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The Day Kennedy Was Shot

Page 71

by Jim Bishop

  Connally, Tom, 337

  Connor, Peter, 536

  Continental Army Command, 5–6

  Coolidge, Calvin, 91, 249

  Cosa Nostra, 91–93, 135–136

  Counts, R. B., 113

  Craddock, Gladys, 120

  Crafard, (LaVerne) Larry, 349–350, 427, 483

  Crescent Firearms, Inc., 344, 675–676

  Cronkite, Walter, 197, 271

  Cross, Comdr. Gregg, 453

  Crotty Brothers (caterers), 156–157

  Crow, Mr., 189–190

  Crull, Elgin English, 255, 334

  Cuba, 24–25, 26, 68

  Bay of Pigs, 44, 677

  embassy, 15, 541

  Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 15, 292, 304–305, 341, 371, 404, 462, 587, 631

  missile crisis, 80–81

  Cunningham, Cortlandt, 640

  Curry, Police Chief Jesse Edward, 9–12, 51, 53, 114, 124, 130, 131, 134–135, 148–149, 155–159, 166, 170, 175, 177–178, 182, 189, 194, 195, 207, 221, 231, 252, 261–263, 295, 314–315, 318, 323, 330, 333, 364–366, 444–446, 472, 504, 521–522, 524, 568–570, 585, 586–593, 604, 617–618, 625–628, 640, 644, 653, 656n, 686

  Cushing, Richard Cardinal, xv, 240–241, 420n, 550


  Dale, Joy, 350–351

  Dallas Athletic Club, 335

  Dallas Bar Association, 458, 639n

  Dallas Citizens Council, 131, 145–147

  Dallas City Limit (Leslie), 146–147

  Dallas Civic Opera Guild, 143

  Dallas Civil Liberties Union, 602–606, 656

  Dallas County Courts Building, 164–165

  Dallas, George M., 142

  Dallas Herald, 35, 45

  Dallas Morning News, 426

  Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 143

  Dallas News, 24, 25–27, 58, 98–99, 115, 120, 147–148, 150–151, 179, 218, 282, 406, 426, 574, 651

  Dallas Symphony Orchestra, 143

  Dallas Times-Herald, 58, 73, 99, 117, 147–148, 406, 426, 651, 659, 663

  Dallas Transit Company, 208–210

  Dallas Weather Bureau, 105

  Darwin, William, 375–376

  Davenport, R. A., 322

  Davies, Marion, x

  Davis, Barbara Jeanette, 484–485, 504–505

  Davis, Sgt. Hugh F., 50

  Davis, Sid, 310, 318

  Davis, Virginia, 484–485, 504–505

  “Day in the Life of President Kennedy, A” (Bishop), xi

  Day, Lt. J. C., 255–256, 349, 444, 481–482, 494, 518–519, 546–547, 617–618, 645

  “Day Kennedy Was Nominated, The” (Bishop), x

  Day Lincoln Was Shot, The (Bishop), xi

  Dealey, E. M., 115, 118, 147–148

  Dealey, Joseph, 58, 96, 164

  Decker, Sheriff Bill, 131, 177, 182, 207, 252–254, 331, 406, 445–446, 469, 472, 569, 587, 588, 601, 657–658

  DeGaulle, Charles, 668

  DeLoach, Carla D., 522–523, 689–690

  DeLong, Joe, 611–612, 634, 635–636

  Denson, R. B., xvii

  Department of Justice, 91–93

  Dhority, Detective, 457, 458, 518–519

  Dillard, Tom, 179

  Dillon, Secretary C. Douglas, 137–138, 616

  Dirksen, Everett, 411, 578

  Donovan, Robert J., 42, 654–655

  Dorman, Elsie, 167

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 667

  Dowdy, Capt., 580, 613

  Drain, Vincent (Vince), 187–188, 469, 546, 618, 640, 645–647, 666–667

  Duke, Angier Biddle, 385, 411–412, 420, 616

  Duke, Dr. James, 226–227, 243

  Dulaney, Dr. Richard, 190, 201

  Duncan, Sgt. Teddy G., 69, 77, 378

  Duncan, William Glenn, Jr. (Glen), 643, 650–651

  Dungan, Ralph, 463, 486–487, 550–551, 556, 577–579, 619, 636


  Eberhardt,A. M., 482–483

  Ebersole, James, 453

  Edmondson, Ed, 522

  Edwards, Robert, 164–165

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 136, 138, 161, 372, 455, 536, 550, 556, 577

