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Their Blushing Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 8

by Celeste Jones

  "You weren’t serious before?" I asked.

  "Good point." Keane moved away from his spot between my legs.

  I whimpered.

  "Don’t worry, Lily, we’re just getting started." He went to a dresser and opened the brown paper parcel Rhys had given him when we left their house.

  While he did that, Rye maneuvered the two of us until he was lying on the bed with me straddling him. Keane stood next to the bed holding a small wooden dowel-like object in his hand. The two of them exchanged a glance. Oh no, what do they have in mind now?

  "This," Keane said, "is a butt plug."

  "A what?"

  "Oh, sweet Lily." Rye chuckled. He stroked my hair. "You are a delight in every way."

  "You two better not be laughing at me. Didn’t we already talk about this?" I was a bit indignant, but I also couldn’t take my eyes off the item Keane held.

  Rye kissed me tenderly. "I apologize, darlin’. I am laughing with happiness. You truly do delight me with your prim-and-proper ways." He caressed my cheek. "But I think you are not as prim as you have been taught to be."

  I blushed. "Perhaps."

  Keane cleared his throat, and I glanced in his direction. "Soon, Rye and I will claim you together. One of us in your pussy and the other"—he gestured with his head—"in your back hole."

  "No! You’re joking. It’s not done!"

  "This is no joke, Lily dear. It is done. Will be done. In fact, you are going to enjoy it."

  I shook my head back and forth. "No, that is impossible."

  "This little plug," Keane said and then nodded toward the top of the bureau where several more in varying sizes were laid out, which I hadn’t noticed before, "will train your lovely little pucker to take our big cocks back there. We’ll start with this one and work our way up."

  "You cannot be serious. That is lunacy."

  Rye delved his fingers into my sex and wiggled them against the walls there. "Show her the plug again," he instructed Keane.

  "With pleasure." Keane lifted one of my hands and placed the device on my palm, closing my fingers around it. "Imagine that inside your bottom, Lily. Snug in your bum."

  Heat rushed through my body. Rye continued to move his fingers inside me, sending additional pulses of heat and yearning through me.

  "Oh fuck," Rye called out. "I think that plug makes her wetter than when she talks dirty." He pulled his fingers out and held them up. My essence shimmered in the afternoon sunlight.

  "Ah, sweet Lily," Keane said, "you can continue to torture yourself by clinging to the straight-laced ways you were taught." He retrieved the device from my palm and moved to stand behind me while Rye drew me forward, pushing my bottom high in the air. Rye’s hard cock pressed against my belly. "Or, you can toss all of that nonsense aside and embrace the truth. Embrace what you enjoy and what we want to give you."

  I glanced up, and my gaze met Rye’s. The depth of my feelings for these two rascals hit me hard. But it couldn’t be love. Love took a long time to build and yet… maybe that was another one of those rules society had pounded into me that had no real basis in truth.

  I nodded. "Yes, please."

  Rye chuckled. "She’s so polite."

  Behind me, something cold coated my bottom hole, and I tightened up.

  Rye lifted my hips and lowered me down onto his cock. "You need to focus on this instead of what Keane is doing." He pushed upward, and I mewled from the deep penetration. He pumped his cock in and out of me, raising me with each thrust while gripping my breasts in his hands.

  Keane, meanwhile, had spread the cheeks of my backside. I groaned with embarrassment when I realized what he was doing, the cool air of the room wafting over my shameful entry.

  "Look at me," Rye ordered while he continued to thrust, sending spirals of heat and longing tightening through my body.

  I focused my gaze on him, his handsome face. As I stared into his eyes, I was nearly overcome with emotion. Affection for him and his caring and protective ways. There was a bit of pressure on my bottom hole, but I kept my eyes on Rye. "Good girl," he said before capturing my lips with his. The kiss started tender and then deepened. Ravishing me with his tongue. There was a moment of discomfort on Keane’s end of things and then a strange fullness.

  The kiss finished and I inhaled sharply.

