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Page 12

by Catherine Lievens

  Sei softly snorted. He knew exactly why Nuallan was afraid of Geoffrey. Well, he wasn’t exactly afraid, but he was quiet and calm, and Geoffrey was exactly the opposite. He was loud, colorful, and friendly with everyone. Sei understood why Nuallan especially was intimidated. “Nuallan’s special.”

  Geoffrey cocked his head. “Special? As in, he’s a great guy, or as in he has special needs?”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “I was just asking. I don’t want to offend anyone, and it’s not like I know him well. He barely said ten words to me since we met and it’s been two months.”

  “I’m sure you noticed Nuallan’s shy.”

  “Shy? No, my grandmother is shy. Nuallan is even worse.”

  Sei chuckled. “Exactly, and you’re not exactly the calmest person out there. The two of you are opposite, and Nuallan already has problems interacting with people as it is. It’s even worse with you, because you’re so open and you actually try to get him to talk instead of letting him do it on his own.”

  Geoffrey shrugged. “I’d be sorry, but it’s who I am.”

  “I know. I’m not asking you to change, just to let Nuallan be. You’re making things worse.”

  Geoffrey pouted. “But then how would I get the answers I want?”

  Sei knew he was going to regret this, but Nuallan was a friend, and he didn’t want him to be unhappy or uncomfortable. “You can ask me.”

  Geoffrey’s eyes lit up. “Seriously? You’re going to tell me? Even though I’m human?”

  Sei shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Everyone knows about us already.”

  “Yeah, but we only know vague stuff, like some of you can turn into animals. I mean, I know there’s more because of Nuallan, but I don’t know what exactly, and I’m one of the few.”

  Geoffrey was probably wrong, since Sei had lost his hat in front of several cameras, but he hadn’t checked the news, so he didn’t know if anyone had actually run something on him or not. “Are you trying to make me change my mind about telling you?” he teased.

  Geoffrey shook his head. “No. Please, tell me. You’re like Nuallan, right? Does it mean you can’t change into an animal? What kind of shifters are there here? Only wolves? Do other things exist? What about vampires? And ghosts?”

  Sei raised his hands. “Slow down.”

  Geoffrey snapped his mouth shut, but his eyes screamed that he wanted answers. Sei hoped Kameron wasn’t going to kick his ass for it, but then Geoffrey already knew about them, and Sei didn’t think he’d talk to the reporters. He’d worked in Ethan’s flower shop for almost two years, and they were friends. Sei didn’t know Geoffrey well, but he didn’t strike him as a man who’d betray his friends, not even for money. Still, he might as well be cautious, just in case.

  “You can’t tell anyone about anything I tell you right now, okay?”

  Geoffrey nodded. “I promise. I don’t want to know so I can, I don’t know, make money by talking to those pesky reporters.”

  Sei arched a brow. “Did you read my mind?”

  Geoffrey laughed. “No, but I know you’ve been mobbed by those guys. Remember? You came into the shop to find a quiet place to shimmer, and by the way, will I ever get to do something like that? I really want to. Can you go anywhere you want, or does it have to be a place where you’re already been? Can you work on a picture? Because it would be fucking great to be able to visit, I don’t know, Japan, or France, just by thinking you want to go there. Maybe you could even make a business out of it, although I guess you like your job as a nurse or you’d have quit it already.”

  Sei wasn’t sure what to answer first. Luckily for him, the front door opened. He turned toward the entrance, his eyes widening at the sight of Donovan and the man who was following him in. William was the last person Sei had expected to see in their home. He knew William was painfully shy, like Nuallan—he’d have to be blind not to see it. He liked the man, though, and he was glad Donovan seemed to have managed to pry him out of his office. Sei had asked around after he’d found out William’s father was one of the wolves who’d left the pack to look for revenge.

  “What’s he doing here?” Donovan asked, stopping on his path toward Sei when he noticed Geoffrey.

  “Your mate invited me. Hey, who’s this guy?” he asked with a picture frame in his hand. “He’s cute. I think you could introduce us.”

  Donovan snorted. “And risk ending up with you as my son-in-law? I don’t think so.”

  Sei thought Jake would rather die than bond with Geoffrey even if Geoffrey happened to be his mate, but he kept it to himself. He knew Jake’s reaction was still painful for Donovan, and he couldn’t blame him. It had to be hard to see your son be so vehement about your mate not being the right person for you, fate be damned.

  “Oooh, that’s your son? He’s yummy.”

  Donovan made a strangled noise, and Sei retrieved the frame from Geoffrey’s hand to put it back where it belonged. “I invited him,” he told Donovan before smiling at William, who was still hovering by the living room entrance looking uncomfortable. “Come in, William.”

  William took a step forward, then another. Geoffrey squeaked and muttered, “Damn.”

  Sei turned to arch a brow at him, wondering what was wrong now.

  Geoffrey shook his head. “What? He’s even yummier than Donovan’s son.”

  William was cute, in a gentle giant, teddy bear kind of way. He was built like a brick house, but one glance at him was enough to know he wouldn’t use his strength to hurt. His eyes were soft—and they were about the only thing on his body that was, except maybe his lips—and the smattering of freckles on his nose and cheeks made Sei want to coo at him.

  He refrained, because William still looked like he was about to bolt any second. Instead, he smiled at him again and gestured toward the couch. “Sit down.” He looked at Donovan. “Why don’t you go get stuff to drink, huh? I’ll stay here and make conversation.”

  Donovan rolled his eyes, but he obeyed after kissing Sei. When Sei looked at the couch, he had to press his lips together not to laugh. William was huddled into one of the corners, obviously trying to occupy as little space as he could. Geoffrey was still by the fireplace, but he wasn’t looking at the pictures anymore. Instead, he was staring at William with hungry eyes.

  Sei opened his mouth to say something, anything that would stop Geoffrey when he strode toward the couch and elegantly sat next to William, but before he could, William’s eyes went wide, and his mouth slid open in a gape.

  Sei blinked, wondering what was going on. Surely, it would be Geoffrey’s clothes. They were colorful, to say the least, but they worked together—blue and dark green, with silver hints.

  “Hi, precious,” Geoffrey purred, and Sei wondered if he had cat shifter somewhere in his family. “I’m Geoffrey.”

  William slowly reached for Geoffrey’s hand, and to Sei’s surprise, instead of shaking it, he used the hold to pull him close and sniff him.

  And Sei realized what had happened.

  Damn. He hadn’t been expecting that.

  About the Author

  Catherine lives in Italy, country of good food and hot men. She used to write fantasy as a child, but it was reading her first gay erotic romance novel that made her realize that that was what she really wanted to write.

  After graduating from college in English language and translation, she divides her day between writing, reading, taking care of her son and reading some more.

  You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or on her website:




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