  Eisenhower, Mamie (Mrs. Dwight D.), 455

  English, Dr. Joseph, 419

  Erhard, Chancellor Ludwig, 372

  Euins, Amos Lee, 170, 175, 179, 193–194, 253, 445–446, 462–463, 586


  Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 15, 292, 304–305, 341, 371, 404, 462, 587, 631

  Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), 110, 112, 121, 296

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 16, 38–39, 65–68, 91–93, 159–160, 187–188, 255–256, 301, 304–305, 323–327, 342, 368–369, 371, 376, 428–430, 455, 469–471, 520–525, 568–570, 617–619, 640–643, 645–647, 674–676

  Fehmer, Marie, 299–300, 310, 317, 321, 396, 531

  Feldman, Myer, 212, 213

  Felt, Adm. Harry D., 214

  Finck, Col. Pierre, 452–453, 500–503, 516–517, 517n, 532–534, 560, 571–573, 582–584

  Fischer, Ronald, 164–165, 180

  Fisher, Deputy Chief N. T., 112, 177–178, 403–404

  Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, 5, 44, 62, 69–70, 72–73, 77–82

  Fort Worth Press, 405

  Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 589

  Fort Worth Telegram, 45

  Foster, Robert, 338–340

  Fox, Joseph, xiv–xv

  Frazier, Buell Wesley (Wes), 33–36, 48–49, 57–58, 154, 162–163, 180, 362, 424, 435, 445, 463, 477–479, 537, 544–545, 553, 579–581, 586–587, 612–614, 639–643, 657, 674

  Frazier, Robert, 470, 640–641, 643, 646, 675

  Freedman & Unger, 400

  Freeman, Sec. Orville, 137, 212, 213, 398, 616

  Freund, Carl, 26

  Frickstad, John, 573–576

  Fritz, Police Captain J. Will, 93–95, 205, 221, 228, 253–256, 281, 291–295, 300–305, 319–320, 326, 334–335, 362, 364–365, 378–379, 401, 407, 420–425, 435, 444–446, 457–463, 469–470, 472–474, 482, 492–498, 504, 518–522, 526–528, 530, 547, 551–555, 569–570, 581, 585–593, 600–605, 611, 614–615, 617–618, 625–627, 630, 639, 640, 644–646, 654, 656–658, 686–687

  Frost, Robert, 676–677

  Fulghum, Lt. William R., 50–51


  Galbraith, John K., 578

  Gallagher, Mary, 24, 60, 61, 100, 108, 118, 246–247, 308

  Galloway, Adm. Calvin, 438–440, 502

  Gannaway, Capt. W. P., 323

  Ganss, Helen, 4, 619

  Gardiner, Don, 197

  Garner, Dorothy May, 167

  Garner, John Nance, 29, 337

  Gassett, Lt. D. H., 96–97

  Gawler, Joseph H., 490–491, 608–611

  Gawler’s Funeral Home (Washington, D.C.), 385, 490–491, 598–599, 608–611, 647–648, 652–653, 665–666, 668–669, 690

  Gearhart, Ira (The Bagman), 5–6, 97, 108, 202–203, 240, 248, 273

  German, Ella, 538–539

  Gertz, Jack, 266

  Giesecke, Dr. A. H., Jr., 201, 227, 243, 377

  Gies, Morgan, 514

  Giordano, Master Sgt. Joseph, 5

  Givens, Charles (Charlie), 126–128, 228, 291

  Goldaker, Deloris, 691

  Goldberg, Arthur, 416

  Golden Age Nursing Home, 73, 606

  Goldwater, Barry, 230

  Gonzalez, Henry, 103, 124, 203, 337

  Good Housekeeping, xi

  Goodwin, Richard (Dick), 42, 383, 490, 551, 637–638

  Graham, Billy, 578

  Grant, Allan, 505–508

  Grant, David B., 94, 189–190

  Grant, Eva, 98–99, 151, 282, 351–352, 425–427, 465, 564, 565, 659

  Graves, L. C., 333–334

  Greene, A. C., 117

  Greer, William (Bill), 102, 125, 131, 148, 152–153, 157–159, 167–170, 172, 175, 177, 194–196, 226, 286–287, 290, 412, 416, 436–440, 452, 453, 477, 501–503, 515, 534, 559–560, 572, 652–653, 665, 670–671, 676–677, 679–6
80, 690

