyes close, and he leans away from the camera.

  “Mum. The wedding?” Livvy cries.

  Ruth focuses on the camera before pulling in a deep drag of the joint. “Oh no, dear. There’s no way we can leave Europe at the moment. I had an epiphany, sweetheart. Did I tell you? This vision came to me one night, and we’re needed here. No, sorry. There’s absolutely no way we can go to America.”

  “I’m your only daughter and I’m getting married, and you can’t come because you had a dream,” Livvy shouts.

  “No, dear. Not a dream, a vision,” her mother answers.

  Livvy sighs deeply, her shoulders sagging, and pulling her into my lap, I address her parents. “Sir, ma’am, Livvy would like you to come to the wedding. I’d be happy to pay for your airfare from Latvia to Texas and back again,” I say.

  Her mother smiles serenely. “Echo, please call us mum and dad. It’s not about the money. It’s the vision. Olivia will tell you I’m a very spiritual person, and if this vision came to me, then this is where we need to be.”

  I start to speak, but Livvy interrupts me. “It’s fine, Mum. I’ll send you some pictures, and I’ll try and video call again sometime next month.”

  Smiling, Ruth and Neville nod. “Lovely, dear. Oh, and, Echo, try doggy style. That’s how I got pregnant with Olivia, and I’m sure it’ll do the trick for you as well,” Ruth says.

  Livvy’s cheeks burn red, and she quickly rushes to end the call. “Bye Mum, bye Daddy. I love you.”

  “Love you, darling,” Ruth says.

  “Bye, princess,” her father calls.

  Closing the laptop, she collapses against my chest. “So that’s my parents,” Livvy says.

  Smiling down at the girl in my arms, I try to imagine what she would have looked like before she left to travel the States. She told me she’s different now, but I can’t imagine her being anything but the girl I’ve fallen in love with.

  James and Dan plan to fly in for the wedding. I don’t fucking like that she ran from me and straight to them, but they’re her closest friends, so for her sake I’m gonna learn to put up with them. James grew up with her, but Dan is her fucking ex. I don’t care that he’s in love with another guy. I still want to smash my fist into his face simply because he’s seen my wife naked.

  The stewardess insists that Livvy has to sit in her own seat for landing, so I reluctantly lift her from my lap and fasten her seat belt.

  She wakes up just as the plane lands. “We’re home, sugar,” I say happily.

  It takes forever to get through security. I have to answer questions about why I left the US before the end of my visa, but eventually we make our way out of the airport and into the stifling Texas heat. We took a train to London so we could take a direct flight back to Austin, so it’s only a short cab ride back to Archer’s Creek and home.

  I packed up and shipped all of my stuff over to the US, so we don’t have any luggage to collect, but it still feels strange to fly somewhere without any bags. The bright Texas sunshine beams down on us, and pulling my sunglasses off, I tip my head back and bask in the heat.

  Echo’s arms wrap around my waist from behind, and his voice rumbles against my neck. “Come on, let’s go home.” I nod as Echo takes my hand and leads me away from the airport. We walk towards the car park, and I look at him in question. Smiling, he winks playfully. “Smoke and Park brought my bike over for me this morning,” he says.

  A huge smile spreads across my face, and I bounce up and down with excitement. The black and chrome of his bike appears as we turn a corner. The Harley’s still huge and looks amazing shining in the sunlight; handing me my helmet, he climbs on. “Hop up, sugar,” he says. I take his hand and throw my leg over the seat, climbing on behind him.

  I wrap my arms tightly around his waist as the bike roars to life. Echo pulls away and accelerates towards the highway as I squeal in exhilaration. The wind rushes past my face, and snuggled into Echo’s back, I silently watch the world go by. Mile by mile the road passes us, until we pull onto a back street sheltered by a copse of trees.

  “Why are we stopping?” I ask, confused.

  Echo smiles at me for a moment; then his face deadpans. “I think it’s time to collect on one of those apologies, sugar,” he says, fighting to keep his face stern.

  Closing my eyes briefly, I smile. “Oh, do you?” I say.

  “Yes ma’am. On your knees. I want to feel that hot mouth of yours around my cock,” Echo drawls. I drop to my knees and smile up at him before unzipping his jeans and pulling out his cock. Circling the head with my tongue, I suck him into my mouth, swallowing him as deeply as I can. I pull back and release him with a pop.

  “Is that what you want?” I ask, as I look up at him from my position on the floor. His eyes harden. One hand cups my chin whilst the other grabs a handful of my hair. He squeezes till I open my mouth then pushes two fingers in.

  “Suck,” He snarls. It’s an order, and I instantly comply. “That’s it, Livvy, now open up.” I open my mouth, and he removes his fingers and plunges his cock right to the back of my throat.

  My tongue wraps around his hard cock, and I hollow my cheeks and suck enthusiastically. “Fuck, sugar. I love the way you suck my cock. Your mouth’s so hot and wet. I can’t wait to come right down your throat.” He groans. His fingers tighten in my hair and the hint of pain pulls a groan of pleasure from the back of my throat.

  Echo guides my movements, fucking my face till his cock swells inside my mouth. His hot, salty
cum pours down my throat, and I swallow as fast as I can.

  Panting hard, Echo pulls his cock from my mouth. I sit back on my heels and wipe the sticky liquid from my face. I lick my lips and smooth down my hair. “God, Livvy, you’re fucking perfection,” he says reverently. Then he pulls me to my feet and his lips attack mine, tasting his release on my tongue.

  Echo reluctantly ends our kiss and carefully tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Come on, sugar, let’s go home. I need you in our bed.” Hurriedly we climb back on the bike and head home.

  I see the cars outside our house the moment we pull into the street. A banner covers the front porch. “Welcome Home Liv” is written in black with the Sinners’ logo filling in the gaps. “Oh my God,” I cry.

  “This is how the club welcomes home one of its own. You’re a Sinner now,” Echo says. Killing the engine, Echo kicks the bike onto its stand and climbs off. Grabbing me, he lifts me over the saddle and then stands behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. “You didn’t just leave me, sugar. You’re a part of the club, and they missed you too,” Echo says.

  Tears pool in my eyes, but pulling in a breath, I blink them away. “I missed them all too. I hadn’t realised how much I had here until I didn’t have it anymore,” I say, swallowing the lump of emotion in my throat.

  I feel him kiss the top of my head, and then his arms release me. “Come on then, sugar. Let’s go say hello to everyone and then tell them to leave so I can fuck you senseless in our bed.”

  Echo opens the front door and holds it for me to walk through. The hall’s empty, but I can hear voices in the lounge room at the back of the house. I slowly walk down the hall and brace myself for the reaction to my return. I’ve missed them all, but I’ll understand if they’re still angry with me.

  “Liv.” Brandi’s scream is quickly followed by her barrelling into me. She hugs me tightly. “Liv. You’re here. I’m so glad you’re back.” Releasing me, she pulls back, and I see the tears in her eyes.

  “God, Brandi, I missed you,” I say. My own tears start to fall, and smiling, she grabs my arms.


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