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Miss Amelia's Mistletoe Marquess

Page 15

by Jenni Fletcher

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Well then, I just have one small matter to discuss with Linton when we get back and then... You’re sure you don’t want any dinner?’

  ‘Definitely not, thank you.’

  ‘All right. Then perhaps it will be an early night for both of us?’

  * * *

  Millie sat up in bed, waiting. Her maids—for some reason she had two of them—had finally left and not a moment too soon. She’d been unlaced, undressed, unbraided, washed, brushed, re-braided and then dressed all over again in a frilly lace concoction of a nightgown that made her feel somewhat ridiculous. Apparently a marchioness was expected to dress for an audience, even in bed.

  What now? she wondered, plucking at the bedsheets with her fingers. Now that she’d agreed to go through with this—now that she’d actually suggested it, although she could still hardly believe the audacity of her own words—she wasn’t sure what to do next. There were candles on either side of the bed, but as to whether she was expected to keep them burning, she had no idea. It felt bizarre to just sit there waiting. Surely she ought to get up and do something? If only to distract herself from her nerves...

  She tossed the covers back and swung her legs over the side of the bed, intending to start work on another of Sylvia’s gowns when she heard a light knock on the door of her dressing room and Cassius appeared on the threshold.

  ‘Forgive my tardiness.’ He was wearing a russet-coloured dressing gown, his blond hair swept away from his face. ‘Linton has the worst timing. He wanted to discuss a new drainage scheme.’

  ‘That sounds important.’

  ‘Not tonight it isn’t.’ He smiled, his teeth flashing white in the half-darkness. ‘He’s an excellent manager, but somewhat lacking in imagination. I very nearly had to fire the man.’

  ‘Well, I hope that you didn’t.’ She curled her legs back on to the bed and tugged the covers up to her chin.

  ‘Cold again?’ He closed the dressing-room door with his foot, a hint of a smile playing about his lips, and she lifted her chin, sensing that he was mocking her.

  ‘No, but you haven’t seen what I’m wearing.’

  ‘I caught a glimpse. It looked elaborate.’

  ‘Let’s just say I hope you like lace.’

  ‘I like you. Fabric has nothing to do with it.’ He gave a slow smile and then gestured towards the fireplace. ‘This is just like old times, though I’m afraid I didn’t bring any port. Would you care for anything to drink? Some wine, perhaps? I promise not to smash any bottles.’

  ‘No, thank you.’ She smiled back, aware that he was trying to put her at ease. If only that were possible...

  ‘Are you nervous?’ He sat down on the opposite side of the bed and looked at her, his gaze unexpectedly tender.

  ‘No.’ She shook her head quickly. Too quickly as the room seemed to heat up suddenly, the air between them thick with tension.

  ‘No? Because you look like you’re about to face a firing squad. If you’ve changed your mind...?’

  ‘I haven’t.’ She gave another, even more vigorous shake. ‘I just want to get it over with.’


  She winced. ‘That came out wrong. I didn’t mean...’

  ‘You mean you want to know exactly what you’ve let yourself in for?’ He leaned closer, lowering his voice as if someone might overhear them.

  ‘Yes. I suppose I’m curious.’ She sank her teeth into her bottom lip worriedly. ‘Is that bad?’

  ‘I think it’s natural. I can tell you if you like or we can do this the old-fashioned way and I’ll show you?’

  ‘I think...’ she hesitated momentarily ‘...if you show me.’

  ‘All right then.’ He stood up, untying his dressing gown and tossing it aside before sliding beneath the covers. ‘Come here.’

  She shuffled cautiously towards him as he held out an arm, holding her breath as her head came to rest against his shoulder.

  ‘There.’ He curled his arm around her and pressed his mouth into her hair. ‘That’s not so bad, is it?’

  ‘No.’ She tilted her head slightly to look into his face. ‘But we haven’t...’

  ‘One step at a time. If we rush, then it really might be as bad as you seem to expect.’