  Gregory, Dr., 242–243

  Gregory, T. R., 260

  Gronouski, John, 411

  Gross, R. L., 178

  Gruber, Alex, 323

  Guinyard, Sam, 459, 461, 462


  Hagan, Joseph E., 490–491, 609–611, 647–648, 652–653, 666, 668–669

  Hall, Gus, 25

  Hamlin, Cecil, 427

  Hannan, Philip, 420n

  Hanson, Col. Lewis, 409, 411–412

  Hardy’s Shoe Shop (Dallas), 274–276

  Hargis, B. W., 134

  Harkins, Gen. Paul D., 137

  Harkness, Sgt. D. V., 138, 193–194, 207

  Harrell, Maurice, 654

  Harriman, Averell, 383, 463–464, 556

  Harrison, Millicent, 691

  Hatcher, Andrew, 43, 518, 619, 620

  Hawkes, Wayne, 284

  Hawkins, Ray, 277–278

  Hawks, Wayne, 265

  Hayden, Senator Carl, 248, 668

  Haygood, Clyde A., 192, 193, 208

  Hearst Headline Service, 206

  Heller, Walter, 212, 213

  Hemingway, Ernest, 540

  Henslee, Sgt. Gerald D., 112, 114, 177, 193, 221–222, 225

  Hickam Air Force Base, 138, 282

  Hickey, George, 75–76, 132, 174, 490, 514

  Hicks, J. B., 519

  Hidell, Alex (pseudonym of Lee Harvey Oswald), 184–185, 281, 291–293, 334, 421, 473, 552–554, 570, 587, 676n

  High, Rufus, 50

  Hill, Clinton J. (Clint), 8, 47, 60, 69–70, 77, 109, 125, 132, 175, 178–179, 186, 196, 197, 200, 216, 217, 226–227, 231–232, 248, 250, 297, 299, 306, 329, 412, 416, 485, 515, 550, 559, 599, 641, 647–648, 652, 670, 682

  Hill, Sgt. Gerald (Jerry), 208, 280, 281, 287, 291

  Hill, Jean, 163–164, 176, 180

  Hill, L. L., 221–222

  Hinchcliffe, Margaret, 200–201, 227, 232, 233

  Hinson, Bill, 285

  Hitler, Adolf, 98

  Hodges, Sec. Luther, 137, 212, 213–214, 616

  Hoffa, James Riddle, 91

  Holland, S. M., 172, 175

  Holloway, Adm. C. B., 452

  Holmes, Harry D., 174–175, 473

  Holy Family Church (Fort Worth), 72–73

  Holy Trinity Church (Dallas), 116, 433–435, 666

  Holy Trinity Church (Washington, D.C.), 433–434

  Home, Sir Alec Douglas, 667

  Hoover, Herbert Clark, 283, 454–455, 550, 556

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 65, 91–92, 187–188, 220, 245, 371, 428–430, 455, 469, 520–525

  Hosty, James P., Jr., 66–68, 159–160, 229–230, 301, 324–327, 444, 469, 472–474, 523–524, 600–602

  Hotel Adolphus (Dallas), 11, 47

  Hotel Texas (Fort Worth), 3–9, 16–17, 19–33, 47–48, 54–56, 60–65, 69–73, 77–89, 100–105, 660, 689

  Houston Chronicle, 153

  Houston Space Center, 63–64

  Huber, Father Oscar, 116, 151–152, 204, 222–225, 265–266, 433–435, 666, 690

  Hughes, Judge Sarah, 300, 311, 312, 315–318

  Hulcy, D.A., 146

  Hulse (Dispatcher), 225, 259

  Humes, Comdr. James J., 452, 454, 474, 499–503, 516–517, 517n, 532–534, 550, 571–573, 572n, 582–584