  The heat that had been building in me, spiraled out of control. Rye continued to pump up and down, holding me and jamming his cock deep into my pussy. All the while, Keane twisted the plug in my bottom. I cried out. Never in my wildest imaginings had I thought having something in my back hole would feel good, let alone that it would be the most exquisite pleasure imaginable.

  Full. So full. Between Rye’s cock and the plug, I felt owned. Possessed.


  In that moment, I let loose a wail as all the pleasure points in my body exploded at once.



  * * *

  "Now, that’s a pretty sight," I said, peering at Lily’s ass with the largest plug protruding from it. She was on hands and knees on the bed, her backside perched high. I shuddered a bit thinking about when it would be time to put my cock deep into that snug opening. I gave the plug a slight twist to the left, and she whimpered. I put my fingers to her pussy to confirm she found it pleasurable.

  When my fingers touched the slit of her sex I had no doubts about her state. I stroked a bit more and her breathing sped up.

  Rye was in the midst of getting dressed, wearing a shirt but no pants, and paused to join us. His palm cupped the curve of her butt cheek. "Soon," he said. "It won’t be too long until we claim you back here, darling Lily."

  She whimpered, and the walls of her core clenched around my fingers.

  "Oh fuck, Lily. The things you do to me. I can’t get enough." I was partially dressed and fully intended to return to work in a timely manner, but I couldn’t leave yet. I pushed my pants down around my ankles and took hold of her hips. "Hang on, Lily," I called out as I slid balls deep into her hot core. We’d spent the night fucking her in a variety of ways and positions, but I was insatiable.

  "Oh god, yes," she replied. Apparently, she was insatiable, too.

  "Hey, not without me." Rye positioned himself near Lily’s face, and she eagerly opened her mouth for him, giving a moan of pleasure as she sucked on his cock.

  I pumped my hips and rode her. She was slick, and the sound of my cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy mixed with the other sex noises in the room.

  I glanced up, and my eyes met Rye’s. He smiled wide, his hands cupping the back of our bride’s head as she took him deep in her throat. Her attitude about sucking cock had improved immensely over the past few days, and she was as eager to have our cocks in her mouth as we were to feel her dainty tongue lapping at our stiff rods.

  Rye came first, gripping Lily’s head while he spilled down her throat. She swallowed it all eagerly and then he bent to kiss her. The sight of it had me a hair’s breadth away from coming, too, but I wanted Lily to get her pleasure before I had mine. I took hold of her breasts and squeezed the taut nipples while my cock rubbed over her clit repeatedly.

  "Oh, oh." She pushed back into me, and the walls of her sex clamped down hard on me, a sure sign she was moments away from her completion.

  "That’s it, Lily," I coaxed. "Come for me. Right now." I slapped her ass with one hand and turned the plug with the other. She came with a squeal of delight that echoed off the walls of our shared bedroom.

  My climax followed immediately. My cum shot into her. I could swear I was producing more and more cum each time I got my cock into her, be it her tight pussy or her hot mouth. God only knew what it would be like when I finally got a piece of that ass.

  After a few moments to savor the last quivers of her pussy around my cock, I pulled out and joined her on the bed, snuggling her in my arms, wrapping a quilt around us.

  "I’m going to miss you both today," she said, gripping my waist.

  "We will mi
ss you as well, darling Lily, but we will be home for our noon meal, so it will not be so long. Will you be able to stay out of trouble?" I teased.

  "I never get in trouble," she said, resting her head on my chest.

  Thirty minutes, later Rye and I reluctantly bid Lily good-bye.

  You’d think after four—or was it five?—days of fucking I’d be ready to return to work at the Bridgewater stables, but, as we walked away, I could not help but wish to go back and spend the day with our sweet Lily.

  Life before Lily had been satisfying, but now that she was in our hearts, our home, and our bed, our days and nights had become vibrant and alive at a whole new level.

  "You think she’ll be all right without us?" Rye asked as we made our way along the path to the stable.