  ‘You know, my aunt used to say that if something was worth doing then it was worth doing properly.’ He laughed softly. ‘Of course she probably had a different context in mind, but trust me, some things are worth taking their time over.’

  ‘I suppose so, but all those things I overheard...they didn’t explain what I ought to do.’

  ‘Whatever you feel like doing. We could just kiss for a while? We’ve done that before.’

  He lowered his head as he spoke, claiming her mouth before she could think of a protest, his lips warm and soft and infinitely gentle as if he were still offering her a chance to change her mind. Instead she kissed him back, mirroring each movement even when his tongue slipped between her lips, possessing the whole of her mouth. The longer they kissed the more possessive it became. Deeper and hotter, as if her body were heating up from the inside. She didn’t protest even when one of his hands slid downwards, gently stroking and then cupping one of her breasts.

  ‘How bad was that?’ He came up for air finally, his eyes smouldering.

  ‘It...wasn’t...bad.’ She closed her eyes, breathing the words between gasps.

  ‘I’m pleased to hear it.’ He touched his lips briefly back to hers and slid his hand over her stomach. ‘And now?’


  ‘Even better.’ He kissed her cheek this time, then her chin and neck, trailing a path of kisses over her throat and down to the soft curve of her shoulders. ‘Trust me, Millie.’

  ‘Cassius?’ She inhaled sharply as he moved lower, kissing her breasts through the fabric of her nightgown. She was vaguely aware of his fingers tugging at the edge of the fabric, too, pulling it up around her thighs as his mouth drifted even further down...

  ‘Cassius!’ She repeated his name, more urgently this time, grasping at his shoulders and holding tight. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Trying to help you relax.’ He lifted his head. ‘Although judging by your expression, I’m not succeeding very well.’

  ‘You’re kissing my stomach.’

  ‘I noticed.’

  ‘Oh.’ She licked her lips. ‘I just didn’t expect you to kiss me there.’

  ‘You might be surprised by where I want to kiss you.’ He put a hand on either side of her waist and climbed back up the bed, arching his body over hers. ‘But if you don’t like it...’

  ‘I didn’t say that. I just didn’t expect it.’

  ‘Millie.’ He lowered his face, brushing his lips lightly against hers. ‘I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. If you want me to stop, you only have to say so. I would never hurt you intentionally.’

  ‘Intentionally?’ She swallowed. ‘You mean it might hurt?’

  ‘At first. So I understand, anyway.’ He gave a self-deprecating smile. ‘I don’t make a habit of deflowering maidens.’

  ‘Good.’ She laughed despite herself. ‘That makes you sound like a villain.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sure I could be quite villainous with you, too.’ He rolled to one side, propping himself up on one elbow as he toyed with the fabric of her nightgown. ‘This garment really doesn’t seem like you. Another gift from Sylvia?’

  ‘I think so.’

  ‘Do you mind if we remove it?’

  ‘No—o, but then you’ll see me.’

  ‘That’s the point.’ He glanced downwards. ‘You can already see me.’

  ‘That’s different.’

  ‘Why? We’ll both be naked. It only seems fair.’

  She considered the point silently for a moment before wriggling fu
rther down beneath the bedcovers, dragging the nightgown over her head while her body remained covered.

  ‘Impressive.’ His lips twitched at the corners. ‘Now about your braid.’

  ‘You want me to undo it?’

  ‘If you don’t mind. I haven’t seen your hair loose since the first night we met.’

  ‘That seems like such a long time ago.’ She reached behind her, removing the tie from her hair and letting it slowly unravel. ‘So much has happened.’

  ‘I have to keep reminding myself it’s been little more than a week. There.’ He spread the long tresses out around her head and buried his face in them, breathing deeply. ‘Orange blossom, I knew it.’


  ‘You feel like silk and smell like orange blossom.’

  ‘It’s my soap.’

  ‘It suits you.’ He caressed her jaw and throat with his fingertips. ‘From now on, you shouldn’t wear anything to bed except that scent. Now, do you trust me?’


  ‘Good. Where were we?’