  Humphrey, Senator Hubert H., 346, 411

  Hunt, Dr. Jackie, 201, 202, 226–227

  Hutson, T.A., 277–278

  Hutton (Nurse), 269–270

  Huxley, Aldous, 73


  Idlewild International Airport (New York), xiii-xiv, 68, 230

  Ingram, Mrs. Jo, 55–56

  International News Service (INS), 23

  Isaacs, Martin, 413–414


  Jacks, Hurchel, 132

  Jackson (Dispatcher), 259

  Jackson, Bob, 179

  Jackson, George, 19–20, 22, 22n, 29

  Jacobson, Dr. Coleman, 465

  Jarman, James, Jr., 57–58, 74–75, 154, 174, 180–181, 193

  Jenkins, J. C., 453

  Jenkins, Dr. Marion, 201

  Jenkins, Walter, 383, 530–531

  Jimison, R. J., 242

  John Birch Society, 146

  John F. Kennedy Library, x

  Johns, Lem, 202, 261, 262

  Johnson (Passport Office), 524

  Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. C., 35, 234, 282, 313–314, 553

  Johnson, Andrew, 240, 249, 329

  Johnson, Eric, 206

  Johnson, Mrs. J. Lee, 29

  Johnson, Lady Bird (Mrs. Lyndon B.), xvi–xvii

  at Andrews Air Force Base, 407–413, 414–418, 433

  on Carswell-Love Field flight, 108, 110, 272

  in Dallas motorcade, xiii, 45–47, 129–130, 132, 148–149, 151–153, 157–179, 183, 190

  at The Elms, 433, 446–450, 517–518, 542–543, 594–598

  at Hotel Adolphus (Dallas), 11, 47

  at Hotel Texas (Fort Worth), 7, 8–9, 47, 54, 82, 85–87, 102

  at Love Field (Dallas), 122–125

  on Love Field-Andrews flight, 320–322, 327–329, 353–359, 393–399, 401–402

  at Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas), 197–204, 215–217, 231, 245–251, 262, 265

  Johnson, Luci, 251, 433, 449–450, 617

  Johnson, Lynda, 251, 433, 450

  Johnson, Lyndon B., xvi–xvii, 14, 20–21, 26–27, 336–337, 343, 690

  at Andrews Air Force Base, 407–413, 414–418, 433

  on Carswell-Love Field flight, 108, 110, 272

  in Dallas motorcade, xiii, 45–47, 129–130, 132, 148–149, 151–153, 157–179, 183, 190

  at The Elms, 542–543, 560–561, 594–598, 615–617, 663–665

  at Executive Office Building (EOB), 432–433, 454–456, 463–464, 530–532

  FBI investigation of Kennedy assassination, 255–256, 428–430, 455, 469–471, 520–525, 568–570, 617–619, 640–643, 645–647, 674–676

  at Hotel Adolphus (Dallas), 11, 47

  at Hotel Texas (Fort Worth), 7, 8–9, 54, 61–62, 64–65, 70, 100–104

  at Love Field (Dallas), 122–125

  on Love Field-Andrews flight, 320–322, 327–329, 353–359, 393–399, 401–402

  myocardial infarction, 347, 447, 597

  Nixon comments on, 230–231, 371

  oath of Presidential office administered to, 299–300, 307–313, 315–318

  at Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas), 197–204, 215–217, 231, 245–251, 261–262, 265, 531

  ranch in Texas, 8, 29, 41–42, 97, 115, 134, 148, 358–359, 449

  at White House, 418–419, 430–431, 448n

  Johnson, Richard, 296–299

  Johnston, Judge David, 472–473, 569, 591, 605, 606, 614–615, 630, 632, 633–634, 653–658

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 240, 273, 487, 558

  Joseph Gawler’s Sons Funeral Home (Washington, D.C.), 385, 490–491, 598–599, 608–611, 647–648, 652–653, 665–666, 668–669, 690