  When he asked, it seemed silly to be worried about her, but in my mind, I had the same question. I wouldn’t let on to him, though. We couldn’t spend the day worrying about her. There was no place safer for her or any woman than on Bridgewater Ranch. I’d lost count, but our ranks included over two dozen former soldiers who’d been trained in every manner of fighting imaginable.

  "She’ll be fine," I said, as much to convince myself as him.

  "Maybe I should go back and check on her." Rye half-turned toward home.

  "Stop it," I said. "We’re both acting like fools. She’s a grown woman. You know she’s safe here at Bridgewater."

  "I don’t want her to get lonely."

  "I think you’re the lonely one. Or horny, more likely."

  He laughed. Since we’d married Lily, Rye was lighter, younger, happier.

  "I could go back and spend the day with her today, and you could have your turn tomorrow," he suggested.

  "Get a grip on yourself, man," I said, though his idea was tempting. "Hard to believe I am the voice of reason."


  * * *

  Much as I hated to admit it, Keane had a point. I’d lost much of the rigid demeanor that had been drilled into me while being raised as a member of a family who could trace its distinguished lineage back centuries.

  It had been a revelation to me when I first arrived at Bridgewater to see how relaxed and collegial the atmosphere was. Startling, after coming from a world of very strict social distinctions. I supposed I’d never been as committed to the ways of hierarchy as other members of the aristocracy because I’d always considered Keane my equal. My friend. When others of my class treated him as less than, I took great umbrage. And gave a few bloody noses.

  But at Bridgewater, I could be myself. And no one gave a damn about my title. It was liberating.

  Lily, even in her short time with us, had contributed to that mightily. I had been raised to keep my emotions strictly controlled. My countenance would never give away what I was thinking. But now, I found myself smiling for no reason other than that I was happy.

  "Good morning," Simon called out as we approached the stable. He took an obvious glance at the sun rising on the horizon and smirked. "You’re even later than I thought you’d be."

  Keane and I looked at each other and grinned.

  "Couldn’t be helped," Keane said with a shrug. "I recall a few times when no one emerged from your house until nearly noon."

  Simon laughed. "Ah, those were the good old days." He clapped us both on the back. "I’m happy for you. I can see marriage is doing you both a world of good. Lily seems like quite a sweet girl. Olivia is eager to get to know her."

  I puffed up, proud as a peacock. "She’s everything we were wishing for."

  The three of us made our way into the stables. "I was more than a bit surprised when you returned in only a few days with a bride. How did you find her?"

  As we worked around the stables, feeding the horses and cleaning out the stalls, Keane and I shared the story with Simon. I enjoyed the retelling of it, and Simon got a good laugh out of the part where the sheriff’s deputies came into our hotel room.

  When we finished he paused and thought for a moment. "Did she ever tell you why she got fired from her job as a governess?"

  "I guess we’ve been ‘otherwise engaged’ since we met her," Keane said.

  "Now, I’m curious," I replied.


  * * *

  I was alone in the cabin for the first time since our arrival. During the few days we’d already spent together at Bridgewater, we hadn’t ventured too far from home. Or the bed. Though we had also made carnal use of the kitchen table, the sofa in the front room, and the largest bathtub I’d ever seen.

  After my men left for the stables, I made the bed. No small feat considering the way the three of us gave the mattress and linens a workout, but I managed and looked back on my efforts with satisfaction.

  Next, I tidied the kitchen and swept the floors. What would my mother think if she could see me using a broom? Her voice echoed in my head. "Lily Snow, you’ll have calluses like a milkmaid!"

  When I finished that task, I stowed the broom away and, my mother’s admonition fresh in my head, put some lotion on my hands and then wandered out to the front porch. I brought a small pillow along, which made it easier to sit on the rocking chair while wearing a butt plug. If my mother would be scandalized by my use of a broom, what would she say about a butt plug?

  I fought against laughing out loud like a lunatic while I was all alone and gazed out over a portion of Bridgewater Ranch. My home. It had been less than two weeks since that fateful meeting in the park in Butte, and everything in my world had changed.