  She gasped as he leant over her, the muscles of his chest pressing hard against her breasts. His skin felt warm and smooth and wonderfully soft. It made her want to touch him all over, even if she didn’t have the nerve yet to do so. Instead she kissed him again, trying not to stiffen as his fingers slid between her legs, moving in slow circles that felt surprisingly, shockingly good. Relaxing even. Despite herself, she felt the tension in her muscles start to ebb away, as if she were sinking into the bed itself. Before she knew it, her body was moving of its own accord, undulating with the teasing rhythm of his fingers.



  She opened her eyes, surprised to realise she’d murmured his name aloud. ‘Nothing.’

  ‘Do you want me to stop?’ There was an edge of tension in his voice.


  ‘Thank goodness.’ He nudged her thighs apart with his legs. ‘Don’t stop what you were doing.’

  ‘What was I doing?’

  ‘You were moving your hips.’ His fingers continued to tease her. ‘Just like that.’


  ‘Perfect.’ He buried his face in her neck. ‘How does it feel now?’

  ‘Good.’ She frowned slightly. ‘Wet.’

  ‘That’s a good sign.’ He moved his hand away and lowered his body over hers, pressing his lips to her throat. ‘Forgive me.’

  ‘Forgive wha—? Oh!’ She uttered a small cry as he entered her, every muscle tightening in surprise. There was pain, too, a slight tearing sensation before he slid past it and deeper inside her body.

  ‘Millie?’ His breath was warm against her ear.

  She didn’t answer, moving her hips to see if it made the position any more comfortable. It didn’t, though the sensation was interesting, causing a familiar tingling in her abdomen. Cassius gave a low moan in the back of his throat, one of his hands tugging the bedcovers aside while the other held his weight off her. She didn’t protest. At this point she didn’t care how much he could see of her body. All she could think of was the feeling of his body inside hers. She tried clenching and unclenching her muscles. It felt so strange and intimate and the pain was diminishing...

  ‘Millie?’ He repeated her name, though his voice sounded strained, as if he were speaking through clenched teeth.


  ‘Are you all right?’ He lifted his head, holding on to her gaze as he slowly began to withdraw and then apparently changed his mind, pushing inwards again.

  ‘Yes.’ She took a deep breath and shifted beneath him, tilting her hips upwards this time. The pain was definitely receding now, replaced by a feeling of slickness. Every time he slid inside her it seemed to become easier, natural almost, as if they were meant to be joined together.

  ‘Just tell me if...’ His voice trailed away as he groaned and pressed his forehead to hers, starting to move faster. She moved with him, lifting one of her legs and coiling it tentatively around his waist. Somehow the position made her feel better so she did the same with the other, arching her back and rolling beneath him as the tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach built to an ache. It was almost unbearable now, so intense that she thought they might have to stop after all, until a wave of sensation seemed to rush through her body all at once, making her cry out and shudder at the same time. He must have felt it, too, because he gave an answering cry as his body convulsed and then pressed down on top of her.

  They lay like that for a few moments, both of them breathing heavily before he rolled to one side, drawing her into the crook of his arm and tugging the bedcovers up over their damp bodies. She twisted her head, allowing his lips to claim one last kiss, before laying it on his chest and falling fast asleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  ‘Good morning.’ Cassius reached a hand out, hooking it around Millie’s waist and pulling her back as she started to roll away. It was the first time she’d moved since he’d been watching her and he didn’t want to let her go. Somehow just looking at her, his senses engulfed by her orange blossom scent and the warm, steady pulse of her body, made him feel calm inside.

  ‘Cassius?’ Her eyes flew open at the sound of his voice. ‘What are you...? Oh!’ Her look of shock turned to one of sudden recollection. ‘Good morning.’

  ‘How did you sleep?’ He smiled lazily.

  ‘Very well, thank you. I forgot that we...that is, I only just woke up.’