  Jove, Jack, 120–122, 131, 321


  Kantor, Seth, 42, 103, 104, 266, 404–406, 482

  Kaplow, Herb, 616

  Katzenbach, Nicholas, 273, 299–300, 523

  Kauffman, Stanley, 465

  Kaufman, Ferd, 379–380

  Kellerman, Roy, 8, 29–30, 65, 84, 87–88, 102, 104, 109, 124–125, 129–131, 134, 167–168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 177, 194–195, 197, 198, 217, 248, 285–290, 298–299, 409, 412, 416, 417, 437–440, 452, 453, 501, 503, 515, 525, 533–534, 550, 559–560, 561, 572, 583, 647–648, 652–653, 665, 670–671, 676–677, 678–680

  Kelley, Thomas J., 366, 551–555, 600–602, 645, 686

  Kennedy, Caroline, ix, xiv, 17–19, 29, 97, 117, 149, 236–238, 338–340, 381–383, 464, 465–469, 486

  Kennedy, Edward (Ted), 89–90, 149, 220–221, 237, 238, 245, 310–311, 486, 670

  Kennedy, Edward, Jr. (Teddy), 149, 237

  Kennedy, Ethel (Mrs. Robert F.), 135–136, 338–339

  Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier (Mrs. John F.

  at Andrews Air Force Base, 407–413

  assassination of President Kennedy, ix, xiii, 172–179, 185–187, 462–463, 686–688

  at Bethesda Naval Hospital, 450–454, 474–477, 485–486, 512–514, 647–648

  on Carswell-Love Field flight, 108–112, 116–125

  in Dallas motorcade, xiii, 129–130, 132, 134, 141–142, 148–149, 151–153, 157–179, 185–187, 190

  in Fort Worth motorcade, 106–107

  funeral and burial of JFK, ix–x

  funeral and burial preparation for JFK, xiii, 345, 383–386, 411–412, 419–420, 431, 451–452, 486–491, 513–514, 550–551, 555–559, 577–579, 598–599, 607–611, 636–638, 647–648, 652–653, 665–666, 668–672, 679–683

  at Hotel Texas (Fort Worth), 4–9, 21–23, 25–26, 29, 30–33, 47–48, 60, 62–63, 69–70, 77–89, 104–105

  at Johnson swearing-in, 315–318

  at Love Field (Dallas), 123–125, 131, 560–561

  on Love Field-Andrews flight, 320–322, 327–329, 353–359, 393–399, 401–402

  at Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas), 194–204, 215–217, 226–227, 231–233, 241–242, 244–245, 246, 268–271, 285–290, 298–299

  at White House, x-xiv, 37–38, 678, 679–683

  Kennedy, President John F.

  at Andrews Air Force Base, 407–413

  assassinated by Oswald, ix, xiii, 172–179, 185–187, 462–463, 686, 687–688

  at Bethesda Naval Hospital, 450–454, 474–477, 485–486, 498–503, 512–514, 516–517, 525, 532–534, 549–550, 558–561, 582–584, 598–599, 647–648, 652–653, 665–666, 668–671

  Cabinet member trip to Japan, 136–138, 211–215, 340–344, 615–617, 620

  on Carswell-Love Field flight, 108–112, 116–125

  in Dallas motorcade, xiii, 129–130, 132, 134, 141–142, 148–149, 151–153, 157–179, 185–187, 190

  death announcements, 231–232, 262, 265–268, 271–273, 282–283, 322–323, 346

  death certificate, 233, 244–245, 285, 286

  Extreme Unction administered, 222–225

  in Fort Worth motorcade, 106–107

  funeral and burial, ix–x

  funeral and burial preparation, xiii, 345, 383–386, 411–412, 419–420, 431, 451–452, 486–491, 513–514, 550–551, 555–559, 577–579, 598–599, 607–611, 636–638, 647–648, 652–653, 665–666, 668–672, 679–683

  at Hotel Texas (Fort Worth), 4–9, 16–17, 19–33, 60–65, 69–73, 77–89, 100–105

  at Love Field (Dallas), 123–125, 131, 560–561

  on Love Field-Andrews flight, 320–322, 327–329, 353–359, 393–399, 401–402

  at Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas), 194–204, 215–217, 221–227, 231–233, 241–242, 244–245, 246, 268–271, 285–290, 296–299


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