  Miracles do happen.

  I sighed contentedly. In the distance I could see the cabin where Olivia lived with her three husbands. Perhaps I would visit her soon. I wondered what the protocol was for that sort of thing. It appeared Bridgewater had its own set of rules, which were unlike those I’d grown up with.

  As I rocked, I could feel the pressure of the plug in my bottom hole. I’d been shocked when Rye and Keane had produced the set of carved items. I’d never heard of such a thing. And now, I was wearing the largest plug and rocking on the porch as though it was the most normal thing in the world.

  Because it was.

  I breathed in the crisp mountain air and gazed around. For the first time in many years, I felt at home. Content. More than content, happy. Loved.

  A few minutes later I went inside to make the midday meal for Rye and Keane. I had little experience in the kitchen, but they had taught me a few rudimentary skills. Perhaps I could beg some lessons from Olivia. The stew she’d made the day we arrived had been delicious.

  My fare was going to be less ambitious, though Keane had relented and written down a recipe for biscuits. I gathered the ingredients and set to work, eager to take care of my men.


  "Well, this is quite a feast you’ve made for us," Keane said, forking up a large piece of the ham I’d fried with some apples. Pleased with how that part of the meal had turned out, I smiled in response to his praise.

  "You’re really making some good progress in the kitchen, Lily," Rye remarked. "In fact, you’re making progress in all sorts of things." He gave me a pointed look, and I blushed. They’d removed the plug from my bottom hole before our meal. "You’ve gotten to the largest plug faster than we expected."

  I flushed simply thinking about what that meant. It had been a challenge for me to trust Keane and Rye, particularly with some of their carnal requests. Demands, actually. And yet, I had found them all quite pleasant. More than pleasant.

  Still, the idea of their large cocks in my bottom... Oh my.

  "More coffee?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

  "Yes, please," Keane said, then he gave me a swat on the backside as a thank you after I filled his cup. "Now, come and join us."

  I was a bit too nervous to eat. This was the first meal I’d made for them by myself.

  Rye added a significant amount of butter and jam to his biscuit, and I winced.

  The biscuits had not turned out quite so well. Misshapen and a bit on the heavy side
, but both my husbands claimed to think they were fantastic.

  I didn’t argue.

  After we ate, I cleared away the dishes and rejoined them at the table as we all enjoyed more coffee.

  "How was your morning wearing the butt plug?" Rye asked, calm and casual, like he was asking about the weather.

  "F-fine, I suppose. How was your morning at the stable?" I asked, as though that was the sort of thing you talked about after discussing butt plugs. Would I ever get used to Bridgewater?

  "That reminds me," Rye leaned toward me. "I’ve been wondering, what happened that caused you to get fired from your job as a governess?"

  Coffee stuck in my throat, and I struggled for air. Keane raised my arms while Rye gave me a couple of sharp whacks between the shoulder blades. The coughing stopped.

  "Seems like you struck a nerve," Keane said.

  "Uh-huh," Rye replied, giving me a curious glance. "Now I’m determined to find out what happened."

  "Oh please," I whined. "It was so embarrassing. Must I repeat it? Besides, it’s what brought us all together, and that’s what counts, isn’t it?"

  They exchanged a glance then grinned at me. Ugh. There was no avoiding it now.

  "Remember, there’s nothing embarrassing between us." Rye took my hand.

  "And, if it helps, I’ll tell you some embarrassing stories about Rye," Keane offered.

  "Ha! Those stories are nothing compared to the things Keane has done over the years."

  They had me laughing and, with their promises to tell me embarrassing stories, I decided to take the plunge and share my tale. There would be no peace from them until I did so. I knew them well enough to be certain of that.

  "Well," I began, "the night after I met you both in the park, when I was finally alone in my room, I couldn’t stop thinking about you."

  "Was it me you couldn’t stop thinking about?" Keane asked.

  "I bet it was me," Rye said.


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