  ‘I know.’ He let his gaze drift from her face to her shoulders, the only exposed parts of her body he could see. The rest was covered with a bedsheet, though he could still see the outline of her figure and remember how it looked and felt. She was lithesome and slender, not particularly curvaceous, though the small curves she had were in all the right places. Eminently kissable places, too, if he could only get at them... Their night together had been even more satisfying than he’d expected. Once she’d begun to relax, she’d been positively abandoned.

  ‘Couldn’t you sleep?’ A look of anxiety crossed her face.

  ‘Actually I slept very well. I just woke early. How do you feel?’

  ‘A little sore.’

  ‘Next time should be less painful.’

  ‘You were right, though. The pain passed quickly and the rest was quite...’


  ‘Yes. And pleasurable, too.’ She smiled shyly. ‘Is that how it’s supposed to be?’

  ‘That’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. For a first time, I’d say we excelled ourselves.’ He trailed his fingers gently along the side of her face, over the rounded curve of her cheek and the straight line of her nose. Except it wasn’t an entirely straight line, he noticed. There was a slight bump in the middle. Somehow that made it even more adorable.

  ‘Do you think—?’

  She stopped at the sound of a tap on the door followed by the almost immediate appearance of a maid carrying a tray. The girl took two steps into the room and then froze in horror at the sight of them.

  ‘Oh, my lord... I’m sorry.’

  ‘No apology necessary.’ Cassius sat up and gestured at the tray. ‘Is that hot chocolate?’

  ‘Yes, my lord.’

  ‘In that case you can leave it and tell Cook we won’t be down for breakfast for another hour. At least.’

  ‘Yes, my lord. I will, my lord.’ The flustered girl put the steaming hot cup on the bedside table and fled.

  ‘Do you know, I think she was surprised to find me still here. We’ve managed to scandalise our own staff.’ Cassius looked back down at Millie and grinned. ‘Were you just hiding beneath the covers?’

  ‘I might have been.’ She heaved herself up beside him. ‘Why is nothing we do ever private?’

  ‘I’m afraid that’s the price of being the Marquess and Marchioness of Falconmore. At
least we’re married now.’

  ‘I suppose so and I do want my hot chocolate.’

  ‘Here.’ He picked up the cup and handed it to her. ‘You need to rebuild your strength.’

  ‘I’m not ill. Or broken.’

  ‘That’s a relief. If you were, then I’d have to stay away from you for a while and I’m not sure I’m capable of that, especially now I know what I’d be missing.’

  She gave him a quizzical look as she took a small sip of chocolate. ‘You’re in a good mood.’

  ‘I wonder why?’

  ‘I didn’t know if you’d still be here when I woke up either. Only I remember what you told me about your nightmares. You said you didn’t want anyone to hear if you shouted out in your sleep.’

  ‘Ah.’ He pushed a hand through his hair. ‘To be honest, I did intend to leave, only I fell asleep, without any nightmares I might add, and then when I woke you looked so peaceful I wanted to keep looking at you.’ He frowned at his own admission. ‘Does it bother you that I’m still here?’

  ‘No. My parents always shared a bedroom.’ She looked awkward suddenly, a faint blush suffusing her cheeks. ‘Not that I’m saying we should share a room, but...’

  ‘But we could,’ he concluded for her. ‘Although I can’t promise not to have nightmares.’

  ‘But if you do, then I would be here to talk, just like last time. If you want to, that is.’

  ‘Thank you.’ He pressed a kiss to the end of her nose. ‘Am I allowed a sip of that?’

  She opened her mouth, looking from him to her cup and then back again. ‘You know sleeping here is one thing. Drinking my chocolate is quite another. Fortunately for you, I’m in a good mood, too.’

  ‘Then I’m doubly grateful.’ He swallowed a mouthful and licked his lips appreciatively. ‘I might have to consider changing from coffee. This could be our new morning ritual, hot chocolates in bed.’

  ‘That sounds very decadent.’

  ‘Another good reason.’ He passed the cup back and lay down, folding his arms behind his head and grinning as she tucked the bedclothes tighter around her. ‘If you’re still trying to protect your modesty, then I wouldn’t bother. I saw everything there was to see last night.’


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